This Year is Our Year for Success!



  • PamS53
    PamS53 Posts: 1,936 Member
    This week has gone by in a blur, it seems. We are still trying to get an appointment for DH with a neurologist. The one he was referred to is no longer with that practice, so we are waiting for another referral to a different doc. Also still waiting for his CPap machine and there is an issue with that as well, so another delay.

    I met with my attorney yesterday who is handling the accident case where my arm was broken. He actually “educated” me that using the word accident is inaccurate. He wants me to start training myself to use the word crash or wreck instead. Yesterday we were going over my responses to the other side’s request for production of documents and interrogatories. The next step will be depositions, but we may also agree to mediation if certain conditions are met. I really hope this gets settled without having to go through a trial, but I’m not going to accept what they have offered thus far. It would barely cover my medical expenses, which will have to be paid back to Medicare and my supplemental if I accept a settlement. I have permanent damage to my dominant hand, no way to predict if I will incur future medical expenses related to it, and there was considerable pain, suffering and inconvenience throughout my recovery. I think, and my attorney agrees, that that should be compensated in addition to covering the medical expenses. We will find out if their insurance agrees. We know that they have $250,000 in liability insurance, and a $1,000,000 umbrella liability policy as well, so they have coverage.

    I’m also trying to get ready for our upcoming cruise. I have plenty of clothes but I need to figure out what I want to take. DH could use some new clothes, but he hates to shop and doesn’t mind wearing ill-fitting clothing so I’m having no luck getting him to buy new things. I tried ordering some pants that he could try on here at home, but none of them fit and he asked me not to do that again. So I guess he will go on the cruise wearing clothes that don’t fit well and look like they came from Goodwill.
  • Helene610
    Helene610 Posts: 2,831 Member
    Smart advice from your attorney about not calling it an accident. Wreck seems most appropriate since it wrecked your health and parts of your life. You are entitled to more than just the medical expenses. Stay strong and reject their offer. Their insurance coverage is there for a reason. Can you look at the labels of the pants your husband wears and likes? You may be able to order the exact brand and size online. I’d order one pair and if it works out, you could reorder more.
  • PamS53
    PamS53 Posts: 1,936 Member
    Helene, DH doesn’t really have any pants that fit him well at this point. He basically has a very flat butt, and all of his pants sag so much I genuinely fear he may lose them. His solution is to cinch up his belt as much as he can, but it doesn’t really solve the problem. He needs a different style of pants but won’t go and try them on and he’s told me he doesn’t want me to order any more for him to try on at home. So we are at an impasse. He knows I think his pants look terrible on him but he doesn’t really care. Of course, he can’t see for himself since the issue is with the backside.
  • mdubbs1
    mdubbs1 Posts: 6,648 Member
    PamS53 wrote: »
    This week has gone by in a blur, it seems. We are still trying to get an appointment for DH with a neurologist. The one he was referred to is no longer with that practice, so we are waiting for another referral to a different doc. Also still waiting for his CPap machine and there is an issue with that as well, so another delay.

    I met with my attorney yesterday who is handling the accident case where my arm was broken. He actually “educated” me that using the word accident is inaccurate. He wants me to start training myself to use the word crash or wreck instead. Yesterday we were going over my responses to the other side’s request for production of documents and interrogatories. The next step will be depositions, but we may also agree to mediation if certain conditions are met. I really hope this gets settled without having to go through a trial, but I’m not going to accept what they have offered thus far. It would barely cover my medical expenses, which will have to be paid back to Medicare and my supplemental if I accept a settlement. I have permanent damage to my dominant hand, no way to predict if I will incur future medical expenses related to it, and there was considerable pain, suffering and inconvenience throughout my recovery. I think, and my attorney agrees, that that should be compensated in addition to covering the medical expenses. We will find out if their insurance agrees. We know that they have $250,000 in liability insurance, and a $1,000,000 umbrella liability policy as well, so they have coverage.

    I’m also trying to get ready for our upcoming cruise. I have plenty of clothes but I need to figure out what I want to take. DH could use some new clothes, but he hates to shop and doesn’t mind wearing ill-fitting clothing so I’m having no luck getting him to buy new things. I tried ordering some pants that he could try on here at home, but none of them fit and he asked me not to do that again. So I guess he will go on the cruise wearing clothes that don’t fit well and look like they came from Goodwill.

    MEN! HUH! We saw on Nextdoor that the guy next door was looking to hire snow shoveling. I've been bugging DH to do that. They could team up, pull in the guy across the street who's in horrible physical shape, and become someone's best client. But will that happen? OF COURSE NOT!

    With respect to pants I've been trying to get DH to try elastic waist pants but no, he'd rather be uncomfortable.

    I hope you get your case settled, too. What a PITA that you have to go through that though!
  • Helene610
    Helene610 Posts: 2,831 Member
    The only way I got DH to give up yard work was after he had his heart attack in 2015. I came down hard on raking leaves and cutting grass. He gave in and we hired a great landscaper who does that and plows the snow while we’re in FL. I have the snow done because I have a house watcher and I want her to able to drive into the driveway. Now that he’s used to Vaughn doing the work, I get no complaints. I always considered all those tasks to be drudgery and well worth paying someone else to do them.
  • PamS53
    PamS53 Posts: 1,936 Member
    DH finally agreed to hire someone to maintain our pool and so far, he is pleased with this young man and his work. I haven’t been able to talk him into hiring someone to mow the grass, but I’m hoping that once the grass starts growing again he will decide to give that up as well.

    We’ve been trying for more than 2 weeks to get an appointment with a neurologist. He finally was successful yesterday, but the appointment isn’t until mid-April. He continues to lack energy and his hand tremor is getting more noticeable. I wish he had been able to get an earlier appointment, but at least something is booked now. I’m really hating the referral process. None of them have gone smoothly.
  • Helene610
    Helene610 Posts: 2,831 Member
    I’ve had vertigo since Friday. I’ve done some home treatment using the Epley maneuver and it reduced the symptoms but not eliminated them.I canceled a doctor’s appointment Friday because I was afraid I might throw up if the symptoms flared up. I was able to reschedule for mid March so that wasn’t bad.If I had to push it back too far, I might have tried to make it through the original appointment.
  • PamS53
    PamS53 Posts: 1,936 Member
    Helene, I’m so sorry you’re having vertigo! I’m glad the doctor’s appointment was able to be rescheduled to a convenient time. A good friend’s husband has been dealing with vertigo intermittently and hasn’t found much relief thus far. The PT has helped some, but hasn’t eliminated it for him. I hope yours clears up soon.

    Not much going on here, other than trying to get ready for our cruise. I’m working on whittling down the wardrobe options. I’m an over packer, so that’s always a challenge for me. DH, on the other hand, thinks a pair of shorts, a pair of long pants, a swimsuit, and a couple of shirts should be more than enough. Men!
  • mdubbs1
    mdubbs1 Posts: 6,648 Member
    Helene - vertigo sounds terrible; I hope you can get some relief!

    Pam - good luck reining in the packing!
  • mdubbs1
    mdubbs1 Posts: 6,648 Member
    Yesterday my best friend revived her annual "take sister for crabs for her birthday" trip for the first time post worst-of-pandemic. The nieces who always attended are now off at college (time does fly) so she invited her other two sibs and spouses that are at least somewhat local. I'd never met them before (made 4 lawyers at the table LOL!). Anyway it was a whole table full of people doing a very Maryland thing - eating steamed crabs - and all those people grew up in a world of spending massive time at homes on the water (and apparently all still do). I told her that as someone who grew up in landlocked PA sitting there and eating and listening was sort of like stumbling into a foreign land.

    Interesting place. SUPER busy. Parking lot holds 12 cars at most. I ended up parking down the street at a Planet Fitness. I figured that was somewhere that cars might park for some hours on a Saturday. Probably where I should have been going. LOL!

    I sort of feel like making chili but my freezer is full (turkey corn soup and Nutrisystem) so I'll squelch any such urge for now. I did find a dumpster today to get rid of the HUGE NS styrofoam cooler. I ordered 12 days of food and boy, was the styrofoam container huge. I'm trying to picture what a month's food comes in.
  • PamS53
    PamS53 Posts: 1,936 Member
    Maryanne, let us know what you think about the frozen NS food. Several years ago when I used NS I got a mix of frozen and shelf stable. I actually liked most of the frozen items I tried. I think they have a lot more frozen items to choose from now and less of the shelf stable.
  • Helene610
    Helene610 Posts: 2,831 Member
    The chiropractor worked me in today and didn’t even charge me for doing the Epley maneuver. I had DH come into the treatment room to watch because I may have to do it again at home. It often takes multiple treatments to fix it. His office on the island was destroyed by the hurricane in September 2022 and we didn’t know where he moved to. He’s only about 5 miles off island so going there isn’t a hardship. We made appointments for adjustments next week now that know where his office is located.
  • mdubbs1
    mdubbs1 Posts: 6,648 Member
    PamS53 wrote: »
    Maryanne, let us know what you think about the frozen NS food. Several years ago when I used NS I got a mix of frozen and shelf stable. I actually liked most of the frozen items I tried. I think they have a lot more frozen items to choose from now and less of the shelf stable.

    The shelf stable has really disappeared. Especially my favorites. I bought a ton on ebay of a lot of it so I'll have it for awhile but then that will be it. I did sign up for Jenny Craig on Nutrisystem but haven't tried a lot of it yet.
  • mdubbs1
    mdubbs1 Posts: 6,648 Member
    Helene610 wrote: »
    The chiropractor worked me in today and didn’t even charge me for doing the Epley maneuver. I had DH come into the treatment room to watch because I may have to do it again at home. It often takes multiple treatments to fix it. His office on the island was destroyed by the hurricane in September 2022 and we didn’t know where he moved to. He’s only about 5 miles off island so going there isn’t a hardship. We made appointments for adjustments next week now that know where his office is located.

    I'm glad you were able to get the help you needed!
  • Helene610
    Helene610 Posts: 2,831 Member
    I was back at the chiropractor yesterday. We made appointments to check our alignment and get adjusted as needed. My alignment was good but DH had some shoulder and knee joints that needed a little work. I got another session of the Epley maneuver I had been getting pretty dizzy getting into and out of bed. Yesterday’s session helped. I’m probably 90% back to normal as long as I watch my head position.
  • PamS53
    PamS53 Posts: 1,936 Member
    We got home from our cruise last night. We enjoyed it, but it was good to get home. We didn’t really do much of the activities, but having time to relax and rest was good for us, especially DH. And although we got a good amount of exercise just from walking around the huge ship, I still managed to gain 5 pounds. I started today working on getting rid of them. I’m determined not to let them hang around and become permanent.

    DH’s sister stayed here to be available for their mother. I think she enjoyed her stay. She has a friend in a town not too far away from here and they were able to spend time together last week. I didn’t find her to be nearly as irritating as her last visit, but I only saw her for a total of about 24 hours, split between the day she arrived and the day she left. Seems about the right amount of time to spend with her, lol!

    We were pretty completely unplugged for the week, so I missed all the news events that occurred. Here in Texas we had many primary elections for state, local and congressional races. I will need to do some research to see how those turned out. There was a lot of petty revenge going on in some of the races for state representatives and senate as a result of the impeachment hearing for our crooked attorney general, and on the governor’s side, he vowed to try to tank the incumbents running for re-election if they had voted against his school voucher plan. That was a cause that was defeated all 4 times he tried to get it passed, so he vowed revenge on those in his party who opposed it. I truly hate politics, but the older I get, the more I realize how important it is to pay attention to it.
  • mdubbs1
    mdubbs1 Posts: 6,648 Member
    Helene - I'm glad to hear you're feeling better. We did a cat show this weekend and one of the volunteers was having some dizziness. That's always scary.

    Pam - LOL about the SIL being easier to take in small doses. I completely agree about politics. I am terrified that this time next year we're going to be sitting in a dictatorship. Scary stuff!
  • PamS53
    PamS53 Posts: 1,936 Member
    Looks like DH brought home a case of Covid as a souvenir of our trip. He tested positive last night for it. Felt pretty bad last night and not much better today. Of course he didn’t take anything to manage the symptoms, so I’m having a little difficulty being sympathetic to his suffering. And today is our 41st anniversary, so not much celebrating going on here. I am sorry he’s sick, but have no patience for prolonging the suffering by refusing to do anything to mitigate it.
  • Helene610
    Helene610 Posts: 2,831 Member
    If he’s going to try paxlovid, he needs to see the doctor asap. It could be a walk in place because he just needs a prescription and doesn’t want to wait weeks for an appointment. Glad to hear your cruise was a success except for Covid. Small doses of SIL seems to be the way handle future visits.
  • PamS53
    PamS53 Posts: 1,936 Member
    I tested positive for Covid last night, after 3 previous negative tests. I’m feeling pretty rough, lots of coughing, body aches, headache, runny nose, etc. DH is feeling better, so I’m hoping I’ll start feeling better in a day or two. Meanwhile I’m treating myself with mucinex, Tylenol, and some ibuprofen. I’m considered paxlovid but an article in today’s newspaper nixed that due to cost. Now that the government subsidies have expired, the cost has gone up to $1600 for 1 round of treatment. That is definitely not in the budget unless I get much worse. So far, my oxygenation is in the normal range, so I guess I just need to suck it up and wait to start feeling better.