Daily Eating on a Budget Chat
Good Evening Everyone!
Today has been a cooler windy day. But the sun is still shining bright. But summer like weather will be back shortly. Got up and went for a walk early. Was great to see some of the regulars I haven't seen since last year. Also weed wacked and mowed lawn and did some other random yard work. Didn't do my shoulder exercises today, but will get them done tomorrow.0 -
Good Evening Everyone!
Today has been good but frustrating. My Fitbit won't sync with the app and I can't update it right now. Anyways went for my walk a little later as it was chilly this morning. Had breakfast and then ran an errand. After lunch played cards with Hubby and went to visit a few friends down the street. Found out one is pregnant. I have mixed feelings about the situation but I am still happy for her. I can't believe how much my calorie consumption has completely went back to normal again. Also working on cutting back on smoking. I do plan to quit completely but taking it slow as my mood is definitely taking a hit. Took me a couple days to figure out why I have been extra moody at times. Tomorrow is shoulder physio.0 -
Glad you had a great day, cs! The duck sighting sounds fun. Congrats also on your weight loss.
I've been recovering from an illness. I hope I don't jinx it, but I am feeling better.
I made a nice little pork roast which we will eat today. We just weren't in the mood for it yesterday, so I took some tortilla chips, some hot dog chili topping and topped it off with cheese in the microwave. It was really good!
We finally got our garden done, and it looks so nice! I will bring out a yard recliner and read a book with a glass of ice tea. I need to learn to start enjoying my life instead of just doing chores. 😊
Howdy to frugal! Hope u r well. Please stop by when you have a chance and catch up. 💕1 -
Good Evening Everyone!
Becca I am glad you're feeling better. I am sure your garden looks great.
I have not been to bad about cutting back smokes. Friends offer and I just say no thanks. I stopped taking them with me when going to a friend's. I knew Hubby had some if I really wanted one. Today I may have had 5. Smokes are now gone and I am refusing to roll any.
Today has be another beautiful day. Went for shoulder physio this morning. Got a new exercise added. Will have to find my soccer ball so I can use it or come up with a different plan for the same movement. Also asked about wall push-ups. She believes I should be able to start doing them. We will see next week. Also got dishes caught up, laundry hung on the line, and got my stuff ready for tomorrow's car boot sale for our TOPS group. It's going to be an early morning. Played cards with Hubby, did some yard work and did a few step-ups to see how my ankle felt. Ankle is still doing great.0 -
Good Evening Everyone!
Didn't make it in yesterday as my phone decided to update everything and it took all night.
Yesterday was along day. We had a great car boot sale and just visiting with each other which we don't always get to do before meetings. I really got to know my fellow TOPS members better. When I got home I was sooooo tired. Just chilled all afternoon and evening.
Today I went to Church. After I got home I got ready to go for a very long walk to my storage unit. Thursday night there had been a fire in the building and I had to go check my unit. Everything seems to be in good condition. Only one box got a little damp on the bottom. Most stuff was in bins. But will have to go back once the building doesn't smell like smoke to see what has to be thrown out. I am extremely grateful that my ac unit seems to be fine as well. But need to get it home so we can clean and use it. This afternoon I worked in the flower bed.0 -
Good Evening Everyone!
I am definitely going to research what and how I can salvage what's in there if smoke did damage it. I know there was no clothes but I do have fabric and yarn among other things.
Today was a great day! Got a little cleaning done found another fan in the bedroom I didn't even know we had. Lucky me as the one in the bedroom stopped working and couldn't get it apart to try and fix it. Went for my walk along the river and then to and from the grocery store. Did my shoulder physio the best I could with out finding my ball for my new exercise. Played cards with Hubby and did a little yard work. Just to hot in the sun. Later I will water my plants before it gets to dark. Tomorrow is rest, weigh and TOPS day. Also have to take Son to orthodontist in the afternoon to get the rest of his hardware for the next phase.
So happy with how well my irises are doing this year.
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Good Evening Everyone!
Today has been hot. Summer is here for many days and I still need to get the air conditioner. I lost 0.5 lbs this week. That's 3 week's in a row equalling 6.75 lbs. 3 more weeks and I get a charm! I CAN AND WILL DO IT! I am feeling more motivated even with the crazy heat. This afternoon I took my Son to the orthodontist to get his spacers to keep his teeth from over lapping. Beyond that didn't do much of anything. Just to hot. But did stop by friends this evening to say hi. When I told her the great news about my weight she said she could tell and that no she wasn't checking me out. LoL I told her she could check me out all she wants. Hope there's no homeless people coming on the property with their shopping carts in the middle of the night and wake me up.0 -
Good Evening Everyone!
Sorry I have been MIA again. I have just been crazy busy.
Today my Son came over to spend the night. We had a friend give us a ride to the storage unit to take buns there and then bring the air conditioner back. So glad to finally have it back in the apartment. Don't know if I could have handled another night in a sweltering apartment. Also stopped by my friends as she let alcohol control her mouth last night and said some very not nice things. She texted me an apology but was not letting her get off the hook that easily. She need to apologize to my face. She still owes Hubby an apology but he is still to mad to even talk to her. Last night we were there to have a ribfest party. Way cheaper and better than going to the actual ribfest this weekend. The count down is on to get everything in order at home before I leave on Thursday. Don't know how well that will go but I am trying. Will be easier know with the air conditioner working.
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Good Evening Everyone!
I am so behind on everything. Yesterday was Church, then my Son and I crushed over 200 cans and cut his hair. In the afternoon we went to my brother's for my nephews 5th birthday party. Had a great time even though couldn't go swimming as my swim suit is to small at the moment. Got a wonderful comment from my sister-in-law's mother. She said I don't look like I weigh what I do. While I was there had lots of food. Some good some not so much. Today I went for a walk and worked on getting laundry and dishes completely caught up. I leave Thursday for a trip to Bellville for the weekend. When I get back on Sunday I have to turn around and Head to Harrow for our baking week. I feel like I am on overload. Not sure how often will be able to check in for the next week and a half but will do my best.0 -
Good Evening Everyone!
Today has been a busy but great day. Down another 3.5 lbs this week and was top loser for May in my TOPS group. I am almost back to onederland! I am also back to my 100+ lbs loss. I am so proud of myself. I also had a NSV. My sports bra almost fits properly. Just a bit of over flow at the top and sides. I am honestly lost at how I lost the weight but not complaining LoL. I am mostly packed for my trips and should have it done tomorrow. Rides are all lined up. I also went to the beer store to cash in my empties I collected. Made $23.30. Then went to the bank to get my trip money out. Then went to my friends for a visit and to grab the fan she bought Hubby. Got home and did laundry, packed some more, picked strawberries, watered the plants and made dinner. I am just tired typing everything I did today LoL. Tomorrow is physio in the morning then finish packing what I can pack.0 -
Good Evening Everyone!
Today has been good. Went to physio for my shoulder. Wow was I in pain today. Also finished packing everything except what needs to be packed in the morning. Did some more laundry and dishes. Visited with a couple friends and played cards with Hubby. Tonight's dinner is taco salad. So excited for tomorrow even if it is going to be a 6+ hour drive.0 -
Good Evening Everyone!
Sorry for being MIA for so long. Had a great trip for TOPS PRD.
My group also spent June 10 evening celebrating my birthday.Got home June 11 for a couple hours to finish packing and spend some time with Hubby before heading back out for the second leg of my vacation. Baking in preparation for the Harrow fair went more smoothly than any other previous year. On my last day in Harrow went to the park with my cousin and her grandson. I actually played on the equipment and had a great workout doing it. Came home Friday afternoon and chilled. Saturday cut the front lawn and worked on cleaning up the shattered glass from my patio set. Sunday went to church and then continued with the cleanup in the afternoon. Got the back lawn mowed on Monday morning and then got ready and went to my friends for my birthday BBQ with a group of friends. Today was TOPS. Gained only 1 lb over 2 weeks and am happy about that. Actually thought it would be way more. Also had to lead the TOPS meeting as our leader was unable to attend. Came home and did laundry, played a couple games of cards with Hubby and took a 3 hr nap. Hoping to get back into routine soon with life. But trying to do it slowly to not overwhelm myself.
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Good Evening Everyone!
Sorry for being MIA for so long. Had a great trip for TOPS PRD.
My group also spent June 10 evening celebrating my birthday.Got home June 11 for a couple hours to finish packing and spend some time with Hubby before heading back out for the second leg of my vacation. Baking in preparation for the Harrow fair went more smoothly than any other previous year. On my last day in Harrow went to the park with my cousin and her grandson. I actually played on the equipment and had a great workout doing it. Came home Friday afternoon and chilled. Saturday cut the front lawn and worked on cleaning up the shattered glass from my patio set. Sunday went to church and then continued with the cleanup in the afternoon. Got the back lawn mowed on Monday morning and then got ready and went to my friends for my birthday BBQ with a group of friends. Today was TOPS. Gained only 1 lb over 2 weeks and am happy about that. Actually thought it would be way more. Also had to lead the TOPS meeting as our leader was unable to attend. Came home and did laundry, played a couple games of cards with Hubby and took a 3 hr nap. Hoping to get back into routine soon with life. But trying to do it slowly to not overwhelm myself.
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Good Evening Everyone!
Today was physio for my shoulder in the morning. It's coming along nicely. I have range of motion back and they extended me to another 3 weeks to work on strength. They're also adding laser therapy to help heal the tare quicker. I am glad as I don't want to do cortisone shots unless absolutely necessary. Had a quick visit with a couple of friends, did dishes, laundry and played cards with Hubby. Dinner is going to be spaghetti squash pasta, ceasar salad and cheese garlic bread. Tomorrow more cleaning and who knows what.0 -
Good Evening Everyone!
Yesterday started out very stressful. Discovered we have bed bugs. I hate bed bugs. Have spent yesterday and today steaming furniture and still have lots to do. I can't afford to get rid of it all and start over. But will if I have to. Son was supposed to visit for the weekend but with the situation he won't be coming for a while. At least he is more understanding than I thought he would be. The new tenant upstairs has a male friend that is over every day. Today he decided to come knocking to give me crap that there was 1 pile of dog poop in the yard. I told him that it was raining when the dog was out and had not had a chance to pick it up when the rain had stopped for a few minutes. I also informed him that I would respect that they didn't leave garbage in the yard. He said he'd clean it up then didn't. I am sooooo tired of the new tenant, her kids and male friend.0 -
Good Evening Everyone!
Today has been a good day. No rain today and several walks. Got dishes caught up, laundry on the line and more in the wash. Also did a run to the grocery store for things to last till the end of the month. Took a day off from cleaning as the stress of the situation is taking its toll. Son stopped by with my birthday card with money for the fair in September. Tomorrow is church, laundry and more cleaning.0 -
Good Evening Everyone!
Today has been a productive but relaxing day. The humidity has been just crazy and storms predicted for tonight. Did laundry and some cleaning around the house. There are a couple areas I have no clue where to start let alone where I am going to put stuff. Church this morning was just morning prayer as our Minister was in Toronto for Pride fest. Don't care for that type of service as we are constantly confused when to stand and not stand. Someday we'll figure it out. Tomorrow they are calling for rain in the morning so plan to do more cleaning and steaming. I will win this battle! Tonight's dinner is ribs, mashed sweet potato and salad.0 -
Good Evening Everyone!
Today was a little off between having to get my Son into the orthodontist to get a bracket put back on one of his teeth that came off last night and the rain on and off all day. Got my morning walk done. Son took me out for lunch. Hoping that it doesn't show on the scale. Also did some dishes, made rhubarb crisp, and have a load of laundry waiting to go on the line. Tonight is fireworks. Hoping to get some good picks if it doesn't get rained out.0 -
Good Evening Everyone!
Today the air quality is really bad but went for my walk anyways. Could smell the smoke from the fires. Also was burning my eyes. Can't believe how bad it has gotten. Here's a picture of how bad the smoke is in my area in southwestern Ontario.
Also did laundry, and dishes. Otherwise was a relaxing day. Wishing I could get back to being more active. Tomorrow is physio for my shoulder which will now include laser treatment.
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Good Evening Everyone!
Today the air quality is bad but at least I couldn't smell the smoke. Went to physio for my shoulder so didn't get my regular walk in. Wore a mask while at physio as I seem to have gotten the summer cold my sister and Son had. Although my Son claims I didn't get it from him. Feeling better today but still have a cough and runny nose. Got a great sleep last night of over 8 hrs. Did dishes and laundry today. Also played some Skipbo with Hubby.0 -
just my luck..
A roommate said that she would prepare egg omelets for dinner. A local farmer donates the eggs.
Now, the roommate isn't.
So, I had one piece of a peanut butter sandwich.
I am going to have air fryer red potato wedges later on as a mini-meal. I spray a little olive oil on the potatoes.
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Good Evening Everyone!
Frugal - you should have made the omelette for yourself.
Today has been a busy and rough day. Didn't sleep very well last night due to Hubby constantly moving and also waking up in a puddle of sweat. Still feeling off due to being under the weather and my shoulder is still tender from physio yesterday. Today was payday. Ran errands with Hubby and then had to do the grocery shopping all by myself. Lifting all the groceries including a 14 kg bag of dog food was not helpful. Hoping tonight I get better sleep and feel well enough to go to the Canada Day parade and my friends for our Canada Day BBQ. It will suck if I have to stay home this year. I am so tired of these walls.0 -
Good Evening Everyone!
Yesterday was a great day. Went for a walk, watched the Canada Day parade with some friends.
In the afternoon I headed over to my other friends house to hang for the Canada Day BBQ. Found out that they were also celebrating a friend's 45th birthday who passed away a few weeks ago. Lots of food and over ate a bit. But had a great time. Did leave earlier than I normally would as I was tired.
Today went to Church and then came home. No official walk due to rain and storms. Did my shoulder physio, and marching. Rest of the day was spent doing chores and binge watching Bones.
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Good Evening Everyone!
Today has been a nice day with no rain but definitely muggy. Got my walk, shoulder physio, and some calf raises done. Also did some dishes and laundry. Hubby went fishing for a bit. Doubtful they will be gone long as it's pretty hot out. Tomorrow is TOPS day. Hoping that I did well enough this week that there's at least a small loss on the scale.0 -
Good Evening Everyone!
Today has been hot and also very humid. Doing my best to stay cool and hydrated. Today was also rest, weigh, and TOPS day. Down another 1.5 lbs! So proud of how well and on track I have been. Still need to get more exercise though.0 -
Good Evening Everyone!
Today has been another HOT and HUMID day! But beautiful otherwise. Got in 3 walks and yes took my water with me. Did some laundry, played cards with Hubby and visited with friends. Tomorrow is physio in the morning then house work I think as there's lots of that to do.0 -
Good Evening Everyone!
Today started out not to bad temp wise. But now is pretty hot again. We had a few sprinkles this morning as well. Went to physio for my shoulder and they are really impressed with how I am doing. Next week will most likely be my last week. Also did dishes, cleaned some of my kitchen, played cards with Hubby and went grocery shopping. Walked to the grocery store but ended up with a ride home from a friend who didn't want me walking home in the heat. I was greatful even though it cut into my step goal.0 -
Good Evening Everyone!
Today was another sunny day but cooler with less humidity. We were actually at our average for this time of year. Tomorrow we are supposed to get more rain which is fine as we need it. I should be able to get my walk in before it comes. Today got my walk in and then cut the lawn. Also did dishes, laundry and visited with my friend.
Connie0 -
Good Evening Everyone!
Today has been warm with rain and some sun. We really needed the rain. Got my walk in this morning before the rain. Also did my shoulder physio, calf raises and wall push-ups. I also did laundry, dishes and made apple crisp. Other than that did a little reading and watched some TV.