Daily Eating on a Budget Chat



    CSEGUIN2 Posts: 5,635 Member
    Good Evening Everyone!

    Thank you!

    Today was sunny but extremely windy. We have been under a wind warning. I am running extremely late today. Started out with waking up really early and not being able to get back to sleep. Studied, had breakfast, and exercised. Went with Hubby as he was having 2 teeth removed surgically and need me to accompany him home. Then went to get his prescriptions, ordered lunch. And started on the chores. Those got mostly done. Then went to our friends to visit and give here, her birthday gift. Didn't get home till late and still had to have dinner. Caved and ordered so that I could concentrate on tracking and checking in with my groups/teams. Will be a late night.
    CSEGUIN2 Posts: 5,635 Member
    Good Evening Everyone!

    Today has been a great day! All planned workouts done. Even went for a bike ride and a small walk. Also got some things around the house done. Didn't end up going to work as my clients niece tested positive with COVID and they had been together. Son is here for the weekend. Still have to make 2 batches of hotcross buns tomorrow. Also going to the farmers market in the morning.
    CSEGUIN2 Posts: 5,635 Member
    Good Evening Everyone!

    Today has been a beautiful sunny spring day. Although cold this morning. It's been a very crazy busy day. Started the first batch of hotcross buns. Went to the farmers market with my Son, then went to the grocery store. Came home and finished the first batch and did the second batch. As the first batch didn't turn out as I messed up and then burnt them some so had to make a third batch. So I had run back to the store to pick up more supplies. Took my bike that time. Came home and completed my last batch of hotcross buns and of course those turned out the best. It was my first year making them with out Mom. I am happy with how well they turned out. Late afternoon I went to help a neighbor with some typing. Finally getting time to rest. All other exercise is non-existent today.
  • the_frugal_chef
    the_frugal_chef Posts: 432 Member
    I have not been consistent with logging in my food and exercise. However, I do have plenty of nutrition and although my exercise is not the best, my exercise is better than nothing!

    I like coaching people with THEIR fitness and nutrition.

    Since I do not use sweet n low anymore and have an entire huge unopened box from Sam's Club, I am wondering who I should donate to?

    I hope you had a happy Easter!
    CSEGUIN2 Posts: 5,635 Member
    Good Evening Everyone!

    I would donate it to a food bank.

    Easter was great and busy. Today was another busy day doing 5 tax returns. It snowed today. Got some exercise in the morning. Tomorrow will be another busy day. TOPS in the morning and a meeting in the evening. Probably won't have time to check in.
    CSEGUIN2 Posts: 5,635 Member
    Good Evening Everyone!

    Yesterday we got maybe a half inch of snow if we're lucky. Today we have had lake affect snow on and off but nothing sticking. Looking forward to nicer weather so I can get the bike out. Today was rest, weigh and TOPS Day 🔻.25 lb! YES I CAN! Granted after how much I ate at Easter I am giving all the credit to my hair cut🤣. We had a great meeting about inspirational quotes. The one I got says "Success is what comes after you stop making excuses!" Still have my meeting to go to tonight. But made time to check in.
  • the_frugal_chef
    the_frugal_chef Posts: 432 Member
    Good luck with TOPS.

    We have no food banks near here.
    CSEGUIN2 Posts: 5,635 Member
    Good Evening Everyone!

    Got lots of exercise today. Walks were small and not tracked. Step-ups not tracked as well. Got some dishes done and some laundry. COVID seems to be going through our TOPS group. I am a little nervous about possibly catching it but don't want it to control my life or live in fear. I will continue to do what I can to stay as safe as possible.
  • beccaboo1276414
    beccaboo1276414 Posts: 872 Member
    Howdy folks! I've enjoyed reading up on all the happenings.

    Great pic by the way!

    Hope ur tech issues got better. Where are you going on vacation or what type of vacation do u have planned?

    I finally got some energy today. I did two short dog walks, along with some laundry, and I made an excellent veggie soup using 3 hamburgers. Major yums, just like my momma used to make! I have really been lagging in terms of energy, so it was a nice surprise I could get out!

    I started my day with a visit to the local farmers market, and bought 2 beefsteak tomato plants from my favorite farm, along with some herbs and a pot of wheat grass for my dog. If she doesn't show an interest in it, I will give it to my new pal who has a cat! My dog loves the grass in the backyard so we make sure we don't put any poison around to kill weeds. I pull the weeds that really irritate me. It's good exercise.

    I am very excited that I will have a nice walk with my new pal this Saturday. We met online through a series of zoom classes, and she lives close by! We are going to go to a park nearby.

    I felt so alone with all this Covid stuff, but am really looking forward to socializing again. We will do safe socializing as I am immuno compromised, but it can be done!

    Tomorrow, I am treating myself to a massage and reiki session. The guy who does it is so cool. I haven't had a massage in about 6 months. My poor ole' bod really needs it.

    That's all the news for now. Enjoy the rest of your week!

    CSEGUIN2 Posts: 5,635 Member
    Good Evening Everyone!

    Becca - so glad you found a new friend near by to socialize with.

    Sleeping was rough last night. Woke up sick this morning. Sore throat, headache and stuffy nose. Feeling foggy. Rain in the morning but a beautiful afternoon. Wishing I could go for a walk but playing it safe and quarantined. Hoping I feel better sooner than later. Still got all my indoor workouts done. Just did them slower and with longer breaks inbetween. Made a deal with myself that I would do only what I could handle from each workout. Turned out to be all of it. Planning to go to bed early tonight to see if that helps too. I was supposed to make veggie stir-fry tonight but no energy for that so we are ordering who know what. Please stay safe and mask when possible.
    CSEGUIN2 Posts: 5,635 Member
    Good Evening Everyone!

    Last night ended up eatting a whole medium pizza by myself for dinner. I have never done that before. I even had a soup bowl of spinach ceasar salad. Today trying to keep the food under control but not really working. I don't know what I have but it seems to be hungry. I felt a little better today but not much. Completed all indoor workouts so am not stressing about what I am eating right now. It is what it is. Got almost 8 hrs of sleep last night as I went to bed early and set my alarm for an hour later. Doesn't make sense to get up at my usual time when I am sick and not studying.
    CSEGUIN2 Posts: 5,635 Member
    Good Evening Everyone!

    Beautiful summer like day. I am happy to report that today I am feeling better. But still not up to snuff. So proud of myself for continuing to complete my indoor workouts while being sick. But I am done with being sick. I want to be able to go out for a walk. So far food in has been lower than the last couple days which is a good sign as well.
  • the_frugal_chef
    the_frugal_chef Posts: 432 Member
    beccaboo... I went to an annual interdenominational women's conference in Amish country. The speaker was Michelle Cox. Her speech was "There are no Barbies in the bible". All about how women should love themselves.
    CSEGUIN2 Posts: 5,635 Member
    Good Evening Everyone!

    That sounds like a wonderful talk!

    Today was a beautiful summer like day. Feeling so much better today! Just need to get rid of the cough completely. My day was very productive and still feeling energized. I am listening to my body each day all day. Normally I would have just made excuses to sit around while sick even when I didn't need to. Not this time! I HAVE THE POWER! 😂
  • beccaboo1276414
    beccaboo1276414 Posts: 872 Member
    Wtg, C! You do have the power!

    F, that seminar sounded nice, especially as it was in Amish country.

    I had a nice visit with my pal. We are going to travel to a guy who sells crystals and anticipate having a good time there. It's for this weekend unless we get rained out. Ppl around here drive nutty in the rain so I prefer a sunny day. 😁

    I have plans to do so much, but must abide by my body. The internet is spotty, but I finally got online to pay the necessary monthly bills.

    I found out I go through withdrawal, if I can't watch my TV shows when the ner acts up. I put on a Wallace and Grommet DVD which was quite entertaining--good clean fun.

    That's all the news for now! Sending hugs!

    CSEGUIN2 Posts: 5,635 Member
    Good Evening Everyone!

    Becca sounds like fun! Glad you were able to pay your bills.

    Still having sinus and cough issues. It's been more like Spring today with cooler temps and rain all day. Had a productive day! Organized my cupboards I have been planning to do for a week. Also organized on top of the fridge. Also washed down countertops and stovetop. Workouts and step-ups done as well. Feeling stronger each day. Soon it will be time to hit the books again. Maybe Wednesday. Not going to TOPS tomorrow as I am still sick. Will be weighing at home this week. Not going to stress about the number for multiple reasons. But mainly it's a different scale. Have been watching a Robin for several days. It's definitely determined. It continues to try and make a nest but has had no success. It has tried 2 different spots on the house next door. But just can't seem to get anything to stay long enough.
    CSEGUIN2 Posts: 5,635 Member
    Good Evening Everyone!

    Today has been cloudy. Also was my rest and weigh day. Gained 4.65 lbs 🙄. Oh well it is what it is. I know what's causing it so just need to get more serious about my calories and other things. Did some marching, step-ups, and a core workout to get some movement today. Time to start cracking down on my food intake and make way better choices. I have done it for multiple years and there's no reason not to now. I CAN DO IT!
  • beccaboo1276414
    beccaboo1276414 Posts: 872 Member
    Howdy folks! Today, I did some decluttering too in the kitchen. Yay.

    I also figured out how to reset my Charge Fitbit, as I hadn't used it in a while and it was showing the wrong date and time. I also reset my goals, # of steps, etc.

    I ate the leftovers of an arby beef sandwich for lunch and dinner, with no bun. It was kind of a rest day for me in that regard. First, I had a vet appointment. Then I had a 2 hour zoom class which I really enjoyed regarding NeuroGraphica. Then I participated in a distance healing, and finally, I had my text appointment with my therapist. It was a full day!

    C, between your exercising and wearing my Fitbit, I will be inspired to get more activity! Glad you are feeling better!

    F, sending hugs. Hope you are well.
    CSEGUIN2 Posts: 5,635 Member
    Good Evening Everyone!

    Becca sounds like a very busy but productive day! I love my Fitbit as it helps keep me moving.

    Today was cold and cloudy to start now the sun has come out. Went for a walk as I had to go to the bank and grab some groceries. I learned very quickly to wear my mask even when outdoors to help protect my lungs from the chilly air. But I still enjoyed being outside. Ended up bringing a cab home as I bought more than I could carry. Calories are really high as we ate fast food for lunch. I really need to be strong about my food plan or I will continue in the wrong direction. Started studying for my food handlers course as I need to have the test taken asap. This puts my school studies on hold but that's ok. There is no time limit on that except the one I put on myself. My client called today to see how I am as everyone was asking about me at TOPS and she wanted to know if I would be coming to clean on Friday. I told her I am doing better and I would let her know tomorrow if I will be there on Friday.
    CSEGUIN2 Posts: 5,635 Member
    Good Evening Everyone!

    Sunny but chilly today. Studied for my food handlers course, worked out, and played cards with Hubby. Also did a few chores. Tomorrow will be a busy day as it is the end of the month.