WaistAways Team Chat - OCTOBER 2021



  • ashleycarole86
    ashleycarole86 Posts: 6,187 Member
    Exercise 10/17 - 19290

    Brad and I found a new favorite hike today. The weather was warm today... so lovely to get a few more of these days in before the snow comes to stay.

    @micki48 OH my... those cupcakes look divine!

    @jugar Dealing with anything mice related is a major phobia of mine... lol. That totally brings out an irrational side of me. Every year when we go to open up our trailer I am just cringing opening the door hoping there are no bad surprises.. so far so good.

    @Kali225 Yes there is extra credit for running so thanks for giving those details!
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,216 Member
    Happy Monday!

    Nice and dreary out today, so I will get things done in the house. Including mouse patrol. It does not bother me, and there are always many to remove every Fall. I'm always glad when it is done and I can clean up and be ready to be able to use my cold room again.

    I should send you and your hubby all my really old cookbooks! I have a few that just sit there looking old. So many cool recipes for things I never eat :smiley: I have a lot of my grandmother's recipes too, but we just don't eat meat much, and in general the sweet stuff is hard to adapt to my OH celiac. Or at least that is what I tell myself and mostly stick to it! There is one for doughnut muffins that just kills me it is so good, but I usually resist until my daughter comes home to visit. That is one time I'm glad she lives far away...

    I love the baby mouse in the doll crib story! That is amazing. We ended up with one young mouse my kids insisted that we keep in a lovely (secure!) enclosure for a while. They named it and fed it almonds and fruits, but it did not take well to such a rich diet and it died :cry: It was lovely while it lasted. Cute little fellas.

    Amazing training session! Not to mention down-to-the-wire timing on your 8:30 meeting - well done!
  • conleywoods
    conleywoods Posts: 986 Member
    @ashleycarole86 and @bowens1973 Happy anniversary! Hope you enjoy your night in together ❤
  • Kali225
    Kali225 Posts: 626 Member
    And a happy anniversary to @ashleycarole86 and @bowens1973 !!!
  • Kali225
    Kali225 Posts: 626 Member
    "grace over guilt" oh I love this. I'm sure you've mentioned before but remind me what pilates program/videos you use?

    @EvMakesChanges 1 amazing candy is a great strategy.
  • PlaneMonkey
    PlaneMonkey Posts: 568 Member
    I finally dusted off my dumbbells today for the first time since the spring. I managed to get myself a new kettlebell too so I feel energized and happy I did my workout this afternoon. It's now 4 hours later and I'm already stiffening up a bit... Oops! Hope that doesn't last too long, I have physio tomorrow afternoon for my hip and if my muscles are tight everywhere, it might confuse the issue.

    The scale hasn't been friendly this week so I'm just going to keep drinking water for the rest of the evening and pray for a miracle. 😉

    Happy anniversary @ashleycarole86 and @bowens1974

    Enjoy your trip @jugar

    @DD265 that sucks your utilities can just throw you for a loop like that. I think a change to our electricity supplier would really affect me. I largely based my decision to live in the province that I do on the cost of utilities and related taxes and expenses. If utilities providers in mine and the neighbouring province were the same, I can't say 100% that I would live where I do. It's a big deal! No fun you have to deal with that but good for you to be your organized self and be proactive with your budget.

    @conleywoods was Tuesday better than moody Monday? I hope so!
  • happimess01
    happimess01 Posts: 9,072 Member
    Happy anniversary you two @ashleycarole86 @bowens1974!
  • eggfreak
    eggfreak Posts: 681 Member
    I've been AWOL for a few days, loved catching up on your posts - mice (here too), halloween candy hell challenges>:) (here too), and happy anniversaries. @jugar have fun at the reunion (50 such round number, eh?). @DD265 with a jump in electricity cost, it's maybe not so inspiring to use the slow cooker all day, sheesh - hope your pork stew came out delicious and that Riverdance was fabulous - lots of energy in that show!
    @Kali225 what a loss! great job and you have been a dedicated walker that's for sure. Have you ever walked Castle Island - my ex and I used to walk the big loop there, sometimes twice - I love how well that park is used by such a variety of people - and normally I like nature walks in the woods with no one near - but I liked the energy at Castle Island. Enjoy the Head of the Charles - looks like you've got some awesome weather for the day.
    I had to recharge my fitbit yesterday - had never paused long enough after plugging it in - to see that it says, "ahhhhh' after plugging it in, HA HA, I like details like that. That's how I feel when I go to bed.
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