This Year is Our Year for Success!



  • mdubbs1
    mdubbs1 Posts: 6,648 Member
    Helene610 wrote: »
    It’s beyond belief that the NRA would go forward with their conference in Texas days after the mass killing of children. And lawmakers will probably respond with the same old platitudes and no real changes to gun control.

    We both liked the movie a lot. We were the first two to arrive. A bit later, a couple came in and he commented that he was the only man in the audience. I told him the other guys we’re watching Top Gun. A couple more men came in but we were mostly women.

    I can't wait for Top Gun to be available other than at a movie theater (haven't been to one of those since the early 80's). It's gotten fantastic reviews!
  • Helene610
    Helene610 Posts: 2,831 Member
    Definitely wait for streaming. The theaters for TG will probably be at capacity. I can just imagine Covid germs floating around in a packed theater. And you know there will be few masks in there.
  • PamS53
    PamS53 Posts: 1,936 Member
    I’ve heard that Top Gun is a movie that really suffers when seen on a small screen. I’m sure the theaters will be packed at first, but usually if you wait 2-3 weeks, an afternoon matinee mid-week may only have a few attendees. If you’ve had your boosters, wear a mask, and socially distance where possible, I think it’s relatively low risk. We plan to see it, but probably not for a couple of weeks.

    I’m prepping for the first of 2 trips. DH and I leave Saturday for NC again for my cousin’s memorial service. We will drive it in 2 long days, then stay until Thursday morning when we start the drive back. On Sunday I will drive to my sister’s home and Monday morning my sister, niece and I will drive to New Orleans where we will meet with my sister’s youngest daughter for 4 days exploring The Big Easy. We will head home on Friday. So I have lots of driving in my future, which is not my favorite mode of travel.

    DH’s sister has been driving me crazy lately (so what else is new, lol!). She has decided to move to Colorado when her son and his family move this summer and that as a result, MIL should be moved to our area for us to take responsibility. This was decided without consulting us, but that’s not really the issue. After all this time, I agree that it’s only fair for us to do this. The part that is driving me crazy is that she is contacting assisted living facilities in our area and making inquiries, then telling us we need to contact them to set up appointments to tour them ASAP. She knows almost nothing about the area, so doesn’t know which facilities are in good parts of the city, have good reputations, etc. plus, as I described above, for the next few weeks we are not available to tour these places and I’d really prefer to deal with this after we are both back from our travels. I don’t want to be fielding follow up calls from them while I’m away and trying to be present for my family during these visits. After telling her again that we didn’t have time to deal with it this week, I finally told her last Sunday that I wasn’t going to deal with it until after my trips so I could be there for my family without being hassled by phone calls. She finally seemed to get it, or at least realized that she couldn’t bully me into doing what she wants. She’s not planning to move until late summer or early fall, so it’s not urgent that we get something setup immediately, anyway. So now she said she will work on a list of questions for us to ask when we do visit these places. She really wants to micromanage this process and my biggest concern about moving MIL here is that SIL will want to continue to micromanage long distance.
  • PamS53
    PamS53 Posts: 1,936 Member
    I think we are finally ready to leave for NC tomorrow morning. It will be a long day of driving. Overall, it’s about an 18 hour drive and we plan to get about 12 hours of it out of the way tomorrow so that we can arrive a little earlier on Sunday. I’m not looking forward to the drive, but it will be nice to see our family members again.

    It’s a good thing that I did laundry yesterday. I had just finished drying my hair this morning when the power went off. We were without electricity for about 3 hours. Luckily, it was fairly cool this morning, so it didn’t get too uncomfortable before the power came back on.
  • Helene610
    Helene610 Posts: 2,831 Member
    Pam, have a safe trip to NC. We just got back home last night. We left Sanibel May 24th and stopped for 5 days with BIL. I was able to help him sort and donate some of her clothes. Then we spent a week with my brother in SC. We had an overnight visit with BIL and SIL and heard about his therapies for Parkinson’s. He’s frailer than our last visit so we kept the visit to one night.SIL has her hands full with caretaking. We offered to come down if she needs a break. I’d love to see her take a mini vacation for herself. We got home last night after a long ride with lots of construction traffic.
  • mdubbs1
    mdubbs1 Posts: 6,648 Member
    Pam - hopefully your trip is going well!

    Helene - I'm glad you're home but what sad stops along the way. It's good you were able to do them though!

    We're at a cat show this weekend so I'm hot and tired. LOL! Working on getting my weight in line for my cardiologist appointment.
  • Helene610
    Helene610 Posts: 2,831 Member
    When I asked SIL how she was doing herself, she said no one had asked her that. She’s 81 and always looked 10 years younger. She feels she looks like she’s in her mid eighties now. Having a chance to vent was probably helpful. Her single daughter has taken on handling the financial aspects. They’re very close and SIL couldn’t handle the stress of that too. Both she and my niece are pretty stressed. BIL has been affected mentally as well as physically. It’s pretty sad to see his decline. He was so smart and was a gourmet cook as well.
  • mdubbs1
    mdubbs1 Posts: 6,648 Member
    Helene610 wrote: »
    When I asked SIL how she was doing herself, she said no one had asked her that. She’s 81 and always looked 10 years younger. She feels she looks like she’s in her mid eighties now. Having a chance to vent was probably helpful. Her single daughter has taken on handling the financial aspects. They’re very close and SIL couldn’t handle the stress of that too. Both she and my niece are pretty stressed. BIL has been affected mentally as well as physically. It’s pretty sad to see his decline. He was so smart and was a gourmet cook as well.

    We never know how it's going to go as we age. I'm not looking forward to one of us needing help.
  • mdubbs1
    mdubbs1 Posts: 6,648 Member
    Well, cat show setup Friday and dinner after went great but of course it's hard work. Yesterday I worked the show and then we all packed. On the way home I unloaded at the storage unit and packed the feeding supplies back in my van. That's the downside of doing both of these things. Anyway I woke up this morning, still tired and ready to start the last two weeks diet before cardiologist. I had to feed. I came home to be greeted by DH telling me there are kittens in the back yard! I pulled a trap from the van, set it up and had 2 kittens in minutes. Drove them to the vet where the girls started putting dibs on them, calling significant others and even a MIL, brainstorming names etc. On the way back I stopped at the storage unit but didn't think I had another trap there and I was right. We have a lot of traps but they are with our trap lender person. I ran over to Petsmart thinking this'll be easy but they no longer sell traps. They sent me to Home Depot. Since I never go to Home Depot I played dumb and let them lead me around. Bought 2 traps and headed home. So there are now two traps set up in the back yard. We know there is one more kitten and I'd love to get mom. Swore Bob to secrecy. Should "lost kitten" signs go up no way I'm giving them back to someone who lets them outside. More likely they were born outside though.
  • mdubbs1
    mdubbs1 Posts: 6,648 Member
    We got an adult cat. Made ANOTHER trip to the vet (which is like 45 minutes away). Cross your paws that it's the mother cat. DH swears there's another kitten - I'm not so sure.
  • Helene610
    Helene610 Posts: 2,831 Member
    SIL and I were talking about the Italian cookies we sent them for BIL’s birthday last fall. Their 50th wedding anniversary is this weekend . Given his physical and mental condition, they’re just doing a family dinner with the kids and grands. It gave me the idea to send them a cookie tray with a gold bow for the anniversary. We stopped exchanging gifts years ago at SIL’s suggestion. This is such a special occasion and they both could use a boost. The cookies arrive yesterday and BIL send me a pic and text to show hom much he’s enjoying them.
  • Helene610
    Helene610 Posts: 2,831 Member
    I just got a pic of BIL and SIL enjoying breakfast at an oceanfront restaurant just down the street from their house. Today is their 50th anniversary.
  • PamS53
    PamS53 Posts: 1,936 Member
    I’m back home from NC. The service was very nice and well attended. The family was a little surprised by the number of neighbors and former coworkers who attended, as well as a college roommate of their younger daughter who came from Houston to attend. Several neighbors let them know that they wanted to be there but were unable due to illness, or it would have been an even larger crowd. I volunteered to read a poem that my cousin’s wife wanted to read herself, but felt too emotional to do it. It was a beautiful but very sad poem that expressed very well how sad she is. They were together for 55+ years, having been high school sweethearts before marrying.

    On the other days we were there we helped with projects around the house. She has started the process to buy a condo in an over 55 community in Milford, OH, which is where they raised their family and still have many friends. The condo isn’t built yet, so she won’t be moving until early next year, giving her time to make decisions and pare down what she has in her current home. Due to the cost of moving, I think she will decide to only take a few items and sell or donate most of the furnishings she has now. I suspect that she’s looking forward to having new things that don’t remind her so much of her DH.

    Today I did lots of laundry and started getting ready for my next trip. Tomorrow I will drive to my sister’s home and then Monday morning my sister, niece and I will drive to New Orleans for 4 days there. My niece who lives in the NYC area will fly in and join us there. We will drive back on Friday. I may stay there overnight and come back Saturday, depending on how tired I am when we get back to her place and how late it is.
  • mdubbs1
    mdubbs1 Posts: 6,648 Member
    I'm sorry for all the family sadness! I guess we're getting to that age but it's not fun.

    DH and I will have our 49th anniversary this summer and we've been together since 1967. It's silly but I hope we make it to 50. Hard to picture sometimes there only being one of us left for awhile at some point. Even harder to picture who that will be.
  • PamS53
    PamS53 Posts: 1,936 Member
    I’m in New Orleans now with my sister and 2 nieces. I think we are eating our way through the city, but we are also walking a lot so hopefully that will help burn off some of the calories. I’m also sweating a lot since it is hot and humid! We are enjoying ourselves despite the heat and humidity. We will be here 1 more day then head home. After this trip I’m ready to stay home for awhile!
  • mdubbs1
    mdubbs1 Posts: 6,648 Member
    PamS53 wrote: »
    I’m in New Orleans now with my sister and 2 nieces. I think we are eating our way through the city, but we are also walking a lot so hopefully that will help burn off some of the calories. I’m also sweating a lot since it is hot and humid! We are enjoying ourselves despite the heat and humidity. We will be here 1 more day then head home. After this trip I’m ready to stay home for awhile!

    I'm glad you're having a good time (and having some good food!) After my cardiologist visit next week I'm planning a little eating myself. LOL!
  • PamS53
    PamS53 Posts: 1,936 Member
    edited June 2022
    Today we went to the Immersive Van Gogh exhibit and enjoyed it immensely! If you have the opportunity to see it, I highly recommend it. Afterward we went to a restaurant that has a lot of vegan options, which pleased my 2 nieces. They also had a limited number of non-vegan meals. I had some kind of fish with a mango salsa on top which was good, but a fairly small portion. Both of my nieces had ordered a serving of vegan mac and cheese, which was surprisingly good and was a large enough portion to share. Afterward we went to a shop that had gelato and sorbet, which was a nice treat that we enjoyed. Now we are relaxing at the house. My niece who lives and works in NYC is relaxing in the blow up swimming pool she had shipped here while the rest of us are enjoying the air conditioning indoors, lol!
  • mdubbs1
    mdubbs1 Posts: 6,648 Member
    PamS53 wrote: »
    Today we went to the Immersive Van Gogh exhibit and enjoyed it immensely! If you have the opportunity to see it, I highly recommend it. Afterward we went to a restaurant that has a lot of vegan options, which pleased my 2 nieces. They also had a limited number of non-vegan meals. I had some kind of fish with a mango salsa on top which was good, but a fairly small portion. Both of my nieces had ordered a serving of vegan mac and cheese, which was surprisingly good and was a large enough portion to share. Afterward we went to a shop that had gelato and sorbet, which was a nice treat that we enjoyed. Now we are relaxing at the house. My niece who lives and works in NYC is relaxing in the blow up swimming pool she had shipped here while the rest of us are enjoying the air conditioning indoors, lol!

    I guess there's no reason vegan mac n cheese couldn't be good! Sorbet/gelato sounds fantastic!

    After 2 years of working 7 days a week, my workload had slowed tremendously, which I was enjoying. Suddenly I'm swamped again - no joy!

  • Helene610
    Helene610 Posts: 2,831 Member
    Hope you got some rest during the slow down. Why do you think it picked up so much?
    Pam, sounds like a delightful visit with your nieces. What’s happening with moving your MIL?
  • PamS53
    PamS53 Posts: 1,936 Member
    Next week we will start visiting assisted living and memory care facilities, as well as group homes if there are any nearby. I also have an appointment with my ortho doc for my arm and another PT session. I need to chat with my SIL to see if there are any updates regarding their move to Colorado. The last I heard was that her son already had a contract on their home, but as far as I know they have not yet found a suitable home in the area they want to relocate to in Colorado. They planned to move in with SIL, if necessary, until they find a place. But that was 2 weeks ago and they tend to move quickly, so for all I know they may already be in a u-haul headed to Colorado!