Daily Eating on a Budget Chat



    CSEGUIN2 Posts: 5,635 Member
    Good Evening Everyone!

    🌞. Today was rest, weigh and TOPS day. Gained 3.75 lbs. Oops oh well. My strength exercises are on track. Now to start getting my cardio back where it belongs. I can and will do it. All my packages that were due today came and got one of them put together. Bathroom is slowly look better. Got my ink and while working on fixing my printer 2 more cartridges now need to be replaced. Oh well will order shortly to have delivered. More waiting. More time for exercise.
    CSEGUIN2 Posts: 5,635 Member
    Good Evening Everyone!

    Today has been cloudy, and rainy. Got a late start today and didn't get my main workout done before walking to the grocery store. Ended up buying more than planned and struggled carrying them all home but I did it. So I am counting that as my strength. Got my portion containers today. Not sure how they will work for me but I will definitely try.
    CSEGUIN2 Posts: 5,635 Member
    Good Evening Everyone!

    Today was errands day. Took longer than planned as Hubby is as slow as molasses 🙄. But I enjoyed the walk anyways. The wind was blowing hard and almost went flying 🤣. I am too light! Once I hit goal I will have to weigh myself down on really windy days 😉. Got my paper copy of my 3rd exam and finally looked at it. When reviewing my incorrect answers there was an issue. Sent instructors an email regarding this. My mark may go up if I turn out to be right. Today I also realized that there are messages on the bottom of the pages. So I went back and read them all. They're so up lifting and inspiring.
    CSEGUIN2 Posts: 5,635 Member
    Good Evening Everyone!

    I really need to buckle down and stick to plans. Today was a pretty active day. Now just to stay out of food when I am not hungry. Have my Son visiting this weekend so that might help a little or it will hinder me. It's up to me.
    CSEGUIN2 Posts: 5,635 Member
    Good Evening Everyone!

    Today has been a great day. Chilly but partly sunny. Son and I went to the farmers market this morning. Walked there and back. Then did my workouts. Son went to work for the afternoon. While we visited with friends. Hoping tomorrow goes just as well.
  • the_frugal_chef
    the_frugal_chef Posts: 432 Member
    edited April 2022
    CSEGUIN2 wrote: »
    Good Evening Everyone!

    I enjoy eggs for dinner. Good luck getting your work done.

    Today has been a snow day but it didn't stay around. But still productive at home. Studied, exercised, did some chores, played a game with Hubby and now soon to make dinner. Today marks my 3 day streak of completing my main workouts! I even did step-ups with my new step I bought. Feeling tired in a good way. Hope I can sleep better tonight.

    I bought a stepper at a yard sale many years ago. The darn contraption is still in my basement unused! I am afraid of falling off! Do you step in front of a mirror? Do you watch a video or listen to music?
  • the_frugal_chef
    the_frugal_chef Posts: 432 Member
    @CSEGUIN2 , I am happy for you and your studies! Good for you!

    I have about 15 books to review for work. Most are cookbooks of which I can choose. Now I chose the flexitarian diet.

    I really need a siesta. Returning in a few!

    CSEGUIN2 Posts: 5,635 Member
    Good Evening Everyone!

    Usually the tv or radio are on. Most of my step-ups are done when my Fitbit reminds me to get my hourly movement in.

    Snowed during the night but was gone by the time I got up at 6 am. Woke up in a lot of pain so decided it was going to be more of a rest day. Went for my walk and that felt great. Also did some inclined push-ups, marching and step-ups and have over 14,000 steps. So I know I have done well today but still feel like I let myself down. Oh well tomorrow is a new day. Played Monopoly Transformer game with Hubby and Son. Of course I got wiped out first and Hubby won.
    CSEGUIN2 Posts: 5,635 Member
    Good Evening Everyone!

    Today was a rainy, snowy chilly day. Got lots of walking and some strength done. Also played Flip Uno and Wii with Hubby and Son. Ended up having a nap for about an hour this afternoon. I never allow myself to nap otherwise I have troubles sleeping at night. But just couldn't keep my eyes open. Tomorrow is TOPS and rest day. Feeling great so hope that's a good sign for the scale.
    CSEGUIN2 Posts: 5,635 Member
    Good Evening Everyone!

    Today is rest, weigh and TOPS day. Sayed the same and will take it as a win. My only movement was step-ups to get my movement each hour for my Fitbit. Missed one going to TOPS but that's ok. Got my Life Insurance policy packet today and happy that is finally over. Got an email yesterday from my instructor. I was right and my mark went up. I am so happy. They thanked me for bringing it to their attention. Back at it tomorrow.
    CSEGUIN2 Posts: 5,635 Member
    Good Evening Everyone!

    Today has been a great day! Has been raining all afternoon. Did a lot of movement including a walk that consisted of my usual walk with walking to and from the grocery store in the middle. The walk equalled almost 8 km. Did some chores and also played skipbo with Hubby. I had a really great sleep last night so I think that helped.
    CSEGUIN2 Posts: 5,635 Member
    Good Evening Everyone!

    Today was a stress filled day. Not going to get in to that part of my day. Let's just say by the time I had lunch I ordered delivery from Booster Juice. I am proud of myself for having a healthy lunch compared to the less healthy choices I would have normally went for. I also ended up missing breakfast. Got lots of movement so I am happy about that. Mailed my 4th exam off today.
    CSEGUIN2 Posts: 5,635 Member
    Good Evening Everyone!

    Today has been a topical spring day with some sun and showers on and off. It was chilly enough to wear my winter coat and mitts. Went with my Son to his orthodontics appointment. We now know the plan and cost for most of it. We now have to wait to talk to the surgeon as in about a year from now he needs to have surgery to correct his jaw. He is scared about the whole thing but he feels more comfortable about everything the more they talk to him about it. I told him that if need be he can recoup at my place. Also took him out for lunch afterwards. Ended up not working as I would have been late and my client choose to skip this week. Ran to the grocery store to grab a few things. Then went home to do my exercise. Tomorrow is looking to be a fun day.
    CSEGUIN2 Posts: 5,635 Member
    Good Evening Everyone!

    Little bit of snow this morning on my way to the farmers market. Went with a couple of friends and then went out for breakfast. Had a good chat as well. Usually we hang out at her house and Hubby is usually there. Need girls time more often. Also exercised and played skipbo with Hubby.
    CSEGUIN2 Posts: 5,635 Member
    Good Evening Everyone!

    Today was a beautiful spring day. Got to wear a lighter jacket. Got lots of movement today. On top of my workouts and walk hubby and I played Wii sports and marched during the other person's turn. Did a little studying but need to get my study area cleaned. Studying in bed isn't working well as I start to fall asleep.
    CSEGUIN2 Posts: 5,635 Member
    Good Evening Everyone!

    Today was a nice day temp wise. Lots of clouds and some rain. Got my walk in and seen that the *kitten* willows have popped. Not as much movement today as I do not want to over do the cardio that I am not used to. Also did some chores and played cards with Hubby. On to the rest of my night. Oh yeah got my hard copy of my fixed exam. My overall grade average is sitting at 96%.
  • the_frugal_chef
    the_frugal_chef Posts: 432 Member
    Are you ever around people who use such foul language? I just cannot stand such foul language!

    I need to decide what I want to buy with my $5.00 this week. Again, my roommates and I give ourselves $5.00 challenges. Dollar Tree is not fun anymore.

    Attached is a photo of my new off-brand Keurig! The actual name-brand is "Bella". So cute, small and adorable! Now all I need to do is decorate my Keurig station.


    Have a wonderful evening! I need a mocha!
    CSEGUIN2 Posts: 5,635 Member
    Good Evening Everyone!

    I have been around many people with really bad language including myself. I don't like it and I have to be really mad to go that far with it.

    Today was rest, weigh and TOPS day. Gained 2.75 lbs. Oh well guess I just have to keep trying each day to do my best. Hubby went to the mall with me today. That was our exercise. Nice and slow for him LoL. Got our friends birthday present, had lunch out and grabbed dinner for home. Also got stuff we needed. Wore Hubby out as he is now sleeping. Oh well quiet evening I guess. Back on track tomorrow. Getting my hair cut off and dyed for a change. Not sure what color I am going to do will have to wait and see. Also it's supposed to rain tomorrow morning but hoping it'll be over in time for my appointment as I take the bus.
    CSEGUIN2 Posts: 5,635 Member
    Good Evening Everyone!

    Today has been a great day! Today was spoil me day. Studied and had breakfast. Then walked to the bus stop downtown to catch the bus to get my hair and eyebrows done. Got off a bus stop early and walked to the hair dressers. Enjoyed that time of pampering as I usually only get my hair done every couple of years so I can donate it. Once that was done I then walked several blocks to go to a bulk store and also went to buy a new bike. Have not ridden in about 15 years. Went really well riding it home and got home before the real rain started.


  • the_frugal_chef
    the_frugal_chef Posts: 432 Member
    Very pretty hairdo! Nice bicycle too!

    I have tons of book reviews to accomplish.

    The wind howled today but no rain yet.

    Rain is good writing weather.

    I prepared burgers with gravy over fries for dinner.
