Daily Eating on a Budget Chat



    CSEGUIN2 Posts: 5,646 Member
    Good Evening Everyone!

    It's been raining on and off all day. Slept in until 11 am. Needed the extra sleep after only getting 4.5 hrs Tuesday night. Also did some marching and calf raises today. Felt good to be active. Dishes are almost caught up and got some laundry done. Hubby wanted to play cards so I gave in and played even though I would have preferred to get more house work done.
    CSEGUIN2 Posts: 5,646 Member
    Good Evening Everyone!

    Today has been cold with flurries on and off but nothing sticking and not enough to make money off of anyways. It has been a very productive day. Did laundry, dishes and some Christmas deco removal. Also did push-ups, marching, calf raises, core and lower body workout and got some walking in running errands.

    Tomorrow is another busy day as it's my Son's weekend here. We have a party at my friend's to celebrate us all out of a job. I am taking taco dip upon request. It's also the first anniversary of Mom's death.
    CSEGUIN2 Posts: 5,646 Member
    Good Evening!

    Yesterday was a busy day. Exercised in the morning. Went with my Son, Sister and Brother-in-law to visit Mom's resting place. Found out my Sister had a flat tire as we were about to leave. As I was already in the car not sure how bad it was. But they were arguing about it and decided to drive to the nearest gas station to pump it up instead of putting the spare on as my Sister wanted. It was starting to upset my Son. Told them to knock it off and gave my Brother-in-law strict instructions that his job was to keep an eye on the tire and let my Sister concentrate on driving. Then we went to the party where I had a blast for the most part. Found out that my friend was called back to work by the new company on Wednesday and starts this week. Everyone else knew but me. That hurt but I will not say anything to her about it. I am glad she got the call.

    Today went a little different than planned. Went to Church no snow. Went to coffee hour after Church and there was snow on the ground. Had been snowing all day. Shoveled and salted our property and my clients. After that it was rest for me. Back at my scheduled exercise tomorrow.
    CSEGUIN2 Posts: 5,646 Member
    Good Evening Everyone!

    Still no word about my certificate.

    I get my friend feeling awkward about telling me. I know that it wasn't her doing. She was actually looking forward to the time off. I am happy they called her back and know she will make the right decision for her and I will support whatever she decides.

    Today has been cloudy. Slept in and then got up and worked out, did some dishes, did laundry, and played cards with Hubby. Still need to get some studying done for my schooling. Tomorrow is weigh and TOPS. I get to play roll of Leader this week as the Leader will not be there.
    CSEGUIN2 Posts: 5,646 Member
    Good Evening Everyone!

    Still no word about my certificate.

    I get my friend feeling awkward about telling me. I know that it wasn't her doing. She was actually looking forward to the time off. I am happy they called her back and know she will make the right decision for her and I will support whatever she decides.

    Today has been cloudy. Slept in and then got up and worked out, did some dishes, did laundry, and played cards with Hubby. Still need to get some studying done for my schooling. Tomorrow is weigh and TOPS. I get to play roll of Leader this week as the Leader will not be there.
    CSEGUIN2 Posts: 5,646 Member
    Good Evening Everyone!

    Today was a beautiful sunny day. More like the first day of spring. Tomorrow the snow storm is coming. I am so lucky to be able to make some cash off the snow. Went to TOPS this morning and found out I gained 4 more lbs. I don't feel like I weigh that much. But something needs to change in my head. Maybe it's time to be hard on myself. I need to get the evening eating under control. For that I am going to try chewing gum. Today turned out to be the harder day to fill in as the leader at TOPS. We had some temper flair and a member walk out. So the rest of the meeting was spent dealing with all that. Filled for Employment Insurance but not sure I qualify. We will see. Also called Hubbies worker to update her on my employment status. Tomorrow is a brand new day with an evening Church service.
  • the_frugal_chef
    the_frugal_chef Posts: 431 Member
    Hello fellow thrifty people!

    I am extremely tired but have to work on book reviews tonight Wish me luck.

    @CSEGUIN2 , just hop right on the wagon!

    I made a habit of carrying water with me wherever I go. However, for the past two days, I didn't. I know... bad girl. LOL

    Have a good evening! Remember to drink that water!


    CSEGUIN2 Posts: 5,646 Member
    Good Evening Everyone!

    It's been snowing all day and will continue until sometime tomorrow I think. We've already had at least 7 cm. Making lots of money this month from my side gig. Completed all planned exercise, shoveled snow for 2 properties and played crib and skipbo with Hubby. Definitely feeling my muscles today. Should sleep well tonight. Didn't end up going to Church this evening do to all the snow and figured they may have cancelled it.

    This is a picture of the crew and me from work.
    CSEGUIN2 Posts: 5,646 Member
    Good Evening Everyone!

    Today has been a great day. Light flurries on and off all day. Not accumulated to much of anything. Had some me time reading this morning then got up and did all my planned exercise. Also shoveled the rest of the clients parking lot and ours, did laundry and dishes. After lunch Hubby and I played skipbo as my muscles were letting me know how they feel about all the exercise. Maybe tomorrow we can play Wii sports and be active in the afternoon. Tomorrow I also have to go shopping for one of my cousin's first birthday party. That will be a nice trip with fun Saturday.
    CSEGUIN2 Posts: 5,646 Member
    Good Evening Everyone!

    It's snowing again! Most of the day was sunny and it was a nice change. All my exercise done. Didn't let my muscles control my plan. Tomorrow will be a bit more relaxed. Also ran some errands to get my walk in no excuse that way, some dishes and laundry are done. Finally started working on my program for TOPS on Tuesday. That will probably get more attention on Sunday during football. Played a few games of skipbo with Hubby. Can't wait to go to bed tonight.
    CSEGUIN2 Posts: 5,646 Member
    Good Evening Everyone!

    Had a great time at the birthday party yesterday. But did way over eat. No exercise yesterday as there just didn't seem to be enough time.

    Today was snowy, rainy and cold. Went to Church, then came home and did a few chores, worked on my TOPS program for Tuesday, baked some cookies, and played Skipbo with Hubby.

    Hoping to be back on track tomorrow.
    CSEGUIN2 Posts: 5,646 Member
    Good Evening Everyone!

    I made oatmeal banana chocolate chip cookies with raisins and currents. The best part is instead of oatmeal I think I used bran flakes. Not sure it was a mystery bag that was Mom's. The chocolate chips were dark and semi-sweet.

    The results were in the mail today when I got home. Passed my food handlers certificate with a 98%. Now to get my resume done.

    Today has been an off day. Woke up at 5:30 am and read for about an hour. Then did my walk video and a little strength exercise. Also completed my TOPS program for tomorrow. We are covering protein. Had a light breakfast and found out my Son was running late. Good thing I always make sure to leave extra time to catch a different bus to appointments. While I was down town waiting for him I did a little shopping. He has a cavity that needs fixing and needs a cleaning before they can put on his upper braces. When I got home opened my mail and was so happy had to share my news with my cousin and a friend so texted them. Had a quick lunch and read a little more. Then went to my friends house. She was telling me about work. Kinda happy that they didn't call me back. She doesn't want to stay. Soon dinner and then bed.
  • beccaboo1276414
    beccaboo1276414 Posts: 862 Member
    CS, wow, you have been busy! The 5 pounds will come off. We all vary. I have 13 pounds to take off after the holidays. Hope the food handlers certificate goes well.

    Frugal, so happy to see you! That's a nice treat to give yourself. I likely would binge on that food if I had it, but I can't have it anyway for various reasons.

    My neighbor, who I used to give my extra food to, is now in the nursing home. I miss her already. I always included her in on my holiday meals, and also split fruit and avocados, etc, when I shopped at sam's. I'd send care packages there frequently. Great prices, but too much in a package! The last meal I made for us was turkey, gluten free gravy, mashed taters and a veg. She said she gulped it down when she saw it and then went to sleep. It wasn't a holiday; just included her as it didn't appear that she had any grocery deliveries in weeks. My mom would always take care of the elderly neighbors close by. I get that from her. Also, I think spreading kindness is a good thing.

    Sam's has a keto sausage and pancake sandwich which is giving me a break at fixing breakfast. It's only 6 carbs, and much cheaper than eating out. Sometimes I need a break from all this cooking! 😆 CS, I don't know how you do it!

    CSEGUIN2 Posts: 5,646 Member
    Good Evening Everyone!

    I passed!

    It's a lot easier to do a lot of cooking when you love what you do even if it's simple and of course when gett paid.

    Today was rest, weigh and TOPS day. Gained half a pound. Not good but not bad either. With how everything went this week not to bad. It shows me that I just need to be more consistent with food and exercise. Ran some errands with Hubby today, then did some dishes and decluttering. Back on track tomorrow.
    CSEGUIN2 Posts: 5,646 Member
    Good Evening Everyone!

    Today has been a very good day! Got up and posted in a challenge I lead on Facebook. Then got dressed and did my video, strength, laundry, and dishes (they're finally caught up!). Also cleaned the stove and rearranged something's. After lunch Hubby and I played Wii sports. When it's not our turn we March in place. I am trying to get back into being more active at home like I did when we were in COVID lockdown's. It worked then to lose the weight it will again. Yes I am still listening to my body and will take breaks when needed.
  • the_frugal_chef
    the_frugal_chef Posts: 431 Member

    Today I side-hustled. Tonight, book reviews to accomplish.

    I have been sure to take water with me wherever I go.

    Have a good evening.
    CSEGUIN2 Posts: 5,646 Member
    Good Evening Everyone!

    Frugal I am so glad that water has become more of a part of your life.

    Today was another sunny and cold day but very productive! All workouts done, most of chr has been packed away. Just windows, doors and all the towels to get done. Took Son to his teeth cleaning appointment and did some grocery shopping. Had to take a cab home. Put groceries away, played Wii sports with Hubby. Got some studying for my classes and did some reading for my book club. Boy am I tired. Hopefully that means a good night sleep.
    CSEGUIN2 Posts: 5,646 Member
    Good Evening Everyone!

    Today has been another sunny day. All exercise done, studied, read some of my book for my bookclub, did dishes and laundry. Also played skipbo instead of Wii sports as Hubby said his knees are bothering him from the marching. So I did step-ups on and off to get extra steps. Still struggling with being hungry all the time and keeping my calories in range.
  • the_frugal_chef
    the_frugal_chef Posts: 431 Member
    Today, I have eaten a burger with provolone cheese on a whole wheat bun. I have had a
    serving of potato chips and water with water enhancer also!

    I like having the mini meals that I have been having. I tend to not overeat this way.

    CSEGUIN2 Posts: 5,646 Member
    Good Evening Everyone!

    You're doing great Frugal!

    Today was another sunny, cold day. All exercise completed including step-ups to get my hourly steps. Also studied, did dishes and laundry. Played a board game with Hubby and also made time for some me time reading. Still struggling with food but slowly trying to get it under control by trying to make healthier choices.