Daily Eating on a Budget Chat



    CSEGUIN2 Posts: 5,635 Member
    Good Evening Everyone!

    Today was a beautiful sunny spring day. Went for a walk to run errands. Hubby took a cab. I beat him there and I took the longer way along the river. Anyways other than a little bit more of exercise it was more of a rest and study day. My core is a little sore so taking it easy. I hope we don't skip straight to summer but I don't mind if it does. Gives me a reason to look forward to winter. I planed my meals mostly well today with to meals being take out. I will still be in range. Son messaged me and told me he was coming tonight after work but then messaged me that he was not as they have to work tomorrow. So now he isn't coming at all. Oh well plans with him will have to wait. Work and rest come first for him.
  • the_frugal_chef
    the_frugal_chef Posts: 432 Member
    Hello ladies!

    Our landlord treated we gals to lunch today... pizza and cake... He is so good. I am so grateful. But my diet has been so good! uuugh So, tonight, out comes the fitness pedal exerciser to work off the calories!

    I love to indulge in my mochas every day. I use Jordan's Skinny Syrup 0 calories 0 carbs 0 sugar Can't complain about that! They motivate me for work.


    Have a wonderful evening!
    CSEGUIN2 Posts: 5,635 Member
    Good Evening Everyone!

    Frugal you have an awesome landlord. Wish ours was that nice.

    Today was partly cloudy with a few rain drops. Went to the farmers market. Bought plants, veggies and some treats. When I got home I made kale chips also studied for my food safety course. Son showed up just before lunchtime and we all headed to the mall and did some shopping and had fun.
    CSEGUIN2 Posts: 5,635 Member
    Good Evening Everyone!

    Today started out cool but became beautiful and warm. Did a little gardening. My son helped me take in all the alcohol bottles/cans in for refund and grab a couple things at the grocery store. Struggled with getting exercise in today as I just didn't want to do it. But I won the war with myself and got most of it done. Not sure what all is planned for tomorrow but hope to be productive
    Oh yeah I also got some decluttering done today by getting rid of the liquor bottles/cans.
  • the_frugal_chef
    the_frugal_chef Posts: 432 Member
    A roommate fixed dinner today instead of myself. An experience... She prepared City Chicken and peas.

    I am tired, but need to work on book reviews tonight. I am going to take a short siesta first though.

    @CSEGUIN2 May I have some full liquor bottles and cans? :wink:

    Have a good Monday!
    CSEGUIN2 Posts: 5,635 Member
    Good Evening Everyone!

    Frugal I don't think that would be a good idea LoL 😜

    Today was cloudy with some rain. I referred to today as my big push as it is the day before I weigh. Lots of exercise. Even tried to go for a walk but ended up having a coughing fit so cut it short and came home. I am not sure what the scale will show tomorrow at TOPS but it doesn't really matter. I am just glad to be going back.
  • the_frugal_chef
    the_frugal_chef Posts: 432 Member
    I wish that could walk the neighborhood, but I am too afraid of the dogs. So, I practice in-home walking. (besides pedaling)

    Today, I have been procrastinating work. I write for 5 different websites and just cannot decide which one is the most productive. For example, one website might pay more but another website might be more interesting. Know what I mean?

    So, I am going to tend to my teams and pray about what decision to make.

    Have a good evening!
    CSEGUIN2 Posts: 5,635 Member
    Good Evening Everyone!

    Frugal sorry that is the reason you don't walk the neighborhood. I would struggle with which one to do first as well. But if I needed the money enough I would do the higher paying one first. I would consider the more interesting one the reward for getting the ones done I don't care for first.

    Today it rained all day. It was rest, weigh and TOPS day. For TOPS records I gained 1.75 lbs. For MFP it counts as a loss of 2.9 lbs. Either way I am ok with it being sick was not fun. But the gain was not bad for 2 weeks. Not much movement and so far no decluttering. I will try to get some done tonight. Other wise my day was good. On April 19 my son weighed 271.8. That day I gave him a goal to aim for by the end of the month to be down to 265. Today he weighed in at 262! He was so proud of himself. Being back at work is definitely helping him to keep losing. I am so proud of him!
  • the_frugal_chef
    the_frugal_chef Posts: 432 Member
    Awesome for your son! You too!

    Last night, I stayed up very late and came up with 3 legal pad pages full of topics. I had a toss up between book reviews or articles and articles won... atleast for right now. I just need to let go of the stress that book reviews mean more money. Then, again, I could change my mind. uuugh

    Have a good evening!
    CSEGUIN2 Posts: 5,635 Member
    Good Evening Everyone!

    Thank you!

    Today has been a good day. Got a couple of walks in along with other exercise. I even worked on some decluttering. Got rid of a big garbage bag worth so far.
    CSEGUIN2 Posts: 5,635 Member
    Good Evening Everyone!

    Cloudy day. Went shopping and got new shoes. They are no where near cheap but I decided it was time to have a good pair of shoes. Maybe it will help me move more. Still saving my old shoes for yard work. Did my workouts early knowing I wanted to go out. We had lunch at Lonestar Texas Grill. I am still within range! Woohoo!
    CSEGUIN2 Posts: 5,635 Member
    Good Evening Everyone!

    Rainy Spring Day. Finally was able to go back to work cleaning for my client. Only took me 2 hrs after not being able to go for a month. Got my workouts done early. My walk was to and from my clients. Next week is going to be hot. Lots of time will be had outside getting my flowers and vegetables planted. Will also have to cut the grass which means talking to my landlord to workout payment agreement.
    CSEGUIN2 Posts: 5,635 Member
    Good Evening Everyone!

    Today has been a beautiful sunny day. Studied for my food handlers course, went to the farmers market, completed my exercise and did some gardening. Trying to figure out how big to make the flower bed in the front. Also got some laundry done. Now I am sitting at a friend's house for some visiting and a BBQ. Also enjoyed helping her with her gardening.

    Hope all the mother's and mother figures out there have a great weekend!
    CSEGUIN2 Posts: 5,635 Member
    Good Evening Everyone!
    Happy Mother's Day!

    Today was a busy but gorgeous day! Studied for my food handlers course, walked to and from the grocery store and did a little exercise. Also made angel food cake. Then got ready to visit with my Son, Sister and her Husband. We took a trip out to the cemetery to see Mom. Can't wait till there's grass. It's such a reminder of it's only been since January. We also walked a lot of the cemetery looking for other family. Found some and not others. My son got me a new mug with a dolphin on it. Will take a picture of it tomorrow to share. Tomorrow my plan is to study for my food handlers course, workout and work with my vegetable plants, and a few house chores.
    CSEGUIN2 Posts: 5,635 Member
    Good Evening Everyone!

    Today was a beautiful day with lots of sun. Got quite a bit done today. Studied for my food handlers course, worked out, walked to and from the bank, cleaned my backyard of all the garbage that collected over the winter, worked on turning over the soil for my front flower bed. So much left to do with that. I still need to get my vegetable plants planted. Also spent some time at my friend's with out Hubby. It was so nice. The bonus was I got to pay her for his birthday present without being sneaky. Tomorrow is Tops, rest and weigh day. It will be interesting to see what happens.
    CSEGUIN2 Posts: 5,635 Member
    Good Evening Everyone!

    Today as been sunny and warm. Early summer. Today was rest, weigh and TOPS day. Gained 0.25 lbs. Not to big of a deal. I am starting to get frustrated with myself and the gaining. Maybe if I get frustrated enough I will get everything under control. Worked at making the flower bed. Hoping to get the plants in this week that I already have. Tomorrow I am mowing my neighbors lawn and possibly ours. It needs to get done. Such a busy week but at least it's beautiful weather. Just need to remember the sun screen. Got burnt yesterday and didn't even notice until this morning.
    CSEGUIN2 Posts: 5,635 Member
    Good Evening Everyone!

    Today started out cloudy and cool but quickly warmed up then the sun came out. I got a sun burn over the last couple of days. Today I remembered the sun screen. It was another busy but productive day. Skipped studying so I could get a great walk in or it wouldn't happen. Also did a few of my quick workouts so I could start on the neighbors lawn sooner. Took me just over 2 hours to weed wack, now, and a little taking. Also did some laundry. My kitchen looks horrendous. But I keep ignoring it as I need to get the lawns done and all the plants planted before the weekend rain. My calories are not good today at all. We decided to support McHappy Day for breakfast and lunch. Let's just say the blinders were on for both meals. Good thing I enjoyed it. Tomorrow is another busy day. I am determined to get the yard work and gardening done as soon as possible.
    CSEGUIN2 Posts: 5,635 Member
    Good Evening Everyone!

    Today has been a sunny hot day. We are having summer temps this week. Went for my walk early this morning. Seen 3 families with gosslins. 1 had 4, 1 had 1, and 1 had about 8. Came home had breakfast and hung laundry. Then did some exercise. Also weed wacked and cut the front lawn. Also made time to visit with some neighbors and have a good laugh or two. After lunch Hubby and I played some cards as it's just to hot to do anymore lawn. Also planted some more in the front yard. My neighbor also has offered me some plants he needs to thin next week. Woohoo free plants!
    CSEGUIN2 Posts: 5,635 Member
    Good Evening Everyone!

    Today has been a sunny hot day. We are having summer temps this week. Went for my walk early this morning. Seen 3 families with gosslins. 1 had 4, 1 had 1, and 1 had about 8. Came home had breakfast and hung laundry. Then did some exercise. Also weed wacked and cut the front lawn. Also made time to visit with some neighbors and have a good laugh or two. After lunch Hubby and I played some cards as it's just to hot to do anymore lawn. Also planted some more in the front yard. My neighbor also has offered me some plants he needs to thin next week. Woohoo free plants!
    CSEGUIN2 Posts: 5,635 Member
    Good Evening Everyone!

    Today has been another day with a high of 87°F (29°C). Cut the back lawn still have to weed wack. But the weed wacker was driving me crazy. Also got some laundry and dishes done. Went for my walk early this morning and did some exercises. Also cleaned for my client and walked to the grocery store. Had to take a cab home as I had 2 bags of soil and a few groceries. My son is here for the weekend so he's going to help finish planting my veggies. Here is the picture of my Mother's Day gift I promised I would post