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  • 1crazydog
    1crazydog Posts: 590 Member
    Thursday: Wow! I keep saying it, but the weeks are flying by!

    Nice day yesterday. Hazy, though, and air quality not good. So not too much time outdoors. That’s all right. HOPE today is better air quality.

    Made a freggie run yesterday. All set now.

    Have a thankful Thursday, or Friday EVE!
  • PotterNana
    PotterNana Posts: 681 Member
    Hubby is pretty sick now, all congested and all that. We just can't get a break.

    I have a phone interview with a staffing agency at noon today. I'm not feeling very positive, but time will tell....

    I'm just in a funk. Think I'll do some crafting today to try and pull myself out of it. It's supposed to rain the next four days, so I can't even go for my walks :/
  • 1crazydog
    1crazydog Posts: 590 Member
    Saturday: Breakfast @ the diner. Waiting to hear what our friends have to say about the Covid #’s. They’re on the front line.

    Had rain last night and that was welcomed! Supposed to be warm this weekend. We’ll see if the forecast is right.

    HUGS and have a good Saturday.

    Michelle: So sorry DH is sick. *SIGH**

    Good luck w/your staffing agency interview. HOPE it goes well

    Hope the crafting helps lift the mood.

  • 1crazydog
    1crazydog Posts: 590 Member
    Sunday: Stormed most of the night. Miss Lilly was like Velcro. AS long as I held her, she wasn’t afraid. Lots of thunder. Right now we’re under a flash flood warning. But we are ok in our area. Other areas in the county are closer to the river and that’s where the flooding seems to be happening.

    Indoor day. Probably work more on decluttering papers from the office.

    HUGS and blessings to y’all
  • PotterNana
    PotterNana Posts: 681 Member
    When Spark gave us their notice of shutting down, I joined WW. As of today, I've lost 21 pounds! I guess we all needed that push or change to try something different. 20 pounds was my first mini goal, and I have met that. My gift to myself will be a new pair of walking shoes :)

    Tim is still a little congested but it is breaking up. He is feeling much better, and cleaned the garage yesterday. After dinner, we even took a 4 mile walk.

    Today, I am driving down to Middleton to go to Costco so I can order my contacts. I'll visit my daughter for a bit afterwards. I'm taking her a Brother sewing machine with me that we bought her. I had given her an old Vogue Stitch of my grandmother's a couple of years ago, but it really isn't user friendly and she is really struggling. New basic sewing machines are really inexpensive, so we picked one up. And I've had really good luck with the Brother machines.

    Looks like another chance for rain today. Stay dry!
  • svoelske
    svoelske Posts: 26 Member
    Aaaaahhhhhhh it ate my thinking post again!!!!!😱😫😡👿👿👿👿
  • svoelske
    svoelske Posts: 26 Member

    (lets see if I can remember my thinking🙄)

    I am doing good with logging my food and what little exercise I do do... Im ready for the next step ...

    My biggest problem is living with a pusher.. and I love hubby with all my heart, but it starts "discussions" because he suggests something, and I say no and thr next thing out of his mouth is "Im just trying to be nice" 🙄 making me feel like the heel for wanting to eat better ...

    Wednesdays ... I usually have to myself ...hubby has Wii bowling in the morning and the afternoon consists of golfing... so I am on my own ...why cant I make Wednesdays my days of what Im supposed to do ... so my challenges are ...
    Make sure that whatever I make on Wednesday is within "plan",....

    There are days that we eat a late lunch and "graze" for dinner ... eating nothing except whatever is in the pantry, fridge, or freezer...whatever comes to mind ...IF I can keep MY foods up to par, there should be no reason why I cant "adjust" during those times...

    Instead of waitng for help .... Ive gone back to my mindset of take care of myself ...I KNOW which direction I want to go, and I think hubby is figuring it out too, because he sees me bringing in LC products and things that were "legal" on that plan ... I had mega success on it, but expect it to slower because I wont be on it 100% like before ...

    See .. this is why I screamed when I lost my last post about this ....

    😈😈😈so thinking and planning here😈😈😈
  • PotterNana
    PotterNana Posts: 681 Member
    Spending the day creating recipes and pretracking them for my camping trip. Then, it's just packing a few last minute items. Glad this trip is only 30 minutes away :)
  • svoelske
    svoelske Posts: 26 Member
    Im sooo confused .. it keeps eating my posts ...

    Good morning to my friends .. :)

    My zoo travels are in my blog .. I am SOOO proud of myself I can't even say !!! however, I have a new challenge .. get rid of the mindset of "oh had a good exercise, busy day, you can ALLOW more munching .." sydrome !!! Okay .. it never stops .. but I AM PROUD OF MYSELF !!!!!

    I did stay within my calorie count in MFP without the added "exercise" bonus with the munchies .. I logged everything ... so it's just a number .. could be I was retaining fluid, could be because it was at least an hour earlier than my normal weigh ins .. could be could be could be .. it never stops ..:)

    I was a little bummed by my number going up, but looked in the mirror .. while it's faint, I AM seeing a waist, my favorite 3some of shorts that I've been enjoying since the beginning of summer; are getting looser and looser .. and well ... harder and harder to keep up .. lol .. so I'm "seeing" effects, and I'm sure if I continue and work hard on whatever the doctors tell me .. I will see the changes .. I will I will I WILL !!! *STOMPING FOOT* ... OUCH !!!! wrong foot ..

    I finished Pie last night, and thinking of adding a blurred background; to help the whiteness pop a bit more with the white paper .. I'm happy with her though .. :) and I get to stop over and see the menagerie again !!! :)

    So -- today is going to be (so far) quiet day, and corn on the cob for lunch .. Hubby made mention he was going to put the push mower together, and try and finish the grass .. the rider pooped the other day ..

    Wishing everyone a wonderful day !! I'm going to !!!! I'm in a happy place right now, and happy to just "be here" ..
  • 1crazydog
    1crazydog Posts: 590 Member
    Sorry MIA this week. Promise, read your posts. Will be back @ it tomorrow. Getting my lip stitches out tomorrow, so that will be much better! HUGS and take care!
  • svoelske
    svoelske Posts: 26 Member
    edited August 2021
    Good morning to my friends .. :)

    This is all sooo new .. but I'm getting used to it .. :)

    Yesterday I worked on mom's photo album, and did the ultimate at not munching .. I was modpodge glue up to my elbows, and even got some on my face .. I had soooo much fun !!! lol

    Pictures in my blog ...

    The best way to not munch is to have glue up to your elbows ... lol

    and it worked

    I did make it through my first weekend after coming to my conclusion last Wednesday .. and I MADE IT !!!! I stayed UNDER calorie count both Saturday and Sunday .. I need to make sure that my "relax weekends" .. don't necessarily mean "eat whatever you want whenever you want !!! " weekends .. :)

    So -- it's Monday .. I hope the stitches don't hurt too much Barb ..

    Have a wonderful day !! I'm going to .. Its beautiful weather and running with mom and Bill today .. (and I want to stop and pick up some more biofreeze .. :) )

    Have a great day !!!
  • svoelske
    svoelske Posts: 26 Member
    Good morning to my friends .. :)

    It's official .. I went over to Spark, and the page is gone .. So -- now we move on .. or we weep .. I choose to move on ..

    Yesterday was a wonderful day with Mom and Bill .. Bill was tripley animated, and was fun to be with ..

    Today is lunch with a friend, and errands as long as I'm in the neighborhood .. I am sooo looking forward to it .. :)

    The sun is out and the sky is blue .. one more day with an open up house .. :smiley:

    Wishing everyone a wonderful day !!!! I'm going to !!!
  • 1crazydog
    1crazydog Posts: 590 Member
    edited August 2021
    Tuesday: Well, SP is gone. Have to start a new routine!

    Having lunch with a friend. That will be nice.

    Gorgeous weather.

    Have a great Tuesday!

    Sorry I’ve been MIA this past week. Bad week, but onto better things!

    Sally: Yes, Sparks shut the lights off @ 7 am. Ah well. Moving onto a new chapter in the healthy lifestyle journey.

    And some weeping, too. But still have all the knowledge and wisdom I’ve gained over the ime on sparks. So, that’s a huge positive.

    Glad you had a good day w/Mom and Bill. That makes the heart happy.

    Yes, looking forward to lunch w/a friend, too. Been too long.

    Gorgeous weather! LOVELY.

    Good for looser shorts! That’s a great NSV. Keep it up.

    Melissa: Wow! 21 lbs.! That’s awesome! Good reward.

    Glad Tim is feeling better.

    I am sure your DD will enjoy the sewing machine!

    Enjoy repie creating! Love playing w/food.
  • svoelske
    svoelske Posts: 26 Member
    edited August 2021
    Oh crap !! It ate my post again!!!

    I have not been having luck with technology tonight ... losing my postings and accidentally deleting friends comments... I think I should just call the technology done for today .... 😫

    Oh well ... have a great night .. we will blame hubby because he interupted me, and I probably hit the darn DONE instead of POST REPLY!!!! t5uyiq6ou633.png
  • PotterNana
    PotterNana Posts: 681 Member
    edited August 2021
    Camping trip was nice. It's one of our favorite sites, since it is right on the water. Hubby liked all the healthy choices I chose except one. That's a win! And I asked him ahead of time....LOL They were slices of squash stacked up with herbed ricotta in between and a chopped tomato bruchetta on top. I thought it was yummy....

    Came home and scoured Indeed for jobs and applied for a couple, and I got a job!!!!! I'll be working in the school cafeteria for breakfast and lunch for 5 hours a day. It's four miles away, I get summers off, and I get to work with kids. I'm looking forward to it! I applied for it, got a call an hour later, had interview an hour after that, and hired on the spot.

    Now, I'm finishing going through the old clothes of the girls. Time to sort through the drawers. And finish going through the boxes of clothes my sister sent for Anastasia.

    Hoping for a walk and some grocery shopping today too, but we shall see.


  • svoelske
    svoelske Posts: 26 Member
    Good morning to my friends .. :smiley: Wednesday is here ..

    and it's nail day !!! :)

    Yesterday was a wonderful day .. I had lunch with a good friend .. :) and enjoyed every minute of it, not to mention I made a good choice .. I still have my salad hungries, and had an avacado ranch salad that was to die for ..and the service we had was wonderful as well .. it was just a wonderful lunch ..

    and then I got back home .. lol lol ..

    I went upstairs and started playing with my Hawaii photo book I'm working on .. and I got a good chunk of the book planned out .. I learned that I couldn't follow the story with the photos because it was skipped around too much or at least the photos skipped around too much .. so they will follow the stories .. and the post cards had little diddies on the back as to what they were .. so I typed them all up last night before bed ..

    I came downstairs for some dinner .. and there was our "Tuesday pizza" on the stove .. ?? and I was confused ..from the afternoon, into the evening .. hubby had to keep reminding me it was Tuesday .. I did have a slice of pizza, and logged it .. but that was it .. I had ONE slice of pizza .. YAY ME !!!

    And while I was sitting and just vegging .. doing some posting .. I became soooo technology illiterate .. I accidentally deleted my friend's comment on one of my blogs .. I was making a post in MFP (MyFitnessPal) and hit the wrong button, and blip .. it was gone ?? It's got "done" up in the corner, and "post entry" under the keyboard on my phone ... I even had one heck of a time typing my little post card ditties .. and I used to type 100 plus words a minute... it took me awhile to get my fingers going ... and I was doing alot of backspacing .. lol

    So -- I signed off on technology last night ..

    I crawled into bed, and can honestly say that I had a wonderful night sleep. What I didn't have the night before, I definately got last night .. I woke up this morning and did my PT exercises withOUT a dose of biofreeze .. YAY ME !!!!!

    I feel great this morning; and did my PT exercises ..

    Today I have my nail appointment; and then I plan on coming back home, and playing with the photo album ..I would like to finish it, because "I have a plan" for a next assignment .. and while it would probably take as long to plan this one, and put it together .. lol .. I want to work on a binder, and print out my finished results of my drawings .. with details .. dates that it was finished, and if it related to a person .. add the name of it to it, and the general information .. That way I can see the advancements I've made along the way .. I do have the photos in my camera / computer, and have as much information in the details as possible, so it should take the least bit of remembering .. but I want it on a printout, and then as I run out of things to do .. I can look back ... and redo some of the earlier drawings, and see the improvements .. :) Maybe printout the actual photos and put them at the beginning of each ..

    See .. I have to think this out ..

    So -- today will be my nail day, and then back home to play .. :) I had fun upstairs playing yesterday.. and today I will work more on it .. :) Hey .. I'm having fun .. and as long as I remember it's Wednesday .. I will be happy .. I think yesterday, my problem was lack of sleep .. we will see now that I have a good solid sleep under my belt ..

    Wishing you a wonderful day .. I am planning on having one myself ... :) I DID turn the AC back on yesterday when I got home .. but it felt good with the house open for a few days ..

    Have a great one !!!
  • svoelske
    svoelske Posts: 26 Member
    YAY IT POSTED !!!!
  • 1crazydog
    1crazydog Posts: 590 Member
    Wednesday: Day one w/o Sparks! Weird.

    Jason has PT this morning, so that will be this morning.

    Hope you have a wonderful Wednesday!


    Sally: OH NO! Mad face. **SIGH** 😡🤬

    Yup, go ahead and blame it on DH. Works for me in those situations!

    Glad that you had a good time w/your friend. I’m sure it was mutual!

    Michelle: Wow! That squash dish sounds delicious!

    Wow! Congratulations! That will be nice to have summers off! Kudos. Enjoy the kitchen @ school.

    That looks like a beautiful spot!

    Good that you’re making progress on your Mom’s Hawaii album. She’ll like that.

    I know . . . . didn’t feel like Tuesday yesterday!

    ONE PIECE OF PIZZA! Kudos for you!

    Have a fun nail appointment.

    Yes the a/c is back on here, too. Oh well. Probably cool off a little with rain this weekend.

  • svoelske
    svoelske Posts: 26 Member
    Finished mom's photo album. Once I got it planned out, the biggest challenge was trying to put a pressed flower on the page .. well it ended up in 4 pieces but its there.. pretty brittle since it was from 1976 ...😲

    Im happy with it!!! I will deliver it on Monday ...
  • svoelske
    svoelske Posts: 26 Member
    Good morning to my friends .. :)

    Yesterday was a good day, and today is a busy day .. as I'm heading over to the condo for the furnace guys .. I'm just hoping that the quilting ladies are there .. :smiley:

    I finished mom's photo album, and it will be delivered on Monday .. I told hubby that this can also be used when "that time comes" at her services .. I'm not being morbid, but I'm trying to put things together for when that time comes .. so I'm not scrambling ... and trying to keep my emotions in check while doing it .. but I'm happy with the album .. :smiley:

    I started working on Leroy as well .. and while he's coming along .. I'm taking my time .. and have a long way to go on him .. So -- will probably work on that when I get home again today .. :smile:

    My foot did a major blowout yesterday, and I'm thankful that hubby wasn't home, because it brought tears to my eyes, and I left out a wail.. I sooo can't wait until Wednesday .. my doctor appointment; I know it won't miraculously heal, but at least I will know that I'm on the way .. It was bad enough yesterday, I almost brought Rose back out ..

    Wishing everyone a great day ... I'm going to !!!! :smiley: