Daily Eating on a Budget Chat



    CSEGUIN2 Posts: 5,635 Member
    Good Evening Everyone!

    I am not good at switching from oven to microwave for baking.

    Today has been a mostly cloudy day. My first client cancelled last night as the house isn't ready for me to clean. Oh well left me time to do other things. Also got all my workouts done. Update on my neighbor is that he is still doing pretty good under the circumstances. I decided that I will not go see him. I want to remember him the way he was when he left. The house goes up for sale on Monday and his daughter offered me the job to cut the lawn each week since the realtors landscaper can't do it that often.
    CSEGUIN2 Posts: 5,635 Member
    Good Evening Everyone!

    Today was a beautiful comfortable day. All planned exercise done. More laundry and cleaning done. Also played a couple games of Skipbo with Hubby. Son came and went for a short walk with me. He also bought dinner so I wouldn't have too cook. Now to keep getting things done before I leave Tuesday afternoon.
    CSEGUIN2 Posts: 5,635 Member
    Good Evening Everyone!

    Today has been a beautiful day. Got all planned workouts done including the bike ride! Have had the windows open since yesterday. Pushed it to long today with the heat advisory. Ended up so warm I was starting to feel sick. So ordered out so I wouldn't have to cook. Just to hot as a/c is still working hard trying to cool the apartment down. More laundry done and dishes finally caught up.
    CSEGUIN2 Posts: 5,635 Member
    Good Evening Everyone!

    Today is hot, humid and rainy on and off. Completed all planned workouts except my morning walk as it was raining and to windy for an umbrella. Working on trying to get everything done and ready for tomorrow. I think I procrastinated a little to long. Oh well. Have been struggling with calories this week so not sure about my weigh-in at TOPS tomorrow. Just glad I get to go. I know how hard I have tried and how hard I have worked out. Not having the best dinner tonight but will at least be in range as long as I stick to the plan.
  • Tabatha_Cain
    Tabatha_Cain Posts: 4,982 Member
    Good Evening.

    I am trying to find instant pot recipes for things that are healthy and easy to cook and low on the price point. I really want to get a ton of recipes to try. I am willing to do vegan or regular cooking I don't really care. I am sure my boyfriend is up for trying anything. I just need receipes for the instant pot. Any suggestions?
  • the_frugal_chef
    the_frugal_chef Posts: 432 Member
    Good Evening.

    I am trying to find instant pot recipes for things that are healthy and easy to cook and low on the price point. I really want to get a ton of recipes to try. I am willing to do vegan or regular cooking I don't really care. I am sure my boyfriend is up for trying anything. I just need receipes for the instant pot. Any suggestions?

    I do not own an instant pot. Sorry Tabitha. I own everything but an instant pot. What are they known for in cooking? Maybe I can talk the roommates into buying an instant pot?
    CSEGUIN2 Posts: 5,635 Member
    Good Evening Everyone!

    Sorry Tabitha I don't own one either. But what about search for instant pot recipes online.

    Today was not a good day for the scales. Gained 3.25 lbs. But had a great meeting. Got everything done that needed to be done before I left. Am now safely at my destination. Did a little studying and went for a walk to get my dinner. Probably won't be checking in until Monday or Tuesday next week as I will be at the fair grounds most of the time and sleeping the rest. Have all my exercise gear just incase I find time in the mornings.
  • Tabatha_Cain
    Tabatha_Cain Posts: 4,982 Member
    At this point I am starting to make up meals. Today was White long grain rice with carrots and beef gravy with Chuck roast. All made in my instant pot. It was so good my son went back for seconds. I just pieced the meal together from several recipes in a cook book that I have. It went over really well and that was all made for about $15. So it was a great price. I still have the other half of the chuck roast to make something else with. That will be good too. I have been being given fresh veggies from people my boyfriend works with. He said he wanted some farm fresh stuff and they are bringing it to him. You cannot go wrong on free food. There is just not way you can go wrong with it.
  • beccaboo1276414
    beccaboo1276414 Posts: 872 Member
    Hi Tabitha. I don't have an instapot. I'm old school with a crock pot. 😊

    Tonight, I cooked a pork shoulder with bbq sauce in the crock pot, with sides of fresh steamed broccoli, and mashed potatoes ( pre made). We have enough for tomorrow, too.

    My wagon has been dragging lately, but I do what I can each day.

    Happy Fall to all!

  • Tabatha_Cain
    Tabatha_Cain Posts: 4,982 Member
    Today we went simple on the food. Brat Burgers and motzerella Cheese sticks breaded. It was really good. I just cooked it all right before going for a walk/jog.
  • the_frugal_chef
    the_frugal_chef Posts: 432 Member
    I use Jordan's Skinny Syrup in my coffee for iced mochas and mochas. I am at less than a bottle left. I go through a bottle each week. I could not afford a bottle last week.

    I reached payout with one of my jobs and am waiting to be paid. On eBay, there is an offer of 3 bottles combined for $19.71. That is a total bargain. I want to buy them before anyone else does! Usually, 1 bottle costs $19.00!

  • the_frugal_chef
    the_frugal_chef Posts: 432 Member
    I am going to Dollar Tree today or tomorrow. I need to buy drinks. What drinks should I buy that they carry?

    My roommates are complaining that I use too much milk. So, this morning, I had my iced mochas without milk. bah humbug.

    CSEGUIN2 Posts: 5,635 Member
    Good Evening Everyone!

    Read all the posts. Everyone seems to be busy.

    Today has been a beautiful day. Hurt my ankle yesterday and iced it on and off all afternoon and evening. Today when I got up it was feeling not bad. So I wrapped it and went for my walk. Just slower and a little more carefully. Then I mowed the lawn. My ankle was not bad till I had to do the backyard where it is way more uneven. Have been icing it on and off. Tomorrow I am cleaning for a friend in the afternoon.
  • the_frugal_chef
    the_frugal_chef Posts: 432 Member
    CSEGUIN2 wrote: »
    Good Evening Everyone!

    Read all the posts. Everyone seems to be busy.

    Today has been a beautiful day. Hurt my ankle yesterday and iced it on and off all afternoon and evening. Today when I got up it was feeling not bad. So I wrapped it and went for my walk. Just slower and a little more carefully. Then I mowed the lawn. My ankle was not bad till I had to do the backyard where it is way more uneven. Have been icing it on and off. Tomorrow I am cleaning for a friend in the afternoon.

    I hope your ankle feels better, especially before you have to clean!

    Can you use muscle cream?

    There are days when I wish a person would crack my back. I would love muscle cream but my roommates would worry and make a mountain out of a molehill. When I accomplish my physical therapy every night, I always feel relieved. Yep, I like to do my physical therapy at night. 3 reps of everything.

    About eating on a budget, I am on the lookout for some tuna recipes. Do you have any? I am tired of the usual tuna mixed with mayonnaise. I love tuna.

    For dinner today, I am preparing candied kielbasa in the Crock-Pot, a roommate's favorite. All the recipe takes is coin-size pieces of kielbasa mixed with grape jelly and BBQ sauce. Cook on HIGH for 3 1/2 to 4 hours.

    CSEGUIN2 Posts: 5,635 Member
    Good Afternoon Everyone!

    Google tuna casserole. Mom used to make them.

    Today has been a beautiful day. Woke up with my ankle sore so I worked on my program for TOPS I am doing on Tuesday. Decided that I wouldn't do my morning walk as it was sore and had to walk to and from cleaning. Wrapped it and it is fine. Tomorrow my Son is coming for the weekend. We have a 80th birthday party for my great aunt. On Sunday we are going to Church at my Mom's church. It's been enough time since her passing and she would be disappointed he has not been going.
    CSEGUIN2 Posts: 5,635 Member
    Good Evening Everyone!

    Today was a great day. Got some weed whacking and branches trimmed back. Trying to deter the squatters from hanging out on our property. Ankle is feeling back to normal again. Birthday party was great and found out that one of our TOPS members is her best friend since grade school. I am always greatful for the advice on my Son. He is good with going to Church and admitted that it was time to go back. He hasn't decided if he will serve. That's fine as I am just glad he is going. For him it's more about going without my Mom for the first time. I haven't pushed the issue till now and if he had a good reason not to go that would have been fine.
    CSEGUIN2 Posts: 5,635 Member
    Good Evening Everyone!

    Our squatters don't always stay long but they attract more and it usually takes the police to get them moving. But you never know if they are just homeless or addict's that can leave needles or even start fires.

    Today was a nice day even if a little gloomy. Had a great time at church. Lots of happy people to see us, compliment us, and of course give their condolences in regards to Mom's passing in January. Most of them we had not seen since before COVID. DS did chose to serve and he did awesome as I knew he would. For me there was no crying during Church. I think it was because of the Church I was in. The rest of the day has been all about football and just relaxing. Also at end of the service one of the members brought me a bouquet of flowers that were on the alter in memory of some of his family members. He use to send them home with Mom so I felt very honored to receive them. ij1oqo3cn52u.jpg
    CSEGUIN2 Posts: 5,635 Member
    Good Evening Everyone!

    Today has been a busy day. Even though it felt like I wasted a lot of the. Did get my walk in and another short walk to take Hubby to the dentist. He is not happy with all the pain. Also got some dishes done and finished up my program for TOPS tomorrow. Visited with my friend and was given a heads up that I may be working as early as the end of the month. My neighbor passed away last night peacefully in his sleep. It's definitely a sad day but doing my best to remember the good times with him.
    CSEGUIN2 Posts: 5,635 Member
    Good Evening Everyone!

    Today was a nice Fall day. TOPS was great even though I gained 6.75 lbs. I am not happy with this at all. I know who's fault it is. It's mine. I need to reverse this trend. Tomorrow is a new day. Today I sent some emails that I had put off. Got dishes caught up, did laundry and made a peach cobbler. Tomorrow I will be doing a little bit more of things that need to be done including my workouts. Wish me luck for the strength to keep trying.
    CSEGUIN2 Posts: 5,635 Member
    Good Evening Everyone!

    Today started out like fall, then turned to summer by the afternoon. Had to turn the air back on. Supposed to see temps in the 30°C range this weekend. Today got all planned workouts done. Feel so much better that I did them. Now to win the battle tomorrow. Also did laundry and got the dishes all caught up. This afternoon played 3 games of Skipbo with Hubby. Also started back on my school work again finally. For those that don't know I am taking fitness and nutrition through online. The biggest lesson I learned is not take a long break from school work in the middle of a chapter.