Seriously September!



  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,962 Member
    That's beautiful, Carla! And I love seeing your projects so I vote you keep on sharing. :)

    Nance, that's so funny you called an exterminator and it turned out to be a moth. But better safe than sorry! Did you get out and look at the treadmill today?

    I bought a new bed on the way home. Delivery is Saturday. My back is killing me and I'm sure my bed is aggravating it. My mattress is probably 12 years old. The new bed is adjustable and I can't wait!

    B - mixed berries with cinnamon, slice of ezekiel toast with almond butter
    L - rice and cooked greens/onions, an orange
    D - small salad, two corn tortillas with fajita veggies

    Got into the pretzels again today. Ugh!!! Other than that, a good day.
  • Carla_wfpb
    Carla_wfpb Posts: 1,338 Member
    Hope your new bed is super comfy and your back problems go away, Mihani!

    Sippin' a coffee here with a sore neck from overdoing it on my weaving project last night. I was in the zone and wanted make a big chunk of progress.

    I've been fitting in 3 walks a day with the doggos lately. We only go for about 20 minutes each time, but it is hilly terrain and they race around while I can go my own pace so I get my blood pumping. It's good for all of us!

    coffee coffee coffee
    fajita bowl

    have a good one, gals!
  • magic71755
    magic71755 Posts: 3,826 Member
    Today's Plan:

    mushrooms, green peppers, onions and JUST EGG with 50/50 green chili sauce
    squeezed juice

    tea and toast


    horrible night sleep...did not cave and have Alka Seltzer Cold Tabs...just dealt with it...Lulu had a bad tummy during the, ONLY her dog food ...she has a delicate tum...anyway...not Treadmill order yet...hoping for a better day tomorrow.

    Just had will prob take a nap and then shower when I get up. If my feet would stop hurting, as well as my knees, I will head over to Treadmill place and take a look...otherwise, will try again tomorrow.

    BTW, the Bee guy was so nice...he completely understood, since it was a GIGANTIC moth and I did not get a good look at it. So grateful.

    Ok, off to try and nap for a bit. Later, dollies! b
  • magic71755
    magic71755 Posts: 3,826 Member
    Mihani, the pretzels I get are the stick GF...that's when I buy them...I think they are by that famous pretzel company...Snyder's of Hanover.

    You do everything so unprocessed...I think you should cut yourself a break and just allow yourself a portion...stick with that...know it is your totally OK treat and be done with it. I would not use it as a bad mark against your already stellar day...if that makes sense.

    Less TABOO on them is my thinking. Knowing you can have them each day, might lessen their appeal. Who knows.

    Anyway, I do that with stuff and it works for me.

    Later, dolly!
  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,962 Member
    Hi y'all... glad we're through the Wednesday/Hump Day workday.

    Magic, sorry to hear you didn't sleep well. How is Lulu feeling?

    Three walks a day sounds like a lot of fun for you and the puppers, Carla. Hope your neck isn't so sore now.

    I am making up my shopping list for the organic grocery. I usually stop there on Fridays after work. Just cut up the watermelon I bought the other day and it is really good. I will probably make the fajitas yet again this weekend!

    B - ezekiel toast with almond butter, berries with cinnamon
    L - rice and cooked greens, clementine
    D - salad with chickpeas added, two corn tortillas with fajita veggies and cashew queso

  • magic71755
    magic71755 Posts: 3,826 Member
    Ok, today's the day...slept better...Lulu did not throw, looking good. Having coffee...will stay low key til I leave for TM store. Want my knees fresh to try out the machines.

    Today's Plan

    mushrooms, peppers and onions AND spinach with Just Egg
    squeezed juice
    And...Ezekiel raisin bran cereal with Westsoy.

    midsumsmile.gif Have a great last few days of Summer, sweet peas! summerdrinkwh.gif
  • magic71755
    magic71755 Posts: 3,826 Member
    edited September 2021
    Done! Done! & Done!

    ^ This is what I got...but got it at AT HOME FITNESS in Scottsdale. Just waiting for email giving me a delivery date...2 -3 weeks out. Very excited! hapydancsmil.gif


    ETA: Delivery…Wednesday 9/29…set up and haul away boxes. 1st year all servicing, free.
  • Carla_wfpb
    Carla_wfpb Posts: 1,338 Member

    I bashed the hell out of my knee coming inside after a walk. I'm in agony. I just banged into the edge of a screen door but I could have passed out from the pain. I have twin peaks.. smaller than marble sized bumps side by side close together. I'm icing it. Hoping it doesn't require a doctor. it has been only 10 minutes so hopefully it is less intense soon.

    Not much else going on around here. Before my walk I finished half of my threading for my weaving project. I hope to finish threading the second half some time tomorrow and weave it over the weekend.

    Grats on your treadmill purchase Nance!! Hope you love it!
  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,962 Member
    Woohoo!!! Congrats, Nance! So excited for you!

    I am almost through the week from hell aka secretary on vacation week. My desk is a total disaster trying to do her job and mine so I'm hanging out at home Saturday to work and wait for bed delivery, then going to the office for a while on Sunday to get things sorted before another week starts. Will get my cooking and laundry done Saturday as well.

    Contractor made progress on the family room. It is going to be lovely. I sure hope it is finished by the end of next week and I can be done with all this remodeling chaos. I will try to get some pics of the kitchen and family room uploaded for y'all when it is done.

    Might break down and get grocery delivery tomorrow. I have been good about not doing that for 2 or 3 months because it really is a lot of extra expense, but with being so busy with work plus my back hurting it may happen. Sure hope the new bed helps with the back issues.

    B - ezekiel toast with almond butter, some watermelon
    L - TJ's frozen entree (not impressed) and more watermelon
    D - big ol' salad, probably more watermelon LOL

    I am out of preps so I had one of the TJ's entrees that I bought. It tasted sort of oily and weird to me. Some riced cauliflower thing with tofu. I prefer my own baked tofu and veggies. That's a good thing!

  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,962 Member
    Carla, just saw your post when I hit post on mine. Ouchy ouchy! Ice is a good idea hope the pain is subsiding. Sometimes you hit just right (or just wrong I guess) and what seems like it shouldn't have been painful is excruciating.
  • Carla_wfpb
    Carla_wfpb Posts: 1,338 Member
    quick update...pain in knee is now bearable...should be okay. I can put weight on it and bend it Phew!
  • Carla_wfpb
    Carla_wfpb Posts: 1,338 Member
    hah i missed your post in between my posts too, Mihani. My knee is doing a lot better now...I was able to do my evening walk with Joe, but without the dogs...Ruby and Radar both crossed into the neighbor's field and were chasing their cute little calves. Not good! After much chaos we go the dogs in. Tomorrow we're stopping off at the hardware store to pick up some hardware to repair an area of our backyard fence that Radar can get through. At some point we have to repair a much longer area where the dogs can cross from our field to the neighbor's.

    Exciting that your family room will be done soon. Looking forward to seeing the pictures! Glad you made it through hell week. I remember well the nightmare of our receptionist going on vacation or calling in sick when I worked at the construction company office in Canada.

    Friday tomorrow! Yay!
  • magic71755
    magic71755 Posts: 3,826 Member

    And it is officially my vacation...Tue - Thu is my weekend. Anyway, thanks ladies...happy that I am getting a TM. Hope Lulu takes to it with me like Ernestine.

    So relieved your knee is ok, must have a huge lot. Tell me again where you are?

    Mihani, looking forward to your pictures. Remodeling is chaotic but so rewarding when it's done.


    Another horrible night's sleep...gosh darn it...but did not cave. Glad I am home today.

    mushrooms, peppers and onions and Just Egg...I really love this...turns out to be a big ol scramble...and then the 505 green chile sauce takes it to a new level
    tostadas with Amy's refried beans, LTO and cilantro, lime and more green chile
    Maybe salad...not sure...something very light
    a squeezed juice in there somewhere

  • Carla_wfpb
    Carla_wfpb Posts: 1,338 Member
    Do the melatonin pills work for you, Nance? I haven't tried them but a friend uses them. We live in Washington State, on the west coast, with Seattle the closest big city. We have 14 acres so plenty of room for tramping around!

    I also slept poorly last night. My knee hurt every time I moved in bed and I had to be very aware and careful when I turned. I ended up reading for a while around 3 a.m. until I got good and sleepy.

    Same old, same old for food plans today. Coffee, smoothie and Fajita bowl, and will try for fruit if I want a snack.

    Hope your back is okay today, Mihani...and only one more sleep until the new bed arrives!
  • magic71755
    magic71755 Posts: 3,826 Member
    Sorry, u had a bad night with your knee, Carla...darn darn's always something, eh?

    I fall asleep ok...but wake up about midnight ish...then I take the melatonin and it takes awhile for it to work...truthfully, it could be worse...I am getting some sleep...just not enough...but maybe once I start exercising and if I ever get in the pool, I will sleep better.

    I looked up transmission of covid in the pool...says I am safe. So, now, I just have to do it. Man, I used to swim everyday when I lived in

    Love that you have so much land...that has to be amazing. I have never experienced that.

    Do you have a huge garden?

    When does your bed arrive, Mihani? Man, that will make the biggest dif for your back...I totally can attest to that.

    Dinner: broc and rice

    Later, my sweets!

  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,962 Member
    Hell week is over. Yay! I am going to have a couple glasses of wine while I make dinner. Forgive me, Dr. Fuhrman! >:)

    Yay for vacation, Nance. I've never tried to get my dogs on the treadmill, and can guarantee the one dog I have now would not be into it, although he does lie on the floor next to it when I'm on it. He's not often far from wherever I am, although it's funny on weekends when I'm home he will go up and sleep in my bed for a while after his breakfast. I figure that's his routine when I go to work.

    When are you getting back to the pool? I hope you get better sleep tonight.

    Carla, how's the knee feeling today? I'm sure hoping the new bed will help with my back pain. It has been pretty bad lately. I usually sleep in my recliner when my back is acting up but right now my family room is all torn apart and covered in drop cloth so the recliner is not available.

    I knew you had some land but didn't realize you had 14 acres. We had a "hobby farm" of 5 acres when I was in high school and that seemed like a lot to maintain although probably 3/4 of an acre of it was woods and another 3 acres was pasture. Mowing all that was a BIG job, but the pasture didn't need to be mowed so often.

    Bed will arrive tomorrow late morning. I have to move the old bed and make sure there aren't any stray dog hair tumbleweeds under there to embarrass me.

    B - ezekiel toast with almond butter, berries with cinnamon
    L - salad, apple
    D - thinking of some of the TJ's stir-fry veggies, baked tofu, rice

    If that's the plan for dinner I guess I best get on it!
  • Carla_wfpb
    Carla_wfpb Posts: 1,338 Member
    1 to 2 acres of our property is woods, the rest is rolling pasture and yard. We love having the space, but lots of maintenance. Good for us as home-bodies! 10 to 15 minute drive to get to town. We have a fenced in garden with raised beds (strawberries, squash, peas, greens, tomatoes, etc. we switch it up a bit each year), cherry trees, apple trees, pear trees, blueberry bushes, peaches, figs, grapes, 2 walnut trees (just started to produce...we planted them 5 years ago when we moved here), and currants. We've got some raspberries and cultivated blackberry bushes in pots to plant next spring. We really enjoy walking around and just eating off of the plants seasonally. The wild blackberries are coming to an end and now it is pears, apples, and concord grapes. That will be it until next year.

    Our neighbor comes once or twice a year to mow our field for feed for his cows, so we only need to mow the perimeter so we can walk around all year long. Our biggest chore is trying to keep the wild thorny blackberries under control.

    Yummy off-plan breakfast out this morning. We're going to try to make ourselves a deal - 1 off plan breakfast each weekend, and doing our best to stay on plan the rest of the week.

    dinner - you guessed it, fajita bowls! might be time to switch to another kind of bowl for variety. we also need to include beans with this bowl to cover more of our bases.

    hope y'all are having a great Saturday!
  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,962 Member
    The new bed is here! I am going to take a nap as soon as I finish this post. I want to play with the zero gravity setting plus the massage feature.

    Do the pups get into the grapes, Carla? Those can be very toxic to dogs so wanted to make sure you knew that. I had a dog years ago who loved grapes and she developed kidney problems although it didn't kill her. Before that I had no idea grapes and raisins were so dangerous for dogs. And some dogs have no ill effects while others it is deadly.

    Glad you enjoyed a breakfast out. That sounds like a great plan to enjoy your weekly breakfast. I have a wonderful recipe for a spicy buddha bowl and will try to find it for you. I rarely make it because it's just too much work and food for one person, but it's awesome.

    B - ezekiel toast with avocado and tomato, berries with cinnamon
    L - salad, an apple
    D - (planned) leftover veggies and baked tofu with rice

  • magic71755
    magic71755 Posts: 3,826 Member
    edited September 2021
    Wow, Carla...that is some Little House on the Prairie stuff you got going on. greenmower.gif Fantastic! Sounds like WFPB Disneyland to me.

    YES! Your bed is happy for you, Mihani...sweet dreams, girlfriend! sweeetdreams.gif

    Today's Plan...

    pancakes..well your world sos free pancake mix from WYW website
    I bought 13 bean Bob's Red Mill soup ... will try making it in the insta pot tonight or tomorrow.

    back up dinner tonight...salad

    ezekiel raisin bran with westsoy

    Have a great Saturday, everyone!
  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,962 Member
    edited September 2021
    The bed is wonderful! I slept better last night and woke up this morning with less back pain. I played with different settings and found the zero gravity to feel best on my back. I also liked the massage feature which automatically shuts off after a period of time. That's nice since I fell asleep while using it. The dog wasn't thrilled with it but it didn't completely freak him out when I raised the foot or head, but he ended up in his dog bed on the floor when I turned on the massage. He'll get used to it I'm sure.

    I didn't get a lot of work done yesterday so I need to be very focused on that today. I will work here at home for a while, run to the office around noon for a little bit, then to the grocery and back home to more work. I spent quite a while yesterday cleaning up my bedroom closet. I bought some organizer trays and baskets so I got everything sorted instead of willy-nilly all over the shelves. Still need to do that with the closet shelves in my home office.

    Did you make your soup, Nance? How did it turn out?

    Plan for today...
    B - oats with berries, chia/flax, cinnamon
    L - salad with lemon tahini dressing
    D - roasted veggie and chickpea bowl

    Echoing Carla's plan, I'm going to make lots of stuff for bowls this week. I'll roast a big mess of veggies. Thinking broccoli, cauliflower, brussels sprouts, sweet potatoes, portabello mushrooms, onion. Make a big batch of sauteed greens, probably a mixture of kale, collards and mustard greens. Double batch of cheezy chickpeas. Shred some purple cabbage to top off the bowls. Will make quinoa or bulgur for the base. The chickpeas are saucy enough that I won't need to make any other sauce for the bowls. Will make ginger miso dressing for salads this week.

    The only thing about the cheezy chickpeas is the original recipe is pretty bland so I punch them up with some spices. I also found that adding just a little cashew cream makes them much richer and tastier.