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  • Hemtech
    Hemtech Posts: 640 Member
    Veggies are the best! Glad to hear Nola is doing well. Hopefully Lin can pass onto her our wishes for her recovery and hope that she is back soon with us.
  • 200Karen
    200Karen Posts: 1,933 Member
    edited August 2021
    Flying by to read post

    I'm onto my second Strength Training
    Yesterday was FULL POINT day, tracked my nutrition, ST, and cardio

    Adding 'wheat grass powder' to my smoothies <3

    Barb best wishes for your air quality So sad the summer sunshine covered by haze

    Nola, Joan, Eliza, and ALL Enjoy your day :)<3
  • 200Karen
    200Karen Posts: 1,933 Member
    We have clear skies so I’m getting outside for a morning hike.
    So weird because the towns around us have unhealthy at 9 X’s above recommendation.

    Today, I’m working in the kitchen, restocking our freezer with breakfast burritos..
    I’ve also bought all the ingredients for diabetic bran muffins.
    So that recipe is about the fiber not the raisins, nuts or the taste :#

    My neighbor came back Covid negative So YAHOO for her and me
    At least now I know she isn’t one to stay away if she’s infected

    Happy Saturday Nola, Barb, Joan, Eliz <3
  • peppikaye
    peppikaye Posts: 4,781 Member
    I have been on here much. I'm just finishing a 5% challenge on SP. Just over one more week to go. I read an article that said they would close the site early on 17th and to say our final goodbyes on the 16th.

    I have my second PFizer injection tomorrow. I had no side effects with the first apart from a bit of a sore arm. I hope I'm the same this time too.

    I've been off track recently. I need to get back to exercising and eating healthily. Winter and I just don't get along. I think I must of been a bear in a previous life as hibernation seems like a good idea. :)

    Hope you're all having a wonderful weekend.
  • peppikaye
    peppikaye Posts: 4,781 Member
    edited August 2021
    A friend sent me this image, but I wanted to add it as a picture, not a link
  • peppikaye
    peppikaye Posts: 4,781 Member
  • 200Karen
    200Karen Posts: 1,933 Member
    Kaye best wishes on your 2nd vaccine
    I'm hopeful we will be getting a booster shot in a few months
    I had PFizer and my DH Moderna

    Love the motivation quote And will remember that as I move forward in our journey <3

    from Oregon :)
  • 1crazydog
    1crazydog Posts: 590 Member
    Saturday: Breakfast @ the diner. Waiting to hear what our friends have to say about the Covid #’s. They’re on the front line.

    Had rain last night and that was welcomed! Supposed to be warm this weekend. We’ll see if the forecast is right.

    HUGS and have a good Saturday.

    Joan: I’m sure she is passing on our wishes to Nola!

    Karen: BWAHAHAHA! THAT’s me, too, tonight.

    Keep up the good work.

    Yes, today was a better air quality day . . . . but storming all day! Can’t win! LOL

    Hope you enjoyed you hike!

    Ohhhhh, bran muffins – my Mom loved them. The more tasteless the better. BWAHAHAHA.

    Yes, waiting on word about boosters. Probably in December that will happen, I am gifuting. Right now the push is to get shote 1 and 2 in the arm.

    Kaye: Good luck w/your 2nd Pfizer shot. Sholdn’t be a problem.

    Have a good weekend. Stay hydrated w/the shot. Helps.

    Love the picture! Definitely have to be proud of every accomplishment, every step!
  • 1crazydog
    1crazydog Posts: 590 Member
    Sunday: Stormed most of the night. Miss Lilly was like Velcro. AS long as I held her, she wasn’t afraid. Lots of thunder. Right now we’re under a flash flood warning. But we are ok in our area. Other areas in the county are closer to the river and that’s where the flooding seems to be happening.

    Indoor day. Probably work more on decluttering papers from the office.

    HUGS and blessings to y’all
  • 200Karen
    200Karen Posts: 1,933 Member
    Good Day All

    Up early heading back to the lab for another session of blood drawing.
    Two doctors didn’t get their orders in like they said they did :(
    But all is well here :) We have 2 days before the predicted smoke rolls back in

    Hugs back And blessings to ALL <3
  • Zzsally
    Zzsally Posts: 153 Member
    Its just summer.. I like the pink drink..looks refreshing!
    We too have ozone action days..or air quality warnings..I had my car checked.. Just oil change and Filter..

    Its Monday..yippee!!
  • 200Karen
    200Karen Posts: 1,933 Member
    edited August 2021
    💞 posted on our check-in Huddle link

    Breakfast time 🥳 😍 eggs and toast

    Here’s an idea 💡🤩 and I don’t even drink alcohol 🍷 so ALL for my friends

  • Zzsally
    Zzsally Posts: 153 Member
    No..I don't drink either!
  • peppikaye
    peppikaye Posts: 4,781 Member
    200Karen wrote: »
    Kaye best wishes on your 2nd vaccine

    Thank you. All was ok with my 2nd, just woke up a bit headachy and tired but apart from that everything was fine.
  • 200Karen
    200Karen Posts: 1,933 Member
    Okay after today’s dermatologist appointment I’ve only 4 precancerous burn holes.
    Much better outcome than I was thinking
    Also, both blood drawing for sugars and cholesterol came back unchanged so that was also better I was thinking
    I’m on a roll :)B)o:)
  • 200Karen
    200Karen Posts: 1,933 Member
    Slept well, but for the next 3 days we are hiding from the heat and smoke
    Yesterday, DH put in a new kitchen faucet, the big one-pieced curved one with the 3 function spray nozzle
    Love my plumber

    Thinking of you ALL my friends
  • Hemtech
    Hemtech Posts: 640 Member
    Oh! I wish he could replace my old faucet! We are not handy with that sort of thing and plumbers are so expensive here! Hot and humid again here. Walked early, did some yard work and will probably lay low for the afternoon. 40C with humidity is not fun but better than snow!
  • 200Karen
    200Karen Posts: 1,933 Member
    Up and ready to have a Great Friday :)
    My plan is ST with upper hand weights and lower step routine

    For the last few days, I having been lethargic. Laying around, eating more…
    bad combination.

    Our weekend should be cooler & smoke free so that will get me back outside.

    Couple smiles for ALL



  • DebyS137
    DebyS137 Posts: 4,536 Member

    ~ ~ ~🧚🏼~ ~ ~Waving Hi~ ~ ~

    Wishing You a FUNtastic Friday and a WONDERfilled Weekend ~ May We Find Today Filled with an Abundance of LOVE~💕~

    My foot is feeling soooooo much better... so I am adding 30min to my week day daily totals to now 150 min. walking a day
    (Breaking down to 3 to 4 walks a day) And on Weekends totaling 90 min. walking ( 2 to 3 walks )

    Even tho I seem to be at a bit of a stand still on the scale... I do Feel much better, My energy is up and my clothes are fitting too
    big... I can see a weight loss on its way

    "At the end of the day............ if I can say I had fun............... it was a good day. " ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Simone Biles ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
  • DebyS137
    DebyS137 Posts: 4,536 Member

    WEEKENDs herekvinpoox57sa.gif~BLESSings ALLways~


    ~ 🧚🏼 ~ Waving Hi ~ Wishing You a SPARKtacular Saturday and a RAINBOW COLOR-filled Weekend ~💖~💛~🧡~💚~💙~💜~

    "Be thou the rainbow in the storms of life. The evening beam that smiles the clouds away, and tints tomorrow with prophetic ray."
    ~ Lord Byron ~
