Mission Slimpossibles-July Chat 2021



  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,128 Member
    @krea4 Congrats on the loss.

    @askewcr Your dinner sounds yummy! I'm glad you had a good day.

    @Cornanda I hope you have a nice time with your parents. Enjoy!

    @Katmary71 Thanks! I'm looking forward to it. I'm sorry you are having female issues, I hope that gets better.

    @TeresaW1020 Thanks, I'm really looking forward to it! Top Golf sounds fun but I'd be in last place, too lol. I hope the physical goes well.

    @TwistedSassette Thanks, me too, I'm really excited about it. That's great that you did the YouTube step class. Well done! Now you know you don't like schedule-type exercise programs, that's great you learned that.

    @Lulu_jo I don't know why it is so hard to get an MRI, my husband had a hard time too. I hope they get back to you soon. I admire your perseverance.

    Hi all. I was late getting ready for work and didn't have time to make any snacks to take with me. I was really worried that I would go to the cafe or get into the vending machines but I did not: I just was really hungry before lunch and then again after at about 3. I survived though lol. I'm working from home for the rest of the week so it shouldn't be too much of a challenge.

    My phrase for the year: CHANGE HAPPENS
  • askewcr
    askewcr Posts: 373 Member
    So I went to the track field yesterday and walked for thirty minutes. While walking, my right heel started aching. I stopped and stretched two times but by the time I got home, I was in pain. All I did was walk. I'm icing it and using Biofreeze today. I have dance practice tonight bit don't know if I will make it. I need this to hurry up and run it's cycle so I can stay on this roll I'm on. Not defeated!! Not defeated!! It is a brand new day so let's go get it!! B)
  • renaegry
    renaegry Posts: 1,256 Member
    edited July 2021
    Morning all. The lake was a blast but way to fricken hot again. Did manage to go golfing on Saturday but other then that sat around under the awing with a fan and drank beer. Yesterday sat in the vehicle al day travelling to get parts for hubby’s semi. Today is a cool day need to get some work done (I do books out of my house) then need to go and finish organizing my daughter’s gymnastics building (we moved places in June). Then back to the lake tomorrow till Sunday or Monday. Will try to get some walks in this week at the lake since the temperatures are suppose to be on the cooler side. Only a high of 26C not 36C lol
  • Lulu_jo
    Lulu_jo Posts: 59 Member
    @trooworld It's dumb. I would think 12 PT visits and and x-ray cost more than an MRI🤷. I suppose it saves them money when people get better and don't need it, but it seems like a waste of time and money... At least in my case.

    My husband hurt his shoulder lifting and went to the ER to try and avoid what I'm going thru. They actually told him they don't do MRIs. UM...they lied to you.... It's a hospital... They can do an MRI🙄.
  • TeresaW1020
    TeresaW1020 Posts: 3,231 Member
    @TwistedSassette Yes, I’m sure your little guy will be fine. From his pictures, he looks very outgoing and ready for a challenge. :grin: That is great that you have figured out what works for you with your exercise and if you don’t like having a set schedule then you for sure shouldn’t do it. I’m the opposite. If my schedule doesn’t have things like cardio or HIIT in it, I probably wouldn’t do it. :grin:

    @Lulu_jo I am sorry that your back is still giving you so much pain and hope that you can get the MRI soon and find out what can be done. Good for you for deciding to continue doing the squat challenge and getting back to lifting. Just please be very careful with yourself! :)

    @trooworld Good for you for pushing through your hunger and not hitting up the vending machines. I’m really working on eliminating all snacking. Except for my afternoon cup of coffee. I’m not that much of an extremist!! :D

    @askewcr Ugghhh so sorry that the walking hurt your heel. I hope it feels better for the dancing. :)

    @renaegry Keep having fun at the lake! I envy you!! :grin:

    Hi Team! Well, I went for a physical today at my husband’s insistence. He thought it was bad that I hadn’t been since I had pneumonia in 2016. So, I went, and my doctor was super happy with my weight loss and how good everything looks. My A1C was 5.2% which is great and I’m sure when I get the blood work back it will be just as good. She does want me to get a mammogram and a pneumonia shot. And I will! :grin: My eating has been very good today. I made this ground pork egg roll in a bowl and used this blend of veggies called Super Food. It was so tasty and the sriracha mayo put it over the top! <3

    Goal Weight Challenge: EYE ON THE PRIZE! B)
    Data Driven Fasting challenge Trigger is 87 and I was under for both meals
    Tracked calories/macrosI tracked everything I ate.
    No Sugar No sugar
    Workout (includes church cleaning): 4 Weeks of the Prep, Strength and Power.
  • TwistedSassette
    TwistedSassette Posts: 8,739 Member
    @Lulu_jo Sounds like you have the right attitude to move forward! I hope the scans come back all clear when you eventually get to take them, and meanwhile take care of your back!

    @trooworld Way to go on avoiding the vending machines & cafe, even when you had an excuse! So great!

    @askewcr Ouch, that sounds painful. I hope it heals up quickly.

    @renaegry Sounds super busy! Enjoy the cooler weather this weekend.

    @TeresaW1020 Great news about the doctor visit! And also about the good eating today. You're on top of it! The toddler did great at the class, more on that below.
    Yesterday was another good day! Stayed under calories, and played Beat Saber (but only for 20 minutes because my sister dropped by for a visit and didn't leave until 9:30 PM so I didn't have long to work out before I needed to go to bed! Something is better than nothing, though.

    The toddler had an absolute ball at the Kinder Gym class. The teacher came out to meet us in reception and took him by the hand to lead him into class. He didn't even look back lol. I sat in the reception area reading my book in case he cracked it halfway through but he was a champion. This was a trial class for him to see how he'd go before we enrolled him since he's never done anything without either me or his dad or my mum or sister there. The teacher was concerned that he might have some separation issues but after about 10 minutes she came out, handed me the enrolment form and said "He's fine!". So next week I will just drop him off and not need to wait around, so I'll go to the gym around the corner for a quick workout while he is in class. I can't wait!
    2021 Word: PEACE
  • Lulu_jo
    Lulu_jo Posts: 59 Member
    @TeresaW1020 @TwistedSassette
    I'm trying to be careful with my back. It has greatly improved with the weight loss, but there's definitely something wrong with it. All I can do at this point is not push too hard, but keep trying to lose more. Only 55lbs to go!! Today I woke up with different pain. Same spot, but on the left side of my spine in addition to the right.... And a strange tingly sensation on the left side as well. Some nerve stuff going on I guess. I took it easy, only did my 99 squats for the day and called it good. My legs are on fire! 🤣
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,128 Member
    @askewcr I hope you don't have plantar fasciitis. I have had it twice now and it's very painful and hard to get rid of!

    @renaegry That sounds like my idea of a good time! Not the sitting in the truck part lol, the beer under the awning part.

    @Lulu_jo Yeah it does seem like a waste of time and money sometimes. That's ridiculous that the ER said they don't do MRIs!

    @TeresaW1020 LOL...don't give up your coffee, girl! Congrats on a good doctor visit!

    @TwistedSassette Thanks, I think the key is to drink enough water. I'm glad you had a good day. That's such good news that the toddler loved his class!

    Hi all. I did pretty well yesterday, I did make beer bread to go with my soup for dinner but that's the only misstep I had. Tonight for dinner, I'm having a salad. It should be good. Only 4 days until my first boxing class!

    My phrase for the year: CHANGE HAPPENS
  • TeresaW1020
    TeresaW1020 Posts: 3,231 Member
    @TwistedSassette That is great that your little man loved his Kinder Gym class and that you can now go to the gym too. How often do you plan to go? What will you do at the gym? :)

    @Lulu_jo Good grief I can’t imagine doing 99 squats and I love doing squats. My problem is my knee will tweak painfully if I do too much squatting. I’m hoping that more weight loss will help and then I just might do a squat challenge too. ;)

    @trooworld Beer bread sounds interesting! How long are the boxing classes for? Do you do any other type of exercise or is it just boxing moves? You are going to get in great shape! B)

    @leonadixon I’m so very sorry for the news about your dad! Of course, you are super upset and turning to food for comfort is natural, but it won’t help you with your health goals. Do you exercise? That really helps me when I’m feeling a lot of stress. I’ll be praying for you and your family! <3

    Hi Team! Not too much going on today. I’m working on putting together a new church directory that will be online and also has an app. very high tech for us! :grin: I am presenting it to my staff tomorrow to see if they like the idea. I think they will and then I will have a ton of work but in the long run, I think it will help us a lot. I have done great on my eating, but calories were a little too high. However, I did a really intense cardio workout this morning, so I feel OK. Just want the scale to go down by Friday!

    Goal Weight Challenge: EYE ON THE PRIZE! B)
    Data Driven Fasting challenge Trigger is 85 and I was under for both meals
    Tracked calories/macrosI tracked everything I ate.
    No Sugar No sugar
    Workout (includes church cleaning): 4 Weeks of the Prep, cardio and core
  • Katmary71
    Katmary71 Posts: 6,736 Member
    @leonadixon I'm so sorry to hear about your dad, I can only imagine the stress you are under right now.

    @TwistedSassette The psychic was pretty funny, I picked the weirdest reading you could possibly pick, no surprise my spirit doesn't like having to be trapped in my body but since I had to sit with my legs elevated it was obvious I had health issues. She did basically inspire me to get back to earth energy meditation so I'm doing that again.

    Quick check-in, I'm in the middle of watering at the food bank farm, about to head back out to turn off the water as he forgot to water the fruit trees and I have no clue if I turned on the right valve so I'm praying it doesn't flood while I'm gone. I've been taking it easy this week and reading a lot, I can't get through the book I'm reading, I read for an hour and the percentage doesn't budge. It's a good book I'm just ready for something light and Malcolm X's new biography isn't light reading! I go to the pain clinic next week, I thought it was this week but I had it written down wrong.
  • TwistedSassette
    TwistedSassette Posts: 8,739 Member
    @leonadixon I'm so sorry to hear about your dad, that would really be stressful. I hope you can find a way to release some of that stress in a way that doesn't involve food - maybe meditation or yoga? They help me when I am stressed.

    @trooworld Oooh beer bread sounds yum!

    @TeresaW1020 The Kinder Gym class is once a week, so I'll just go to the gym then. My employer covers the cost of the gym for us, so that's a bonus! They have pretty much everything you could need at the gym, so I will probably do either cardio on the elliptical or rower, or otherwise do some strength training on the machines since I don't really do enough strength work! I have always wanted to try kettlebells and they have those too so no excuses.

    @Katmary71 The psychic does sound like a fun experience! I'm glad that you have been inspired to get back into the meditation - I remember you writing about it ages ago.
    Not much to report again here, celebrating the little victories of staying under my calories again yesterday! I tried a new game on my Oculus Quest, called Audio Trip. It's basically dancing, and it was a lot of fun and got me quite sweaty.

    I have been procrastinating on the cake topper but really need to get it done today. I started the actual cutting last night and it didn't even take long, I'm just putting it off for no reason. I will try to get it properly done tonight!
    2021 Word: PEACE
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,128 Member
    @leonadixon I'm so very sorry about your dad's health. It's understandable that you are upset. Can you make a list of 5 things that you can do instead of eating when you are upset? That way, you'd have a go-to list of things to do instead of eating, maybe you could put it on the fridge or something. Here are some of the things that I think about: take a brisk walk, read a book, paint my nails (can't eat if you have wet nails!), call a friend, look online for healthy recipes, etc. The list is endless! Hugs to you, you can do this! <3

    @TeresaW1020 It's super good and easy to make. The boxing classes are an hour long and it's broken up into 4 stations and when the bell rings after 3 minutes, you go on to the next station. The stations: in the ring with the trainer (no contact, they are just checking your form), the floor (lifting weights, other exercises), speed bag, heavy bag. I think I WILL get in great shape! That's great about the directory. I bet the scale is down on Friday!

    @Katmary71 Fingers crossed that the food bank farm didn't flood! No, that's not light reading.

    @TwistedSassette It's really good and easy to make. Audio Trip sounds like a good, fun exercise! Congrats on staying under your calories. ;)

    Hi all. The only snack I had yesterday was I made some air-fried chickpeas with seasoning on them and I had some of those. And then I did have that healthy shrimp salad last night for dinner. It was really good. I've been tracking every day.

    My phrase for the year: CHANGE HAPPENS
  • askewcr
    askewcr Posts: 373 Member
    Well my heel is much better. If I squeeze it I feel it a little but to walk on it is so much better!! :p Thanks for the kind words everyone. I have had plantar fasciitis before and this felt a lot like it. So glad I'm back on track again.

    I have to help with a book sale today and will volunteer at United Way later. It's going to be a super, wonderful day! I'm claiming that!! Let's go get it y'all!! B)
  • Jactop
    Jactop Posts: 696 Member
    @broncobuddee I think I forgot to post my weigh in

    Username: Jactop
    Day: Monday
    PW: 183.4
  • TeresaW1020
    TeresaW1020 Posts: 3,231 Member
    @TwistedSassette What a nice perk that your boss will pay for your gym membership! I’ve been wanting to do kettlebells too! I need to put that on my Christmas wish list for hubby. :grin:

    @trooworld that boxing class with the different stations sounds great! You are doing so well with your tracking and watching the snacks. Keep up that mojo! B)

    @askewcr I’m glad that your heel is better. :)

    Hi Team! Today was my staff meeting and that went well. We finally got a new music director, who just started last Sunday. He is really good and married to a young woman that used to come to our church so that is nice. After the meeting, I stayed and cleaned the one building. It was a hot mess from a kid's summer camp in it all last week, so I will need to go back to the other building tomorrow. It’s soooo hot here that I will get there early before the sanctuary gets too hot. My eating was good today and fingers are crossed for tomorrow’s weigh-in. :)

    Goal Weight Challenge: EYE ON THE PRIZE! B)
    Data Driven Fasting challenge Trigger is 85. Lunch I was 81 and dinner was 87
    Tracked calories/macrosI tracked everything I ate.
    No Sugar No sugar
    Workout (includes church cleaning): church cleaning
  • TwistedSassette
    TwistedSassette Posts: 8,739 Member
    @trooworld Sounds like you had a great, healthy day!

    @askewcr I'm glad your heel is feeling better. Plantar fasciitis is no fun at all, so I sure hope it's not that.

    @TeresaW1020 Glad the staff meeting went well. Did they like your idea you were presenting for the church directory?
    Collected another good day for the week. Stuck to my pre-logged meals and walked in place for 40 mins while watching a game of footy on TV. My team lost, sadly, but I burned a bunch of calories and stayed out of the snacks.

    Work has been a bit stressful so I'm feeling a lot of tension in my neck & shoulders. Going to spend some time on my acupressure mat tonight and hopefully that, as well as it being Friday, helps!
    2021 Word: PEACE
  • askewcr
    askewcr Posts: 373 Member
    Today was a good day. I volunteered again at United Way. It feels good to "give back" when it's not even required of you. My eating was very much under control. I'm so thankful and grateful just because I "made the wake up list." It could have been the other way so I will walk in thankfulness. I went to dance practice and did pretty good. I didn't wear my actual dance shoes because I'm still giving my heel a break. I will try them again next week. :#

    Tomorrow's a brand new day. Let's do something GOOD with it. Let's go get it!! B)
  • davidji82
    davidji82 Posts: 165 Member
    Weigh In Day: Friday
  • TeresaW1020
    TeresaW1020 Posts: 3,231 Member
    Weigh in week:  Week 4
    Weigh in day: Friday
    PW: 183.7
    CW: 182.6
    LTD: 81.7
    Month: +1.8

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