Daily Eating on a Budget Chat



    CSEGUIN2 Posts: 5,646 Member
    Good Evening Everyone!

    Today has been a snowy, cold day. Not sticking since it did over night. It has been another long da. But today I got to do it mostly in my own. As usual I struggle with the timing. But also the cooking in batches is different and did that at all three meals. The residents had for breakfast scrambled eggs, cereal, breakfast sausages, and hash browns. For lunch they had pizza burgers or plain burgers, tomato soup, and vanilla or chocolate pudding (I was surprised at how many don't know what a pizza burger is). For dinner they had oven roasted potato wedges, fish sticks, cauliflower with cheese sauce, and tomato soup, and cherry crisp for dessert. I am behind on so much in my personal life. Oh well one day at a time. Oh I almost forgot....The other day my Son called and asked if I needed help to decorate for Christmas. I told him that I didn't know if I would have time this year plus don't really have space to put all the bins till after Christmas as I will not move them back and forth from storage that many times. Then I said oh wait I did decorate. I bought a chocolate Advent calendar and put it up and that's all I need🤣😏
    CSEGUIN2 Posts: 5,646 Member
    Good Evening Everyone!

    No my shifts won't be like that regularly that is just because I was in training for breakfast and lunch shifts and had to work the evening as the regular cook has dropped her Friday. I go back to regular schedule unless get called in.

    My Son is very thoughtful and it surprised me as he always seemed to hate decorating at my Mom's. He does know how tiring my job is as he did co-op in a restaurant kitchen.

    For those that don't know what a pizza burger is. It's a burger on a bun with pizza sauce and pizza toppings. The residents had pepperoni and mozzarella cheese.

    Cold and sunny. But the snow has now started moving in. Not sure what morning will look like. But I see a dusting so far on rooftops. Anyways got up at 6 am as normal. Did my posting that I had to do for a group on Facebook then went back to bed. Didn't get back up till almost 11 am. Had to be ready for my ride by 1 pm. Just barely got ready in time. Took my Son to get everything lined up with the mental health team in our city. He will be kept busy and get the help he needs while done work for the season. Then we continued on to my brother's to do cookie's. Turned out really well and had lots of fun. My brother bought Chinese for dinner. Tomorrow is church and then who knows maybe bed as I am still really drained.
    CSEGUIN2 Posts: 5,646 Member
    Good Evening Everyone!

    Today has been freezing with snow most of the day. Walking to and from Church definitely is a test in this weather. But glad for the insensitive to get my butt moving this morning. Enjoyed coffee hour after Church. At home I made brunch for Hubby and I. Did dishes and laundry as well. Got my program for TOPS finally done. Just have to organize and staple pages. For dinner Hubby and I had chili and cornbread. Back to work tomorrow and training the new cook for dinner shift. This is going to be interesting. Hehehe
    CSEGUIN2 Posts: 5,646 Member
    Good Evening Everyone!

    Today was an off day. Slept most of the morning and then got up did some dishes and laundry before work. Felt better while at work. But did discover that my left shoulder is bothering me. Not sure what happened. Maybe I slept in it wrong. Hopefully it feels better soon. Does cause discomfort at work. Tomorrow is TOPS and I am doing program about fiber.
    CSEGUIN2 Posts: 5,646 Member
    Good Evening Everyone!

    Today turned out not to bad. It was sunny and reached the low 40s F. Gained 1 lb this week. I was honestly surprised it wasn't more. I'd did program at TOPS this week. Should have proof read what I typed and printed out. Oh well. There was a couple of issues with the residents today. But that is expected when dealing with people that suffer from mental illness. I stood my ground when needed. They had chicken legs, oven baked potato chunks, peas, potato soup, turkey gravy and pears for desert. Had to get creative along the way as we ran out of potatoes and then chicken. So glad to get out of work on time tonight.
    CSEGUIN2 Posts: 5,646 Member
    Good Evening Everyone!
    Happy Thanksgiving to those who are celebrating!

    I don't have to worry about the Thanksgiving gain as I went through it in October as I am Canadian and that's when we celebrate.

    Today was sunny and fairly warm. Not sure if it was warmer than yesterday but it felt like it. Got quite a bit done today. Worked on my bookclub assignments, laundry, dishes, and even decluttered some extreme dust. Also did a bit of strength but not enough to count for my team. The residents had ham, scalloped potatoes, carrots, chicken and rice soup, and brownies with icing. Also had a resident come in and want me to make him his mac and cheese. Not sure when we became a restaurant. Hopefully the manager can put a stop to this before others start expecting the same treatment. Where I work it is more like a retirement home instead of a hospital setting. Meals are done in a cafeteria setting. Most of the residents are in there 30s and 40s and have mental illnesses.
    CSEGUIN2 Posts: 5,646 Member
    Good Evening Everyone!

    Today was a warm and sunny day. Started raining on my way home from work. It definitely was a productive day. Worked on my bookclub assignments, did some exercise, decluttered another shelf of all the dust bunnies, had a call back from Hubbies disability worker and got the file off suspension as it was her fault and also got a couple other things straightened out, laundry and dishes. Also walked to run my errands. Got home in time to put groceries away, have lunch and get ready for work. The residents were all very well behaved tonight. For dinner the residents had cabbage rolls, California mix vegetables, oven roasted potatoes, tomato soup, and a choice of vanilla or chocolate pudding. When I ran out of cabbage rolls they got leftover lasagna we had frozen. Tomorrow is going to be a fun day I hope. Will tell ya'll about it tomorrow.
  • the_frugal_chef
    the_frugal_chef Posts: 431 Member
    Hey girls!

    I was away for the holiday. I did pack my laptop but when I got there, I did not unpack the darn thing and took the holiday off. LOL

    This holiday, people pushed food on me like drug dealers. I am not a traditional turkey kind-of person and took food that I wanted to eat. A guilt trip was played on me that the preparation of food included me.
    CSEGUIN2 Posts: 5,646 Member
    Good Evening Everyone!

    Today has been a busy day. Got up did some online check-ins. Then went back to bed for about an hour. Then got up had breakfast and got ready to leave. Went shopping with my Son and got a Birthday gift for tomorrow's party, also got slippers, and hikers for me and a couple of presents. Came home had lunch and then cleaned and reorganized the bedroom with my Son's help. One step closer to getting the Christmas decorating done.
    The following pictures are from last Saturday when we decorated cookies.in0jkfhe6lgc.jpg

    CSEGUIN2 Posts: 5,646 Member
    Good Evening Everyone!

    Yesterday afternoon went to my cousin's 1st birthday party. It was so much fun! He always makes me laugh and smile. Him and his brother refer to me as Auntie Connie. As their parents want it as a respect thing.nch05t88hvu3.jpeg

    Today was a quiet day. Went to church for the 8 am service as I do every weekend I am not otherwise busy. I also went to the 10 am service as that's the one my Son prefers. I only attend that service when my Son is staying with us for the weekend. When we got home we made banana chocolate chip pancakes and scrambled eggs with ham, onion and cheese for lunch. We did a little decorating for Christmas as most of it is still in storage. I also took a short power nap. The rain and darkness all day didn't help motivate me much. Oh yeah also did 2 loads of dishes.
    CSEGUIN2 Posts: 5,646 Member
    Good Evening Everyone!

    Today was another off day. I am so tired of these off days. Got up at regular time. Posted for an online challenge I lead. Then went back to bed and slept on and off till 9. That's when i got the call that my friend needed me to come into work early. So by 10 I was at work and my day ran 15 minutes later than usual. The residents had chicken wings, french fries, vegetable soup and coconut cream pie for lunch. For dinner they had spaghetti and meat sauce, garlic bread, green beans (lettuce is outrageous price wise), vegetable soup, and a choice of cherry cheese pie, apple cinnamon cake, or coconut cream pie. Sometimes you just have to use up leftovers from the weekend and lunch. Tomorrow is TOPS (weight loss group), and weigh day. Not sure how I did. But I know that I am trying each day to do at least some of my healthy habits.
    CSEGUIN2 Posts: 5,646 Member
    Good Evening Everyone!

    Today was an ok day. Lost 0.75 lb this week. Not sure how but will take it. Now to just keep the scale going in the right direction. Got some laundry done, also got some of my Christmas cards ready for the mail and worked on my bookclub assignments. This evening the residents had pork chops, oven roasted potatoes, gravy, corn, mushroom soup and grape jello with a little whipped cream.
    CSEGUIN2 Posts: 5,646 Member
    Good Evening Everyone!

    Today was a busy, cold day. Even snowed this afternoon and evening. So far nothing's really sticking. Did some laundry, worked on Christmas cards, and ran some errands all before going to work. For dinner the residents had chicken breast that was done like poaching in seasoned chicken broth to keep it moist, mashed potatoes, gravy, carrots, a choice of 2 soups and rice krispie squares that I added a little cocoa to the marshmallows. Love when my residents give me feedback on my cooking. They definitely do vary. From never having anything but praise to the ones who will tell you exactly what they didn't like right down to the black pepper LoL. Normally tomorrow would be my Friday but nope not for the foreseeable future as we only have 2 cooks who can work the week days. Life just got busier.
    CSEGUIN2 Posts: 5,646 Member
    Good Evening Everyone!

    Today was a beautiful day with sun. Had a very productive day. Did a few step-ups, laundry, dishes, and have almost all my Christmas cards that need to go in the mail ready. Just have to wait until the weekend when I get a few gift cards that have to be mailed with a couple of them. I am mailing about 40 cards this year. I still have all the family and TOPS ones to do. I also made my to do list for Christmas. I know I am missing something but oh well. For dinner the residents had shepherds pie, a slice of bread, salad, tomato soup, gravy and fruit cocktail. Today while doing laundry and looking at all that still has to be done I started running through the pro's and con's of doing laundry at the laundry mat. Need to really think this through maybe writing it down will help.
    CSEGUIN2 Posts: 5,646 Member
    Good Evening Everyone!

    Today was another productive day. Does this mean by Monday morning I will feel dead to the world? Most likely. Dishes, laundry and 2/3 of Christmas cards are done. Also did my pro's and con's list about doing my laundry at the laundry mat. Looks like I will give this a shot just not sure if I will get it in the loop before the new year. Tonight was a slow night at work. Most of the residents that came for dinner were in within the first hour. Got out of work early tonight. Makes up for the nights we work past the end of our shift. The residents had chicken cordon blue, mashed potatoes, gravy, California mix, soup and apple crisp. The apple crisp never finished cooking in time but it was still good.
  • the_frugal_chef
    the_frugal_chef Posts: 431 Member
    In Joyce Meyers' book Look Great Feel Great, she says to take water with you wherever you go. I have been doing just that! My soft drink consumption has decreased quite a bit.

    I have begun a habit of sprinkling cinnamon sugar on alot of things. For example, on apple slices last night and on toast this morning.

    My biking is not where I want it to be, but am going to gradually increase. My problem though is that the bike is on the hardest tension. The maintenance men had to have done that when bringing the bike upstairs for me. I don't know how to decrease the tension. The maintenance are always way too busy, so who knows when they'll be available. grrrr

    Do you ever get hungry when you are around certain people? Whenever I am around a certain roommate, I get soooooo hungry.

    Have a good evening! Hugs!
    CSEGUIN2 Posts: 5,646 Member
    Good Evening Everyone!

    Lately just being at home at night makes me hungry. I always take my water everywhere with me. I have been doing that since I started my journey.

    Today was a busy long day of Christmas shopping with my Son. I think I have 98% done. Son took me to Buffalo Wild Wings for lunch. The Christmas parade was tonight but we didn't go. I watched part of it from the front door. I was just to tired to go this year and stand in the cold. Also did dishes and laundry before and after I got home.
    CSEGUIN2 Posts: 5,646 Member
    Good Evening Everyone!

    Today was a more relaxed day. Went to church, completed writing all my cards unless I do ones for my coworkers. Knowing me I probably will. That would only be 4 more no biggie. All cards being mailed were put in the mail except the 3 going to the U.S.. Plan to redo my Christmas to-do list as it's getting hard to read. But starting to feel a little more in control and on schedule for Christmas. Plan to make gingerbread cookie dough this week at home and at work. I did enjoy an afternoon nap. Hopefully I won't need one in the morning tomorrow and I can get more done.
    CSEGUIN2 Posts: 5,646 Member
    Good Evening Everyone!

    Today was a productive day. Got dishes and laundry done. Also went back to bed for a couple of hours this morning as I felt like I hit a wall. When I got up from my nap I went to the bank, post office and the grocery store. Great walk for a change. So now all cards have been mailed. Got my dry ingredients at work done for gingerbread cookies that I will mix tomorrow to put in the fridge. The residents had steakette, oven roasted potatoes, gravy, green beans, and a choice of vanilla or chocolate pudding for dinner. Everything was on schedule tonight and turned out perfectly.
    CSEGUIN2 Posts: 5,646 Member
    Good Evening Everyone!

    Today was TOPS and weigh day. It's not good. I gained 5.75 lbs. I know why and all I can do is keep trying. Couldn't mix up the cookies at work as I forgot the molasses at home and Hubby wouldn't walk them over. Oh well I'll get it done tomorrow. For dinner the residents had pork chops, mashed potatoes, gravy, carrots, soup and an eclair. TOMORROW IS A NEW DAY! My plan is to get my planned exercise done first thing in the morning before I have time to think about it and before my appointment at the bank. I will also make healthy choices for meals at home to help me get back on track.