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  • 1crazydog
    1crazydog Posts: 590 Member
    Saturday: Breakfast @ the diner. HOPE it can continue. Our county is doing all right, but . . . have to be careful. We go very early, so crowds are never a problem.

    Nice day yesterday! 70F and no humidity.

    Here’s to a good Saturday.


    Karen: Yes, had a good sleep, thankfully!

    Nola: Thinking of you as you prepare for your op. Hugs, thoughts , prayers.

    Eliza; Hope you have a good Saurday!

  • 200Karen
    200Karen Posts: 1,933 Member
    edited August 2021
    Great morning here 🙌
    I Walked in the canyon for 40 minutes then mowed the backyard 🐝 🐝
    Now it’s couch duty 👍 🛋

    Here’s yesterday’s prefloat photo
    I’m in the middle 👋
    It turned into a 3 hour river trip
    Was fun 🏄‍♂️🚣‍♀️🚣‍♀️ didn’t swallow any river water 👍

  • Zzsally
    Zzsally Posts: 153 Member
    Prayed into Wal-Mart to get a few things...walked.
    Its hot out..just a sunny Sunday.🌻🌞💪
  • Hemtech
    Hemtech Posts: 640 Member
    Today was house cleaning day, rained for most of the day so no walking outside but did reach my goal of 6000 steps. Floating looks like it would be so much fun!
  • 1crazydog
    1crazydog Posts: 590 Member
    Sunday: Supposed to be a little warmer. That’s all right. Still pleasant.

    Doing the back yard today. Perfect weather for that.

    HUGS and blessings.

    Karen: What fun!!!!!!

    Eliza: Hope you had a blessed Sunday. Stay cool.

    Joan: Housecleaning on the dockets tomorrow.
  • Zzsally
    Zzsally Posts: 153 Member
    Options nice you got out floating.
    Today it looks cloudy. Hugs to all!
  • 200Karen
    200Karen Posts: 1,933 Member
    Joan great step numbers 🏇🏇

    Barb Miss Lilly helping in the backyard?🐕

    Eliza enjoy those overcast skies 😍

    Nola hope your computer is working 💋

    Thought this was funny 🙃😘
  • Hemtech
    Hemtech Posts: 640 Member
    Bwhaaaaa, thats hilarious!
  • 1crazydog
    1crazydog Posts: 590 Member
    Monday: Hope to do edging today. Have calls to make to get our blind in the bedroom fixed. Fingers crossed.

    Hugs and happy Monday, happy August.

    Karen: Yes, Miss Lilly love digging. LOL She isn’t a help in a garden, but helpful with weeds. LOL

    Love your meme.
  • 200Karen
    200Karen Posts: 1,933 Member
    Good Morning,
    I'm up early enjoying my coffee, before making breakfast.
    This morning I will be attending my first in person Zumba class in over a year.
    The classes have been moved outside and hopefully hidden from the main road :D

    Tomorrow is Weigh In
    I've been eating too much so not expecting a loss

    Nola <3 Barb <3 Joan <3 Eliza <3 and ALL <3 ~~~Enjoy Your Day~~~
  • Hemtech
    Hemtech Posts: 640 Member
    Must be something with the universe, I am more hungry than usual too!
  • Zzsally
    Zzsally Posts: 153 Member
    Funny girls! I hope your day is fun!
  • 200Karen
    200Karen Posts: 1,933 Member
    edited August 2021
    Barb hope the handyman fixed the bedroom blind <3

    Joan let's go with this reasoning B)


    Eliza how did you week go?
    Here's how my BLC went o:) Our Goal is to get 5 of 7 days (so two days OFF)

    Week One - Accomplished MY Goals

    1. Track every Bite, Lick, Taste
    2. Drank 6-8 glasses of water
    3. Eat 3 veggies, 2 fruit

    1. Strength Training, 20 minutes X 2-days
    2. Cardio, 20++ minutes X 3-days

    Zumba went well, even ask our instructor for homework so I'm practicing before Friday's class
  • 1crazydog
    1crazydog Posts: 590 Member
    Tuesday: After spending a bit of time on the phone, we got someone who will come out later today to fix the vertical shade! Wahoo.

    Edged the lawn. Lots of work, but good exercise.

    Jason has aqua therapy this morning. Hurray!

    HUGS and terrific Tuesday.

    Nola: Thinking of you as you prepare for your surgery.

    Karen: Oh boy. DEFINITELY part of the universe must have been sending out hungry vibes. ME, TOO! Hope that your weigh in went well.

    YES! We got the blind working now! Good repairtech. Thankful!

    Good for you accomplishing your goals!

    Joan: Hello!

    Eliza: Hope you had a good day.
  • Zzsally
    Zzsally Posts: 153 Member
    Tried a keto cream. It has lots of cholesterol and saturated fat.
    It was a small pint and..I had a few taste.
  • 200Karen
    200Karen Posts: 1,933 Member
    edited August 2021
    My Weigh In - Maintaining B)
    So this next week I'll be trying less calories

    Barb thinking of you and your tidied up lawn

    Eliza I hear you, some of the health claims are worse then just going with full flavor
    This morning, I made some 'healthy' no-bake cookies and talk about calories and fat
    To slow myself down I'll Need to eat them with silverware and savor each bite
    Already counted one for today Fingers crossed that's all I eat >:)

    Joan here is to your day <3

    Nola thinking of you <3
  • Hemtech
    Hemtech Posts: 640 Member
    All the best to y'all today too. Beautiful sunny day here in Ottawa, bit of a hazy day day with the smoke from the West but otherwise great. Made jalapeno stuffed chicken breasts on the smoker for supper, hubby loved them!
  • 1crazydog
    1crazydog Posts: 590 Member
    Wednesday: Well, we got the blind fixed! Very competent tech! Wahoo!

    Wow! Mid-week. Yikes! FAST week again1

    Have a few chores to do today, have a few bills to pay, and working on decluttering the office (Jason’s office). Got a chunk done yesterday.

    Have a wonderful Wednesday.


    Eliza: Yes, sometimes the ‘health foods’ aren’t so healthy.

    Karen: Wow! Yes, some of the no bake cookies/fat bombs are really not waist friendly.

    Joan: Glad you’re having a sunny day! Ohhhh, jalapeno stuffed chicken breasts sounds delicious!
  • 200Karen
    200Karen Posts: 1,933 Member
    edited August 2021
    Nola thinking of you <3 hope all went well with your hip surgery
    sending you a cooling pink drink and our loving concern


    Joan <3 Dinner sounded so tasty :)
    Sorry you have hazardous air. We have been lucky but not anymore :(
    It is day 3 for our hazardous air qualities. Our smoke is also rolling in from the south.
    Compared to last year Oregon has twice the fires And burned 20 X’s the acreage.
    So scary and then add the southern state's water shortage

    Barb Wahoo on your new blinds <3 love competent technicians
    I’m decluttering drawers, started in the kitchen, now onto the bedroom.

    Eliza <3 yesterday my healthy treats had me overate last night
    So watching my sugar content o:)

    Today’s potluck dinner, with 8 girlfriends, has been canceled.
    My neighbor is being tested for COVID. Yesterday, she got word her Pickleball friend exposed them on Monday.
    Her first test said ‘inconclusive’ so being retested on Friday.

  • 1crazydog
    1crazydog Posts: 590 Member
    Thursday: Wow! I keep saying it, but the weeks are flying by!

    Nice day yesterday. Hazy, though, and air quality not good. So not too much time outdoors. That’s all right. HOPE today is better air quality.

    Made a freggie run yesterday. All set now.

    Have a thankful Thursday, or Friday EVE!

    Karen: Ohno on your neighbor being tested for COVID due to exposure.

    *Lin got word that Nola is doing well. Says she feels better than the 1st time around. Don and Barney are texting her and keeping tabs on her!
