Daily Eating on a Budget Chat



  • beccaboo1276414
    beccaboo1276414 Posts: 872 Member
    French toast and ribs! Guess whose appetite is activated now! 😁

    I ordered some good Asian fusion food last night and enjoyed sweet and sour chicken without all the dreaded breading it usually has. It was plain marinated chicken, and was delicious with all the veggies! It had the option to get steamed veggies instead of rice! So good for my diabetes and it's tasty too!

    Not much going on. Just day to day stuff.

    Hugs to both of you!
    CSEGUIN2 Posts: 5,635 Member
    Good Evening Everyone!

    Had a great weekend partying and am sure the scale will still be very unhappy with me. But on the positive side I had over 20,000 steps each day.

    Today has been a great busy day. Walk, neighbors lawn, some gardening, laundry and dishes done. Also played a couple games of Skipbo with Hubby. Hope to get a great night sleep.
  • the_frugal_chef
    the_frugal_chef Posts: 432 Member
    CSEGUIN2 wrote: »
    Good Evening Everyone!

    Today started out good the got rough for a bit. In the end it was a great day. Got lots of gifts. Clothes, Tim Hortons gift card, cash, Madagascar kartz wii game and more to come. Oh yeah also got bottle of wine and a chocolate bar. Tomorrow we are going to continue celebrating with a BBQ at our friends. The cards I got from my Son and Hubby were so wonderful.

    Was your birthday the celebration? If so, happy birthday! May I have the wine and chocolate? LOL

    CSEGUIN2 Posts: 5,635 Member
    Good Evening Everyone!

    Yes the celebration was my birthday. Chocolate was gone about an hour after I got it😀.

    Didn't get much movement today. Heat advisory is in effect. Also had TOPS today. According to them I gained 5.5 in 2 weeks as I was not there last week. But am down 1.4 in regards to my scale last week t home. Either way definitely fixable and not as bad as I thought it was going to be. Slowly working in getting things back on track one piece at a time.
    CSEGUIN2 Posts: 5,635 Member
    Good Evening Everyone!

    Today has been a scorcher with a high of 35°C and feeling like 45°C with humidity. Supposed to be like that for a couple more days. Got my walk and a wonderful bike ride in early this morning. Have been doing chores around the house to stay cool and productive. This morning was real foggy. Got a letter from Hubby's disability. Time for me to get back into the work field. I have not worked officially in 20 years. Think I should do the training options first and go from there. Will see what the worker has to say when I call them next month after I get the next set of info. Unfortunately as my studies are not full time I must do more to make them happy.
    CSEGUIN2 Posts: 5,635 Member
    Good Evening Everyone!

    Today started out very hot and humid. My walk was a little slower than usual and opted out of a bike ride after my walk. A storm rolled through with thundies. Luckily it was done before I had to go to get my cavity filled. Also went to the grocery store and then walked home. It's still hot and humid but not as bad. Tomorrow is supposed to be cooler.
    CSEGUIN2 Posts: 5,635 Member
    Good Evening Everyone!

    Today was a very active day. Went for walks equalling about 10.5 km. Also went for a bike ride and added a few stores in my trip equalling about 18.2 km. I am tired but in a good way. Also went to work and cleaned for an hour in the afternoon. Then went and visited my friend. Great day all around! Also cooler.
  • the_frugal_chef
    the_frugal_chef Posts: 432 Member
    CSEGUIN2 wrote: »
    Good Evening Everyone!

    Today was a very active day. Went for walks equalling about 10.5 km. Also went for a bike ride and added a few stores in my trip equalling about 18.2 km. I am tired but in a good way. Also went to work and cleaned for an hour in the afternoon. Then went and visited my friend. Great day all around! Also cooler.

    How do you manage to carry all of your shopping items on your bicycle?

    I need to create my food diary for the day. What should I consume?

    A friend gave me donated cans of black beans. I love black beans. But the cans do not have expiration dates on them. Should I still use the cans?

    Have a good day!
    CSEGUIN2 Posts: 5,635 Member
    Good Evening Everyone!

    I fit it in my backpack. Also now have my carrier in the back I can add a basket or something to do I can carry a little more or just not use my backpack.

    Today has been cool, sunny and pretty breezy. Went for my early morning walk, farmers market with my friend and my bike ride. The bike ride was tough do to the wind but never stopped for a break outside of stop lights and walking up the steep hills I am unable to bike up. I also watered my plants, did laundry, decluttering and played on the Wii for a little.
    CSEGUIN2 Posts: 5,635 Member
    Good Evening Everyone!

    Today was more of a rest day. But did get my walk done. This week is going to be hot. Went my friends and she asked me if I truly wanted to work for her. She told me I wouldn't have to start till September as she know I have many commitments before then. Time to start figuring out how to make everything work so I don't gain all the weight I have lost. Lots to do before I leave on the weekend. Will be out of town for about a week.
    CSEGUIN2 Posts: 5,635 Member
    Good Evening Everyone!

    Today started out rainy so didn't get my walk done. Then my back started hurting and the heat kicked in. So it ended up more of a rest day. Did some step-ups but not many. Also played some Wii with Hubby and made some phone calls. Still lots to do. Oh well I seem to work better under pressure.
    CSEGUIN2 Posts: 5,635 Member
    Good Evening Everyone!

    🌞🌡️. Today is a hot one. Also rest, weigh and TOPS day. Down 1.75 lbs! Was so glad that happened. Slowly getting things taken care of. I am such a procrastinator.
    CSEGUIN2 Posts: 5,635 Member
    Good Evening Everyone!

    Another hot busy day. Got quite a bit done today. But lots to still do before leaving. My walk today was very slow do to the heat. But that's ok. Tomorrow I will finish the main packing so I am ready to go. I am shocked at how many clothes I can pack into a small suitcase. Anyways need to get read for bed soon. Running late tonight.
    CSEGUIN2 Posts: 5,635 Member
    Good Evening Everyone!

    Today has been a productive day. I am completely packed except for the last minute things. Still not sure when exactly I am leaving lol. But at least I am ready. Not sure how my plants will look by the time I get back. Hubby hates watering my plants. Got my letter in the mail to contact my worker for an appointment. I only have a week to make the appointment so will do it next week. I am hoping they don't try to make the appointment while I am out of town as that just won't work.
  • the_frugal_chef
    the_frugal_chef Posts: 432 Member
    My new laptop crashed.

    I am going to spare you the details.

    I was approved for a refund. Thank goodness.

    Our landlord bought we girls pizza for lunch. He spoils.

    For dinner, I just ate a peanut butter sandwich.

    CSEGUIN2 Posts: 5,635 Member
    Good Evening Everyone!

    So glad you were able to get a refund. You have an awesome landlord! I am lucky if mine pays me for lawn cutting before I have to do it again. I cut it about every couple weeks.

    It's not hard for me to enjoy my vacations when and wherever they are. Today I took a very long walk compared to my normal walks. Seen lots of interesting things. The photo is on the trail I took for a bit when I started heading back. My cousin thought I was crazy when I told here where I walked and how long it took me. Also got to see bunnies, Cardinals and other small birds. Also went with my cousin on some errands and to pick up her grandson. When we got back we all loaded into "Papa's vroom" lol and went to move large stones from a friend's house to theirs. Got to fallow the little guy around for about before he was tired of me. Now I am sitting and posting all for the day.3esw2i9cecyo.jpg
    CSEGUIN2 Posts: 5,635 Member
    Good Evening Everyone!

    Today is another late one. We had to take the little munchkin home so we went to A&W for dinner. We all hung out and had a great time. Also got to see the little munchkins "baby"(little brother). Also had some great walks, took some time to study and also had to do some cleaning ready for baking this week which starts tomorrow. We are baking from 9 am - 3 pm. Such a busy week. Here is a pick of little munchkin in a tree during fellowship after the church service.vyqnv210e4tk.jpg
    CSEGUIN2 Posts: 5,635 Member
    Good Evening Everyone!

    This is a quick stop in as I am so busy and tired. Baking is for the local fair on Labour Day weekend. I am part of the board and we have a booth that the funds support our scholarships. Day one is in the bag but not with lots of issues. Mom was definitely missed as she kept the tart shell rollers on track. Oh well another learning curve underway as well as another first since Mom passed.
    CSEGUIN2 Posts: 5,635 Member
    Good Evening Everyone!

    I love baking by myself but having to keep others on track is daunting expecially when I am the youngest one there.

    Today has been a stressful but productive baking session. Lot's of movement. Hoping tomorrow is a little more relaxed. According to my cousin's scale I lost 0.7 lbs. Woohoo I'll take it!
    CSEGUIN2 Posts: 5,635 Member
    Good Evening Everyone!

    Quick stop in as it is getting late. Another successful day of baking one more to go. Not sure I will make it to check-in tomorrow as I will also be heading home tomorrow evening. But will do my best.