Fearless October 2021 Challenge



  • Megan_smartiepants1970
    Megan_smartiepants1970 Posts: 42,804 Member
    edited October 2021
    10/15- 10/22 Food is on point ...been busy meal prepping ... no workouts as of yet but I am hoping to get out there next week ...we are suppose to be getting rain Sunday and Monday and boy does California need it bad ... I have lost 8.5 lbs in the past 2 weeks so I am very happy about that :)
  • NYPhotographer2021
    NYPhotographer2021 Posts: 510 Member
    Good job everyone!! For myself, I'm still going down. At 195.4 this morning, despite having a plate of lasagna from a co-worker's retirement party! I also had salad instead of a big plate of pasta w/bread and another plate right after like in my previous life! So I did good!!

    Decided to splurge on a new pair of jeans. I started out wearing 22w's, then moved to 20w's last month which quickly became baggy. Today I had on a pair of 18w's and as I walking around Walmart, I kept having to hitch them up!! So I went and bought a pair of 16's. But they were Ls, not Ws. Got them home and tried them on...could barely fit one leg in!! LOL! Talk about a rude awakening! So taking them back and trying to find a 16w. But I feel good. Still having problems with sleeping, but I'll get there. Going on a 18:6 IF because I had a dental appointment this morning, and have to wait until 12:30 to eat. I should just try to wait until 2pm for a 20:4, but I'm hungry. Difference from my previous life is that I'm not HANGRY like usual. Again, it's the little things! Have a great day everyone!!
  • ccrdragon
    ccrdragon Posts: 3,371 Member
    Exercise - rode 19 miles yesterday and did upper body DB work in the afternoon.
    Food - protein was 152 grams and carbs were 151 net grams so a good day there as well.

    Rode again this morning - with my ride today I have now passed 1k miles for the year (in less than 4 months of riding). I would like to reach 1500 miles before the winter sets in for real... will have to see how that goes.
  • russellholtslander1
    russellholtslander1 Posts: 285 Member
    **Enjoy the hike, and the bowling tish.. spin class sounds like torture though. It's good that you can go out with friends and still stay on plan.

    I am down to 248.8, and eating 3 grams of carbs a day.. just meat, eggs, and water. I realized I was drinking too much water.. supposed to limit to 2 liters a day.. so measuring that again, and switching to 2 larger meals aday at 6 a.m., and 3 p.m., but otherwise, just enjoying some exercise.. walks, and gym.. reading, getting some work done, and eating on plan.
  • goldengirl111
    goldengirl111 Posts: 684 Member
    Goal 100 gram carbs per day
    Walk away the pounds at least 3 x per week
    Try Intermittent fasting 5:2
    Get intermittent fasting books

  • NYPhotographer2021
    NYPhotographer2021 Posts: 510 Member
    So I was up a pound this morning. Well, less than a pound, but still up. Grrr! Oh well, I know it's a regular thing with me. Up and down. As long as it keeps going down, I'm good with it!

    Steak n eggs! Was going to also have a salad, but I had hash browns for breakfast, so decided no carbs for dinner! It was soooo good!!
  • russellholtslander1
    russellholtslander1 Posts: 285 Member
    had a brisket last night.. corned beef brisket as it turns out. Which I salted, thinking it was beef, and it was tender, delicious, and amazingly salty. I think I drank a gallon of water to wash it down.

    I was up to 251.4 this morning, despite the hard work of my Lasix pill, which prevented me from sleeping, since I peed 10 times last night.. still UP 2.6 lbs.. which pushes me farther from 245 ( my Oct. goal ), but should be temporary water weight gain.

    Still on plan, I had bacon and eggs for breakfast, and my main meal is 2 lbs. of pork steak. I'll stick to 2 liters of water today, and I should be back down in a day or 2.
  • taylok23
    taylok23 Posts: 828 Member
    Time slipped away last week with the start of a job change and having my kitchen in disrepair. But the good news is I changed the batteries in my scale and am nearly at goal! Hopefully the batteries aren’t giving a false positive. I weigh daily now so I’ll see if it seems out of whack this week. I’ve been sticking to plan, staying fairly low carb with more vegetables and fruit than normal, and hydrating like crazy. Noom seems to have been the change I needed for more awareness of my choices. Buckling down has taken away all sweets cravings so that has been nice.
  • swimmom_1
    swimmom_1 Posts: 1,302 Member
    swimmom_1 wrote: »

    10/3/21-189.8 lbs Met my 11/1/21 goal already of 190 lbs. Maybe I'll get to 180! Not backing off. Actually upped my usual 99 minute Elliptical to 2 hours today!
    10/10/21-188.8 lbs-Upped my Elliptical to 130 min a few days ago from 120 min.

    10/17/21- 186.2 lbs- Upped my Elliptical again this week to 140 minutes and did 151 minutes today because I wanted the 12 miles! Down 68.8 lbs! More than halfway to my 133 lb goal loss to 122 lbs!

    10/24/21-182.6 lbs-Keeping to my 1200-1000 calories, 15 Net Carbs +/-3, water intake and doing minimum of 150 minutes on my Elliptical on my 3 off work days/week. My goal for November 1, 21 is 182.2 lbs but may make 180 or 179.9 lbs, and that would be ecstatic!

  • NYPhotographer2021
    NYPhotographer2021 Posts: 510 Member
    10/25/21 - Back down to 195.8. Still not my lowest, but I will take it! I've a feeling my weight is going to hang around this area for a while. Still having sleep issues, so not being at my best with eating nor moving/exercise-wise. Started drinking coffee again but without creamer. Just black & in the A.M. only. I'm going back to basics. I'd like to be below 190 by the end of November. So a little over 5 pounds to get there, so def doable. Happy Monday everyone!
  • russellholtslander1
    russellholtslander1 Posts: 285 Member
    congrats NYPhotographer.

    I DID hit my new low this morning.. 248.0, down 3.4 lbs.. lost the water weight I gained, plus some.

    So only 3 more lbs. to lose this month to hit my #1 goal. Goal #2 is stay on plan, and I have done that.
  • EmPea888
    EmPea888 Posts: 117 Member
    Hi there - I'm joining a little late but better late than never, eh? So my target is to track everything every day on MFP. I got out of the tracking habit. I'm pretty sure my carbs have been low but I'm not so sure about the proteins. For the past few weeks that was fine because I was doing a transition to get back in to keto but now I need to take the guess work out of it.
  • KeithBarrows
    KeithBarrows Posts: 34 Member
    Joining in as well. Goals - learn about Keto & complete transition to Keto. Log everyday (so far at 20 days in a row but not 100% of each day). We are about 1 week into Keto, working on guesstimates as we learn this lifestyle. Next month I fully expect to be a month of coarse tuning with December or January when we start fine tuning our macros and food choices.
  • SuziCart
    SuziCart Posts: 21 Member
    I'd love to join in here. I'm back trying to get myself to stop the sugar cravings. I've gained back my weight and need to get back to what I know helps me feel my best. I had an issue with my hair falling out and wondered if something was wrong with my keto diet so I stopped after 4 months of being pretty strict. Now I'm starting from scratch. My hair has grown back and stopped falling out. Taking good vitamins as well. Has anyone heard or had this experience with Keto? Dr. says all of my levels are ok with the meds I'm on to control them. Would like to eliminate Statins and prescription NSADs.
  • Megan_smartiepants1970
    Megan_smartiepants1970 Posts: 42,804 Member
    10/23-10/25..food on point ...still no workouts ... was gonna try to go walking this morning but it decided to pour down rain and still going ...not complaining since California needs it bad...will try to go out walking tomorrow :)
  • NYPhotographer2021
    NYPhotographer2021 Posts: 510 Member
    Welcome to all the new members! @EmPea888 @KeithBarrows @suziecarter5555 This is a great group. I found not very fast moving like on the general boards, but there is a ton of great info to be found here. Make sure you read all the stickies and don't be afraid to ask questions!
  • EmPea888
    EmPea888 Posts: 117 Member
    @suzicarter5555 - I have heard about keto hair loss but haven't experienced it personally. I'm not sure we can post links here but if you search for Why Am I Losing Hair on a Keto Diet? there is quite an in-depth article on the keto diet app com site.
  • SuziCart
    SuziCart Posts: 21 Member
    Thank you EmPea888 and NY Photographer2021 for the suggestions.