Seriously September!



  • magic71755
    magic71755 Posts: 3,806 Member
    did not make soup...decided to wait til it cools off a bit more...we're getting there...thankfully

    lots of prepping, Mihani and, you guys are good

    happy you love your bed...btw, what is the name of your dog, Mihani?



    peppers, onions and mushrooms and just egg
    pizza and salad
    broc and rice

    ezekiel raisin bran and westsoy...

    Vegan Blueberry had this on her face book page today...pretty funny! It was a graphic...decided to put it as my main photo...

  • magic71755
    magic71755 Posts: 3,806 Member
    edited September 2021
    Treadmill will be here in 10 days...back in the day when I had a treadmill in 2011...I used this guy...fabulous for your TM workouts...he has a variety on his channel...he has a few check him out...I will be using my phone to walk with this gorgeous scenery. You can thank me later! LOL
  • Carla_wfpb
    Carla_wfpb Posts: 1,336 Member
    Sounds like a super deluxe bed, Mihani! Happy you got a better sleep.

    Bit frustrated with my weaving. I'd hope to be doing the weaving part by yesterday but I have some threading errors that I'm having trouble figuring out. Oh well, not a race!

    B - Ezekiel english muffin with raisons, peanut butter. coffee of course
    L - ?? (never good to not have a plan...if I try for nothing I end up snacking. soaking beans for tuno salad for tomorrow)
    D - fajita bowl w/ pinto beans, orange
  • Carla_wfpb
    Carla_wfpb Posts: 1,336 Member
    cross-post, Nance...looks beautiful! i will give it a go the next time I'm not reading while using TM, thanks! 10 days isn't too long of a wait :) yay!
  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,929 Member
    Maybe that's my problem with anything crafty or artsy, Carla. I do feel like it's a race and I have no patience when something goes wrong. LOL

    Hope you get your threads sorted. I love the ezekiel english muffins. Every time you mention the tuno salad I think oh yeah, I need to make that! I think I'll print it out and put it on my counter so I will remember next weekend.

    Looks pretty, Nance. I usually just watch TV when I'm on the treadmill. I need distraction to stay at it. If I have good enough shows or a movie I can go for an hour without thinking about it much. My boy's name is Boo after Boo Radley.

    Got some work done this morning, went to the grocery and picked up my salads. Usually pick those up on Friday but my friend who makes my salads was busy and couldn't get to it until today.

    I got everything to make my roasted veggies. I think I will make rice for my grain. I have a rice mix of red, black and brown that is so good. Topped with the roasted veggies, cooked greens, and cheezy chickpeas it will be delightful. I forgot to get red cabbage but I have arugula in with my salad goodies this week and that will be good to mix in so I have some raw in there.

    Better get busy cooking. It is going to take several hours to get all this done. I did buy pre-washed and cut broccoli and cauliflower which is a big time-saver.

  • Carla_wfpb
    Carla_wfpb Posts: 1,336 Member
    Weaving is still poopity-poop! 💩 I have a headache today, so I'm not going to deal with it. Maybe tomorrow.

    We fixed the backyard opening that Radar was getting through this morning and not 5 minutes later he and Ruby found a new forbidden place to go...under the fence and into the pasture that our neighbor rents from us for her there they are, chasing poor Flip around. Grrr. This time they scootched under the fence so it will be harder to fix since we can't just patch it with wire fencing.

    The weather is turning out pretty nice today. Around 65-ish with blue skies and clouds. If it stays dry it might be a good afternoon to catch up on some blackberry maintenance and mowing.

    Today is a fasting day. I'm aiming for the entire day though the headache makes that harder. If anything, I'll have a smaller dinner.
    so far coffee, water & miso

  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,929 Member
    I keep thinking I'm going to try fasting one day a week, Carla. Then I don't. Your dogs are determined to get into mischief! Hope your headache is better.

    Did manage to get all my cooking done yesterday. Was so nice to throw together a bowl this morning for a nice lunch. I made roasted broccoli, brussels sprouts, cauliflower, portobello mushrooms, sweet potatoes, sweet peppers. BIG skillet of cooked greens with garlic... purple kale, green kale, collard greens, spinach. Plus the cheezy chickpeas and rice. I decided to make pickled onions for my salads instead of roasting them for bowls this week. Salads are a variety of lettuces, sweet peppers, radish, carrot, parsnips, pickled onions, ginger miso dressing. The dressing calls for sesame seeds but when I am making a big batch to last a week I just sprinkle a bit of sesame seeds on my salad rather than mixing them into the dressing ahead of time.

    B - oats with berries, chia/flax, cinnamon, a dollop of yogurt
    L - big ol' bowl (it was more than I could eat)
    D - big ol' salad, a clementine and some grapes

    Going to eat my salad then get a little more work done, then treadmill time, then bed.
  • magic71755
    magic71755 Posts: 3,806 Member
    Not fasting…but going to juice and have two small meals a day for 8 days.

    All vegan.

    Four juices

    Salad or pizza or tostadas

    Peanut butter and apple

    Sweet dreams 🛌
  • magic71755
    magic71755 Posts: 3,806 Member
    edited September 2021
    Yeah, decided to try something for the short term to lower the inflammation as much as possible in my joints before TM arrives...knees primarily...but feet, too. So, 8 day semi-juice fast is my plan...I just have to stick with it.

    Today's plan:

    juice: beet, apple, pineapple, carrot, orange, ginger, lemon
    juice: pineapple, ghost pepper, turmeric, orange, lemon, apple
    big salad! salad2.gif
    juice: watermelon, pineapple, apple, beet, lime, lemon
    juice: dandelion greens, spinach, celery, cucumber, lemon

    nighttime snack with Lulupuppykisses.gif...granny smith with peanut butter

    all juices are cold pressed (not frozen) from

    Happy Last Day Of Summerpoolpartysmileys.gif , Sweet Peas!

  • Carla_wfpb
    Carla_wfpb Posts: 1,336 Member
    Headache is gone today! yay! Threading issues have been sorted, so now I'm just sampling to see how I want to weave this project.
    Lovely day out but the calves are in the field nearby so no walk so far. I may have to go on the treadmill for my first walk of the day...actually almost 11am here now, so I do need to get on that.

    I started my day out right with a smoothie. Fajita bowl for dinner. Didn't get around to soaking chickpeas yet so I will do that as soon as I post so I will have tu-no for tomorrow.

    Good luck with your juicing, Nance! Hope you notice the inflammation decrease soon.

    Mihani, I'm thinking a 24 hour fast once or twice a week...from 5pm to 5pm.
  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,929 Member
    Hope your juicing helps, Nance. Counting down the days to the treadmill arriving!

    Glad to hear your headache is gone, Carla. Hope the weaving is going well.

    Busy day and yet another day someone called in sick. I am really frustrated with how often everyone is taking time off this past year, and never offer to come in early or stay late to help catch up. Never ever.

    Today's meals were a repeat of yesterday. Haven't had dinner yet, think I'll get on the treadmill first. I didn't get to that until right before bedtime last night. I've given up on the morning treadmill thing again. I ordered a new pair of skechers walking shoes for treadmill time.

  • magic71755
    magic71755 Posts: 3,806 Member
    Thanks so much for the support, ladies...that means a lot to me.

    So, I did have 10 addition to what I have planned. Also, going to prep some celery and carrots just so I stay the course. This is not that easy. LOL I have no idea how people go on juice fasts. And you two, fast for a day...holy cow! holycowsmile.gif

    You know, Mihani, I'm with you on people that just take sick leave willy nilly. It's aggravating.

    Ok, off to have another juice...I am breaking up my salad into two that does help.

    Enjoy your TM time, Mihani. And no more headaches, Carla.

    Later, dollies <3 !
  • magic71755
    magic71755 Posts: 3,806 Member

    Morning, sweet peas!

    Day two of my semi juice fast...

    Same menu as yesterday, except I picked up Honey Crisp that will be my only change.

    HAGDE! fallsmiley2.gif
  • Carla_wfpb
    Carla_wfpb Posts: 1,336 Member
    Aww, your autumn hugs made me feel all warm and cozy! :) I love Honey Crisp apples! We planted 2 HC trees last year but they have yet to produce. BTW, 10 pistachios was your only deviation? Way to rock your day!!

    Mihani, hope everyone is present and working hard alongside you today!

    I finally dared to get on the scale and I am not pleased. I'm at my hard limit. Not from the last few days, just from being more lax overall in the last month or so. So 'beans and greens' it is!

    The plan today is to cook the garbanzos and make my tu-no salad. This serves me well as a snack or small lunch. Not sure I will have time to make it before this afternoon; I have a lot of work on my plate right now, but it will be done by the end of day.

    smoothie w/ blueberries, flax seeds, almond milk, 1/2 banana, greens
    bowl with lots of greens, roasted yams

  • Carla_wfpb
    Carla_wfpb Posts: 1,336 Member
    that was a bad sentence...i have a lot of work, which will be ongoing. it is the tu-no that will be done by end of day!
  • Carla_wfpb
    Carla_wfpb Posts: 1,336 Member
    I am having a cup of miso soup...good for cooler days to avoid over eating! Comfort and warmth once I'm at my coffee limit. Mentioning it in case it is a useful reminder. It lasts forever in the fridge so easy to always have at the ready.
  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,929 Member
    Still short a person at the office today. It wasn't an awful day but I'm getting a bit short-tempered with my boss and he doesn't like that much. LOL

    Nance has me intrigued about juicing again. I had a juicer but gave it away, and don't want to do that, but buying the prepared juices might work. I just couldn't cope with buying all those veggies and fruits, spending all the time cleaning and chopping, then juicing them and basically wasting the pulp, and thinking of all that healthy fiber going in the trash. I found a couple local places that do the cold press but if you wanted to do a week it would be over $200 for all the juices. That's a lot for a week of "food" but I may try it just for a few days. Probably next weekend since I am going out with friends this Friday.

    Nance, how you feeling with the juicing today? I actually haven't done a full fast in quite a while, at least a year. But I did used to do a water fast day every few months. I just get too darn hungry now!

    Do you make your own miso soup, Carla? Do you have a recipe? I make miso dressing for my salads often. So tasty. Did you get all your work done? I'm stuck on the scale. I have been the same weight for two months up or down a couple pounds. Ugh.

    B - leftover cooked greens, berries with a dollop of yogurt and some cinnamon
    L - leftover roasted veggies on a big bed of lettuce with the last of the cheezy chickpeas
    D - not sure yet, probably just salad and a couple clementines

    Also got into the pretzels again at the office. Stress is definitely wreaking havoc on my good intentions lately. No excuse though.
  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,929 Member
    Oh I forgot to mention pup-face has decided the massage feature on the bed isn't so bad. Too funny. I had this mental image of him figuring out the remote and spending all day while I'm at work lazing around on my bed with the massage going. LOL
  • Carla_wfpb
    Carla_wfpb Posts: 1,336 Member
    LOL @ the thought of your doggo having a spa day with the massage bed!
    Miso 'soup' is overstating it haha should have said I boil water and add a tablespoon of miso paste to it...though I do have green onions on my grocery list so that I can sprinkle them on top.
  • Carla_wfpb
    Carla_wfpb Posts: 1,336 Member
    oh, had a good food day today! stuck with smoothie, cantaloupe & miso broth for lunch and then bowl for dinner. Going for our evening walk soon and that will make the target 3 walks