Daily Eating on a Budget Chat



  • beccaboo1276414
    beccaboo1276414 Posts: 872 Member
    Howdy folks! Catching up reading the thread. Lately, I've been doing crockpot meals which are good and cheaper. Tonight it is chicken with sliced sweet potato, dill, parsley, olive oil, and lemon juice. I have stopped using onion and garlic as we feed the dogs the same food, and those items are poisonous for dogs.

    We adopted two, sweet, mixed terrier brothers yesterday- 9 lbs and 5 lbs- and things are going well slowly introducing them to our other two senior, blind dogs. Life is good.

    I wish we had better internet service as ours cuts out all the time. When I get it reconnected, we rush to pay our online bills before it disconnects again. Sis and I have been very busy, and I haven't been on that much because of those two issues.

    I started reading books I've already downloaded during those time periods, as our TV doesn't work when the internet cuts out. I am a big film and classic show watcher!

    I am sending big hugs to the both of u!
    CSEGUIN2 Posts: 5,635 Member
    Good Evening Everyone!

    Becca so glad to hear from you. I love crock pot meals. Enjoy your new furbabies.

    Today has been a hot and humid day. Woke up with the kink but it's a lot better than it was. Hips are still bothering me but while I am moving I don't notice it as much. Getting up and down out of my seat is the worst part. Oh well it'll get better. One of my clients is back in town and is back to expecting me to drop everything for him. I worked today for him removing wall paper for over 3 hrs. While I was working he was trying to talk me into working on the weekend. Not happening when my Son is here. I have to work tomorrow as it is for my friend. She decided she wanted me to come clean after all.
    CSEGUIN2 Posts: 5,635 Member
    Good Evening Everyone!

    Today has been a very hot and humid day. Early morning walk through to tonight I have been drenched in sweat unless I was in a building. Which of course was not as often as I would have preferred. All planned workouts done. Hooked my client up with a couple of friends who can do his painting. They are starting Monday @ 7:30 am. While I won't get there till about 10:30 am to finish removing wall paper. This will be interesting. Cleaned for a friend today and did some visiting as well. My Son goes home tomorrow after lunch. Going to be another scorcher tomorrow so not sure I will get my bike ride again.
    CSEGUIN2 Posts: 5,635 Member
    Good Evening Everyone!

    Another hot and humid day. All planned exercise was completed except the bike ride. My early morning walk was bad enough. So it has been more of a rest day. Binge watching more Bones today as well. Tomorrow is back to wall paper removal after I complete all my workouts.
    CSEGUIN2 Posts: 5,635 Member
    Good Evening Everyone!

    Another hot and humid day. The rain we got didn't seem to help much temperature wise. Got all my workouts done early including my walk. Then spent about 6 hrs removing wallpaper. My neighbor is not doing well. They are trying to get him in to hospice. I am helping him as needed. Including with the dogs. His daughter will be coming down tomorrow or Wednesday. I truly hopes he makes it that long. I am praying that when I go over to let the dogs out I don't find him dead. I have never been in that situation except for a dog. I didn't handle that well. Anyways looking forward to going to TOPS tomorrow.
    CSEGUIN2 Posts: 5,635 Member
    Good Evening Everyone!

    Today was so much cooler and with no humidity. It was great. Went to TOPS and had a great meeting and executive meeting. I am down 0.5 lbs this week! Now to keep the progress going. My neighbor seemed a little better this morning when I went over. His daughter made it down this afternoon. So she will be taking care of the dogs while she is here. Didn't get my bike ride done. Shame on me for allowing myself to make excuses. Plan to do it tomorrow morning after my walk.
    CSEGUIN2 Posts: 5,635 Member
    Good Evening Everyone!

    Today has been a great day. All planned exercise has been completed including my bike ride. Feeling tired and sore in a good way. Took my DS to get his bottom braces on. Then went for lunch. He didn't end up working after so he went with me shopping and then we returned to our respective homes. His only comment about them so far is that they feel weird. Here is the picture he sent after getting home as I forgot to do it before.xc91mn5bn2s4.jpg
    CSEGUIN2 Posts: 5,635 Member
    Good Evening Everyone!

    I am so glad to be back! Being sick was no where near fun but only lasted about 3 days. Slowly getting back to the exercise. Don't want to over do it. Today was my rest, weigh and TOPS day. Down 4.25 lbs! Now to maintain it this week as I get back into exercise. My neighbor went into hospice today. I managed to finally get his lawn mower before he left. Also had a great talk with his daughter. He had her give me payment for all I have done for him and will continue to do for them as needed till the house sells. She wanted me to let her know if my services exceed the amount. I told her that her father gave us what he could and that I never expected a dime so I would not be requesting any money in the future. I also got to see him off and show some love to him. It was alot harder than I thought it was going to be. He's going to be deeply missed. The transporter thanked me for all the support I have given. He also said it was nice to see an old school neighborhood.
    CSEGUIN2 Posts: 5,635 Member
    Good Evening Everyone!

    Today has been a great day! All planned exercise done. Definitely feeling it tonight. But so worth it! I am taking care of the puppies tonight and tomorrow morning. They are so sad, confused and scared. But I am giving them lots of love and reassurance. Tomorrow afternoon I have to clean for a client. Tomorrow will be another great day!
    CSEGUIN2 Posts: 5,635 Member
    Good Evening Everyone!

    Today has not gone as planned. First I forgot to change my phone and it was dead when I woke up. So spent that time reading. Then let out the puppies. While doing that I find out my one client decided we need to start at 9 am instead of 4 pm. That gave me 30 minutes to let the dog's out, make breakfast and eat it.Then he doesn't show up till 20 after. Anyways needless to say the only exercise I got was wallpaper removal. Will do my best to make up some of it tomorrow.
    CSEGUIN2 Posts: 5,635 Member
    Good Evening Everyone!

    Today has been a beautiful great day. Got all planned workouts and some from yesterday done. Also got some dishes and laundry done finally. Even took a short nap that I apparently needed. Now to be productive this evening.
  • the_frugal_chef
    the_frugal_chef Posts: 432 Member
    Hello! I have returned! I was away with a UTI and some other huge word. I was also stranded with only a cellular phone. Then, while in the hospital, my service ran out. My roommate had my debit card as I wanted to make sure that it was safe. Things are much better. I have another new laptop now so lets see how many months the darn laptop lasts!

    I am getting the "do" done tomorrow! Yay! The other day, we were grocery shopping and the roommate said I needed a baseball cap. Real self-esteem.

    Have a good evening. I am thinking of you.

    CSEGUIN2 Posts: 5,635 Member
    Good Evening Everyone!

    Glad you're back!

    Haven't been in for a couple days. Sat was the celebration of life for a friend that passed in March. It was an awesome party with lots of alcohol, dancing and food, among other things. I had one drink and a few jello shots. But definitely ate way to much food. Didn't get to bed till about 2 am. Slept in yesterday and vegged all day watching TV. Today was alot of vegging and visited with our friend. Tomorrow is TOPS. Not sure how I will do the scale. But not going to worry about it.
  • the_frugal_chef
    the_frugal_chef Posts: 432 Member
    My "do" did not get done today as planned. I was so upset. The first salon only had one stylist who was busy. The next salon only had one stylist but she didn't know how to give perms. (I want a perm). The next salon most of the stylists were out and the receptionist told me to call tomorrow. My ride can only take me this Friday. So, pray they have an opening.

    I ended up consuming my sorrows away. I got out the Crock-Pot and served Stuffed Pepper Soup for dinner. Attached is a photo. I am stuffed!

    I am glad to have returned! uxdfnc5iyn71.jpeg

  • the_frugal_chef
    the_frugal_chef Posts: 432 Member
    Today, we had a frugal dinner...egg sandwiches.

    I am craving a mocktail. So, tonight, I am going to take a look at my Mocktails team and find a good recipe. I have a ton of recipes. You should really join it. Yes, I like wine, beer and cocktails, but now only drink on occasion.

    Have a good evening!
    CSEGUIN2 Posts: 5,635 Member
    Good Evening Everyone!

    Your stuffed pepper soup looks great. Is the recipe posted in the group?

    Today has been a good day overall. Gained 1.25 lbs. No big deal. I expected a much bigger gain. Got some laundry done. Now I need to start getting ready for my trip to the county to do my volunteer work at one of our fairs. I am not sure which day I am leaving but it's sometime between Saturday and Tuesday. Then I won't be home till September 5th.
    CSEGUIN2 Posts: 5,635 Member
    Good Evening Everyone!

    Today has been a beautiful productive day. All planned workouts done. Dishes almost caught up and more laundry done and started. Also played Skipbo with Hubby for a couple hours. As of right now I am not leaving till Tuesday after TOPS. This is good as I can save more money and will stick to my workouts for longer as I know that it is highly unlikely that I will get my workouts done while gone.
  • the_frugal_chef
    the_frugal_chef Posts: 432 Member
    Be sure to take photos of the fair! Have some lemonades, french fries and elephant ears for me!

    I am on my 5th book review for the day but think I am calling it a night. I was up at 4:30 am.

    I just made a roommate a Dirty Dr. Pepper. She is burping already.

    The roommates went to Sam's Club today and brought home a chicken fettuccine for dinner.

    The roommates also brought home a 455 piece bag of chocolates for $23.00. I am a chocoholic. I told them that they could have my share of the chocolates after I had eaten 9 pieces! I am proud of myself for just saying no.

    CSEGUIN2 Posts: 5,635 Member
    Good Evening Everyone!

    Great job with the chocolate!

    Today has been a busy day. All planned workouts done. More laundry and dishes done. 2 clients lined up for tomorrow and the neighbors daughter asked me to cut the lawn once a week for them as the realtors landscaper can not do it weekly. Of course I agreed but informed her of when I was leaving and when I'd be back. We are a little stressed as we think our fridge is going. So need to deal with that. Luckily I just have to call the landlord and clean it out. Hoping to borrow some coolers so we don't waste to much food. Luckily it's happening before I leave.
  • the_frugal_chef
    the_frugal_chef Posts: 432 Member
    I really like this recipe for Pepperoni Hot Pockets but I do not use an oven. Can any of you think of how I could use a microwave?
