Prayer Requests for 2024



  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 5,391 Member
    Judith, so sorry to hear about how things are going. The Doctors seem to be on top of things but it sounds so painful. Holding you up in prayer. Hugs.
  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 10,520 Member
    That procedure sounds painful! I hope they gave you a numbing cream before working on you. Do they know what type of cancer this new one is? Some cancers grow faster than others. I hope this is a slow growing one. We are continuing to pray as you go through this new development. 💞
  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 8,569 Member
    Wow, I can’t believe this as I responded to both posts and I came back as I thought of something else to say and my post was Gone- Lost, no where to be seen. Big Sigh 😔

    So it looks like more issues with MFP again 😳

    I will come back and post again later. Sorry all!
  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 10,520 Member
    Yes MFP does have problems. Some days I feel like I either am very forgetful and did not do the post or MFP is playing a mind game with me.
  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 5,391 Member
    Checking in. Will come back here tomorrow and keep you all in prayer in the meantime.
  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 8,569 Member
    Sorry all will update you all tomorrow! Love you all and thank you for your prayers! 💕
  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 8,569 Member
    edited May 16
    On Monday May 13th I had my Ultrasound, I won’t know anything until the report is sent to Oncologist and Family Doctor. The Technician was a little off with the focus; kept saying you have lost so much weight! So focused on weight loss. The tech notion spent a lot of time around the thyroid and throat which was scanned besides the lymph node area. The only comment was calcification and weight loss.The Pathologist said there is a lot of Calcification all over Carotid Artery. In CT Scan they brought up that same thing and spoke about Grey area. It seems that with so much Calcification it is covering areas that
    are hard to see or pin point! I don’t know what to make of all this.

    On Saturday I will of completed 1 week of the toxic treatment on lips & face. The lower lip is quite raw as there is mega pooling and bubbling of excess skin after each treatment. The Cancer cells that are in body are presenting themselves in the skin on face and lips. This is the New cancer they don’t know what type it is yet! I am back to Surgeon next week. Next month more Blood work and I see Derma Oncologist. Also next Monday telephone follow up with specialist at Cancer Clinic.

    This is all I know for now. Thanks for your prayers! 🤗❤️🙏
  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 5,391 Member
    Judith, what a lot to take in. I hope you get more answers soon. Will keep praying 🙏.
  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 10,520 Member
    Thaks for the update. It makes sense that they would have problem with differentation of what they are seeing if there is a lot of calcium buildup. I pray that they have ways of seeing better when it is read. The toxic treatment sounds very rigorous if you are having rawness in your lower lip. Although painful, it sounds like it is working to kill the cancer cells. It will be interesting to see what the surgeon has to say next week. I am praying for all your specialist doctors to find some more answers and effective treatment for you.
  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 8,569 Member
    Thank you Susan and Linda, so appreciate your love kindness friendship and many prayers in which I thank God! ❤️
  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 5,391 Member
    Message from Judith;

    On bed rest as BP is high and bleeding on lips lowers face! Please let group know, thank you be back tomorrow! ❤️🤗🙏

  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 10,520 Member
    Praying for you Judith! Is the pain making your BP high?
  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 8,569 Member
    Thank you Susan for posting my request

    My BP was high before the excessive bleeding on the face and lips, BP was 150-81-85 it remains around the same but Systolic has gone up by 153 and 155 and heart rate is the same and diastolic has not changed.

    Still fare amount of bleeding. The treatment is is a Chemotherapy type ointment applied to the areas that are pooling and bubbling of excess skin that crusts over. They are watching my Liver as the enzyme the liver produces can be affected with this med. If they find low levels of the enzyme in the blood treatment has to be stopped immediately as if it is not stopped it can be fatal.

    Appreciate your prayers! ❤️
  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 10,520 Member
    That is a lot to think about Judith. Medication can both heal as well as hurt. There is a fine balance with lots of drugs. I pray for your safety and that your blood pressure will stabilize at a normal level.
  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 5,391 Member
    Such a lot to deal with, Judith, but you do it with grace. Praying the treatments work and the bleeding is over soon, and for your BP to stabilise. God bless you, sweetheart. 🙏💕
  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 8,569 Member
    Good Evening All

    So sorry for my late Update with what is going on with me. So here goes!

    I had my Ultrasound and I am waiting on final results. I saw my Derma Oncologist on Friday May 10th and my Surgeon Thursday May 9th.

    When I saw my Oncologist he confirmed what Pathology had reported back to my Surgeon that I had a “New Type of Cancer” in the areas from the Pooling and Bubbling of excess skin that crusts over in large patches that continues to this day that first began after last surgery.

    He said he doesn’t think it’s Malignant Melanoma but it is Cancer, more tests will be done to determine what type of cancer it is but for now it needs to be treated.

    I had the screening tests for the enzyme the Liver makes to be sure there was no low levels in the enzyme. And thanks to God I was ok and began treatment.

    I was put on a Toxic Potent (Chemotherapy type) Ointment that is applied to the areas that have caused the issues including the lower lip and suture line below the lip!

    As I said It can cause issues with the enzyme that the Liver produces so my blood has to be tested often. I have had 3 lots of Blood work already. However, If my Blood shows low levels of the enzyme the treatment has to be stopped immediately! It can be fatal if not stopped.

    Saturday May 25th I have been on treatment two times a day for two weeks then on Monday the 27th I start new regimen of applying the treatment 2 times a week. Monday and Thursday!

    My skin is bright red and is raw from the treatment. My Surgeon removed the excess diseased skin on Thursday and told me to be careful with removing what I can. I’m back in 2 weeks, Thursday June 6th for more procedures. My Blood work is to be tested prior to seeing my Surgeon.

    It has been a rough ride dealing with 2 very serious cancers. It has been draining but in all this God is my Provider, He gives me Strength to keep fighting and pushing through! He is my Comforter and He is my Healer. ✝️

    In His Time, It’s Gods timing when complete healing takes place. He has all things under control and He never takes His eyes off of me. He is a Faithful God!

    Thank you for your faithful prayers and your valued friendship. ❤️🙏
  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 10,520 Member
    Your faith is amazing and inspiring. It will be a great story to tell when we see the healing that will come from this. Maybe you should write down all you have been through when it is over and publish it. I am sure many people would be able to identify with the long hard road you have walked. I am so glad you have Jesus walking with you every step of the way. It will be interesting (to me) to see what type of cancer this second one is.

    Our prayers and love are with you in this journey.
  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 5,391 Member
    Thank you again for updating us, Judith. I admire your faith and patience in this health trial. God bless and keep you always.
  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 8,569 Member
    Thank you Linda and Susan.

    I began a Journal that is documenting the diagnosis surgeries treatments tests and all my thoughts through the journey! I will share it with you when my healing is completed! In the meantime I will continue to keep you posted!

    Thank you for your faithful prayers and valued friendship in which I thank God! ❤️🙏🤗
  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 8,569 Member
    Good Morning Everyone,

    On Thursday I was at VGH for my Surgeon follow up appointment!

    It was a long appointment from 8:45 to 10:30, my Surgeon removed some of the excess diseased skin but left quite a bit as it was too inflamed to be touched. he has sent a note to my oncologist as he found a lot of inflammation on the lower & upper area of the face area that had a lot of inflammation all around the suture line. He said the treatment might have to be stopped. I been instructed to use a ice pack for the swelling. My lips and face have been quite puffy so will use an ice pack which hopefully will help.

    They still don’t know what type of cancer it is on lower lip and and lower part of face. My Oncologist didn’t say anything about Melanoma being on the lower lip or lower part of the face.

    As most of you know I was diagnosed 3 years ago with Malignant Spreading Melanoma to the upper left side of the face and upper lip which I have had multiple surgeries and continue to have treatment for.

    I am at the cancer clinic for a follow up with my derma-oncologist who will check my face and lips. Prior to my appointment my liver panel and the enzymes will need to be tested to be sure they are healthy. Hopefully he will have some answers.

    I have been on the Chemotherapy ointment for my lower lip and lower face for the past 3 weeks. I will keep you updated as I know further.

    Thank you for your prayers!