This Year is Our Year for Success!



  • PamS53
    PamS53 Posts: 1,936 Member
    One positive thing about Covid — it has made it pretty easy to lose the 5 pounds I gained on the cruise! That’s the only positive I can come up with though. Still feeling pretty rough, but hoping to start feeling better soon. DH started improving after about 2-3 days of feeling bad, so I’m about due to start improving.
  • mdubbs1
    mdubbs1 Posts: 6,648 Member
    PamS53 wrote: »
    I tested positive for Covid last night, after 3 previous negative tests. I’m feeling pretty rough, lots of coughing, body aches, headache, runny nose, etc. DH is feeling better, so I’m hoping I’ll start feeling better in a day or two. Meanwhile I’m treating myself with mucinex, Tylenol, and some ibuprofen. I’m considered paxlovid but an article in today’s newspaper nixed that due to cost. Now that the government subsidies have expired, the cost has gone up to $1600 for 1 round of treatment. That is definitely not in the budget unless I get much worse. So far, my oxygenation is in the normal range, so I guess I just need to suck it up and wait to start feeling better.

    What a "present" for your 41st! NOT! Wow, that's a lot of money for Paxlovid. Hopefully those of us who are vaccinated will have lesser cases. And I hope that's the both of you!
  • mdubbs1
    mdubbs1 Posts: 6,648 Member
    I am moi relieved today. I saw an orthopaedic surgeon yesterday and do NOT need hip replacement surgery. He says it's actually more arthritis in my lower back and is sending me to p/t and wants me to ask my cardiologist about pain meds.
  • PamS53
    PamS53 Posts: 1,936 Member
    Maryanne, that’s very good news. I hope the PT helps.

    I’m still down with Covid. Last night was especially rough. My sinuses were so clogged that I could barely breathe except through my mouth, which in turn dried out my throat so much that it was on fire. Consequently, I got very little sleep and feel very tired today. I’ve ordered a nasal spray from Amazon that should be delivered before bedtime tonight, so maybe I’ll be able to sleep. That usually helps me keep my nose open enough to breathe when I have a cold. I would have sworn I had a bottle already, but apparently DH tossed it when he cleaned out the medicine cabinet. At least he’s feeling better although as of yesterday he still tested positive.
  • Helene610
    Helene610 Posts: 2,831 Member
    That sucks. A visiting friend had it late February. She felt like crap for about a week. She spent lots of time on the couch binge watching movies and resting. She was here over the weekend and fully recovered. She mentioned the first few days were tough. I hope you’re already seeing some improvement.
  • PamS53
    PamS53 Posts: 1,936 Member
    I am feeling much better. Once my nasal spray arrived, I was able to breathe, and sleep, again. Now I just have an occasional coughing spell but no other symptoms.

    Funny story. On Sunday evening our 6 year old neighbor came over to tell us that they had scared some ducks out of their pool and now they were in ours. He seemed to think we needed to get them out of our pool as well. I made him stay a safe distance away while he told me this tale. Apparently I must have looked pretty bad because he went home and told his mom that I looked sick, so she immediately texted to check on us. I figure I must have looked like death warmed over for an excited 6 year old to notice!
  • mdubbs1
    mdubbs1 Posts: 6,648 Member
    PamS53 wrote: »
    Maryanne, that’s very good news. I hope the PT helps.

    I’m still down with Covid. Last night was especially rough. My sinuses were so clogged that I could barely breathe except through my mouth, which in turn dried out my throat so much that it was on fire. Consequently, I got very little sleep and feel very tired today. I’ve ordered a nasal spray from Amazon that should be delivered before bedtime tonight, so maybe I’ll be able to sleep. That usually helps me keep my nose open enough to breathe when I have a cold. I would have sworn I had a bottle already, but apparently DH tossed it when he cleaned out the medicine cabinet. At least he’s feeling better although as of yesterday he still tested positive.

    Whoa, that sounds nasty! Here's hoping the nasal spray helps! (I think DH throwing out my Nasacort would be cause for justifiable homicide - LOL!)
  • mdubbs1
    mdubbs1 Posts: 6,648 Member
    We're getting quotes to repair/replace the front walk which is buckling and therefore a law suit waiting to happen. My instructions are "the 75 year old Douglas Fir trees must be preserved" which DH hates but he got a quote this morning from a guy who came up with a great idea (which is pretty much just a slight improvement over what I suggested LOL!)

    I'm planning to mark myself as "out of office" for 5 days starting tomorrow on my 74th birthday. I'll probably work but I won't have to answer a million emails. LOL!

    I'm going to try to keep the birthday food surge to 2 days this year. I thought about trying to skip it altogether but couldn't make myself go there. I'm down 11 pounds since the beginning of the year but have a ways to go!
  • Helene610
    Helene610 Posts: 2,831 Member
    Happy birthday in advance. 11 pounds is something to celebrate. Pam, good to hear you’re feeling better. It’s a little funny that a 6 yr old could tell you were sick just by looking. It was nice of his mom to follow up with you.
  • PamS53
    PamS53 Posts: 1,936 Member
    Happy Birthday, Maryanne! Enjoy your day and celebrate, then get back on track. I think we all deserve a splurge now and then.

    Today I’m feeling much better, but this morning I still tested positive. DH is now testing negative, so I guess I just need to be patient for a few more days. Patience is not my strong suit, lol!
  • mdubbs1
    mdubbs1 Posts: 6,648 Member
    I had a good birthday! The splurge ended up lasting 4 days but that's better than 4 months!

    Sometimes I just miss food. There, I admitted it.

    Pam - here's hoping you are starting to feel better!

    Baltimore is still reeling from the bridge collapse. The statistics on the numbers of bridges with iffy structure is astonishing. Time for Congress to quite playing around with silly issues no one supports and work on important stuff!!!! Biden is apparently going to mount a campaign to raise taxes on the super wealthy. About time I'd say!
  • PamS53
    PamS53 Posts: 1,936 Member
    Maryanne, I’m glad you enjoyed your birthday celebration! I get what you mean about missing food. I miss it too, especially rich desserts. Sometimes you just have to go for it and deal with the consequences later, IMO.

    I am feeling better. I finally tested negative on Monday. Today I had a dental appointment and it was my first time out of the house in 2 weeks. I celebrated by going to the grocery store after the dentist. Woohoo, lol!

    The bridge collapse was terrible to watch and I’m sure even worse for those who are familiar with it. There was an article in today’s paper about bridges in our area that are in bad shape. I don’t travel over most of them, but there are a couple that I occasionally use. May have to rethink my route.
  • mdubbs1
    mdubbs1 Posts: 6,648 Member
    Pam - congrats on testing negative and getting out of the house!

    It's hard to explain but sometimes when I go somewhere I still feel - guilty? - as if it were still the depth of the pandemic and I wasn't supposed to be going anywhere.

    I saw the internist this week (regular appointment) and there were a few masks walking around but not many.
  • Helene610
    Helene610 Posts: 2,831 Member
    We went to see one of DH’s specialists yesterday. She a young PA and one of the most knowledgeable medical professionals we’ve met. She’s probably late 20s to early 30’s so her education is more recent than some of his other doctors. She spent at least 30 minutes going over his lab tests and adjusting his medications. He never had anyone go into such detail. When we come back, she’ll be located in a different office in Bonita Springs. It’s a bit farther than the FT Myers office but the traffic patterns are easier in Bonita. His audiologist is near there so we already know the area.
  • PamS53
    PamS53 Posts: 1,936 Member
    Just got home from an ortho appointment for DH. He’s had shoulder pain for years but wouldn’t seek treatment because he assumed it was a torn rotator cuff and he wasn’t willing to have surgery for it. I urged him to see a doctor to at least confirm the diagnosis, but he refused. It’s finally gotten painful enough that it’s disrupting his sleep, so he agreed to the appointment. And guess what? It’s not a torn rotator cuff after all. He has bone on bone arthritis in the joint, and will need shoulder replacement surgery to correct it and relieve the pain. The other shoulder has an irritated rotator cuff, but it’s not torn. He received an injection in that shoulder today. We will hold off on scheduling surgery for now because he will be unable to drive or lift more than 5 pounds for at least 6-8 weeks afterward. He sees a neurologist next week and I’m sure more tests will be ordered, so we’d like to see what we’re dealing with there before scheduling any surgery.
  • mdubbs1
    mdubbs1 Posts: 6,648 Member
    Helene610 wrote: »
    We went to see one of DH’s specialists yesterday. She a young PA and one of the most knowledgeable medical professionals we’ve met. She’s probably late 20s to early 30’s so her education is more recent than some of his other doctors. She spent at least 30 minutes going over his lab tests and adjusting his medications. He never had anyone go into such detail. When we come back, she’ll be located in a different office in Bonita Springs. It’s a bit farther than the FT Myers office but the traffic patterns are easier in Bonita. His audiologist is near there so we already know the area.

    Isn't it great when you stumble on somebody good! I can't believe how long it took me to fire my internist. (Of course I can blame some of that on the pandemic LOL!)
  • mdubbs1
    mdubbs1 Posts: 6,648 Member
    PamS53 wrote: »
    Just got home from an ortho appointment for DH. He’s had shoulder pain for years but wouldn’t seek treatment because he assumed it was a torn rotator cuff and he wasn’t willing to have surgery for it. I urged him to see a doctor to at least confirm the diagnosis, but he refused. It’s finally gotten painful enough that it’s disrupting his sleep, so he agreed to the appointment. And guess what? It’s not a torn rotator cuff after all. He has bone on bone arthritis in the joint, and will need shoulder replacement surgery to correct it and relieve the pain. The other shoulder has an irritated rotator cuff, but it’s not torn. He received an injection in that shoulder today. We will hold off on scheduling surgery for now because he will be unable to drive or lift more than 5 pounds for at least 6-8 weeks afterward. He sees a neurologist next week and I’m sure more tests will be ordered, so we’d like to see what we’re dealing with there before scheduling any surgery.

    It's SO hard to get them to seek care isn't it? I can relate. I can feel for him not being able to drive though. It's why I put off having anyone look at my hip. Feeding the colonies is a priority!
  • mdubbs1
    mdubbs1 Posts: 6,648 Member
    For some reason during the worst of the pandemic my mind couldn't deal with my usual reading matter and I read what I think of as "fluff" instead. I've not dived back into my favorites and am working on catching up. It will take awhile but I'm enjoying it. I'm currently working on the last couple Harry Bosch books.
  • PamS53
    PamS53 Posts: 1,936 Member
    DH’s mom passed away this morning. She was 96, so definitely not a surprise, although it did happen fairly suddenly. DH is handling it better than I expected. His sister flew in this evening and his nephew will be here soon. We will be returning her body to El Paso for burial at the veteran’s cemetery at Fort Bliss, where her husband is buried, but we don’t have those arrangements made yet.
  • mdubbs1
    mdubbs1 Posts: 6,648 Member
    edited April 13
    PamS53 wrote: »
    DH’s mom passed away this morning. She was 96, so definitely not a surprise, although it did happen fairly suddenly. DH is handling it better than I expected. His sister flew in this evening and his nephew will be here soon. We will be returning her body to El Paso for burial at the veteran’s cemetery at Fort Bliss, where her husband is buried, but we don’t have those arrangements made yet.

    I'm so sorry! It does sound like she wasn't all that happy but still losing your mother is tough at any age!