Seriously September!



  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,938 Member
    I think I'll try that with miso, Carla. I love it but have only used it to make salad dressing and a couple soup recipes. I know you can add it to just about anything for umami but I never remember. Now I'm thinking of making a cup and adding some of my cooked greens. Would be a quick soup with some baby spinach and green onions. Yum.
  • magic71755
    magic71755 Posts: 3,813 Member
    edited September 2021
    Morning, dollies...YES, the juicing is definitely helping with the gosh, all of a sudden I was having joint pain in my feet as well as my knees. I have HURT SKURT (ice things to wear as you walk...they have a website-I posted link below) for my knees...but I did not know what I was going to do for my feet.

    Anyway, joint pain has significantly decreased.

    I'm not that hungry...I put down 4 juices a day...which is perfect, I think...but so far, only two a day...with a big salad, fresh cut up veggies and small amount of PB and apple.

    Doing your own juicing is a huge, clean, prepare, juice, clean up...I am so not into that right now. I have two juicers...masticating and centrifugal...and for now, they are in the garage, resting happily. I will juice again for myself...just not now.

    Today's Plan

    apple and pb

    This is day three...I might be sick of salad but it's so easy, since I have prepped everything. I might do tostadas for nacho style tostadas, easy to eat...or PIZZA. But today, salad again.

    I feel 100% better starting day 3 than I did on the start of day 1.
  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,938 Member
    That Hurt Skurt thing looks really cool Nance! Wish they had one for the back. Glad to hear you are feeling so much better. You're doing great rockin' the juice. Definitely agree about the commitment to do your own juicing. I only did it a few times for a couple days at a time, then the juicer collected dust for a few years and I gave it away. I just couldn't cope with having SO much food get reduced to a glass of juice. It hurt my brain. LOL

    Plus I kept thinking if I did all that prep work it would be so much nicer to COOK all those greens and eat all those raw veggies in salads.

    Co-worker still out and doubt she will be back tomorrow. These gals are killing me because I'm the only one putting in the extra hours to try to keep us from getting any more behind on the work. We've never had a policy for PTO because my boss always figured people will do the right thing, but we are talking about it now. Both of my co-workers are well on track to be off over 6 weeks this year, and that's ridiculous.

    B - in a hurry so just had some amazing grass powder shaken with water and gulped down
    L - Dr. McDougall soup, wasa crackers, clementine
    D - will be a salad and some cantaloupe

    My preps are past prime and I made too much food for the week so a lot is going in the garbage. I hate that.

  • magic71755
    magic71755 Posts: 3,813 Member
    edited September 2021
    Interrupting, cuz this is on my mind...(of course I am the only one vegan for Thanksgiving)...thinking of making Hot For Food Holiday Roast...

    I do have a question, when y'all have time to watch this...if I bake it just before I leave to go to my sister's, will it be ok, room temp-ish? I know I cannot interrupt her TURKEY in the no oven for me to use at her house. Thanks!

    Best part, you can make it ahead of time and bake it off the day of. I will have to practice this before I make it for the TG...but man, does it look impressive and delish!

  • magic71755
    magic71755 Posts: 3,813 Member
    edited September 2021
    Moring all...forgive me for posting the above so early...but I just have to make something impressive this year.

    NO TG last year 2020. First year of me being vegan 2019, my niece made something for me. Such a sweetheart.

    My sister STILL DOES NOT GET IT...I still get questions like, Can you have this? Some ridiculous non vegan thing is usually what she is referring to. AND to make matters worse, when my niece comes from Houston to visit and they go out to eat (other than Pita Jungle), I do not get invited cuz I am too much trouble.

    Anyway, that's why I must be ready this year to relieve the stress of the whole darn holiday.

    Back to work today:

    four juices...long day ...12 hours
    apple and PB

    Mihani, is PTO Personal Time Off? 6 weeks? That's crazy. They should have been fired by now IMHO!

    I know you guys don't do vegan cheeses in the store...but...TRADER JOE'S has an incredible shredded vegan Parm. I had an eggplant that needed to be I cut into slices, topped with the Parm...air fried or baked in oven...O M G ...fabulous. If you needed something a little crazy easy delish for guests...this would work. Only good right out of the oven HOT!

    GTG, my sweets...not the best sleep, but oh well. Let's do this.

    First, I need to find you something fun in the way of a smiley...

    Way early, I know...but it's so darn cute: piesmiley3.gif

  • Carla_wfpb
    Carla_wfpb Posts: 1,336 Member
    Whew! I just finished a great workout! I hadn't tried any of the iFit programs in quite a while, and they've made some good changes. It is easier to find the workouts and locations you want, and best of all, it now has active HR monitoring so it will adjust your speed and/or incline to keep you in your target heart rate range the whole way through. It was totally hands off for me, just enjoying the scenery and working up a sweat. I cancelled my plan not long ago because I wasn't using it (just doing manual workouts on TM) but now I might sign up for it again. We'll see how much I use it over the next few weeks while it's still active.

    Nance, that TG meal looks divine! I think I'll make it here, too. I would go with her suggestion of making mushroom gravy on the side. You could nuke the gravy to warm up the dish if you're having it at room temperature. And/ could heat up a slice or two in a toaster oven if you are the only one having it. I might make it for the Canadian TG, on Oct 11. (and then again for US TG if it tastes near as good as it looks).

    Crazy about your co-workers, Mihani! Don't let them get fired until you have replacements though! That office is a madhouse!

    Breakfast out today instead of Sunday
    Lunch - probably skip after hearty bfast
    Dinner - uh oh. I don't know! I best come up with a plan soon!
  • Carla_wfpb
    Carla_wfpb Posts: 1,336 Member
    (btw, if no toaster oven, would bringing your air fryer along work?)
  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,938 Member
    Yep, PTO = personal time off. The rate they are going you have to figure we have over 3 months a year that we're not fully staffed. That's unsustainable and the work is piling up too fast. I'm doing all I can but I'm nearing 60 and I don't have the energy I did even 5 years ago. It's wearing me out and wearing me down.

    That recipe looks beautiful! Maybe I will try it too. I usually make Dreena's chickpea tart for Thanksgiving. I think one year I also made the pie.

    Nance, I occasionally use recipes that call for a small amount of daiya, but try not to buy it too often. When I first went vegan almost 10 years ago, I lost all kinds of weight just giving up cheese and other dairy, but over time the variety of vegan junk food exploded, as did my waistline. LOL

    Oh, and you also inspired me to try 2 days of juicing. I bought the juices at a local place on my way home tonight. I decided on the 4 a day work juice to start with. You have 4 juices throughout the day then a healthy dinner. If that goes well I will try a 2 day juice only (6 juices). I am thinking Monday and Tuesday.

    Way to go on the workout, Carla! Did you figure out dinner? I've never heard of iFit. I don't generally like those things and prefer to just watch TV shows or a movie on the treadmill but maybe I should try one. How is your weaving project going?

    Had SO much fun tonight out with friends. Seven of us showed up and we had a lot of laughs. I really didn't even want to go because I was so worn out but I'm glad I did. It was nice to get out and be around friends, not think about work for a little while. I never stay long when I meet up with them but it was really good for me.

    Now to think about dinner. I think a pita pizza and some watermelon. They were ordering appetizers when I left. I don't generally eat much or at all when I'm out because the options aren't ideal.
  • magic71755
    magic71755 Posts: 3,813 Member
    edited September 2021
    Totally lost control when I got home last night...goes without saying vegan...
    but too much of things that were meant to be used with ONE serving in mind...not 4! crysmiley1.gif

    Anyway, I am prepping more food for work. I am ok with my pretty strict routine at home...but at work, I need munchies...the juice was just not getting the job done.

    Carla, I am pretty sure my sister does have a toaster oven...that would work. Thought about carrying it in insulated something or other from my home to my sister's but then the crust would get mushy. So, just room temp and heat it up if necessary. I definitely have to try making this before TG, however.

    Let me know how the juicing goes, Mihani. I do feel better...not losing much, but feel better.


    carrots and celery and vegan tzatziki from Trader Joe's

    Great job on the workout, Carla! toppoints.gif

    Happy you had a nice time with your friends, Mihani...good for the soul!yayasisters.gif

    Here's something special for the season! bwfilmsmileys.gif

    Finally: 4 more sleeps and my TM arrives! threadmill.gifthreadmill.gifthreadmill.gifthreadmill.gif

  • Carla_wfpb
    Carla_wfpb Posts: 1,336 Member
    Your evening out sounds like just what you needed, Mihani! I hope you get in some good time away from work this weekend. I've made Dreena's chickpea tart for Thanksgiving almost every year since you linked it to me! And I make it for other occasions like Christmas Eve when I'm going to my parents and need something special that I can have. I do a gravy on the side from another source.

    Nance: You have been doing fantastic! Don't beat yourself up over one evening of over-grazing. You tossed out the peanut butter and there's your correction. Plus you made new plans to get through work. WTG!

    Is it too soon to already be looking forward to that puff pastry roast? Two weeks before Cdn TG!

    I feel that workout from yesterday in my knees and hip. I like the hiking but the steep incline was a bit hard on me, especially out of nowhere like that. I am going to do a flat TM walk today and see how I'm feeling tomorrow.

    No joy on the latest oranges we bought. Hard and dry on one end and not particularly flavorful. What are you gals enjoying lately for fruit?

    B - smoothie
    L - tu-no, fruit
    D - spaghetti with side salad, fruit
  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,938 Member
    Being lazy this morning and need to get up to my desk but seriously tempted to take a nap first. I love my new bed and could happily spend the whole day lounging in it.

    My salad prepper friend is out of town so I am on my own this week. Got a box of spring mix and one of baby spinach and arugula. Will cut up some carrots and yellow peppers, and have a bunch of tomatoes from my neighbor's garden, need to make a dressing and some pickled onions. Also got some ezekiel tortillas and will make hummus wraps for lunches later in the week since I am planning to juice at work Mon and Tues.

    I got two bunches of beautiful chard and thinking I will make some lentils with onion and spices then wilt in the chard.

    Nance, I'm with Carla. Don't beat yourself up! You've been doing so well. Yay for almost treadmill day.

    Carla, I have a watermelon and cantaloupe to cut into today. Clementines are always good but I wasn't happy with the last oranges I bought either. I am back to frozen mixed berries (blueberries, raspberries, blackberries) because the last fresh ones weren't that great. Apples are my standby fruit and I buy different varieties. A dab of almond or peanut butter with them is so good. Hope your joints loosen up.

    Plan for today...
    B - Everything bagel with Kite Hill almond milk "cream cheese" (not on plan but a treat now and then on a weekend)
    L - leftover cooked veggies from the freezer stash, clementines
    D - big ol' salad, lentils with chard, watermelon and some berries

  • Carla_wfpb
    Carla_wfpb Posts: 1,336 Member
    I'm enjoying a cup of lemon balm tea ( and finding it very relaxing. It has a nice flavor. I could get into this!
  • Carla_wfpb
    Carla_wfpb Posts: 1,336 Member
    I get weekly emails from Molly Patrick of Clean Food Dirty Girl. I thought it might be worth reading if you are interested XO

    You are 100% worthy and lovable exactly as you are.

    That weight you’re working on releasing, that way of eating you’re doing your best to follow, that business you’re getting off the ground, that muscle you’re sweating to create, that relationship you’re committed to making work.

    You are doing such an amazing job.

    Keep going, and also know this: when you nail everything you’re working on, you STILL won’t be any more worthy and lovable than you are right now. Because right now, you are already 100% worthy and lovable.

    If there are people in your life who don’t agree, it’s none of your business. Other people’s opinions of you aren’t what make you worthy and lovable.

    If you don’t agree that you are 100% worthy and lovable, that’s not really your business either. Your opinion of yourself matters because it determines how you feel and how you show up, but it’s not what makes you worthy and lovable.

    You are 100% worthy and lovable simply because you are here.

    So let other people think whatever they want about you; it’s not your job to convince them otherwise.

    You can also think whatever you want about you, but unlike other people's thoughts and opinions about you, your thoughts and opinions about you are optional, so choose with care. Some days your opinions of yourself might be supportive. Some days they might not. It’s okay. You are still just as worthy and lovable.

    You can always change parts of your life because you want different results, but you get to be yourself, in all of your magnificent glory in the process. No need to bend, twist, or morph into someone else.

    You are worthy just as you are.

    You are lovable just as you are.

    And it will always be this way, without conditions.

    Today on the blog, I’m talking with Andrea Voon from our community. I loved talking with her. I got chills at several points during our talk. Andrea’s awareness of her own needs, her attitude, and the compassion she has for herself make for an inspiring and magnetic human.

    We’re also giving you a BBQ Pulled Jackfruit recipe that will knock your socks off AND THEN BACK ON.

    Let’s do it over here (,+you+need+to+hear+this&utm_campaign=CONTENT+Fuckeries+(Quarter+3+-+2021))


    P.S. ~ Here's what’s on deck for next week. I want ALL the Greek food. Also, Greek Apple Cake. I don’t know about you, but it’s GO time in my kitchen. Sign up here to get in on this .

    **Gourmet Menu:** MONDAY Greek Pasta Bake (Pastitsio) and Fresh Green Salad TUESDAY Brothy Butter Beans over Toasted Baguette and Greek Green Beans (Fasolakia Giaxni) WEDNESDAY Rustic Greek Lentil Soup (Fakes Soupa) and Lemon Potatoes (Patates Lemonates) THURSDAY Handheld Spanakopita Pies with Lemony Yogurt-style Sauce and Greek Olives FRIDAY Layered Lentil Moussaka Bowl BONUS Greek Apple Cake

    **Simple Menu:** MONDAY White Bean Nugget Wraps TUESDAY Mediterranean Ragu Pasta Bowl WEDNESDAY Rustic Greek Lentil Soup and Simple Mixed Green Salad THURSDAY Layered Lentil Ragu and Lemon Potato Bowl FRIDAY Big *kitten* Salad with White Bean Nuggets

    Do you have a friend who could use today’s words? I would love for you to forward this email to them. May it find whomever needs it. If they want to get their own Saturday Love Letters, they can sign up right here.
  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,938 Member
    I signed up for Molly's emails a while back after you shared her website, Carla. Love this, thanks for sharing.

    Took a really long nap this afternoon which was nice, except I only got a few hours of work in today. Will have to put in a full day tomorrow.
  • Carla_wfpb
    Carla_wfpb Posts: 1,336 Member
    Relaxed day inside for the most part today. We put up 200 ft of fencing yesterday to keep the dogs out of the neighbor's pasture. We used up all of the 200 ft we purchased, and have a 2 foot gap that Radar could get through if he was determined enough. We could use a bit more fencing or some sort of barrier in a few other lower priority spots, so we will pick up another roll next weekend. Fencing and a couple of outdoor walks took the place of my planned treadmill workout.

    2 walks in the rain so far today. Ruby found some burrs and decided to sit among them so Joe and I spent about 10 minutes getting them out of her fur before they became too enmeshed and needed to be cut out. Always something!

    I'm continuing to enjoy my new lemon balm tea. It helps keep my hands busy when I have the munchies.

    I'm taking a free online course called 'Learning to Learn'. So far I've only done the intro and overview but it looks good.
  • magic71755
    magic71755 Posts: 3,813 Member
    edited September 2021
    Really behind in reading...will catch up on my weekend.

    Off to make a salad for lunch...juice for breakfast.

    But back to making veggies and Just Egg...well, I had it yesterday. I really miss eggs...yes, I know there is tofu scramble...but ... sigh.gif

    I sautéed mushrooms, onions and peppers...set aside. Cooked up spinach and Just Egg and added back in the MOP...oh man, so good. Will most likely have for dinner tonight. It's best, hot and steamy! So eating it at home at the dinner table is key!

    Have a great day, sweet peas!

    Two nitenite.gifnitenite.gif and TM arrives!

  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,938 Member
    First day of the 4 a day workday juicing went fine. Plan is to drink 4 during the day then have a healthy dinner. I thought it would be easier than trying to dive into a full day of juicing. (Plus it was cheaper!) I felt good, lots of energy. I'm actually just now drinking the 4th one. I was busy and not hungry so I didn't get to all of them at the office. I'll get this one down then have a salad later. I only got two days worth to start with just to see how it went. The juices are actually quite tasty, even the one with kale. While I love kale, I've always hated it juiced. The ones I got are mostly green not much fruit in them. I don't know if I will continue to do this it was just for fun, but I could see doing juice one or two days every couple weeks.

    Woohoo for the treadmill, Nance!

    That sounds like a really good workout, Carla. I've done fencing it's no small chore. Oh boy do I remember the burrs on the dogs when we lived in the country. What a pain to get them all out.

    Left the office a few minutes early so I could work on a couple things tonight in peace and quiet. Just taking a little break then up to my desk.

  • magic71755
    magic71755 Posts: 3,813 Member
    Your juicing is going great, much better than mine.

    Right now, I am having coffee...did not have Just Egg concoction last night...on plan for today.

    just egg mixture, tons of spinach
    only fruit right now ... apples... no PB...need to liven it up...maybe baked apple with cinnamon.

    Treadmill is arriving tomorrow...hoping it gives me the boost I need to stop Yo-Yo-Ing with my plan...I keep doing the same five pounds over and over again. Dumb!

    The only thing I am really proud of at the moment is no more Alka Seltzer Plus Cold Tabs. But I seriously need to lose 15 pounds...that would just put me OK range...being short, 15 pounds would make such a difference. Lord, it seems I have been at this my whole life.

    Only thing to do is keep at it.

    Will check in later today.

  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,938 Member
    The countdown to treadmill is almost over! Your plan sounds good, Nance.

    Second (and last) day of juicing was fine. I never did eat anything last night. Got busy with work and wasn't hungry so I decided to skip it. Had my four juices at the office today. Now I am going to have a "salad sandwich" meaning a big pile of arugula and baby spinach on a slice of ezekiel with sliced tomato and onion.

    I think I would do juicing again maybe two days once a month or something like that. I was paranoid because everyone was telling me how awful it would be on my stomach but it didn't affect me at all. I figure I eat so much green stuff already my gut wasn't totally surprised by the juice. LOL

    Still, I'm looking forward to eating some solid food this evening.

    I have more work to do tonight. We're still really swamped but at least everyone is showing up this week so far.
  • magic71755
    magic71755 Posts: 3,813 Member
    edited September 2021
    OK then…did great today. Mainly because of TM delivery tomorrow….late afternoon.

    Sleep well everyone!