This Year is Our Year for Success!



  • mdubbs1
    mdubbs1 Posts: 6,648 Member
    I just read a Washington Post article about "tradwives". Apparently the new thing with young women is preparing for a life of leisure as the wife of an older, wealthier man. Geesz, Louise, as my dad would have said.

    I guess in a way that sort of fits in with the whole "career as an influencer" thing.

    Actually working for a living, contributing to society, doing good for others, is passe'?

  • Helene610
    Helene610 Posts: 2,831 Member
    Pam, My sympathies to you and DH on the death of his mom. Even though she made life difficult for those around her, she was still his mother. Was she that way when she was younger? You both did all you could to give her the best quality of life during her last years.
  • PamS53
    PamS53 Posts: 1,936 Member
    Thank you for your kind words about MIL. We are all relieved for her sake because she was so desperately unhappy in her last months. Nw we are struggling with the funeral home trying to coordinate things long distance for her. There is a lot of red tape involved when you die in a city that is a long distance from where you wish to be buried. It has taken a week to arrange for her body to be transported back to El Paso, but that is supposed to occur tomorrow. We finally got the funeral home out there to agree to a conference call with us and SIL tomorrow to begin to make the plans for her graveside service. We have been very frustrated with the funeral home because they don’t return calls and seem to be dragging their feet in helping us. I suspect it’s because they won’t be making a lot of money off this transaction since we are doing a very simple graveside service at the National veteran’s cemetery at Fort Bliss where DH’s father is buried. And we are even considering purchasing her casket through Amazon at about 1/4 the price the funeral home would charge. According to the FTC, they have to accept a casket we provide, so that would save a lot of money.

    We finally saw the neurologist today for DH’s initial appointment. She seems to be leaning toward a diagnosis of Parkinson’s Disease, pending tests to confirm or rule it out. He will have an MRI Thursday morning and a memory test Friday morning, then we will see her again on May 20th, unless she calls us to come in sooner. At that appointment he may have 3 skin biopsies that would confirm Parkinson’s if the other tests are not helpful or conclusive.

  • mdubbs1
    mdubbs1 Posts: 6,648 Member
    Pam - you more than have your hands full. I can't even imagine trying to arrange for a long distance burial/funeral. Best of luck with that!

    I really hope the neurologist is able to help your hubby!!
  • mdubbs1
    mdubbs1 Posts: 6,648 Member
    Our Indy is at the vet today for a dental tomorrow. I just called Radiocat to try to make an appointment for our Sammy but got voice mail. Strange little fact: the patient coordinator for the local Catonsville MD office is now ALSO the patient coordinator for the Phoenix office. She must be here because her phone number is local.
  • Helene610
    Helene610 Posts: 2,831 Member
    Maryanne, how many cats do you still have? You haven’t mentioned much about them lately. DH is still working on getting the stair railings installed. It’s slow going. We hope to finish up by the first week of May. The city has to inspect the work before we leave because the permit will expire this summer.
  • PamS53
    PamS53 Posts: 1,936 Member
    edited April 27
    We arrived back home last night from our trip out to El Paso for MIL’s burial. It was a quick trip, but everything went well. DH enjoyed seeing 2 of his cousins he doesn’t see very often who made the trip for the service. One came from Franklin, KY and the other from Phoenix. Our nephew’s wife’s family graciously opened their recently deceased grandparents’ home for us to use for lodging and a place to gather and provided much support and company while we were there.

    Today I am doing laundry and other domestic chores, while completing the decorated cookies I promised for my sister’s church ladies tea party on Saturday. I had most of them finished but she informed me while we were away that she had sold additional tickets, so today I will need to decorate a few more cookies and finish up the ones I had only partially completed before leaving for El Paso. Luckily I had baked extras and frozen them, so I just need to ice them and add some simple decorations. I also need to bake some mini loaves of banana nut bread to take. Tomorrow I will pack and probably go ahead and drive to her house because Friday heavy thunderstorms are predicted. I’d rather go a little earlier than drive through heavy rainstorms. I just did that on the way to El Paso; I’d rather not repeat that experience anytime soon!

    Here is a pic of some of the cookies I made. The lighting isn’t the best, but you get the idea.

  • mdubbs1
    mdubbs1 Posts: 6,648 Member
    Helene610 wrote: »
    Maryanne, how many cats do you still have? You haven’t mentioned much about them lately. DH is still working on getting the stair railings installed. It’s slow going. We hope to finish up by the first week of May. The city has to inspect the work before we leave because the permit will expire this summer.

    We're down to five. Smokie is the oldest. She had surgery over a year ago and had fancy SUB plumbing installed. She has to go every 3 months to get it flushed out.

    Tuffy is next oldest. He's my baby. 23 pounds and very matted. Over a year ago I had some unfortunate experiences at both the Pet ER and my vet as they screwed up trying to ascertain if he's diabetic. I'm giving him the insulin they prescribed but it's a tiny dose.

    Sammy is the one who showed up in our back yard. He's been seeing the internist and is now clearly hyperthyroid so he has a Radiocat appointment scheduled for June to cure that.

    Indy is the one who was living in a tree at Pep Boys. She actually went to Radiocat a year or so ago. Recently she had a dental and lost a few teeth.

    Simon is the baby, just two years old, but 16 pounds! He's gradually becoming more of a cuddler. But still high energy and always trying to chase the older guys! My only regret is that we didn't keep his brother (but his brother is doing wonderfully in his new home).
  • mdubbs1
    mdubbs1 Posts: 6,648 Member
    PamS53 wrote: »
    We arrived back home last night from our trip out to El Paso for MIL’s burial. It was a quick trip, but everything went well. DH enjoyed seeing 2 of his cousins he doesn’t see very often who made the trip for the service. One came from Franklin, KY and the other from Phoenix. Our nephew’s wife’s family graciously opened their recently deceased grandparents’ home for us to use for lodging and a place to gather and provided much support and company while we were there.

    I haven't been to a funeral since before the pandemic. I'm glad it went well!
  • mdubbs1
    mdubbs1 Posts: 6,648 Member
    PamS53 wrote: »
    Today I am doing laundry and other domestic chores, while completing the decorated cookies I promised for my sister’s church ladies tea party on Saturday. I had most of them finished but she informed me while we were away that she had sold additional tickets, so today I will need to decorate a few more cookies and finish up the ones I had only partially completed before leaving for El Paso. Luckily I had baked extras and frozen them, so I just need to ice them and add some simple decorations. I also need to bake some mini loaves of banana nut bread to take. Tomorrow I will pack and probably go ahead and drive to her house because Friday heavy thunderstorms are predicted. I’d rather go a little earlier than drive through heavy rainstorms. I just did that on the way to El Paso; I’d rather not repeat that experience anytime soon!

    Here is a pic of some of the cookies I made. The lighting isn’t the best, but you get the idea.


    Oh, those look SO GOOD!!!
  • mdubbs1
    mdubbs1 Posts: 6,648 Member
    edited April 28
    My best friend from law school has inspired me to get back into reading the authors I've always loved. During the pandemic it seemed like all I felt like reading was "fluff". But now I'm taking one author at a time and rediscovering them. I've already bought all the books - they're sitting on my kindle. Right now I'm finishing up Harry Bosch and Ali Reynolds!

    There is one that I'm not sure I'm going to read any more of and that's Eve Duncan. It looks like I stopped on that one well before the pandemic even though I bought all the new ones as they came out. They are getting a little supernatural - which I don't like - and every book seems to be about a family member in danger - usually from the mob (something else I don't like - I can't even stir up any interest in watching Law & Order Organized Crime even though I usually love Law & Order and am a big Christopher Meloni fan).

  • mdubbs1
    mdubbs1 Posts: 6,648 Member
    New COVID variant - "FLiRT

    Apparently having your booster is important but they're not yet sure if it's enough.
  • PamS53
    PamS53 Posts: 1,936 Member
    I’m off in a few minutes to meet my grad school friends to a very belated birthday celebration. The birthday was in January, but we have had to reschedule our celebration 3 times due to events occurring unexpectedly in my life. Despite my urging my friends to go on without me, they insisted on waiting until all four of us could be together. So it looks like the fourth time is the charm for us in this case!

    On Tuesday we are leaving for 5 days at the beach in Alabama. SIL was scheduled to come here for Mother’s Day with her mom, but since her mom’s passing, we all agreed that a trip to the beach would be much more fun.
  • mdubbs1
    mdubbs1 Posts: 6,648 Member
    PamS53 wrote: »
    I’m off in a few minutes to meet my grad school friends to a very belated birthday celebration. The birthday was in January, but we have had to reschedule our celebration 3 times due to events occurring unexpectedly in my life. Despite my urging my friends to go on without me, they insisted on waiting until all four of us could be together. So it looks like the fourth time is the charm for us in this case!

    On Tuesday we are leaving for 5 days at the beach in Alabama. SIL was scheduled to come here for Mother’s Day with her mom, but since her mom’s passing, we all agreed that a trip to the beach would be much more fun.

    Have a great time!

    I'm hoping for some peace and quiet the next 5 days or so to get some stuff done. My calendar for May is nuts! So far, June doesn't look so bad.
  • mdubbs1
    mdubbs1 Posts: 6,648 Member
    I just realized this month is 3 years since my sister died. Wow! She would have been 72 this month as her birthday was also in May.

    So she died at 69 and my mom died at 75. At 74 I can only hope I take after my dad.

    This month is also my former BIL's first wedding anniversary. I admit I was a little taken aback that he chose to get married in May. That was my sister and my mom's birthday month and my sister's death month. I kept telling myself it was none of my business.

    Aren't I just the cheeriest today? LOL!
  • Helene610
    Helene610 Posts: 2,831 Member
    Maybe his new wife picked the wedding date? I’ll bet he didn’t even think about May birthdays. A lot of men aren’t great about remembering birthday and anniversary dates.

    My sister has been gone almost 2 1/2 years already. Time goes so fast. My brother recently reminded us (3 sisters) that we’re all now older than my dad was when he died.
  • PamS53
    PamS53 Posts: 1,936 Member
    We are back from our week at the beach. We enjoyed the time away, but it’s good to be back home. Now back to the routine of doctor’s visits, tests, and more tests, lol!
  • mdubbs1
    mdubbs1 Posts: 6,648 Member
    Helene610 wrote: »
    Maybe his new wife picked the wedding date? I’ll bet he didn’t even think about May birthdays. A lot of men aren’t great about remembering birthday and anniversary dates.

    My sister has been gone almost 2 1/2 years already. Time goes so fast. My brother recently reminded us (3 sisters) that we’re all now older than my dad was when he died.

    I recently stumbled on an obituary for my mom's oldest sister. I didn't realize she died at 75 also. So grandparents on both side were VERY long lived as was my dad but my mother and sister and my aunt all went fairly young (relatively).
  • mdubbs1
    mdubbs1 Posts: 6,648 Member
    PamS53 wrote: »
    We are back from our week at the beach. We enjoyed the time away, but it’s good to be back home. Now back to the routine of doctor’s visits, tests, and more tests, lol!

    Oh, joy, right!

    I had my last p/t today. Only 8 sessions which were NOTHING like my prior p/t experience. I wonder if it's post COVID issues or people not becoming p/t's or what. I was sent home with at home exercises to do. I ordered a few small pieces of equipment from amazon so I'm ready. So far I'm not seeing much improvement I confess.
  • PamS53
    PamS53 Posts: 1,936 Member
    edited May 17
    Maryanne, I think PT is very different now than what it used to be. IMO, it’s driven more by what insurance and/or Medicare will cover and they have greatly reduced the number of visits per condition that is allowed. That has driven the PT practices to shift to a model of teaching their patients how to correctly do the exercises at home instead of under their supervision in the office. At least, that’s been my experience with it. As for back pain and PT, my experience was that it wasn’t very helpful. What has helped my lower back pain more than anything else has been learning how to correctly do forearm planks. They strengthen both my back muscles as well as my abdominal muscles. It’s actually considered a really good whole body exercise. I try to do 2 minutes of planks 3-4 times a week and I can really tell a difference when I slack off.

    I went back to my podiatrist yesterday for a follow up to the visit I had a month ago. I don’t recall if I mentioned it before. While I was getting ready to go out to El Paso for MIL’s service and getting ready to help my sister with her ladies’ tea party, I started having tremendous foot pain from a flare up of my Morton’s Neuroma, which is a souvenir from my broken ankle of almost 8 years ago. The pain was making it very difficult and painful to walk or stand. The doc gave me a steroid injection (OUCH) that helped a lot, but didn’t completely remove the pain. I was supposed to go back last week but postponed a week due to our impromptu beach trip. So yesterday he said he wanted to try another injection and if that doesn’t resolve it, surgery to remove the nerve bundle would be the next step. So I had another injection and my fingers are crossed that this will take care of it. Even though he described it as a minor and very common surgery, I’d rather avoid it if possible. On the other hand, I’m very tired of the sensation of an electrical shock zapping me when I walk, especially when it’s random and unpredictable when it occurs.