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  • bigdrunner
    bigdrunner Posts: 1,079 Member
    You have a great day too :)
  • PotterNana
    PotterNana Posts: 681 Member
    I'm from Central Wisconsin in Nekoosa :)

    Good to see you here Sally!!

    Had a nice visit with a friend last night for pizza and wine. I usually order a thin crust veggie pizza to keep it somewhat healthy. It was a great night of great conversation and laughter. I does the soul good!

    This afternoon, we are heading down to visit my daughter and the kiddos. She's making breakfast for dinner. We are busy the next couple of weekends, and want to make sure we get a visit in.

    It's supposed to be a warm one today! Stay cool!
  • 1crazydog
    1crazydog Posts: 590 Member
    Saturday: Breakfast @ the diner day! Wow, comes around quickly. Lovely morning, so may sit outside. Having the breakfast quesadilla special again. So good!

    Today is supposed to be a good weather day. Tomorrow . . . rain and into Monday.

    Of course, we cannot forget that today is the 20h anniversary of the 9-11 tragedy. Let us never forget all those who were lost, and those survivors who continue to deal with the loss daily.

    Sorry, I’ve been busy this week, too. Had labs drawn yesterday for my physical on Monday.

    Worked on the yard most of the week. Getting edging done, pulling weeds and mowing. Looking good.

    Our neighbor has a Macintosh apple tree that spills over into our yard. NO COMPLAINTS! Have some apples and going to make applesauce for one, maybe a pie. The apples are Deeeeeee-licious.

    Bless this day.


    Michelle: Sorry your car is leaking antifreeze. **SIGH** Hope that it can be repaired.

    Yes, it will take a bit of time to get into a routine. But you’ll do it.

    BigD: That’s a beautiful area. I live in a suburb of Milwaukee (actually north of Milwaukee, along the lake).

    Sally: Good for you! I’ve been trying to focus on real life, too!

    Ohhhhh the Laughlin countdown starts! Wonderful.

    There is no notification that I know of, which does make it difficult. Not for any other group either.
  • 1crazydog
    1crazydog Posts: 590 Member
    Sunday: Had a lovely weather day yesterday. Very warm but a lovely breeze.

    Today have some deep cleaning to do. Having company on Thursday. So, getting started.

    Have a lovely and blessed Sunday.
  • bigdrunner
    bigdrunner Posts: 1,079 Member
    Not good did something to lower back yesterday while working out pain bad. :(
  • 1crazydog
    1crazydog Posts: 590 Member
    Monday: Rained last night. And dark and rainy this morning. Need the rain, so no complaints. Today is going to be cool! High of 65! Fall is making it’s presence known for the day.

    Have my physical this morning. Will be glad to have that behind me.

    Hugs and here’s to a motivated Monday.

    BIG D: So sorry you hurt your back! Hope it feels a little better today!
  • PotterNana
    PotterNana Posts: 681 Member
    Much cooler day.

    Anastasia woke up with a cold, and came home from school with shortness of breath. She's being tested tonight. Prayers please...

    Good day at work, but uneventful. Just more kids to feed today. We went from 241 to 273. Must have had some kids doing virtual the first couple of weeks. And that's with some kids and teachers out with Covid/exposure! Thankfully, I'm wearing my mask!

    Have a good night!
  • PotterNana
    PotterNana Posts: 681 Member
    Anastasia's test came back negative, but she does have RSV. And Mirajane got it early this morning :( My daughter is on her way to the clinic with Mirajane now. She stopped breathing twice today, and can't keep fluids or food down at all..... My poor babies.. :'(

    Today was a hectic day at work, but good to keep my mind busy. At the end of the day, my lead asked if I was willing to work an extra half hour a day. She has to get the approval from the manager. What's another 30 minutes. I'm willing!

    Worked on our weekend menu last night. We are staying in the Dells this weekend for the Wo Zha Wa festival. There are a few things I am interested in getting. Other than that, I will enjoy our condo on the lake.

    Had our car looked at today. One of the fittings is leaking. He suggested we replace that and the reservoir that holds the antifreeze. It should only cost us about $200 to fix it. Not bad at all!

    Enjoy your evening, and if you could send up a few extra prayers for Mirajane please!
  • 1crazydog
    1crazydog Posts: 590 Member
    Tuesday: Physical went well. Feel there was an error in my thyroid level, so it is being redone (the Dr. felt that way, too).

    Rainy, ugly day! Supposed to be a little less rainy today.

    Have several chores to do, so guess I’ll be busy!

    HUGS and blessings

    Heading back out to finish some chores in the back yard and get some free Vit. D.

    HUGS and blessings

    Michelle: Awwww, prayers for Anastasia and Mirajane. So sorry!

    Yes, keep wearing that mask.

    OHhhhhh my, yes RSV is passed on quickly. So sorry! HOPE that both Anastasia and Mirajane are feeling better. OMG, she stopped breathing! Glad she’s being evaluated.

    Glad that the fix for your leak should only be $200.

    Have a great time @ the Dells.
  • PotterNana
    PotterNana Posts: 681 Member
    The update is that Mirajane is being tested for NSV, the flu, and Covid. Apparently, some Covid tests come back negative even though they actually have it :o
  • bigdrunner
    bigdrunner Posts: 1,079 Member
    Day 4 of back pain its really frustrating i cant do what i normally do i will try doing my exercise bike that has back support looks like another trip to chiropractor;
  • PotterNana
    PotterNana Posts: 681 Member
    The NSV test came back positive. Mirajane is breathing a bit better today, but is still not eating. They are still waiting on the other two test results. Anastasia's fever is gone, so she is clear to go back to school :)

    I can't work the extra half hour my lead wanted me to. They don't have the extra hours, though I did work an extra hour ish today to help sort through a truck shipment that came through. We were all asked to stop back by the elementary school (where the shipment is delivered) to help sort and put away. Guess I got my work out in!

    Leftover pork chops for dinner tonight! Enjoy your evening!
  • 1crazydog
    1crazydog Posts: 590 Member
    Thursday: Miss Lilly’s sister, Miss Daisy, and her Mom are visiting today! Yeah!!!

    Both the Dr. and I felt that my thyroid level was a mistake. It was re-done, and low and behold, it was within threshold. Not sure what happened. But, my suspicion is that the blood probably sat too long before being tested. *SIGH* So, it’s just carrying on now.

    Had another conversation w/the Risk Mgr. yesterday re: my fall in the hospital awaiting a mammogram on 09 August. HIS report says that a DR. rolled me to the ER in the wheelchair. NO, it was NOT. And then he said he ASSUMED it was. Good grief. Obviously never heard the old adage that to assume makes an a** out of you and me.

    Then he asked me, again, if I knew the names of those who assisted me off the floor. Ummmm . . . .no, sorry. TOO BUSY BLEEDING FROM MY SPLIT LIP ONTO YOUR FLOOR! Sheesh.

    *SIGH* So now I wait another month for MORE ridiculousness. Oh well, everything documented (HEE HEE, I was typing his statements verbatim on my computer in my Fall File as we spoke) and will pass the information onto our atty. Such ridiculousness.

    Michelle: Sorry that Mirajane’s RSV was positive. BUT glad she’s breathing a little easier. Poor baby. And glad Anastasia’s fever is down and she can go back to school. I imagine she’s glad.

    Wow, yes, I’d say you got your work out in!
  • PotterNana
    PotterNana Posts: 681 Member
    So very sorry you are going through that but glad you are documenting all those conversations!!

    Both girls had no fevers today, and ate a little for breakfast. Anastasia went to school. Mirajane is still feeling a little under the weather, but is ready to sleep in her own bed. She's been sleeping with Mom and Dad, where they can keep an eye on her.

    Busy day at work, then packed the suitcase and dry goods for the trip this weekend. We come home on Monday. We'll pack the cooler tomorrow afternoon before heading out. I chose some lighter recipes from a favorite website called Emily Bites to try this weekend. We shall see how they turn out.

    Enjoy your evening!
  • 1crazydog
    1crazydog Posts: 590 Member
    Friday: Had a wonderful time visiting with Miss Daisy and her Human! Miss Lilly and Miss Daisy got along so well. We were both surprised.

    Had a nice time taking them to the doggy park and they wore themselves out. Mission accomplished! They napped together nose-to-nose.

    Jason has an appointment w/a hand therapy specialist today @ 4 pm. So, we will see if they can offer any help to him. I pray so.

    Happy FriYaY and hugs.

    Michelle: Yes, definitely documenting EVERYHING. Just in case.

    Glad that Anastasia is able to go back to school and glad Mirajane is feeling a little better. Poor girls!

    Have a good weekend! Enjoy.
  • 1crazydog
    1crazydog Posts: 590 Member
    Saturday: Breakfast @ the diner this morning. Had the special again. The quesadilla w/steak medalions and tortilla chips and refried beans.

    Lots of little chores to do but I’ll get ‘em done!

    HUGS and have a wonderful Saturday.

  • 1crazydog
    1crazydog Posts: 590 Member
    Sunday: Got our flu shots yesterday. Feeling all right.

    Beautiful weather! Really loving it. Bright sunshine and clear blue skies. Imagine that will change this afternoon, though. Clouds move in from the lake.

    Just a laid back day today. Sort of tired from the flu vaccine.

    Our Food and Drug Administration has now approved the Pfizer booster shot for those over 65. Eligibility is 6 mths. from the date of your last Pfizer vaccine. Ours was on 02 April, so we’ll be eligible on 02 October. I am grateful as I wanted it done before we travel to Mayo for Jason’s check up in October.

    HUGS and blessings.
  • 1crazydog
    1crazydog Posts: 590 Member
    Monday: Wow. Comes around quickly, doesn’t it!

    Physical therapy for Jason today. Aqua therapy. We’ll see how it goes!

    Gorgeous day today and today is supposed to be a carbon copy. Supposed to have rain and storms tonight and it will be cooler tomorrow. But for now . . . comfortable and a little cloudy.

    Have some bills to pay. Exciting!

    Here’s to Monday. Let’s make the most of it.

  • PotterNana
    PotterNana Posts: 681 Member
    Had a nice trip, but the festival was disappointing. I'm sure it was because of Covid, but still hard. The craft show had half the booths as normal. But, we did have a nice weekend at a beautiful condo on Lake Delton. We've decided not to go next year. Maybe the year following. We shall see..

    The girls are doing better. Still coughing a bit, but doing better. They were confined to their bedroom for most of the weekend to prevent them from running through the house :D

    Back to work tomorrow and the routine!
  • bigdrunner
    bigdrunner Posts: 1,079 Member
    Glad to hear your girls are doing better