This Year is Our Year for Success!



  • PamS53
    PamS53 Posts: 1,936 Member
    One of the generators we have is powered by natural gas, so we had a fitting put on an exterior natural gas inlet for our house that we can use for the generator. DH cut a board that fits in the windowsill with grooves for extension cords, so after he gets the generator set up, we can feed the extension cords through the window and still close the window to keep out the bugs and/or heat or cold. It worked really well this time.

    One of my sweet friends brought us a lamp that was fully charged a couple of hours before our power came back. She also stopped at the grocery store and brought us milk and cookies and muffins for this morning. I told her she was a good luck charm since the power came back shortly after her visit. We had been told it might take until Saturday, so we were preparing for it to be awhile.
  • Helene610
    Helene610 Posts: 2,831 Member
    Was anyone else surprised by the verdict? The jury came back so quickly I thought it would be in Trump’s favor. I realize it wasn’t when they said the jury didn’t look at him. I’m glad to know he wasn’t above the law. I hope his lawyers were paid in advance!
  • PamS53
    PamS53 Posts: 1,936 Member
    Helene, I was surprised they came back so quickly with a verdict. I hoped with all my heart it would be a guilty verdict, but I didn’t really expect it would be guilty on all 34 counts! I think the jury saw through all his bluster and probably felt very disrespected by his courtroom behaviors. None of that worked in his favor, plus it sounds like his attorneys did a very poor job. Like you, I hope his attorneys got paid in advance. Do you think the ketchup is flying against the walls tonight?
  • Helene610
    Helene610 Posts: 2,831 Member
    I’m sure Trump is blaming his lawyers for the verdict. From what I heard on CNN, when they were summarizing the testimony, It was clear Trump was calling the shots even though his lawyers gave him different advice. And I’m sure nobody believed he was approving every move. The jury got it right. They must have felt tremendous pressure but they got it right. The paper trail, backed up by witnesses made a very convincing case.
  • mdubbs1
    mdubbs1 Posts: 6,648 Member
    edited June 5
    Helene610 wrote: »
    Was anyone else surprised by the verdict? The jury came back so quickly I thought it would be in Trump’s favor. I realize it wasn’t when they said the jury didn’t look at him. I’m glad to know he wasn’t above the law. I hope his lawyers were paid in advance!

    I wasn't too surprised since the trial was in New York. I was thrilled he was convicted but not sure it will make any difference. I wish it would but I don't want to hope. I have this horrible feeling that next year at this time we will no longer be living in a democracy. And that terrifies me when I let myself think about it tbh.
  • Helene610
    Helene610 Posts: 2,831 Member
    His Maga people will never believe anything bad about him. Let’s hope Independent and moderate Republicans turn to Biden.
  • mdubbs1
    mdubbs1 Posts: 6,648 Member
    Helene610 wrote: »
    His Maga people will never believe anything bad about him. Let’s hope Independent and moderate Republicans turn to Biden.

    i have days of being hopeful and other days, not so much. I do wish we had a more dynamic candidate to oppose him and a VP that I could stand to see as president.
  • Helene610
    Helene610 Posts: 2,831 Member
    We made it back home last night. It’s good to be back home after six months away. That was a month longer than usual because of hurricane damage repairs. It’s about 90% done. We were concerned the building permit would expire next month and we’d have to start the paperwork over. Turns out the city isn’t expiring permits because so much hurricane repairs are ongoing. So we can finish up next season.
  • mdubbs1
    mdubbs1 Posts: 6,648 Member
    Helene610 wrote: »
    We made it back home last night. It’s good to be back home after six months away. That was a month longer than usual because of hurricane damage repairs. It’s about 90% done. We were concerned the building permit would expire next month and we’d have to start the paperwork over. Turns out the city isn’t expiring permits because so much hurricane repairs are ongoing. So we can finish up next season.

    I'm sure you're glad to be "home". That's great that they aren't expiring the permits. Seldom does a government do logical things but when they do, isn't it great? State here automatically extends non profit returns when you get an extension from the Feds. Big help!
  • Helene610
    Helene610 Posts: 2,831 Member
    The city has been amazing helpful. We started the stairs without a permit and got a violation notice. I was expected a financial penalty like $50 a day until we had the permit. The city was charging penalties for the same reason they didn’t expire the permits. We got the permit as soon as we arrived in FL.
  • PamS53
    PamS53 Posts: 1,936 Member
    I’m sorry I’ve been absent over the past couple of weeks. Not much going on but we’ve been busy with various doctor’s appointments and working on getting our financial affairs in order. That’s long overdue, but we are making progress. We got our wills and other important legal documents done back in the spring, but hadn’t carried through with compiling information that the executor of our estate will need, so that’s what I am and have been working on. It’s definitely a work in progress. I ordered a book from Amazon that has been helpful. It has different sections that prompt you to gather account numbers, user names, passwords, etc. so that all of the information is in one place. It covers not only financial records, but also social media, subscriptions, and just about anything that might need to be cancelled upon our death. It’s very time consuming to hunt down all of the information it needs, but I know our executor will be very grateful that I did it.

    I’ve also been busy playing travel agent. I booked a trip for early December to fly to Munich and we will tour Christmas markets in 4 major cities over 8 days. SIL is going as well, so I will have help with DH if he’s not doing well by then. I also booked airfare for 2 trips on Southwest this week while they were running a huge sale promotion. I was able to book a trip for us to visit my sister in her new home of Williamsburg, VA for only a little more than what is normally the fare for one person. The other trip is to visit SIL and family in Colorado to see their home. DH has been there, but I have not. I suffer from altitude sickness, so we will see how I do once we get to their home in Evergreen.

    One of the doctors I saw this week is a surgeon who specializes in eyelid surgeries. Since having surgery 13 years ago to repair a detached retina, that eyelid has drooped. It is impeding my vision and is very noticeable in pictures, so I decided to see what my options are to have it repaired. Since it is impairing my vision, Medicare should cover it. I’m scheduled to have that done in August.

    In looking at my calendar earlier this week, it seems I suddenly went from having almost nothing scheduled, to being almost fully booked. A lot of the dates are for doctor’s visits for myself or DH, but it still looks very busy, at least on paper.
  • Helene610
    Helene610 Posts: 2,831 Member
    We’ve had a bunch of medical appointments since we got home 10 days ago. Between us, we’ve had 3 dental appointments and I see the eye doctor tomorrow. The gas company was here Friday to change the meter. It had been 10 years since it was changed. With gas explosions in the news, maybe they’re trying to change out old meters.

    We need to do new wills. The old ones were written in the 70s and some of our heirs have died. What’s the name of the book you ordered? It sounds helpful.
  • PamS53
    PamS53 Posts: 1,936 Member
    Helene, here’s the link to the one I bought. There are others at various price points, but I liked this.
  • mdubbs1
    mdubbs1 Posts: 6,648 Member
    Pam - you certainly have been busy! I also have the droopy eyelid after a retina tear. When I get my vision checked they usually hold it up with their hand. Nobody's suggesting surgery at this point.

    With any luck your efforts will spur Helene and I to action! I know its something we need although since both our wills have everything going to the other on the first death, I figure now that the worst of COVID is over it's probably not urgent. Certainly when one of us goes whoever is left (please don't let it be me!) will need to do a revised will.
  • PamS53
    PamS53 Posts: 1,936 Member
    Maryanne, no one suggested surgery for me either, but I realized that my eye lid is drooping enough that it is actually impeding my vision somewhat. Plus, it is extremely noticeable in pictures, and that bothered me enough to get it checked out. Apparently it’s a pretty m8nor procedure and Medicare will cover it, so I decided to go ahead and do it. I’ll be sedated but not knocked out because apparently I have to be awake enough to follow instructions during the surgery. I’ll have a black eye for a couple of weeks, too, so I’m trying to limit my social engagements during that time, lol!

    Today I took DH for 3 punch biopsies that will pretty definitively tell us whether he has Parkinson’s. I don’t think there’s much doubt at this point, but the doctor wanted confirmation. The biopsies were done in the office with lidocaine to numb the areas, but still painful. We will get the results in 4 weeks at his next appointment. He had continued to struggle with sleep even with the new medications that were prescribed, so I talked last week with the nurse in the office. She said it was ok to double the dosage of one of them and that has made a huge difference. He’s feeling better as a result of getting more and better sleep, but still having memory issues and definitely not processing information as well as he used to be able to do. I’m so very relieved that we’ve turned over the financial management to someone else. I was really worried for the past several months about his ability to handle it. Numbers have always been his forte but he was struggling yesterday to balance the checkbook for his mother’s checking account, which doesn’t have much activity. I didn’t look at it myself, so I’m not sure what the issue was. He and his sister both have access to the account, so that may be the source of the problem.
  • Helene610
    Helene610 Posts: 2,831 Member
    My eye appointment was last week. I’ve been telling my doctor that I feel I don’t see distance as far as I saw a few years ago. Yet my vision test doesn’t show it. I told him I think a droopy eyelid is the culprit. The practice has an eye surgeon who treats this condition. The first appointment I could get is November first. I hope he agrees and does surgery on me. I can see the droop but I don’t think my eye doctor ever would have addressed it without a push from me.
  • PamS53
    PamS53 Posts: 1,936 Member
    Helene, the doctor who is doing my eyelid surgery is an Asian plastic surgeon. She’s known in my area for being especially good with eyelid surgeries. If you’d like to get your eyelid surgery sooner, you might consider looking for a plastic surgeon who specializes in eye surgeries, instead of waiting for the surgeon in your opthmalogist’s practice. I notice if I close my droopy eyelid and look straight ahead, I can see much farther than I can when I repeat the procedure with the “good” eye. And my droopy eyelid is over the eye that I rely on for distance vision and like you, I feel that my distance vision is much worse even though when tested I’m told it’s fine. But I struggle to read street signs, so I don’t agree that my vision is fine.
  • Helene610
    Helene610 Posts: 2,831 Member
    There aren’t that many specialists where I live. Ended up waiting 5 months for a specialist last year. Maybe I’ll get lucky and someone will cancel. When I did the closed eye test, my right eye was stronger. And I saw better with both eyes open than I did with the droopy eyelid.
  • mdubbs1
    mdubbs1 Posts: 6,648 Member
    I shall look forward eagerly to hear about the eyelid surgery from both of you! It's not on my current "to do" list but could be!

    I went to try to change the appointment with my throat doctor, which is usually easy, and there are NO appointments available. I hope he's not leaving! If he is that means I've let this go too long I guess. Of course I haven't lost my voice once since I last saw him so I figured it wasn't yet urgent. Hopefully if he is leaving - even if it's just to go downtown - he'll be able to refer me to someone.

    Pam - so very very sorry about your DH! No results for 4 weeks? Wow! Someone used to being good with numbers has to be really struggling with the loss of that skill!
  • Helene610
    Helene610 Posts: 2,831 Member
    Maryanne, if your doctor moves to downtown, would you consider following him to a new location. That’s what I’d do if the distance was reasonable, particularly if I only went yearly.