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1crazydog Posts: 590 Member
This is a place where you can tell us as much or as little as your want about what's going on in your life.

We're here to support and encourage each other.


  • 1crazydog
    1crazydog Posts: 590 Member
    Sunday: Warm, warm, warm and humid, humid, humid. Summer

    Going to take Miss Lilly to her dogie park early. Will be too hot otherwise.

    Otherwise, rest day.

    HUGS and blessings.
  • 1crazydog
    1crazydog Posts: 590 Member
    Monday: Have a few appointments to schedule for August – will be glad to get that done.

    HOT again. Will get out early again to avoid the heat.

    Hugs and here’s to making the most of Monday.
  • PotterNana
    PotterNana Posts: 675 Member
    Had a great camping weekend. We even had the grand kids overnight on Saturday for their first sleepover in the camper. Now, working on cleaning everything up and putting it all away before the weekend. We leave Thursday night for a bed and breakfast. We are attending AirVenture Oshkosh on Friday and Saturday. We'll be bringing our masks just in case, especially for inside the buildings!
  • 1crazydog
    1crazydog Posts: 590 Member
    Tuesday: Out the door early. Have an audiology appt. to get the hearing aides tuned up.

    Looks like it’s supposed to ge a hot one again, then we cool down a little … . into the 80’s.

    Here’s to a terrific Tuesday.


    Michelle: Glad that you had a good camping trip!

    Enjoy Oskosh and good idea to bring masks.
  • PotterNana
    PotterNana Posts: 675 Member
    Went shopping this afternoon for capris. Found a couple pair at some local boutiques in town. But, now they are saying that weather is favorable for a derecho tonight. So, Tim and I will be preparing the yard this evening for high winds. Hopefully, we don't get it. But, better safe than sorry.
  • 1crazydog
    1crazydog Posts: 590 Member
    Wednesday: Oh my . . . the week is again flying by!

    Had a good audiology check up. The hearing aides are all tuned up.

    Warm again. Had rain overnight. Supposed to have more today. Hope it breaks the humidity.

    HUGS and happy Wednesday.

    Michelle: Glad you found capris!

    Yes, we're expecting potent storms tonight, too. As ready as we can be.
  • PotterNana
    PotterNana Posts: 675 Member
    Not much rain here, only 1/4 inch. But, we had quite the light show last night!

    Had a migraine around 2 this morning from the weather, so I am not moving very fast today. Glad most of our packing is done. Just shampoos and such. We packed the clothes last night.
  • 1crazydog
    1crazydog Posts: 590 Member
    Thursday: Wow! Quite the storms last night! Not much sleep. Ah well. We certainly were lucky that we didn’t have the tornadoes that hit near-by counties. I definitely see a nap in the future today.

    I was very surprised how well Miss Lilly did w/the storm! She just hunkered down by me and snoozed. A few claps of thunder startled her, but she settled down right away. Of course she had her favorite toy with her, too.

    It’s Friday EVE – let’s make it the best one yet.


    MIchelle: Hope you feel better and glad you're safe.
  • 1crazydog
    1crazydog Posts: 590 Member
    Friday: Better night sleep!

    Have to run to the store for freggies. Otherwise, Jason will do his therapy and it’ll be a quiet day.

    Enjoy Friday!
  • 1crazydog
    1crazydog Posts: 590 Member
    Saturday: Breakfast @ the diner. HOPE it can continue. Our county is doing all right, but . . . have to be careful. We go very early, so crowds are never a problem.

    Nice day yesterday! 70F and no humidity.

    Here’s to a good Saturday.


    Please welcome my co-leader, Sally !
  • 1crazydog
    1crazydog Posts: 590 Member
    edited August 2021
    Sunday: Supposed to be a little warmer. That’s all right. Still pleasant.

    Doing the back yard today. Perfect weather for that.

    HUGS and blessings.

  • PotterNana
    PotterNana Posts: 675 Member
    We arrived home from the EAA Airventure yesterday morning. But, truth be told, I did not enjoy myself. Tim had a cold last week, and I caught it. Wasn't it nice of him to share? It started with a pins and needles scratchy throat Thursday night, and just no energy for all of that walking. I pushed through, but Tim said I was just slow...... Saturday was a bit better because we planned on watching the air shows. We had chairs set up on the runway, so I could go sit when I needed to. I slept most of the day yesterday. Surpisingly, I lost 2.5 pounds last week after eating at concession stands over the weekend. Must of been from pushing my body to do all that walking.....LOL

    Still low on energy, but I'm not sleepy. So I consider that progress :)
  • 1crazydog
    1crazydog Posts: 590 Member
    Monday: Hope to do edging today. Have calls to make to get our blind in the bedroom fixed. Fingers crossed.

    Hugs and happy Monday, happy August.

    Michelle: Sorry you go a cold. *SIGH* But congrats on the weight released. Awesome.
  • PotterNana
    PotterNana Posts: 675 Member
    My energy seemed a bit better yesterday. Still a little low, but didn't feel the need to sleep the day away. I made Greek turkey burgers for dinner last night. They were pretty good. Tim is not a fan of turkey burgers, but he humors me for my sake. I don't make them often, just when I recipe peaks my interest. Tonight is pesto grilled cheese with a side of glazed roasted carrots.

    Back to job hunting today too. I found out on Friday that that job I was waiting on didn't pan out.
  • svoelske
    svoelske Posts: 26 Member
    Hey. .. where'd my first chat go??..

    Grrrrrr😡 hate being a beginner
  • svoelske
    svoelske Posts: 26 Member
    Opened up the house and tried to sit outside with my sketchbook but the flies kept insisting on using me for lunch .. they were insistant on biting ..
    Rain must be coming in (looked at the weather and yup ) so turned the ac back on ... Seems every time I try and open the house... the breeze stops 😒
  • svoelske
    svoelske Posts: 26 Member
    There .. this time it posted ...🥳
  • 1crazydog
    1crazydog Posts: 590 Member
    Tuesday: After spending a bit of time on the phone, we got someone who will come out later today to fix the vertical shade! Wahoo.

    Edged the lawn. Lots of work, but good exercise.

    Jason has aqua therapy this morning. Hurray!

    HUGS and terrific Tuesday.

    Michelle: Sorry you caught a cold, but so glad that you are feeling better!

    Sally: Yeah! It posted! Yes, learning curves stink sometimes.

    We got a rain storm around 5 pm! Poured for awhile, but then stopped. At least it was a little rain.

  • PotterNana
    PotterNana Posts: 675 Member
    The problem with the job hunt for me is that most of my life I've done manufacturing jobs. With my migraines, I don't feel that the noisy atmosphere is a good fit anymore regardless of my experience. I applied for two jobs yesterday. I received a call back within 30 minutes of applying, so I have a job interview this morning at 10:30. It's at at the store of a cheese factory running the cashier, etc.

    Made my pesto grilled cheese last night. So not healthy! I only ate half a sandwich....... It was really yummy! Won't be making it again though. Tonight is Maple Mustard glazed chicken roasted with potatoes and carrots.
  • 1crazydog
    1crazydog Posts: 590 Member
    Michelle: **SIGH** You’re right . . . a loud environment doesn’t seem it would be he bes for migraines. Good luck w/your job interview . .. hope it went well!

    Your sandwich sounds yummy! Once in a while!