Seriously September!



  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,938 Member
    That looks really cool, Carla. And like a lot of work.

    Got up nice and early. Back still hurts so I am icing it this morning. Going to start a load of laundry and have breakfast, then head up to my desk and hopefully get lots of work done today.

    My plan for today...
    B - ezekiel toast with avocado and sliced tomato, black pepper
    L - big ol' salad with chickpeas and vinaigrette, blueberries with cinnamon and chia/flax
    D - stir-fry of bok choy, napa cabbage, carrot, daikon, yellow pepper, onion, with brown rice, plus some baked tofu

    Salads this week are red leaf, romaine, carrot, radish, beet, broccoli sprouts, pickled red onion. Tomorrow I'm going to make a big skillet of greens (chard, kale, collards) with onion. Going to grab some 'shrooms at the grocery tomorrow and make balsamic roasted mushrooms.
  • magic71755
    magic71755 Posts: 3,813 Member

    Sorry bout your back, Mihani. Heat works on mine, to loosen. That's why I use that thing...but it can be put in freezer and then used as well. It ties in the front and "works" without having to lie down...just an idea.

    Your looming is gorgeous, Carla. Very impressive.

    Your veggie extravaganza has a total wow factor, Mihani. I'm looking forward to tomorrow where I can increase mine as well.

    I think I have time to throw something simple together today, in the way of a salad...not as bountiful as yours!

    yogurt and granola
    potatoes and spinach


  • magic71755
    magic71755 Posts: 3,813 Member
    So, I got into the kitchen ... had been thinking of ordering from my fav Vietnamese place...banh mi...but I pushed through...

    potatoes and spinach
    yogurt and granola

    TA DA! yesssmileyf.gif
  • Carla_wfpb
    Carla_wfpb Posts: 1,336 Member
    Great choice, Nance! ... though Vietnamese sounds so good! That used to be a struggle for me when we lived closer to a great Vietnamese restaurant.

    All those fresh and cooked veggies, Mihani, nice work! do you have your pickled onions recipe handy? I would like to add some variety to my salads.

    Yesterday I didn't stay on plan. I slept poorly with ongoing sore back and woke up with a migraine. My headache problem can be solved. I need to stay on plan! Smoothie for breakfast coming up to start the day out right. In the meantime, wonderful coffee. ahhh

  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,938 Member
    edited September 2021
    I ended up with a bit of PB on my toast this morning instead of avocado. I forgot to put my avocados in the fridge when they ripened and they were pretty gross! :# I had put the bag with 2 avocados in the bowl where I keep my onions and forgot about them. Oops!

    Then I worked for a while, then I took a nap. I'm feeling awfully blah the past few days and just not much energy or enthusiasm for anything. I need to get back to regular treadmill and yoga time. It definitely helps my mood and makes me more energetic.

    Nance, I alternate ice and heat but this is a degenerative disc thing so heat sometimes makes it feel worse. The icing numbs and reduces swelling but heat can be good to loosen the muscles.

    Carla, the pickled onions are a non-recipe. I got the tip from Hello Nutritarian. She pickles a lot of her salad veggies but I don't do that other than the onion. Just chop, throw in a container, cover with white vinegar and throw in the fridge. By the next day they are so tasty and stay good a long while. I add spices to mine though. Usually some black peppercorns and either no salt seasoning or a dash of cumin.

  • Carla_wfpb
    Carla_wfpb Posts: 1,336 Member
    the best kind of recipe, the 1 or 2 step kind! thanks Mihani :) I have some black cumin / black seeds that I got after reading about how they are good for inflammation, diabetes and more. I keep meaning to use them, so this is the perfect opportunity.

    we actually ate something different for dinner tonight! instead of fajita bowls, we made a yummy spaghetti sauce with lots of mushrooms onions and peppers over whole wheat pasta, sprinkled with walnut parm. So good. We have enough for another couple of days then we'll probably be ready for our bowls again.
  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,938 Member
    Making note... black cumin seeds. I might have mentioned I cleared out my spice cabinet, getting rid of ones that had been in there way too long, when I put the kitchen back together after the remodel. For a very brief period of time my spices all fit in the cabinet and were easy to find. I have since fixed that and it is overflowing again.

    Time for breakfast, then up to my desk for a couple hours, then off to visit a friend and to the grocery, home to work some more. I didn't get any cooking done yesterday. Just not feeling it at all and had more salad for dinner. I will at least make the stir-fry and the greens tonight, and the brown rice. Might not make baked tofu and use edamame instead.

    Think I forgot to mention that the work on the family room has started so it's a real mess in there. I hope it will be done soon and then I'll be done with the remodeling. There are a lot of little projects yet to do but this is the last major overhaul of a room.

    Plan for today...
    B - oats with blueberries, chia/flax and cinnamon
    L - salad with chickpeas added
    D - stir-fry and brown rice, an apple

    I need to pick up more melon today. I am missing my cantaloupe and watermelon.
  • magic71755
    magic71755 Posts: 3,813 Member
    Quick post…went to two stores this morning…and made salad and pizza…insta pot potatoes…pooped out already…

    Spinach and potatoes
    Yogurt and granola for dessert

    Off to work… HAGD!
  • Carla_wfpb
    Carla_wfpb Posts: 1,336 Member
    Vacation on the horizon for you, Nance! Then some well deserved R&R (I hope!). Any treadmill decisions?

    Mihani, I LOL with you 'fixing' your spices. At least yours was sorted for a while! I tried to do mine, but I wasn't ruthless enough. I, in my infinite wisdom, thought it was a good idea to save money on oregano by purchasing a 1 or two pound bag of it on Amazon...yeash. no words. time to toss and purchase a reasonable quantity with some actual potency. Apparently black cumin can be put in a pepper mill and sprinkled on whatever. Haven't used it yet but I want to get a feel for the flavor before I sprinkle all willy-nilly.

    Finished my weaving sampler.

    b- coffee
    l - veggie sandwich from local sandwich shop
    d - amazing spaghetti
    (likely also a date-nut snack)
  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,938 Member
    I got "some" cooking done. Still didn't make the stir-fry and discovered I am out of brown rice. WTH? So I made a pot of rice blend (wild, brown, red, black), cooked the greens with onions. Still didn't make the stir-fry and planning to make that tomorrow after work. It will be fine with the rice blend. I'm not fussy about what rice I have with my stir-fry. Sometimes I even use different grains like farro or millet. It's all good.

    I also made another batch of the sheet pan fajitas. I think Carla is like a pusher who has me totally hooked on these! For the cashew queso I used half cashews and half white beans, and instead of jalapeno I used a chipotle pepper in adobo sauce. It's much spicier but tastes great. I also added some nooch. I froze the remaining chipotles to use in future recipes. I totally forgot the tip from Fat Free Vegan website to put each pepper with a little sauce in an ice cube tray and freeze then put in a freezer bag so it's easy to get just one out. Darn it.

    Carla, I know right? The spice problem is so real. I have done the same thing with some spices where there was NO way I was going to use them up before they lost all flavor. I bought a spice rack with glass jars for the counter so I can keep the more frequently used spices handy by the stove, but the cabinet is FULL of spices. The organic grocery near me has a really cool spice area and I am going to start buying just a little at a time and filling jars myself.

    Nance, hope work goes okay today. Glad you got your shopping and cooking done.

  • magic71755
    magic71755 Posts: 3,813 Member
    edited September 2021
    cauldronsmileyf.gif You ladies are totally rocking your cooking skills! hellskitchsmiley2.gif

    ***Vacation Plans...

    ***Check out treadmill's the store:

    ***Really focus on calorie density...LOWER IT!

    ***Exercise ... hopefully TM and pool time. Walk Lulu!

    Today's Plan:

    spinach and potatoes
    just eggs and veggies...mushrooms, peppers and onions

    yogurt and granola for dessert

    I have lots of juices left in the freezer from Will incorporate them into my meal plan this week as well.

    Work is going major flare ups with anyone...that totally eases the stress level.

    I am now 21 days into NO ALKA SELTZER PLUS COLD NIGHTTIME TABS...that puts me into a new habit...a HEALTHY ONE! I never imagined I could do it. That hernia surgery sure did do wonders for me, eh?! goldstars.gifgoldstars.gifgoldstars.gif

    Have a wonderful day, sweet peas!

  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,938 Member
    Nance, how did treadmill shopping go? Hope you found what you wanted. So are you officially on vacation now?

    Made it through the day without losing my mind at the office... I count those days as total wins!

    B - mixed berries and a clementine with chia/flax and cinnamon
    L - salad with lots of veggies and Shane and Simple vinaigrette, rice and cooked greens with salsa
    D - salad with chickpeas added, two corn tortillas with fajita veggies

    The napa cabbage didn't even make it to last night. All brown and gross. The bok choy looks fine so I will cook it up tonight to add to tomorrow's lunch greens. So no stir-fry.
  • magic71755
    magic71755 Posts: 3,813 Member
    Officially on vacation...going tomorrow morning 10 am to check out treadmill.

    Yay, for not losing one's mind, Mihani! nobrain2.gif
  • magic71755
    magic71755 Posts: 3,813 Member
    Up early…was having coffee in my office…this giant flying bug came in…to the lamp. Not sure what it is…it’s not a moth…maybe a hornet? Calling my bee guy later this morning. Lulu and I got out of there and closed the door. I can’t go anywhere til this monster is taken care of. Lord !
  • magic71755
    magic71755 Posts: 3,813 Member

    Just egg, salsa, spinach, chao cheese
    Squeezed juice

    Salad if I get to the store…may have to use insta cart
  • magic71755
    magic71755 Posts: 3,813 Member
    Bee people

    Don’s Bees

    Will be here about 8

    When Lulu was a puppy, I had about four bees get in the house…they came immediately at got them outside!

    Family owned business with THE BEST customer service!
  • magic71755
    magic71755 Posts: 3,813 Member
    Just a GIANT moth...he did not kill him...he caught him and then took to the edge of the grass and let him go. YAY!
  • Carla_wfpb
    Carla_wfpb Posts: 1,336 Member
    Happy first day of vacay Nance & Lulu! Hope your abode is now bee-free!

    Working on my second weaving project on the new loom. I couldn't find a pattern that made use of the yarns I have on hand, so I placed an order for some new supplies and while those are arriving, I am drafting my own pattern for a table runner. We'll see what happens!

    b - coffee, smoothie
    d - last of the heavenly spaghetti

    The spaghetti is fairly easy to make, tastes great, and lasts several days...but...I don't get in many fresh greens...just my smoothie greens. So a fun hiatus from bowls, but back to bowls again tomorrow. (I could have a salad before my spaghetti of course, but that just doesn't happen. shrug)
  • Carla_wfpb
    Carla_wfpb Posts: 1,336 Member
    Just realized I never showed you gals the finished fabric from the first project. Let me know if you'd rather not see this kind of stuff in your food feed!

  • magic71755
    magic71755 Posts: 3,813 Member

    You're seriously talented, Carla! Continue to share, please! <3