Seriously September!



  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,938 Member
    Carla, I do have Kindle Unlimited at the moment. I will check those out, thanks! Are you enjoying your new loom?

    Glad you are doing well, Nance. Hope you had a good day at work today.

    I ran to the office for a few today just to pick up the mail that came in Friday and Saturday and copy a few things from the HD on the local computer that I need. Didn't work as much today as I should have, but got in a good 4 or 5 hours throughout the day. Tomorrow I will put in a full day plus do laundry.

    Going to get on cooking now. If nothing else I must cook the broccoli and greens while they are still good. Will also make the sheet pan fajitas since they are so simple plus I am actually craving them at this point. Probably won't mess with the tofu this week and just make the cheezy chickpeas, plus some pinto beans for the fajitas.

    I had some wine last night again, which was two nights in a row, and going to stop that for a few weeks.

    *hugs* to all
  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,938 Member
    Made the greens and leeks... they are good! I don't use leeks often because they are so fussy to clean. I caramelized the leeks a bit with coconut aminos before I added the kale, and added the chard and beet greens last since they cook faster. Also got the fajitas and cashew queso made, and have japanese sweet potatoes in the oven now. And made the roasted broccoli. I decided against making unhoney mustard dressing since it uses cashews and that's in the queso, so it would be too much in the way of nuts to have a dressing made with cashews. I'll make either the Shane and Simple vinaigrette or Dreena's punchy mustard dressing. Dreena's dressing has chia seeds so I would skip the chia in my fruit in the mornings if I decide on that.

    Now just need to cut up a new watermelon. What I prepped and cooked today took about 3 hours total. Not bad when you consider I'm done cooking for the week. I usually run out of preps by Wednesday or Thursday, or things aren't tasting as good, but in general the things I make last most of a week, and what I know won't get used up gets frozen for future meals. It's working for me.

  • AustinRuadhain
    AustinRuadhain Posts: 2,589 Member

    I have been inching my way back to a full-on Dr F diet. Today's menu featured both a pound of steamed greens and a one pound salad(romaine, apple, celery, bell pepper, cucumber). Tasty but not awesome addition was Orgain vegan bars as a snack.

    Tomorrow's plan is more of the same, minus the bars, plus onions and mushrooms as I note I did not get in all my GBOMBS.

    My weight is down a bit from the start of the week, so yay! I am starting to see inflammation reduction as I clean up my diet. Also yay!

    In addition to a good diet, I got in both cardio and strength training today, and I am going to go for a walk.

    Magic - hurray to your sleeping well and getting off the Alka Seltzer Cold Medicine! That takes something!
    Your yogurt making sounds *adventuresome*!

    Mihani - How lovely to hear that you had a lazy day off! You so deserved it!
    Yes, I plan to take the month seriously by checking in more often! :smile:

    Carla - your pun made me laugh! I hope the weaving is going well!

    Off for a walk and then soak in the bath and early to bed!
  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,938 Member
    Hi Austin! I haven't tried the orgain bars... probably just as well. I always find the same thing if I've been off the rails for a bit, that the inflammation comes back fast and it going away is the biggest initial reward when I clean my diet back up. Great job with food and exercise yesterday. You always inspire me with your veggie packed menus.

    Today's plan is to enjoy all the lovely foods I prepared yesterday.

    B - greens and roasted broccoli, couple slices of Japanese sweet potato, berries with chia/flax and cinnamon
    L - salad, fajita veggies and cashew queso with corn tortillas, watermelon
    D - same as lunch

    Will also get in some treadmill time today. I have lots of work to do but I'm sure that a nap will be taken at some point. Also a load of laundry to do and will make a salad dressing. I think the Shane and Simple vinaigrette. I like that a lot although I did use maple syrup last time since I was out of date sugar. I don't worry about a little bit of maple syrup here and there as part of recipes.

    I think I've mentioned before how much I like Japanese sweet potatoes. I bake them then slice into rounds. They are almost like eating a creamy cookie. So sweet and firmer than regular sweet potatoes, with a more tender skin that I don't mind eating. I love the peel on white or gold potatoes, but never much cared for it on sweet potatoes.

  • magic71755
    magic71755 Posts: 3,813 Member
    edited September 2021
    So glad you're back, Austin...we sure have missed you. Love that you are getting your program back on track! It really IS our body that says, "hey, we know how I feel when you eat "clean" please get back to your regular programming...that is now your gold standard and how I function the best!"

    -signed, your body goldstar.gif

    Mihani, where do you get the Japanese sweet potatoes? I do not see them at Sprouts. I might have to go to Asian supermarket.

    Only six hours today...service is closed, so I start at 8... 8 to 2 Yippee!

    plan today

    coffee fresh juice (I froze many of them)

    lavash pizza (this really is so easy to make and take to work...easy to am so happy I finally made it) I do like the lavash wraps...but much easier eating the pizza at work...wrap will be good at home.

    HOME for salad

    last of the watermelon

    Later my sweet peas!

  • Carla_wfpb
    Carla_wfpb Posts: 1,336 Member
    Grats on the no cold tabs, Nance! How is the melatonin working for you? 8-2 sounds like a nice shift. Do you have Tues/Wed off this week?

    Nice work on the food and exercise, Austin. I forgot/didn't realize you also follow Dr. F. His plan works best for me but is also the most challenging for me to get back on track with.

    I haven't seen Japanese sweet potatoes. I don't think our Safeway has them but I'll search on our next Whole Foods shop.

    I enjoyed my breakfast smoothie this morning. I don't know why I have a bit of an aversion to thought of them lately, but they always taste good. I just need to repeat until it is automatic. Tonight another round of fajita bowls. fresh greens, roasted veggies, and mushrooms all checked off my list in one meal.

    Learning lots about my floor loom and enjoying the process! Glad to have a long weekend for extra play time. Below is a rug I wove last week on my rigid heddle loom.

    b - coffee
    late breakfast or early lunch - smoothie
    dinner - fajita bowl, fruit

  • magic71755
    magic71755 Posts: 3,813 Member
    Carla, the rug is beautiful…you are very talented!

    I work 38 hours Friday thru Monday….used to be forty, but lost two from COVID last year. Dealership hours were changed.

    So, now I go back Friday at 7 . 😉
  • magic71755
    magic71755 Posts: 3,813 Member

    potatoes with spinach mashed in! Lots of spinach...lots!
    lavash pizza
    homemade soy yogurt made with WESTSOY! Made it during the night. YUM!

  • Carla_wfpb
    Carla_wfpb Posts: 1,336 Member
    Westsoy is the brand that I use for my yogurt, Magic. Nice for you to get a 3 day weekend every week!

    Ended up punking out on the cooking yesterday and had a can of Amy's chili for dinner. Fajita bowls back on the menu for tonight.
  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,938 Member
    Carla, love the rug!

    Lots of spinach sounds perfect, Magic! I think you asked where I find Japanese sweet potatoes and the only place I can get them is the organic grocery. They are never at the larger stores.

    I have to get the boy to the vet for his appointment and will catch up more tomorrow.

    B - two slices of japanese sweet potato, watermelon
    L - cooked greens and leeks, roasted broccoli, bulgur, salsa, watermelon
    D - fajita veggies with corn tortillas... need to get in some beans today so I'll just heat up black beans with some spices to serve up along with the fajitas, berries with cinnamon and chia/flax
  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,938 Member
    Hi all, another quick check-in have work to finish yet tonight.

    B - couple slices of japanese sweet potato
    L - same as yesterday
    D - salad (variety of lettuce and veggies plus chickpeas), fajita veggies and one corn tortilla, watermelon

    I swapped last night's planned fajitas for a salad once I realized I hadn't had any raw veggies yesterday and I was too full to eat a fajita after. I scaled down my salad a bit tonight so I could eat one fajita.
  • magic71755
    magic71755 Posts: 3,813 Member
    edited September 2021
    I posted earlier on my ipad...and hit the DONE button...the DONE button is not the POST REPLY button...when will I learn! rolleye.gif


    potatoes with spinach and corn/chili salsa
    lavash pizza
    yogurt and jam

    I saw the doc today...he says I can now go swimming. Gosh, I was so excited to see him, I really did not ask him any questions cept that one. I guess I need to get into the portal and ask questions, like how long does this last, any signs that it is failing...etc. I have no clue

    Thinking of getting a treadmill. threadmill.gif Now, I can't walk very long ... but I think I could first thing in the morning...with LULU. I had a treadmill when I first moved to AZ, Ernestine was a champ walking with me on it. Hoping Lulu will do the same. Taking a trip tomorrow to a store that you can test equipment there. They deliver and set up.

    Mihani, is YOUR TM, foldable? What kind, may I ask.

    Nothing else going on.

    I can't stop eating Lavash pizza. pizzasmiley.gif It's so darn good!
  • magic71755
    magic71755 Posts: 3,813 Member
    Instead of salad I had ezekiel large sprouted tortilla with Amy’s retried beans, onions and corn salsa folded in half, heated on the panini grill, over a bed of chopped romaine

    Good stuff !
  • magic71755
    magic71755 Posts: 3,813 Member
    Up, having coffee...still might go to exercise equipment showroom...OR wait til next weekend...Tuesday.


    spinach and potatoes
    lavash pizza
    amy's refried bean "quesadilla" over chopped romaine

    yogurt and jam

    to do:
    clean up kitchen
    change sheets

    vacation starts next Tuesday...going to clean kitchen today and keep it that way for first day of VACAY! cabanasmiley.gif
  • Carla_wfpb
    Carla_wfpb Posts: 1,336 Member
    yay for the vacay and swimming, Nance! I have a nordic track 1750 commercial treadmill, which is heavy duty but does partially fold up while still remaining upright. I never use that feature so I don't even remember how much smaller the footprint gets. It is very stable and I've had no problems with it.

    B - black coffee
    L - smoothie
    D- fajita bowl
  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,938 Member
    Hi Nance, great news on the all clear to swim! Glad you are recovering so quickly. Your healthy habits are paying off in obvious ways.

    I am not sure what my treadmill is but will try to remember to check when I head upstairs. It's probably around 15 years old and still in great shape although it is probably going to need a new belt at some point. I remember being freaked out when I bought it because it was around $1,000 and while that's still a lot of money it was a LOT of money for me at that time. It was well worth the investment. It has worked like a charm for all these years. The board got fried during a thunderstorm a few years ago (I now remember to unplug it when not in use) and I actually found the manufacturer and they sent me a new one for shipping costs only even though I had owned it so long. I think they may be out of business now though. Anyway, it's a really nice commercial grade one. My guess is if it ever dies again it would be cheaper and easier to just buy a new one, but I'd miss this one.

    Carla, how is looming? I'm so glad you shared that fajita recipe. Love it and may never use a skillet for fajitas again.

    B - a cup of blueberries with yogurt, chia/flax, cinnamon
    L - some raw veggies (radish, carrot, zucchini), and a handful of pretzels throughout the day (it was an awful day and I felt sick to my stomach from stress... didn't eat my real lunch)
    D - going to have fajita veggies with a couple corn tortillas and a glass of wine!

    I have to get up to my desk and email out a few things I didn't get to today. Then dinner and then a very early bedtime. My back is acting up and it is making it difficult to get a full night of sleep. Sooooo glad that tomorrow is Friday. Why do short weeks seem so much worse (and longer) than regular weeks?
  • Carla_wfpb
    Carla_wfpb Posts: 1,336 Member
    My back is sore from weaving. Yarn is now on the loom and threaded and beamed so tomorrow morning is the actual weaving part where I start to make fabric. Finally!

    Hope you get a good night of rest and your back feels better, Mihani. And I agree, roasting the veggies is the way to go. The flavor and texture is good and it is hands off. We may just keep having them for dinner every night until one of us gets sick to death of them!
  • magic71755
    magic71755 Posts: 3,813 Member
    Thank you Carla and Mihani for the 411 on the treadmill...the one I am looking at is about $1800, foldable...mainly so I can move it around. The thing I am really interested in is protect my already messed up knees. Also, this place delivers, sets up and I think performs maintenance...I just need to get there and try it out and see if I can even walk on one.

    Girls, I have to tell you this gal has an incredible website for recipes...lots are oil free...but what I love about it is the variety she has...she is the one that showed me in the most simplest way how to make yogurt. Veganblueberry (no youtube channel...but she does have facebook)

    Her recipes are stunning, mouthwatering...everyone a winner!

    Today's Plan

    potatoes and spinach
    lavash pizza cold
    salad at work (made huge one last night, this is the leftover) Using rye toast for yum factor and satiety!
    yogurt and jam

    Hope both of your backs are feeling better! I use this...a huge lifesaver so many times:

    Have a great day everyone!

  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,938 Member
    Thanks for sharing the veganblueberry website, Nance. I took a quick look and will definitely be exploring more.

    Carla, how did it go today now that you finally got to start making fabric? Hahaha on the eating the same thing every night. I do that all week every week, but I admit by Thursday I am getting a bit tired of the same ol' same ol'.

    B - oats with blueberries, chia/flax, cinnamon, a dollop of yogurt (yogurt is all gone now)
    L - TJ's frozen vegan entree (so not good has oil but I only bought one and I'm done)
    D - salad with chickpeas and the Shane and Simple vinaigrette, maybe an orange if I'm still hungry

    This has been the week from H-E-double-hockeysticks and I have so much work to try to get done this weekend. Sigh..

    I am taking time on Sunday to visit a friend and do some grocery shopping. The boy is almost out of dog food and he certainly wouldn't stand for that.
  • Carla_wfpb
    Carla_wfpb Posts: 1,336 Member
    Sorry about your nasty week, Mihani :( You're right...those long weekends can be followed by some long 'short' weeks where all of the stuff you didn't get done on the Monday gets crammed into 4 days.

    Weaving is going okay. I feel like a total noob all over again with this floor loom. First thing I've learned matter what you are going to weave, even if it is just a sample, make the threads (warp) LONG. It takes the same amount of time to prep no matter the length so you may as well have some space left over to experiment or make a 2nd of whatever you're making.
