This Year is Our Year for Success!



  • Helene610
    Helene610 Posts: 2,831 Member
    Rather than thinking she needs the whole truth,he might think about giving her comfort and something to look forward to by telling her that her room is being prepared. I would look at it as a kindness rather than telling her news that she’ll find upsetting. He might try that approach once and she what kind of reaction she has.
  • PamS53
    PamS53 Posts: 1,936 Member
    Merry Christmas, my friends! I hope you have a happy day, celebrating however you choose!
  • mdubbs1
    mdubbs1 Posts: 6,648 Member
    Pam - what a horrible situation to be dealing with at the holidays! I don't know how we were lucky enough to miss it with all 4 of our parents but I'm so thankful. I'm sure it's hard for your husband to see her as anything other than the parent he remembers.
  • mdubbs1
    mdubbs1 Posts: 6,648 Member
  • Helene610
    Helene610 Posts: 2,831 Member
    We’re heading south finally. Saw NJ relatives yesterday. We’ll be passing through Maryanne’s territory this morning.
  • PamS53
    PamS53 Posts: 1,936 Member
    I’ve been MIA this week because we are still dealing with MIL drama. SIL arrived on Tuesday and she brings her own drama, so I’m exhausted from dealing with the 3 of them. We think we have finally settled on a new residential care home for MIL since the one we had selected last week declined to take her. The good news is the new one has evaluated her and agreed that they can care for her. The bad news is it is farther away and will be more difficult to get to for visits, etc. DH and SIL keep vacillating between going with this one which is the most affordable option and holding out hope that her current assisted living facility will accept her back, perhaps in their memory care unit. That is by far the most expensive option, but by far the most convenient (for us) option. We should have a decision on that this morning. SIL gets on my nerves after a couple of days typically, so this has been a long week and now she is going to extend her stay until Thursday to help get MIL moved and settled. I do think we need her help, but she is driving me crazy! Meanwhile, MIL has declined significantly in her cognitive abilities. She still recognizes us, but her comments are completely out of context and often about people who are long dead or haven’t been in her life for 70 years or more. It’s very sad.

    We do have a New Year’s Eve gathering to attend this afternoon. My friend said she was hosting an “old people’s NYE party” because it’s from 4 to 6:30 so we can all get home before the drunks get out on the roads, lol! All of the guests thought this was a great idea.

    Wishing you all a very happy and healthy New Year! Let’s hope 2024 is a good one.
  • mdubbs1
    mdubbs1 Posts: 6,648 Member
    Helene610 wrote: »
    We’re heading south finally. Saw NJ relatives yesterday. We’ll be passing through Maryanne’s territory this morning.

    I hope you waved as you went by. LOL!
  • mdubbs1
    mdubbs1 Posts: 6,648 Member
    PamS53 wrote: »
    I’ve been MIA this week because we are still dealing with MIL drama. SIL arrived on Tuesday and she brings her own drama, so I’m exhausted from dealing with the 3 of them. We think we have finally settled on a new residential care home for MIL since the one we had selected last week declined to take her. The good news is the new one has evaluated her and agreed that they can care for her. The bad news is it is farther away and will be more difficult to get to for visits, etc. DH and SIL keep vacillating between going with this one which is the most affordable option and holding out hope that her current assisted living facility will accept her back, perhaps in their memory care unit. That is by far the most expensive option, but by far the most convenient (for us) option. We should have a decision on that this morning. SIL gets on my nerves after a couple of days typically, so this has been a long week and now she is going to extend her stay until Thursday to help get MIL moved and settled. I do think we need her help, but she is driving me crazy! Meanwhile, MIL has declined significantly in her cognitive abilities. She still recognizes us, but her comments are completely out of context and often about people who are long dead or haven’t been in her life for 70 years or more. It’s very sad.

    We do have a New Year’s Eve gathering to attend this afternoon. My friend said she was hosting an “old people’s NYE party” because it’s from 4 to 6:30 so we can all get home before the drunks get out on the roads, lol! All of the guests thought this was a great idea.

    Wishing you all a very happy and healthy New Year! Let’s hope 2024 is a good one.

    Oh, so sad about your MIL and that you wind up in the middle of it!

    I hope the "old people's NYE party" was fun. That's too funny actually!
  • mdubbs1
    mdubbs1 Posts: 6,648 Member
    Happy New Year!

    It was much quieter than usual outside last evening.

    I watched a Hallmark movie about a blind single dad and the woman who convinced him he needed a guide dog. Not the usual Hallmark schmaltz. And it had a DOG!!! LOL!

  • Helene610
    Helene610 Posts: 2,831 Member
    I watched that movie as well. Not their usual subject but it was very good. I watch a lot of Hallmark Christmas movies. They seemed to add some new subject matter this year.
  • PamS53
    PamS53 Posts: 1,936 Member
    It will be a miracle if I don’t end up in jail for attempted murder of my SIL. While it’s been helpful to have her here as we deal with MIL and getting her moved (today, finally!), she’s absolutely driving me crazy! She typically goes to bed around 8 PM, then she’s up at 6 AM, turning on the TV and every light in the house. She makes coffee, and may decide to cook something only she wants to eat, leaving the kitchen a mess, rearranges the furniture, changes the clock settings (why? Just why???). And then when I’m up and trying to read the paper, she wants to chatter about nonsense that I have no interest in, plan dinner, tell me what I should do today, etc. This morning she was especially annoying because she had been up since 3:30, so she’d already had several cups of coffee and was really revved up. I’m really trying to be patient but my supply is just about empty. Thank goodness she’s going home tomorrow — if she lives that long.

    We finally got the living situation ironed out for MIL. She’s moving to a new facility that’s a hybrid between a personal care home and assisted living. She will have a much smaller room there than what she had before, so we’ve had to make a lot of decisions about what we could move over there and what to do with the rest. SIL has been helpful with that, at least. Yesterday we moved her things, had a hospital bed and other equipment delivered by hospice and today hospice will transport her to her new place. I’m on call to meet the Salvation Army truck at her old place to give them the rest of her furniture and items that she no longer has room for. Depending on when that happens, I may or may not be joining DH, SIL and MIL at the new place.
  • Helene610
    Helene610 Posts: 2,831 Member
    Yikes! SIL sounds like the guest from hell. Is she always this bad or is stress about her mom’s move making her worse. It’s too late for advice now but I would have told her I don’t talk until I’ve had breakfast with 2 cups of coffee. I actually do like to start my mornings in quiet. After that, I probably give her non commital un huns. When the babble got to me, I’d excuse myself to take a shower and take a long time to get dressed. Your bedroom should give you some sanctuary.

    Her moving furniture is beyond weird. At least she leaves tomorrow.
  • PamS53
    PamS53 Posts: 1,936 Member
    I have never been happier to take someone to the airport as I was today! She means well, but she gets on every single one of my nerves.

    The good news is that MIL is settling in to her new arrangement well and the staff seem to be treating her very well. Time will tell if they continue to be so attentive. We got the last items out of her old apartment today, so that’s done as well.

    Due to the stress I haven’t been eating as well as I should and my weight has gone up by a couple of pounds, but now that the major stressors are gone, I expect to get it back under control quickly. I don’t make resolutions but try to do what a friend advocates. She makes intentions, as in “I intend to exercise more often, or eat more healthfully, etc.”. That seems less demanding than a resolution for some reason.
  • Helene610
    Helene610 Posts: 2,831 Member
    edited January 5
    I like the idea of intentions. I’ll have to try that. I hope SIL lives a long distance away from you. Hopefully she won’t visit soon. Take a couple of days to decompress and then have DH help you put back all the things she rearranged. Make sure he helps so he can see what a big mess she made. He should be the one to tell her he likes his belongings and furniture where it is. It will make a bigger impression if he has to undo her mess.
  • mdubbs1
    mdubbs1 Posts: 6,648 Member
    PamS53 wrote: »
    I have never been happier to take someone to the airport as I was today! She means well, but she gets on every single one of my nerves.

    The good news is that MIL is settling in to her new arrangement well and the staff seem to be treating her very well. Time will tell if they continue to be so attentive. We got the last items out of her old apartment today, so that’s done as well.

    Due to the stress I haven’t been eating as well as I should and my weight has gone up by a couple of pounds, but now that the major stressors are gone, I expect to get it back under control quickly. I don’t make resolutions but try to do what a friend advocates. She makes intentions, as in “I intend to exercise more often, or eat more healthfully, etc.”. That seems less demanding than a resolution for some reason.

    Here's hoping the worst is over!!!

    I have a BIL I couldn't spend 5 minutes with so I feel for you.
  • mdubbs1
    mdubbs1 Posts: 6,648 Member
    I got an email from Hopkins (most of my doctors are part of the Hopkins system) that they are re-instituting masking requirements. Wow!

    I'm finally done (for now) dealing with tire issues with my van. We decided to go back to having two spares in the garage since feeding is so hard on my (fun flat) tires.

    I'm determined to get back on track diet-wise. Definitely NOT calling it a New Year's resolution. It's just TIME!! (actually it's way past time)

    I'm settling down now to get some work done!

  • Helene610
    Helene610 Posts: 2,831 Member
    Funny you should mention getting back on track weight wise. I just logged my breakfast for the first time in about a year. I’ve probably put back on most of the weight I lost on NS. Pandemic and general stress led me back to most of my bad habits. I haven’t weighed myself in months so that’s why I say probably gained most weight back. I need to dig out my scale and start weighing on a regular basis.

    We’ve had Comcast problems since we got back to FL last week. I have no tv, internet or landline. I’ve had 2 visits to the Comcast store. At the first appointment, the agent gave me all new equipment. I was supposed to change my password because they had a data breach. I couldn’t get into my account to change it. The agent had to get into my account so I could change my password. With that done, I should have been able to activate my new equipment. Didn’t work so I have a tech coming tomorrow to hook everything up. It used to be around $50 per visit. Now it’s $100 but it’s pay it or no service since I can’t DIY it.
  • Helene610
    Helene610 Posts: 2,831 Member
    I went to the library for DVDs to watch until we have TV again. I was telling the librarian my Comcast woes. She asked if I wanted to borrow one of their mobile hotspots. Yes, please! I wouldn’t have know about them is I hadn’t told her about my lack of Internet. That’s what I’m using to communicate with you now. Libraries rock!
  • PamS53
    PamS53 Posts: 1,936 Member
    I’m trying hard to get back on track with my eating so I can maintain my weight loss. I’ve gone up a couple of pounds because I’ve been eating too much chocolate, so I’ve got to get that under control. I know I can do it and I’m determined not to let it get any further out of control than it was. It will be easier to do it now when I only need to lose a couple of pounds than if I let it go on for awhile.

    DH had an appointment with an endocrinologist this morning and I went with him. She is ordering a test to determine if he has Addison’s Disease, which will be done next Friday. Then 2 weeks later a follow up with her to get the results, and a couple of days after that he has a follow up appointment with the pulmonologist to get the results of the testing he ordered. I have an eye exam this Friday afternoon which is overdue. I’m not looking forward to it because we are expecting bitter cold weather to arrive that day and I’d rather stay warm at home than get out to see a doctor. But I’ll be a big girl and do it anyway.
  • Helene610
    Helene610 Posts: 2,831 Member
    Good luck with the medical appointments. We were late coming down to FL as DH had to wait for an appointment with a hematologist. It took five months to get in and several weeks for lab results of bloodwork. The doctor took a week’s vacation between visit and lab tests results. Long story short, he’s slightly anemic, no treatment needed and cleared to go to FL.