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    CSEGUIN2 Posts: 5,635 Member
    Good Evening Everyone!

    Had a really busy day and running extremely behind. Exercises completed, worked for 2 hours in the afternoon, then went to the grocery store, got home and Hubby wanted to go to a friend's before we headed to the Santa Clause Parade. No pictures as I was to busy trying to stay warm. I was so frozen.
  • stiggymt
    stiggymt Posts: 1,111 Member
    Good afternoon

    Actually, it's late morning. I didn't go to church today. I didn't really feel like it, even though I wanted to go. Besides that, everyone would stare at me and wonder why I came when I coughed. Someone would probably suggest I go home. It was just best I didn't go. I've coughed do hard my ribs hurt.

    I weigh in every day. My weight had been going down this week. I'm not sure if it's because I'm eating less or coughing so hard. Maybe both. lol
  • stiggymt
    stiggymt Posts: 1,111 Member
    Last night, our town had a Parade of Lights. That was fun to watch. Someone from the parade yelled out, "Hi, Robert and Bea" it was dark, so I'm not sure who it was, other than a man. Small towns can be fun!
    CSEGUIN2 Posts: 5,635 Member
    Good Evening Everyone!

    Today has been just cold out. Now it changes between rain and ice. Got up this morning to my schedule turned upside down. Phone never charged through the night. So instead of my walk I did my crafting, laundry and dishes. Went for a short walk before lunch. Didn't win the battle with myself about my workout. I am trying to figure out a balance with everything to be less stressed. Last night I warmed up pretty quickly once got home.

    Bea I hope you feel better soon.
  • stiggymt
    stiggymt Posts: 1,111 Member
    Good afternoon

    Mary is getting another mammogram. This first on was a couple weeks ago. There was one sport they aren't sure of. So they wanted to repeat it along with a sonogram. I'm waiting in the parking garage for her. She as ok with my hacking cough and I'm feeling better today. I'm going to be tired tonight. I did have a backup for someone to take her so that she would still be able to get there.

    I'm really careful to cough into the front of my coat. Such a bother!

    I hit the Save button, rather than Post. So I'll add more.

    Good evening

    We got home safe. This is our first big snow storm. Roads were slick. Normal speed is over the speed limit (which is 70 MPH). Today top speed was 60, bit most of the time it was around 45 and I was happy with that.

    My cough is better today, thankfully. Mary's mammogram was normal today.
    CSEGUIN2 Posts: 5,635 Member
    Bea I am glad you're cough is getting better.

    Good Evening Everyone!

    Sorry I missed yesterday. Just to busy. Anyways still fridged here with a little snow yesterday in the form of a blizzard for about an hour or so. For anyone wondering I live in Southern Ontario near Detroit Michigan. Snow only equals a dusting if that. Anyways while at the funeral home paying my respects to a family friend I got many wonderful comments from people that have known me all my life. The best part they had no clue who I was even though I was with my Mom, sister, her boyfriend and my son LoL 🤣. I do have to say that it felt great. Then this morning happened. I guess I was not as on with calories as I thought. First not positive sign was my bra was tighter. Then I got on the scale at TOPS weight recorder asked me a question about the week. Don't remember what she asked but I knew it wasn't good but I answered as honest as possible. Anyways.... Gained 3.25 lbs this week. I know there are a couple things that's not helping. But at this time I control mother so will just keep trying to do my best. Our area has put in COVID protocols again. This is affecting our TOPS group. But we will still be meeting and weighing in. It will just be different.
  • stiggymt
    stiggymt Posts: 1,111 Member
    Good evening,

    I remember I had an experience like that. It was an area church gathering. One lady, that I usually see maybe once a year, asked my friend, Mary, "Where's Bea?" I was standing next to Mary. I just something like "There is less of me to see." But it made me feel good.

    Today, I took Mary to PT. Roads are much better today. I'm not sure about tomorrow morning. We have a chance of freezing rain tomorrow morning. I might have to cancel TOPS. I'll have to see in the morning.
    CSEGUIN2 Posts: 5,635 Member
    Stay safe Bea!

    Good Evening Everyone!

    Today has been a great day thus far. Got laundry, dishes, workouts, and some crafting done. Also went to work and scrubbed an oven for an hour. Got to love my short hours for work. Tomorrow is a busy day outside of the house unless things change. Still cold here so opted for a 45 min HIIT walk video in place of my walk.
  • stiggymt
    stiggymt Posts: 1,111 Member
    Good afternoon,

    We had TOPS this morning. Roads were fine. It was too warm for freezing rain.

    Our chapter not only had a no gain meeting, but also all loss. No turtles! I lost half a pound again.

    At our church tonight, we'll be treated with a Mennonite concert. I'm looking forward to it.
    CSEGUIN2 Posts: 5,635 Member
    Bea - Your TOPS group did awesome!

    Good Evening Everyone!

    Today has been another busy day and this busy day thing doesn't seem like it will slow down much before Christmas. I have decided that I am not going to stress about what workouts I am missing. On my non busy days I will just do my best to do what I can to make up some exercise. I have also decided that I am going to do my best with calories and not stress about them. I usually do really well during December but this year just seems to be extra busy and less time for my workouts.
  • stiggymt
    stiggymt Posts: 1,111 Member
    Good evening

    I took Mary to PT this afternoon. While she was with her therapist, I worked out on one of the machines, then did a quick visit with Bernie. I'm amazed at how well she's doing. I asked her if she liked it there and after a little pause, she answered "Yes and no" She also missed her home.

    After that, I took Mary to her dentist appointment. On the way home, I stopped at a friend's and gave her a bunch on egg cartons and she gave me 2 dozen eggs from her chickens. I expect to pay for the, but she refused.
  • stiggymt
    stiggymt Posts: 1,111 Member
    Good afternoon

    As usual, I walked this morning. I walk later now that winter is here. I still like early morning best.

    The rest of today has been low key at home. I called Mary to wish her a happy birthday. She told me a funny story.

    Her immature granddaughter (and her 3 kids) lives with her. Yesterday afternoon, while Mary was at PT and the dentist, Anika was with her daughter, 4 year old Lily. The 2 boys were in school. Anika had her nose in her phone. Lily found a pair of scissors. When Mary got home, she found locks of hair in every rooyin the house and Anika was clueless. Mary hoped that Anika learned she had to watch her kids. Mary does more with the great grandkids than Anika, the mom does
    CSEGUIN2 Posts: 5,635 Member
    Bea - I have to admit that I was kind of like that with my son at times. I do regret my mistakes and he seems to not hold them against me. If he does it never shows and he has never said anything. I hope she realizes before it's too late.

    Good Evening Everyone!

    Thanks for the wonderful remainder that even though I am busy I am still being active. This helps me remember not to stress about workouts. I do not find I eat less as Mom makes sure we are having lunch when we're out so she can take pills. When at home Trigger makes sure I remember by feeding him LoL. Today was fun. Did my usual walk. It was nice to walk along the river again. Also did some small workouts and cleaned for 2 hrs scrubbing counters and floors for a friend. Also working on my Christmas crafting. Still hoping to get it done in time.
    CSEGUIN2 Posts: 5,635 Member
    Good Evening Everyone!

    Today was a busier day than thought shopping. My Son and Mom went as well. Most Christmas presents are done. Got the necessary crafting supplies and baking supplies needed. Most of my Christmas shopping is done. Was planning to do my push-ups when I got home but with the wind blowing me and the cart around I decided I am just to tired today. Also got pelted with some freezing rain on the way home. Not sure will make it in tomorrow to check-in as we are decorating cookies and celebrating 2 birthdays with family tomorrow.
  • stiggymt
    stiggymt Posts: 1,111 Member
    Good evening

    I walked this morning. The rest of today was at home. I made some fudge this afternoon. Tomorrow, I'll cut it, wrap it and put it in tins for gifts.
    CSEGUIN2 Posts: 5,635 Member
    I love fudge!

    Good Evening Everyone!

    Yesterday was a busy day. Made and decorated gingerbread cookies with family and celebrated my Mom and Son's birthdays. Today took Mom for her eye appointment. That was supposed to be an easy simple visit. Well plans went out window. Mom fell getting into her wheelchair and ended up on the floor. We had an ambulance called as she is a large women and I can't lift her. Our area is in code black for paramedics. Which means there just isn't enough to cover the calls as they can't work if not vaccinated. So we were informed that it was going to be an hour wait. Next they called and said another hour. As Mom was getting cold and more sore. She asked for me to call my brother and see where he was working. Let's just say it took my brother 40 minutes to arrange help to come with him and get there. We got her up and the ambulance still was not on the way even with us as the next call so we cancelled it. She is sore in many places but ok.
  • stiggymt
    stiggymt Posts: 1,111 Member
    Good evening

    This has been a cold wintery day, with rain, snow or both. I took Mary to PT this afternoon. Roads were good, mainly because it wasn't freezing. But that might change tonight. Temperature is supposed to drop down to the teens (F.) tonight.

    So that leaves the question, should we have TOPS tomorrow morning? I hate to cancel needlessly, but....
  • stiggymt
    stiggymt Posts: 1,111 Member
    CSEGUIN2 wrote: »
    I love fudge!

    Good Evening Everyone!

    Yesterday was a busy day. Made and decorated gingerbread cookies with family and celebrated my Mom and Son's birthdays. Today took Mom for her eye appointment. That was supposed to be an easy simple visit. Well plans went out window. Mom fell getting into her wheelchair and ended up on the floor. We had an ambulance called as she is a large women and I can't lift her. Our area is in code black for paramedics. Which means there just isn't enough to cover the calls as they can't work if not vaccinated. So we were informed that it was going to be an hour wait. Next they called and said another hour. As Mom was getting cold and more sore. She asked for me to call my brother and see where he was working. Let's just say it took my brother 40 minutes to arrange help to come with him and get there. We got her up and the ambulance still was not on the way even with us as the next call so we cancelled it. She is sore in many places but ok.

    Glad your Mom is ok! That must have been miserable for her.
    CSEGUIN2 Posts: 5,635 Member
    Always better to be safe at home than try to get to TOPS in dangerous conditions. Expecially if you have many elderly members. It was definitely not pleasant for her.

    Good Evening Everyone!

    Anyways today was rest, weigh and TOPS Day. Also had our TOPS Christmas party tonight. Down 5.5 lbs 😄! Mom made it to the party. She has some bruising, pain and stiffness but otherwise is doing good.
    CSEGUIN2 Posts: 5,635 Member
    Always better to be safe at home than try to get to TOPS in dangerous conditions. Expecially if you have many elderly members. It was definitely not pleasant for her.

    Good Evening Everyone!

    Anyways today was rest, weigh and TOPS Day. Also had our TOPS Christmas party tonight. Down 5.5 lbs 😄! Mom made it to the party. She has some bruising, pain and stiffness but otherwise is doing good.