Prayer Requests for 2024



  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 4,711 Member
    That does look like a busy schedule but I am glad you are being looked after, Judith. Like Linda, I hope you can rest up between all those appointments. And I will also pray for you. 🙏 ❤️
  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 7,619 Member
    Thank you Susan and Linda for your prayers! I will keep you posted. I am still waiting to hear from oncology about ultrasound and treatment.

    I see Surgeon on Thursday for procedures and follow up. Still waiting on the referral my Surgeon wants me to see.

    My lips and face are at the worst for pooling and bubbling of excess skin.

    Thanks for praying!
  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 7,619 Member
    Good Morning Team

    I am still waiting on the call from Oncology Nurse at Cancer Clinic.

    Good thing is I have 2 appointments next week: Wednesday April 17th and Friday April 19th.

    Friday’s appointment is with Family Doctor who said she received the report regarding my enlarged lymph node from my Neurologist at Cancer clinic. In the report it was said I needed an ultrasound and further blood work.

    It appears that my Family Doctor and both my Derma-oncologist and Neurologist will work together to get things started for the initial Tests and Evaluation.

    My Family Doctor will send the Requisition Order for the Ultrasound and Blood Work to the Cancer Clinic.

    Thank you for your prayers for both of my appointments coming up next week. I will keep you posted!

    God is Good; He Will see me through! 🙏❤️✝️
  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 4,711 Member
    Thank you for letting know about your appointments, Judith. Praying! 🙏 🤲
  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 7,619 Member
    You are so welcome and I so appreciate your prayers! 🙏🤗❤️
  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 7,619 Member
    Hello Ladies

    I am posting today in the early morning: 12:34am as I had a most difficult day Saturday. My fatigue is heavy and I am just not myself. Pain levels are heavy too, my face and mouth are not in great shape. I am heading to Cancer Clinic on Wednesday, trusting I can see one of my Oncology Specialists and they have answers for me.

    Thanks for zeroing in on much prayer! Thank you!

    God Bless you all.. I am trying to keep up my sense of humour and keep my eyes on Jesus. I feel the Lord will bring me through!
  • JC_Willow
    JC_Willow Posts: 4,129 Member
    Dear Judith you are in my thoughts. It's tough dealing with fatigue and pain, especially when it affects something as essential as our ability to eat and speak comfortably. I hope you find relief soon and that your doctors can provide the care and support you need....I pray these thoughts & words in Jesus name. Amen
  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 9,846 Member
    Judith - I am praying for some relief for you from your exhausting pain. An unending period of pain can sap a person's energy and leave their whole attitude/ourlook in shambles. I pray you will have the strength to contiue to trust in God and to know that He will provide and protect you. We are all concentrating ourprayers on you as we cheer you on in this difficult time.
  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 7,619 Member
    Thank you Willow and Linda for your valued prayers and friendship! ❤️
  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 4,711 Member
    Oh Judith, I am so sorry for the fatigue and heaviness you feel and for the ever present pain.

    I am praying for you, for strength, endurance and unshakable faith in the Lord. I pray for wisdom and compassion for your medical team. Sending you much love. 🙏 🤲 ❤️
  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 7,619 Member
    I was at Cancer Clinic yesterday and saw Specialist regarding pinched nerve in neck and increased nerve damage to neck and spine.

    They are trying to treat these areas in a non invasive way.

    This is what my neurologist wanted to try first: non invasive treatment and medications to hopefully avoid surgery or injections. However the treatment does not reverse the damage to the neck or the spine, they hope it helps relieve the pain, numbness and tingling sensations I get.

    They will see me next month after I have seen my oncologist regarding the lymph node. Hopefully I will know what next step will be regarding tests and what kind of treatment will be ordered regarding the lymph node.

    One thing I can be thankful for is I saw the oncology secretary yesterday who was the Department head to try and get my oncologist appointment.

    When she heard what had happened she realized it was the Assistant Specialist working with my Oncologist who didn’t put the order in for the appointment to go through; she said this never should of happened and she quickly got me in for May 3rd. she also gave me her name and phone numbers to reach her, and told me if that ever happened again to call her and she would take care of me. The Lord sure brought me to the right person.

    God is Good! ✝️

    Thank you for your prayers, I will update you once I know more. 🙏❤️
  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 4,711 Member
    Judith, thank you again for your update. I am thankful the Oncology Secretary noticed the error and fixed it quickly. It's good she gave you ways to contact her too. I am sorry about your neck and spine. I hope they can relieve your pain.

    Asking God to bless and keep you and to help you get enough nutrition. 🙏

    Hugs, hugs, gentle hugs.
  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 7,619 Member
    Evening Hello All, the following is my update from Friday’s appointment:

    On Friday May 4th I had Blood Work done at the Cancer Clinic before being seen by my Derma-Oncologist. He is concerned with all the latest signs and symptoms.

    Besides determining if Melanoma has metastasized they are looking at my Blood levels to see if I need a Transfusion!

    He did a complete physical examination of my Head, Neck, Face, Lips and Mouth. He took note of what was presenting on Left Lymph Node, the Crusting of Excess Skin from Pooling and Bubbling of Skin on the Lower Lip and asked a lot of questions. He said what has been going on with the pooling and bubbling of excess skin he has basically confirmed what pathology said to my Surgeon, it is cancer but he now has to determine if it’s the Melanoma Metastases!

    He ordered an Ultrasound to be done at the Cancer Clinic as the clinic near me I was put on a Wait and Cancellation list as no dates were available.

    In the Order my Oncologist has requested that the Ultrasound look at the lymph nodes, lymph glands, larynx and thyroid looking for signs of Melanoma Metastasizing to these areas or if it’s a new cancer and what type of cancer it is so it can be treated properly.

    He prescribed a potent ointment used for skin cancer of the lips, in my case, the Lower lip) that can cause serious issues with the Liver and other organs so my Oncologist ordered further Blood work and is doing a complete Liver, Creatinine and Thyroid Panel with all the other tests ordered so as a result I can’t start using the med until they know the health of the organs.

    The cancer has always been contained to my Left side of my Face and Upper lip so I wasn't expecting the Lower lip to be involved nor was I expecting an enlarged lymph node.

    Hope the Blood tests come back quickly and I get in for the Ultrasound soon so my Oncologist can determine what is going on and what is the best course of action to take so the disease is treated properly.

    In all of this I just need to keep focused and trust God. I know He is Able. God is Good.

    Thank you for your prayers & support. As soon
    as I know further I will keep you updated. ❤️🙏
  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 4,711 Member
    Oh Judith, I am feeling for you. All this news must be difficult to process. I am so glad the Lord is with you. Thank you for updating us. I'll keep praying. 🙏 💕
  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 7,619 Member
    Thank you Susan, appreciated! 🤗
  • JC_Willow
    JC_Willow Posts: 4,129 Member
    Praying for you Judith! Thanks for the prayer update. ❤️ JC
  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 9,846 Member
    Thanks for sharing with us what the doctor said. That is a lot to think about. God, the Great Physician, is with you through all of this giving you strength. It will be interesting to see the final pathology reports. I was reading Romans 8:26-27 this morning. "In the same way, the Spirit helps us in our weaknes. We do not know what we ought to pray for, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us with groans that words cannot express. And he who searches our hearts knows the mind of the Spirit, because the Spirit intercedes for the saints in accordance with God's will." I am so glad for this intersession because we in our human minds do not see what God sees or what His plans are. He is the only one who knows the future and can see how it can work together for the good of those who love Him. I am holding you up in prayer at all times.
  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 7,619 Member
    Thank you JC Susan and Linda! I so appreciate your prayers and support!

    I feel the prayers and I know God is always right beside me.

    I see the Surgeon tomorrow and will bring you all an update. I am also having Blood work done just before I see the surgeon.

  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 4,711 Member
    You're welcome, Judith. I was praying for you last night when I was finding it hard to sleep. The dogs had woken me up to be taken outside and it was hard to go back to sleep. Prayer is the best thing for those times, and there are no big distractions. I'll keep checking back here for news. Hugs.
  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 7,619 Member
    edited May 10
    Good Morning All,

    Thank you Susan for praying
    Thank you everyone for all your prayers

    I was in Vancouver yesterday, Thursday for Blood work and Surgeon follow up and procedures. My Oncologist sent a report to my Surgeon instructing him on removing the excess cancerous growth that is now forming on Lower Lip and some other areas of face. This is a New Cancer that started after my last surgery! It is being treated with a topical toxic ointment. My Liver Panel has to be checked regularly due to the toxic effects that can cause
    issues. Surgeon removed the skin that I wasn’t able as it’s hardened and tight, he needs forceps and scissors to cut away the skin. I am seeing him in 2 weeks for further procedures. I

    I am back to Cancer Clinic on Monday the 13th for an Ultrasound of the enlarged lymph nodes. Oncologist wants the whole neck scanned including the lymph glands and larynx checked. Hopefully the cancer has not spread to any of
    these areas.

    I will keep you in the Loop. Thanks for your valued friendship and prayers! ❤️🤗