Change 1 Letter in 5 to Make Word



  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 9,882 Member
    Yes, the numbers are hard to read sometimes especially if they are back from the road. If the names and numbers were the size that are on big cruise "ships" they would be easier to read.
  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 4,739 Member
    That's true, Linda. Big numbers like those on cruise ships are so much easier to read! Their production could become a whole cottage industry for someone. I wonder would they become a tripping hazard for some though? I wouldn't like to bark my shins on such big numbers outside every house...

  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 9,882 Member
    Yes I agree that might be a tripping hazzard and if I fell, there would be many areas of bruised "skins" on my knees and elbows.

  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 9,882 Member
    All my bruised and raw skin areas would be bleeding and I would need some first aid. I would be looking for "sinks" with clean water to wash off the dirt.

  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 4,739 Member
    Ouch, Linuda. I am sorry you got hurt and need to find a way to do first aid on your knees! I get a sinky feeling just thinking g about your poor knees.

  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 9,882 Member
    edited January 20
    My knees with get better once I get new glasses so I can see the huge numbers and not fall over them. I do not like to get new glasses. It gives me a "sicky" feeling just knowing that I will have to pick out the frames and not know if people will like them.

  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 7,662 Member
    Yes indeed Susan, let’s get the Shops sorted out soon! Ok let’s get creative and take pictures of all the Shops, I have my camera ready and will take SHOTS of each Shop for us to make the decision!

  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 4,739 Member
    edited January 21
    Eek! Most of my shops are on the Mainland so it will be difficult to get shots of them. I might have trouble getting to them all before each one shuts its doors! Anyone have a spare jet plane with pilot for me to borrow?

  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 9,882 Member
    I'm sorry my jet plane and pilot are in use right now. She is packing my bags so I can come to Tasmania to see some of the sights in person. When I fly back, I think she might fly low over Australia so you can take some shots. That "suits" me if you are agreeable Susan.

  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 4,739 Member
    Oh, I am so glad your pilot can buzz Australian jewellery stores for me, Linda! Can't wait for you to get here so I can show you some sights! What a time we will have. We'll be in SITES that will delight and surprise!

  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 7,662 Member
    Ok Linda and Susan, I spoke with your pilot Linda and guess what I am joining you on the flight to Tasmania and also site see Australia and check out the stores while there. It’s going to be Fun Fun! And while in Australia I am going to be brave and go Kite Flying, but first I need to look at the KITES and decide what one to buy!

  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 9,882 Member
    Judith you are very brave to try to go kite flying. While you kite flying, I will be using my fishing rod in the ocean to see if I get any "bites" from some of the native fish in the area. I am so glad you can join us on this adventure.

  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 4,739 Member
    Kites and bites! What fun! I'll bring my grandchildren for the kite flying and my husband for the fishing. What a party this will be. Better check to see what the tides will be like as kite flying and fishing are often done on the sea shores..

  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 9,882 Member
    We need to be aware of the weather too. If it is hot and sunny and we are on the beach, our "hides" (skin) might get sunburned.

  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 4,739 Member
    That's true. We don't want sunburnt hides. We can always go on some amusement park rides that are indoors instead? I sm thinking of an amusement parl that was built in the top floor of a shopping centre in Brisbane, for example.

  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 7,662 Member
    Oh yes, we have all the indoor fun and shopping at Wet Edmonton Mall a huge place and fun place for everything, swimming amongst the ocea waves, I like this plan, we can take Rides in between the Tides and have fun fun and more fun! We will just have to wait for the Sun RISES then we are on our way!

  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 9,882 Member
    The sun has "risen", we have had our breakfast and chores done - let's go!!

  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 4,739 Member
    Wait for me! I'm always slow the morning! I am excited to go to the Edmonton Mall as I was last there in 1968! Lol! I'll raise myself now.

  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 7,662 Member
    Awesome, that’s great Susan you we’re there in 1968; I took my Mom on the Train from Vancouver to Edmonton in 1986 the same year Expo 86 was held in Vancouver. Mom came to visit over Christmas of 85 and she stayed until January 86 and we went to the Mall, She wanted to travel on the train so I took her to Vancouver to take the train. Part of her Christmas gift was the train trip to Edmonton. We had heaps of fun.

    So Let’s ARISE and be on our way to West Edmonton Mall.

  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 9,882 Member
    As we walk, let's sing the song we sing on Easter - Up From the Grave He "Arose" so we can spread the good news.