Downsizers Team Chat JANUARY 2022



  • Pippin20206
    Pippin20206 Posts: 194 Member
    1. Tell us a little about yourself?
    I'm 44 year old female, just had my birthday on 29 Dec. I live with my partner of 14 years and 4 british bulldogs that I refer to as my kids. So if I talk about walking the kids that's what I mean.

    2. Why are you on this journey? What pushed you to start?
    Struggled with my weight every since late teens, always had body image issues, feel like I went straight from being a flat chested skinny little rat to suddenly being fat overnight. In reality I obviously had a lot of years in my early 20s where I looked good but didn't feel it. Been eating junk most of my life don't like the taste of most healthy food. Had a lapband inserted many years ago which got me down from my heaviest weight 242lbs to around 209lbs but didn't really change any of my eating habits.

    Had a major wake up call in Oct 2021 when I spent the night in hospital in agonising pain only to find out through an ultrasound that I have fatty liver disease. That's scared me enough into finally getting serious. Joined MFP again soon after and found this group of beautiful people. I'm now down to 186lbs with a target weight of 154lbs.

    3. What are your triggers and how can you avoid them?
    Boredom eating, stress eating, emotional eating, you name it! For so long food has been the main way that I can get any easy fix. I have chronic depression so food has been a crutch for so long. Pretty much the only way I can avoid triggers is to not buy naughty food that way I can't eat it.

    4. Do you have a favourite diet you go by? ie keto, low carb
    Currently on low fat, low carb seems to work the best for me.

    5. What is your favourite way to workout?
    Not good at working out. Trying to use the FitOn app when I have the energy and walking the kids up and down our very long driveway gets me about 2000 steps.

    6. What are some of your goals this month? Year?
    Not sure about monthly goal, but definitely think it's possible to hit my target weight this year, hopefully in about 5 months, then re-evaluate how I look/feel and whether I want to set a lower target.

    7. What do you expect to gain from the team? Do you have any suggestions?
    I just love hearing everyone's stories and the little comments from the motivators really make my day.
  • lindamtuck2018
    lindamtuck2018 Posts: 9,577 Member
    mszoueb wrote: »
    Love the clean slate analogy. The lightbulb clicked so there is nothing stopping you now. Did you decide on the meal service yet?

    Yeah I've started the meal prep today for this month, will look into next month this week whilst discount is on.

    I'm slightly annoyed at myself this evening - I did about 1hr 20 min or so mountain biking at various inclines with friends, it was really muddy too so was quite a workout alongside the additional walking and then unexpectedly invited to have evening meal together. I could have said no thanks, it did cross my mind to do so in line of prep, but with bike transporting etc it would have been logistically awkward to head back home.

    It was a real life moment to be had, now I can get back to it going forward. I haven't ate a lot today, but of course can't know the calories of the food or how much I burnt cycling. These 3 days have taken a knock on structure as part of my meal prep is missing so awaiting delivery too. I may have to freeze some of the meals.

    I thought that great stick to the cals whole month and should lose at least 4 pounds, but will have to see, above all else it was great to get out on bike again.

    Life sometimes gets in the way. You did a great job with your cycling.

    Re-arranging my kitchen is done ..155 minutes burned 409 cals...Didn't eat lunch due to not being hungry (not complaining) my bulletproof coffee in the morning keeps me full ...dinner is 1/2 of a new york steak....salad and 1/2 of a baked potato with butter and sour cream ( I am partial keto at this time since there is a lot of stuff to be eaten and I do not expect Alyssa to eat it all ) as long as I measure it out I should be fine :) ...Going on our walk soon ...It has been a productive day .. the tv hasn't even been on today which is unusual LOL

    When you are rearranging, what do you pick on your Fitbit for exercise? I might do some deep cleaning tomorrow and the only setting I think I can use on my Apple Watch is other. Can housecleaning be converted to steps? I might have the cleanest apartment in the building now that the pool will be closed.

    @Megan_smartiepants1970 please add me to the step challenge this month. Am pretty sedentary in the winter so will pledge 2,000 steps.
    01/03 1 mile in 17 m 10s. 45 mins. Strength training, moderate effort.

    It is clear and sunny 6 degrees with the wind coming from the south. Hopefully will warm up a little more today. The rec center was full of kids playing basketball with a few using the climbing walls. School will start up tomorrow here. Would love to have enough upper body strength to do the climbing. Have to work on improving strength and fitness then we’ll see.

    45 minutes of strength trading is awesome! You will be able to climb those walls, I believe in you.

    Hi everyone! Here is a daily update from me...

    I did well with my eating. I haven't binged in over a week now, so I am proud of myself for that. I was able to walk 2 miles today. I could have done more, but my legs and feet were hurting a bit too much. Tomorrow after work I will get my daily 3 miles in. Plus the usual 10,000+ steps I usually take at work. (I work in a kitchen and on my feet for 8 hours.)

    I hope everyone has had a wonderful day and keep up the great work!!

    Great job on the binge eating. As someone who also struggles with binges, I know this is a big accomplishment. 👏👏👏

    tslose wrote: »
    tslose wrote: »
    If anyone else wants to be added, removed, excused from the step challenge.. please let me know as soon as you can ...Thank you :)

    Did you get me?

    I did with a 10,000 step goal ...if you could post your steps for 1/2/22 that would be greatly appreciated :)

    1/2 did make first day - darn. 8372

    I think you did pretty darn good.

    JodiSW wrote: »
    1. Tell us about yourself.

    Hey everyone. Wow! I'm not on the boards a few days and 6 pages! Happy 2022.

    I'm 53 in the typically beautiful but recently freezing cold Pacific Northwest. I'm married, but we have a long distance thing and so it's just me and my dog 5 or 6 days a week (she's an almost 5 year old Husky/Shepherd mix.)

    2. Why are you on this journey? What pushed you to start?

    Well, my highest weight about 15 years ago was close a bit over 240 and I was pretty hopeless about it. Then I discovered that it was related to a health issue that was easily corrected and with a little attention I dropped down to around 155, which honestly, I think is a good weight for me. I feel good at that weight and can still eat! And I love to eat. :)

    In the past 5 years I've had some depressive 'bouts, my episodes of binge eating skyrocketed, I went through menopause, yada, yada, yada...and yep. Had about 50lbs sneak back on. In August 2021 after seeing some videos of myself I decided that I needed to regain control. Since then, I've dropped about 30lbs. November and December were total busts in terms of weight loss.

    3. What are your triggers and how can you avoid them?

    Sugar and other white foods are definitely triggers. I can (and will) eat them until I'm physically ill. I don't buy them, but sometimes (like the last few days) when I my anxiety rises, I order delivery and binge out. I've been binging out the last two days. :(

    Since September, I've been practicing mindfulness and meditation to address my stress and anxiety and cognitive distortions. I also eat a mix of low carb/keto. Both of these things help a lot.

    4. Do you have a favourite diet you go by? ie keto, low carb

    Low carb/keto and calorie tracking. I track a weekly amount of calories with the goal to stay around 8400 from Saturday to Friday of each week. I appreciate the flexibility of doing it over a week.

    5. What is your favourite way to workout?

    Really, I hate working out! LOL When the weather's decent (not now) I walk 30-60 minutes a day with the dog. I have to keep changing it up or I just stop. I was working out with my virtual reality headset a lot in September and October but that fell off. I just got an exercise bike and enjoy doing that (for now) and there are some virtual rides I can do but I'm waiting for a sensor that I need.

    6. What are some of your goals this month? Year?

    - drink 120 oz of water daily
    - bike at least 3 miles 5X/week (this is on my new exercise bike!)
    - stay under weekly calorie goal (8400)
    - stay within daily macro goals 5X/wk
    - log all calories 6X/wk

    For the year? Well, let's just see how January goes! :)

    7. What do you expect to gain from the team? Do you have any suggestions?


    Just a place to come and read the triumphs and struggles of other people, to know I'm not alone in it. Accountability...pretty much what other folks have said.

    My weigh in day: Friday
    December 31 (last Friday) weigh in: 168.9
    Goal weight for January 31: 160

    Thanks for reading! I'm excited for the month!

    You have set some great goals for the month. Binge eating is tough. One of my biggest triggers for binge eating is stress and being overtired. It is something I worked hard to manage but sometimes the binge wins. I have learned that I need to have compassion for myself and move on. We are here for the good, the bad and the ugly of our weight loss journey. Come on here, ask questions or even just have a rant. We will listen.

  • lindamtuck2018
    lindamtuck2018 Posts: 9,577 Member
    I bet your kids keep you busy. How are the shakes going?
  • Megan_smartiepants1970
    Megan_smartiepants1970 Posts: 40,774 Member
    When you are rearranging, what do you pick on your Fitbit for exercise? I might do some deep cleaning tomorrow and the only setting I think I can use on my Apple Watch is other. Can housecleaning be converted to steps? I might have the cleanest apartment in the building now that the pool will be closed.

    I put my fitbit on workout ...I have housework, light 72...Housework, mopping floors 51....Housework, vacuuming 101....and housework, washing windows 87... I personally would use your apple watch as other x minutes
  • MeowScout
    MeowScout Posts: 103 Member
    SOOOO I am finally taking a look around in the Group offerings. Did you know there is a weekly challenge? (Of course, you did! I'm a little late to the par-tay). This week it is about reflecting on all the things we would like to see, be, and twenty twenty-two. Go to the link below for the full post!

    But I wanted to ask here, maybe we could share here tomorrow. Choose one of these questions if it inspires you, or tell us something else. Let's lift each other up! It is so important to keep the REASONS for being fit ready to mind. You are worth it!!

    TUESDAY, Jan 4th

    13. One book I’m going to read.
    14. One new place I’m going to visit.
    15. One adventure I’m going to go on.
    16. One hobby I’m going to try.
    17. One personal development goal I’m going to achieve.
  • rwood566
    rwood566 Posts: 987 Member
    Good evening everyone.
    Check in for 1/3:
    Steps - 4689
    Calories - 1988. Way to many snacks. Crap.
    Exercise - gym 9 machines, walk this evening 1 mile. Had to play the lottery.

    Bad eating day. I didn't want to log some things but I kicked myself and made myself log.
  • rwood566
    rwood566 Posts: 987 Member
    @MeowScout I find it a bit ironic that you posted the request.
    #13 'The Nightingale'. My daughter bought me a Xmas wrapped book last night from Barnes and noble. I have problems reading but I will push thru and get the book read.
    #14. I am hopefully (covid and body willing) going to Disneyland a week from Wednesday. First time this century.
    #15. Tuesday this week I am going to a park here to conquer the trail that has beaten me 3 times.
    #16. My daughter got me 2 paint by numbers for Xmas. That should be very frustrating.

    I hope this is what you meant when you posted it. I can get a little off base at times.
  • Pippin20206
    Pippin20206 Posts: 194 Member
    I bet your kids keep you busy. How are the shakes going?

    Ufh i can't stand them. Can onlmanage a couple of days on them at a time but it does help.
  • Morethanjustanumber
    Morethanjustanumber Posts: 656 Member

    Date 1/3
    Step count 9534
  • Morethanjustanumber
    Morethanjustanumber Posts: 656 Member

    Has a nice NSV today, its summer here at the moment which normally makes my fingers swell and my rings tight. A few years ago I had to have them enlarged because of the weight I'd put on. Today even in summer they are feeling really loose. Ive actually taken them off for safe keeping and when I've lost some more weight will think about getting them resized so they are smaller!! 😁

    Sometime NSVs are the best part of a day!
  • Morethanjustanumber
    Morethanjustanumber Posts: 656 Member
    edited January 2022
    rwood566 wrote: »
    @MeowScout I find it a bit ironic that you posted the request.
    #13 'The Nightingale'. My daughter bought me a Xmas wrapped book last night from Barnes and noble. I have problems reading but I will push thru and get the book read.

    The Nightingale was a really good book!
  • Beautyofdreams
    Beautyofdreams Posts: 1,009 Member
    Username: Beautyofdreams
    Weigh In Day: Tuesday
    PW: 140.8
    CW: 139.4
    SW: 223.4 (March 8, 2020)
  • peng123
    peng123 Posts: 352 Member
    Happy Tuesday, Downsizers! Here's my check-in for the day:

    Calories: 1,187
    Exercise: 115 minutes on the elliptical and 30 minutes of stretching classes
    Steps: 15,869

    We were shut-in here yesterday due to a snowstorm - so I did two sessions of exercise - felt great! I hope you all have a wonderful day!!
  • lindamtuck2018
    lindamtuck2018 Posts: 9,577 Member
    edited January 2022
    When you are rearranging, what do you pick on your Fitbit for exercise? I might do some deep cleaning tomorrow and the only setting I think I can use on my Apple Watch is other. Can housecleaning be converted to steps? I might have the cleanest apartment in the building now that the pool will be closed.

    I put my fitbit on workout ...I have housework, light 72...Housework, mopping floors 51....Housework, vacuuming 101....and housework, washing windows 87... I personally would use your apple watch as other x minutes

    So instead of figuring them out for conversion purposes individually I will lump it all together as light and multiply it all by 72. Is that ok? I don’t wash windows anyway and it only takes 5 minutes to wash the floors.
  • lindamtuck2018
    lindamtuck2018 Posts: 9,577 Member
    MeowScout wrote: »
    Wow, time flies! Lots of planning and praying and getting things done going on.
    Thank you so much to everyone who has committed themselves to this challenge for January.

    My check-in
    1/2 6000 steps, 1507 calories
    1/3 7353 steps, 1525 calories

    I got some of my walking done first thing this morning, and that really did make the whole day go better! I am not hitting the 1400 calls I hoped to, but GOODNESS I am feeling so SNACKY, so I am just hanging on to my food goals by the skin of my teeth. I ate NO candy today. Winning! I am feeling a little water puffy these past couple of days. So I drank some cardamom water a little bit ago to see if that will help me out. Now my mouth is on Fire (this girl is on fire..sing it!).

    Your steps are great! I hear you on the calories, I moved my calories down to 1600 as they were at maintenance during the holidays. Unfortunately, my appetite came back with a vengeance last night. Ended up closer to maintenance. Let me know if it helps with the puffiness.

    rwood566 wrote: »
    Good evening everyone.
    Check in for 1/3:
    Steps - 4689
    Calories - 1988. Way to many snacks. Crap.
    Exercise - gym 9 machines, walk this evening 1 mile. Had to play the lottery.

    Bad eating day. I didn't want to log some things but I kicked myself and made myself log.

    I wonder if all our stomachs stretched a little during the holidays. Way to be accountable and log.

    Daily check-in
    Calories 857 got a migraine and felt too sick to eat.
    Steps 6429

    Has a nice NSV today, its summer here at the moment which normally makes my fingers swell and my rings tight. A few years ago I had to have them enlarged because of the weight I'd put on. Today even in summer they are feeling really loose. Ive actually taken them off for safe keeping and when I've lost some more weight will think about getting them resized so they are smaller!! 😁

    Awesome NSV. I hope your migraine is better today.


    Date 1/3
    Step count 9534

    Another stellar step count!

    Username: Beautyofdreams
    Weigh In Day: Tuesday
    PW: 140.8
    CW: 139.4
    SW: 223.4 (March 8, 2020)

    Fantastic loss!

    peng123 wrote: »
    Happy Tuesday, Downsizers! Here's my check-in for the day:

    Calories: 1,187
    Exercise: 115 minutes on the elliptical and 30 minutes of stretching classes
    Steps: 15,869

    We were shut-in here yesterday due to a snowstorm - so I did two sessions of exercise - felt great! I hope you all have a wonderful day!!

    What a great way to pass a snow day!
  • lindamtuck2018
    lindamtuck2018 Posts: 9,577 Member
    ❌close rings
    ✅steps 5,783
    ✅log food daily

    I moved more yesterday. I did a couple of mini walks. Pretty rough but no pain no gain. 🤷‍♀️ My appetite came back last night (unfortunately) and I am feeling much better just a little dragged out but that maybe from the holidays. It is nice and quiet in my apartment today as Mom is gone home and my husband is back to work. The grandkids are starting remote learning tomorrow so it’s possible they may come spend a few days at my house next week. I realized this morning the restrictions don’t start until tomorrow so I may head to the pool after my telephone doctors appointment. I don’t get why the doctors never phone when they say they are going to. I have to start catching up on housework and get my Christmas tree down. Garry was going to do it yesterday but I thought I could do a small amount each day.

    Have a terrific Tuesday!
This discussion has been closed.