Prayer Requests for 2024



  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 9,846 Member
    Thanks for the update so we can pray more specifically for you. I expecially pray that they can find another specialist to get a more detailed diagnosis and current treatment for it. As always we are cheering you on and holding you up in prayer every step of this journey.💞
  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 7,619 Member
    Thank you Linda, appreciated. 🙏❤️
  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 4,711 Member
    Oh Judith, I am so sorry about the new diagnosis and lack of specialists to help. Thank you for the update. Will keep praying and trusting that the Lord has a plan. Hugs.
  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 7,619 Member
    Thank you Susan, appreciate your prayers. I am hoping that when I see the next specialist they will say it’s not another cancer (Rare one) but the same one I have been dealing with all along: (Malignant Melanoma, Spreading Type) but with it have a better plan of treatment for the Excessive Skin formation from the pooling and bubbling of skin over face, suture line and upper and lower lips so I can be healed in Jesus Name!
  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 7,619 Member
    Good Morning All 🌅

    Thursday February 29th I had my Follow up appointment with my Surgeon at VGH. My Surgeon removed all the excess skin on face, upper and lower lips. This is from all the pooling & bubbling of skin over suture lines, lips and lower part of chin. Still waiting on the referral my surgeon sent in last month.

    All the Skin that is forming rapidly and is being removed ongoing is a concern especially after the reports from the Biopsy done few weeks ago stating a deeper biopsy might be needed as it appears it could be related to the Melanoma I have but Pathology are leaning towards a Rare Form of cancer they are not sure what type it is, they are all pushing for me to get into the specialist I have been referred to who will be better able to know and manage this new disease formation that is occurring.

    My Specialists are all mindful of the Melanoma I have been dealing with the past 3 years.

    So it’s urgent I get into this referral my Surgeon is sending me to. He put in another one yesterday. He said if he can’t get me into a VGH specialist he might have to go outside of VGH.

    Please pray for a break through that one will be able to see me there in VGH quickly.

    Friday I had a follow up appointment with my Family Doctor who is working closely with all my Vancouver Specialists and Surgeons.

    My Family Doctor has ordered an increase of my BP medication for better control. Since last few surgeries my BP has been harder to control. Blood work has shown some concern with changes over the past year so more Blood work has been ordered for when I am back to VGH in 3 weeks on March 21st.

    I also have had a severe relapse of my Psoriasis that has gone into the right side of my neck at hairline. I have 5 large scalp patches of psoriasis which is spreading. I was diagnosed with a serious type of Psoriasis few years back that I have forgotten name. My Family Doctor has ordered a Hydrocortisone ointment in a gel type base. It is being prepared at my Pharmacy and ready next week for pick up.

    Due to changes in Blood work and other issues/symptoms I also am being referred to a Gynaecologist at VGH. My Family Doctor feels this is needed with all that is going on with Signs and Symptoms at present. I was told these referrals take few months to get in. I trust it will be
    sooner with no delays!

    God Bless you all! You are so appreciated, your love, kindness, support, prayers and friendship have so blessed me in which I Give Thanks to God! ❤️🙏
  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 9,846 Member
    Thank-you for the update. I pray that you will be able to see the specialist soon. Psoriasis is also hard to deal with so I hope the ointment helps. I do use cortisone for my eczema when it gets bad. It is the itch that is the worst with that skin disorder.
  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 4,711 Member
    edited March 3
    Thank you for the update, Judith. I see what you mean about it being a lot to process. I also have Psoariasis (mild form) in my scalp and Eczema on my legs/ankles. It's annoying. I hope your cream helps you and brings relief. I am also concerned about you getting in to see the specialists you need. Will certainly pray about all these matters for you.
  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 7,619 Member
    Hello Ladies

    I am working on the threads and posting early today as I have an all day treatment/procedures with 2 Specialists tomorrow. I am at Cancer Clinic and VGH hospitals.

    I am still having pooling and bubbling of excess skin that is covering my lips and face. It’s the worse it’s ever been. My Surgeon has to remove it tomorrow trying to remove it so disease doesn’t spread. The Neurologist is following me up regarding what was discovered from Ct Scan.

    Since last report I am developing several lumps all through the scalp and at baseline of scalp at upper neck level. At first it was thought to be psoriasis but not it is much like what’s going on with the lips and face. Tomorrow it has to be looked at deeper. Not sure what has to be done.

    Would appreciate your prayers for Wisdom for Doctors and for the right treatment and of course my healing. Will keep you in the loop. Still waiting on the referral from what my Surgeon put in.
  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 9,846 Member
    I will be praying for your appointments. I hope that your "lumps" are not serious and can be treated easily.
  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 4,711 Member
    Thank you for your update, Judith. I'll be praying. 🙏
  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 7,619 Member
    Palm Sunday Blessings

    I had my appointment on Thursday March 21st with Surgeon at VGH and at Cancer Clinic with Neurologist!

    It was a heavy day. Still having complications with pooling and bubbling of excess skin that needs removing!

    The new thing and most difficult that I am still processing!

    The left side of neck was discovered that the Left Lymph Nodes are enlarged. Neurologist sent an urgent message to Oncologist and my Family Doctor. She said I will need a ultrasound of the left side of neck.

    The issues are serious as enlarged lymph nodes look like there has been a metastasis of the Melanoma and when lymph nodes are involved; the cancer feeds into the lymphatic system and it could also mean a new cancer showing up with the lymph nodes being enlarged. Either way most likely the Lymph nodes will need to be removed. More Tests and then there is treatment of some

    Would appreciate your prayers. One thing for sure I leave it with Jesus! Will keep you updated as I know more! 🙏
  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 4,711 Member
    Oh Judith, that would be a lot to process. I will continue to pray for you. I am glad they are keeping a close eye on you. Sending hugs and prayers. 🙏💕
  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 9,846 Member
    I will be praying for wisdom to help the doctors in choosing the right treatment for your lymph nodes. As you said there can be several reasons for their enlargement and I pray for patience on your part as you are in "limbo" as to the actual cause and how involved the treatment will be. Sending you hugs and prayers also. 🥰🩺🧪
  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 7,619 Member
    edited March 26
    Thank you Linda and Susan, I had an appointment today! Tomorrow I am getting my appointment set up with oncology! My Oncologist will follow thru with correct treatment and all the tests too.

    Another issue, my blood work I had has come back with concerns.

    I always look up my results and today there are two Blood work results and some others they are not allowing me to see, they say it has been sent for my Doctors to review and I should contact my Doctor!

    All I can do is leave it with the Lord! Thank you for your Love and Prayers!!
  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 4,711 Member
    So glad you had an appointment, Judith! I hope the Oncogist has a good plan in mind. Will s/he have your blood test results do you can find out what's in them tomorrow? Praying. 🙏
  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 9,846 Member
    My doctor does the same thing - does not let me see abnormal results. I have a go around though and can go to the corporation's website that drew the blood and see all the results. I get impatient if I have to wait to see them. Do you know what the name of the lab results are? Sometimes things can be abnormal but not a concern. Anyway God is is control and your team is cheering for you that everything works out for the good. We 💕 you!
  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 7,619 Member
    Thank you Linda and Susan, I have to call Oncology tomorrow, their phones were down for a while so they are now catching up. As soon as I know what the results are and what the plans are regarding the Lymph Node I will let you know. I have seen all abnormal test results before so don’t know why they blocked it this time.

    Thanks for your prayers! 🙏❤️
  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 4,711 Member
    Thank you for explaining how things are right now, Judith. They know you are a nurse, right? Nurses should get special courtesies! They do stop us from Seeing our results over here too, whether they are good or bad. We have to have them explained by a Dr.

    Will keep praying. And yes, we love you! ❤️
  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 7,619 Member
    Evening Hello Ladies

    Today I secured quite a few appointments that will start the process of what comes next regarding the enlarged lymph nodes on left side.

    I am still waiting on a call from Oncology Nurse at BC Cancer to set up an appointment with my derma oncologist, in meantime I have the following follow up appointments with Specialists between VGH and BC Cancer:

    1. April 4th at VGH with Surgeon
    2. April 5 BC Cancer Zoom follow up session with Cancer Specialist
    3. April 17 BC Cancer Physiotherapy
    4. April 19 BC Cancer for follow up for Lymph Node and Lab Results Assessment and what type of follow up Tests, and possible follow thru with suggestion by Neurologist to have an Ultrasound of Neck and Head.

    That appointment could discuss and suggest what type of treatment. That info will be relayed to Surgeon and Derma-Oncologist who make final plans!

    Thank you for your prayers! ❤️🙏🤗
  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 9,846 Member
    You certainly have a busy month ahead of you. Be sure to get the rest you need for your stamana. It looks like all your specialists and surgeon are working together to get the best treatment. I will talk to the Great Physicain, who is ultimately in charge, and ask Him to lead them in their plans going forward. 🌼