Daily Eating on a Budget Chat



  • beccaboo1276414
    beccaboo1276414 Posts: 862 Member
    Howdy folks!

    CS, yay for passing and wtg for all the things you are accomplishing!

    Frugal, I have mini meals too, like a few grapes and cheese. Sometimes, I will have a whole avocado, which I love but my body doesn't. I get hives due to histamine issues, and my favorites, eggplant, tomatoes, spinach, and avocados, all have high histamine.

    Today, I took a free art journaling class via zoom. I really enjoyed it and bought the 8 week course. The teacher, a therapist, has combined therapy with the joy of art to allow healing to not be so heavy. Healing can be joyful too.

    I've been eating unprocessed food again which always improves my blood glucose. Grocery shopping is going ok, but now, I only bring in what we absolutely need. The prices are outrageous!

    Sending hugs and peace.
  • beccaboo1276414
    beccaboo1276414 Posts: 862 Member
    Made a fabulous chicken soup today using veggies and the breast of a rotisserie chicken!
    CSEGUIN2 Posts: 5,646 Member
    Good Evening Everyone!

    Becca thanks! Glad you're getting back into eating healthier. I am too.

    Today has been a mostly sunny day. It was 50°F in the Church this morning. I was frozen. Today was a relaxed but productive day. Made cowboy caviar, chilli, baked tortilla chips, and homemade croutons. Also did some dishes and laundry and played cards with Hubby.
    CSEGUIN2 Posts: 5,646 Member
    Good Evening Everyone!

    Sorry I have been mia. The website locked me out for a couple days but I am back.

    I have been exercising consistently and trying to keep my calories in range or at least close to it. Sometimes it works sometimes it doesn't. This week I gained another half pound. That puts me at the brink of losing my 100 lb loss status. Need to loose this weight. Have finally gotten back in to studying for my nutrition and fitness course and sent off an exam today. It's been almost a year since I started that chapter. Hoping to be back on track.
    CSEGUIN2 Posts: 5,646 Member
    Good Evening Everyone!

    It is definitely good to be back.

    I won't be surprised if I get a mark in the 90's on my exam as it's open book. I write it as if it's not but will check answers I am not sure of.

    Today has mostly been rainy. But got all planned exercise, dishes, some laundry and studying done. Also did some decluttering, went to my Son's doctor appointment and played Wii sports with Hubby. It feels so great to be in a routine and be getting things done. Reaching over 20,000 steps each day is just the bonus. Although right now I am out to prove a point to someone I know.
    CSEGUIN2 Posts: 5,646 Member
    Good Evening Everyone!

    Today has been a very busy day with lots of exercise and movement. Completed my workouts, studied, did dishes and laundry, played Wii sports with Hubby, walked down town to meet my Son for his appointment at the bank, then walked to the grocery store and cabbed it home. Boy am I tired and muscles are not happy. But that's ok as I know they will be ready for tomorrow's workouts.
    CSEGUIN2 Posts: 5,646 Member
    Good Evening Everyone!

    Made today a great day! All planned exercise done, dishes and laundry done, walked to and from the grocery store to get what I needed for tomorrow, and played Wii sports with Hubby. Taking taco dip and tostitos tomorrow for Super Bowl at my friend's. Oh and got some studying done.
    CSEGUIN2 Posts: 5,646 Member
    Good Evening Everyone!

    Didn't get to check in yesterday. Went to church, studied, played Wii sports with Hubby and finished making the taco dip before heading to my friends. Got there some time after 2 pm. Didn't watch much of the game or any other part. Was busy socializing and snacking. May have over ate yesterday but. I did try to limit what I ate at home to healthy and only if I was truly hungry before leaving. Most likely went over in calories as I did eat quite a bit even though it was fairly healthy foods out side of the chips. Also there was some alcohol involved.

    Today has been a very productive day even with only 4 hrs of sleep. Yesterday's and today's exercise completed, did dishes and laundry, studied and played cards with Hubby. Tomorrow is rest, weigh, TOPS and Valentine's day. Not sure how the scale will react with the chips yesterday but I see and feel the difference already.
    CSEGUIN2 Posts: 5,646 Member
    Good Evening Everyone!

    Yesterday was rest, weigh and TOPS day. Gained another pound. Extremely frustrated but know if I keep doing the right things and improve on others it will eventually turn around. Took the rest part literally. Did get a small walk in at the mall getting Hubby's gift. I also used the holiday as a cover to eat my feelings. Hubby went out to get my gift after lunch. He came home with 6 long stem red roses and an Amazon gift card. He also informed me that something would be delivered the next day.

    Today I completed all my workouts, did dishes and laundry, and also studied. Did some organizing and also played Wii sports with Hubby. My delivery came and it is a beautiful flower as arrangement. I feel very loved and special this year.

    I tried to post the pictures of the flowers but it wouldn't work today.
    CSEGUIN2 Posts: 5,646 Member
    Good Evening Everyone!

    Today has been cold and cloudy. Completed all workouts, studied, did dishes, laundry and decluttering, worked on my TOPS program for Tuesday and played Wii sports with Hubby.
    CSEGUIN2 Posts: 5,646 Member
    Good Evening Everyone!

    Today has been cold and snowy. But the sun did come out for a bit in the afternoon. Today was another productive day. With all the usual tasks done. Struggled with procrastination for some exercises. I did update my nutrition ranges. My calories were upped. Not sure I like that but we'll see what happens. But won't matter if I can't stay in the right range.

    CSEGUIN2 Posts: 5,646 Member
    Good Evening Everyone!

    Today has been cold but sunny. All my usual routine stuff done. Even did a little extra studying. I am working on getting to bed by 9 pm every night except Wednesday and Thursday. Those two days the goal is 10 pm as soon as my shows are done. Everyday is a struggle to keep calories in the range I want. But I figure if I can at least eat less junk everyday it will slowly stop like before. I tried to stop cold turkey again. This time didn't work out so well.
    CSEGUIN2 Posts: 5,646 Member
    Good Evening Everyone!

    Today was a more relaxed day with exercise. Walked to and from Church. Did my planned workouts, studied, worked on my TOPS program for Tuesday, and played cards with Hubby.
    CSEGUIN2 Posts: 5,646 Member
    Good Evening Everyone!

    Today was another sunny cool day. Did all my workouts, studied, finished my program for TOPS tomorrow, did dish and laundry (went on the line), played Wii sports with Hubby, and read a couple of chapters for my book club. It's about losing weight and self-sabotage. I am learning quite a bit about how my conscious and subconscious thoughts are setting me up to never reach my weight loss goal. Well I don't plan to let that keep happening so I am going to do the hard work to fix the inside and make it healthy so I can truly be healthy and reach my goals.
    CSEGUIN2 Posts: 5,646 Member
    Good Evening Everyone!

    Today has been mostly sunny, windy and chilly. It was also rest, weigh and TOPS day. I am down 1.25 lbs this week! Finally have the scale moving in the right direction. Now to keep it going. I was also the top loser of the group. This morning before the meeting started but after I weighed in I will laps around the room. It was funny some of the reactions I got. Normally I don't get there early enough to be able to do it. I also walked to and from the grocery store. On the way back I was carrying a 14 kg bag of dog food. Boy are my muscles sore. It was definitely a great workout. Calories are really high today but that's ok because I will be back on track tomorrow.
    CSEGUIN2 Posts: 5,646 Member
    Good Evening Everyone!

    Today has been a cold, snowy, rainy, and freezing rain. Had another great day of exercise. For my 3 mile HIIT walk video I decided to try with my weights as that's what I use to do. I was aiming for 1 mile with 3 pound weights but did almost 2 miles. Finished the video with no weights. Did some dishes and laundry, studied and played Wii sports with Hubby. Got my exam back and got 96% on it. Still need to check the one I got wrong to make sure I agree as I have found mistakes before. Supposed to be going to Ash Wednesday service tonight but not sure I want to take the chance of having to skate to and from Church.
  • the_frugal_chef
    the_frugal_chef Posts: 431 Member
    Well, my day is just starting wonderful.

    I brewed myself a mocha. Like I always do. Tasted awful. I had to throw the cup down the kitchen sink.

    Now, I brewed myself a regular cup of coffee. Waiting for the coffee to cool off before tasting.

    I miss being here on the team.

    I made myself a promise this past Wednesday evening to exercise more and work less. Yes I need money. But my health is more important.

    Then, I am still carrying water with me wherever I go.

    Have a good Thursday! Be good!
    CSEGUIN2 Posts: 5,646 Member
    Good Evening Everyone!

    Frugal you're doing great! Balancing work and health can be tricky but necessary. It's something I haven't mastered.

    Didn't end up going to Church last night to be on the safe side. Side walks and roads seemed to stay clear in my area though. But staying warm with the wind is just not as easy.

    Today was a semi productive day. Completed my workouts, studied and went with Son to his orthodontics appointment. Quite a few branches down every where. I know there has been power outages but we only had enough to upset the tv but came right back on and some flickering. When I got home but the few groceries away I grabbed along the way, had lunch and played Wii sports with Hubby.

    CSEGUIN2 Posts: 5,646 Member
    Good Evening Everyone!

    Prayers for healing and hugs for those who need or want them.

    Today has been a good day. The sun has been out most of the day but still cold. Completed workouts even though I struggled a bit. Also did dishes, laundry and studying. Also decluttered a bit and played cards with Hubby.
    CSEGUIN2 Posts: 5,646 Member
    Good Evening Everyone!

    Today was snowy when I got up. But the switched to cloudy and was partly cloudy by noon. Got about half inch of snow so shoveled it before it had a chance to melt. It's gone now. Have had a productive day doing my usual exercise, studying and chores. Also got dinner ready to go in the oven. I had left over chilli so I made a macaroni and chilli cheese bake with a side of garlic bread.