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  • 200Karen
    200Karen Posts: 1,933 Member
    Good Morning ONE For All :)

    Here's some questions from my BLC weekly Captains Challenge <3 and my answers

    1)   Share any thoughts you have about how to know if your exercise is good/enough

    I feel rejuvenated and the energy lasts into the next day

    2) Evaluate your exercise  routine

    My weekly exercise routine covers the necessary areas with cardio, strength training, balance, and stretching.

    3) Share tips on how you make time for exercise.... 

    I try to give my exercise top priority, with a cardio routine after breakfast.
    The late mornings or afternoons are for my ST and other routines.
    Yes retirement B) has been a blessing for my exercising scheduling

    Nola, Barb, Joan, Eliz sending my ~ best wishes for a health loving day~

  • Zzsally
    Zzsally Posts: 153 Member
    B) it is hot already..I see too many safe!💪🏜
  • 1crazydog
    1crazydog Posts: 590 Member
    Karen: Great questions! And I agree w/your assessments, too. That I feel energized, stronger, those are signs I am progressing w/my exercises. Yes, I include DV, ST, and stretching. All muscle groups get worked.

    Eliza: Stay safe. I pray for those impacted by the fires. So many tragedies over the span of the pandemic.

    Saturday: Breakfast @ the diner. Wahoo! Had a nice time. Such good food. Always leftovers!

    Poor Miss Lilly was not feeling so good last night. Seems better today. Upset tummy. Poor baby.

    Well, we’ll see how this day unfolds.

    HUGS and enjoy Saturday.

  • 200Karen
    200Karen Posts: 1,933 Member
    Happy Day "One For ALL" <3

    We had a great time at yesterday’s birthday party. Stayed longer than we planned. But our buddy had a good turn out of mutual friends so great time to catch-up. We played croquet, and enjoy a wonderful potluck.

    This morning I’ll be weeding and mowing the backyard

    Eliza, So sorry your area is in high heat AND extreme drought
    Our beloved forests are on fire and burning fast

    Barb great assessment too :) getting all those muscle groups
    Kisses to Miss Lilly!! Hope she feels better and better

    Joan and Nola B)B)

  • Hemtech
    Hemtech Posts: 641 Member
    Beautiful day once again! Happy Sunday All!
  • 1crazydog
    1crazydog Posts: 590 Member
    Sunday: Got the front lawn mowed. Will do the back tomorrow. And edging.

    Chill day today.

    Miss Lilly is back up to full power. Hurray!

    HUGS and blessings.

    Karen: OMG! That would definitely be a version of HE*& having a kid drumming on the seat back on a long flight! LOL

    Thanks, Miss Lilly seems to be back to her old self today. Thankfully!

    Joan: Glad you’ve enjoying a beautiful day!

    Nola; Hope you’re doing well.
  • 200Karen
    200Karen Posts: 1,933 Member
    Having a good Monday
    I walked twice 40 minutes then 20 minutes

    For lunch we Enjoyed breaded shrimp 🍤 and green salad. I’ll finish mopping up the grease Tomorrow after DH cooks his bacon 🥓 🥸💡💡

    Barb hope you’re done with the yard and enjoying a cold beverage

    Joan, hope your Monday is as beautiful as yesterday 💞🇨🇦 🤩

    Nola and Eliza 😘😘💕

    Okay my afternoon nap 💤 is over 👋

  • 1crazydog
    1crazydog Posts: 590 Member
    Monday: Wow, comes around fast, doesn’t it.

    Have an appt. this morning and that’s it. Probably work outside today.


    Karen: Awesome!

    Yes, yard done and edged . . . iced tea and lemon consumed! YUM.

    Nola, Eliza, Joan: Have a wonderful Monday.
  • 200Karen
    200Karen Posts: 1,933 Member
    Good Morning!! Quick peek to read posts
    We have clear skies until a predicted wind change, in the PM, brings smoke

    Barb best wishes at your appointment and enjoying your day

    Nola, Joan, Eliza Here's a BIG HELLO and a smooch for ALL <3

  • 200Karen
    200Karen Posts: 1,933 Member
    edited July 2021
    Still not losing weight but I’m feeling better every day.
    My evenings are NOT consumed with unhealthy snacking.
    And after dinner, I’ll continue doing 10 minutes of cardio.
    This seems to help me stay-out of the sweets and gives DH time to eat his dessert WIN WIN
    Let’s start our Day ~~dancing~~ here’s Bee Gees - Stayin' Alive

    I "right click my mouse" and open links in another TAB saving my MFP spot :)

    Nola, Barb, Joan, Eliza Thinking of YOU :D:*
  • 1crazydog
    1crazydog Posts: 590 Member
    Wednesday: Going out to breakfast this morning! Wahoo. Have a meeting @ our diner so it’s a bonus breakfast! Wonderful.

    Very hazy yesterday. Apparently residual smoke from the BC fires. Amazing.

    Here’s to a wonderful Wednesday.

    Karen: We had haze from the fires, in British Columbia. Had it yesterday and at least it’s diminishing now.

    Had a good appointment!

    Jason had a check up and that went well.

    Gooood for you feeling better every day. So good to break the habit of unhealthy snacking. AND adding cardio after supper. Good job.

    OHHHHhhhhh who COULDN’T dance to Stayin’ Alive! Thanks!

    Nola, Eliza, Joan: Hope it’s a good day.
  • Hemtech
    Hemtech Posts: 641 Member
    Love the beegees and the disco beat! Grew up in that era, they never get old. Wicked storm yesterday but it broke the humidity. Beautiful evening tonight. In bit of a slump, no loss on scale for days. Have decided to take body measurements to look at progress instead. I feel great and clothes feel better but that darn scale has a hold on me, lol. Hugs to all and happy to have and give support.
  • 200Karen
    200Karen Posts: 1,933 Member
    edited July 2021
    Barb sorry for your hazy skies :( It's amazing how far the winds can blow the pollutions
    Having your meeting at the diner would be perfect. Is this your medical friends.
    Are you wearing masks? I've started wearing mine again when shopping

    Joan 'wicked storm' doesn't sound good
    I seen the news about big floods in Colorado
    Be safe, don't lose your power (one of my fears)
    thanks for the reminder about body measurements, I took my waist measurement about 1 week ago.
    I don't feel like anything changed but visualizing/reinforcing a change should help

    Yesterday I did go to a park luncheon with 5 friends
    Today we are meeting by the river to play with our little tubes
    I'm getting to feel too old to fight river rocks but we'll see

    How's this for staying focused and out of the sweets :)
    Thinking this well HELP :)

  • Hemtech
    Hemtech Posts: 641 Member
  • 1crazydog
    1crazydog Posts: 590 Member
    Thursday: Wow! Friday EVE! Unbelievable. Feels like it is jus speeding by.

    Jason had a check up yesterday and it went well.

    And we had a business meeting @ our diner. Wahoo for a good breakfast and getting things accomplished.

    Today – hair cut day!


    Joan: Yes, love the BeeGees, too. Glad the storm broke the humidity. Ours is building.

    Go by how you feel and how your clothes fit vs. the scale. It can be a liar! OY

    Karen: Yes, I am amazed @ the smoky haze. And it continues tday!

    No, yesterday it was a business meeting w/4 others and yes, word the mask. I do in public with the variant, even though fully vaccinated.

    Oh a park luncheon sounds wonderful!

    BWAHAHAHA! I think that’s a perfect ‘get-up’ to stay focused and out of the sweets!

    Have a good day ladies, and stay out of the sweets! LOL
  • Hemtech
    Hemtech Posts: 641 Member
    Thanks for the bòost in confidence! I'll just take it one day at a time!
  • 200Karen
    200Karen Posts: 1,933 Member
    quick peek B)
    Barb enjoy your salon day, always a great pick me up <3
    Joan 'one day at a time' is my new philosophy for the week <3
    Nola prayers for calm before your hip surgery <3
    Eliza prayers your high heat are cooling <3

    I enjoyed yesterday's tubing luncheon.
    Always so exciting getting on the tube and then exiting the river so it's like a cardio HIIT routine.
    No rock bites is always a successful adventure

  • 1crazydog
    1crazydog Posts: 590 Member
    Friday: Supposed to get hot and the humidity high today. Feels like it is accurate!

    Going for a drive today to find a place we have a meeting to go to early next week.

    It’s FriYaY!


    Yes indeed . . . one day @ a time for ALL of us!

    Karen: Glad you enjoyed the tubing luncheon. Sounds like fun!
  • 200Karen
    200Karen Posts: 1,933 Member
    edited July 2021
    Scales are going up :# so watching carbs and cutting back on grain products

    The smoke is finally blowing in, our morning skies are hazy
    This morning we are mowing the yard so it's mask time for me

    Barb hope you found your new meeting place on FriYaY <3

    Joan how's you air quality

    Nola do you have your house and garden tightened up for next month's surgery

    Eliza are you near those BIG flash floods :o scary

    Here's to punching our way to success
  • 1crazydog
    1crazydog Posts: 590 Member
    Saturday: Breakfast @ the diner! Hurray!

    It . . . is . . . . warm . . . and . . . humid! Not a day for being outdoors for very long.

    Have a few indoor chores to do, so no getting in trouble.

    HUGS and stay cool.

    Karen: Sorry the smoke in infiltrating your area!

    Yes, found the location for our meeting next week. Feels better to have that done.