This Year is Our Year for Success!



  • PamS53
    PamS53 Posts: 1,936 Member
    I did watch a lot of the convention. I thought Kamala’s speech was pretty good. I’ve read that a lot of republicans are saying it was too light on specifics about how she will address issues like the economy and border control, etc. That made me laugh because when has tRump ever given specifics for any of his plans to address the issues, other than to disavow Project 2025 when he realized how unpopular it is? I think there are just some people who are unpersuadable and the man you described is probably one of them. I think my favorite speaker of the entire convention was Michelle Obama. She knocked it out of the park, IMO. It’s a shame she is unwilling to run for the office. I’d support her in a heartbeat.
  • Helene610
    Helene610 Posts: 2,831 Member
    I wrote a post that disappeared. I agree with you about Michelle. She’s a rock star and hands down was the most effective speaker.

    I was once told you could divide people into three groups. Some will support you and you don’t need to put a lot of effort into winning them over. The second group will never support you so don’t waste time trying to change their minds. The third group is undecided and could go either way. That’s where Harris’s efforts need to focus.
  • mdubbs1
    mdubbs1 Posts: 6,648 Member
    edited August 25
    PamS53 wrote: »
    I had my first post-op visit yesterday and my surgeon was pleased. Most of my bruising and swelling is already gone, so now I’m just waiting for the stitches to fall out on their own. I go back in 3 weeks. Right now the left eyelid is slightly higher than the right, but she thinks it will eventually relax to about the same level as the other one. I can see a very slight difference, but only because she pointed it out. The best news though is that I can now sleep in any position I want and don’t have to wear a protective mask! I’ve always slept on my side and any other position just isn’t comfortable for me. However, I’m currently having some pain in my left hip that I think is bursitis (I’ve had this before), so sleeping on my side hasn’t been very comfortable. At least I can take NSAIDs again, which helps with the pain. I wasn’t supposed to use any of that class of drugs for the week before and after the surgery.

    Great news!! What a PITA when there is a reason your preferred sleep position isn't available or isn't that comfortable any more.
  • mdubbs1
    mdubbs1 Posts: 6,648 Member
    edited August 25
    Helene610 wrote: »
    Great new on your progress. I hope you sleep better now that the restrictions are over. Did you watch any of the convention? The speakers were fabulous and Kamala did a great job. I saw a discussion on CNN with 8 undecided voters. They were asked to rate Kamala’s speechMost gave her B or B+. One gave her an A and one gave her a C. Six said they now support Kamala, one young woman isn’t voting because she doesn’t like either candidate even though she gave Kamala a B. The man who gave her a C was a fifty ish black man in real estate. He had some positive things to say but felt she wasn’t ready and should wait until 2028. He said he’d vote Trump. I think he just wouldn’t vote a woman for president. I was shocked by his response. I can’t imagine he’d tell a man to wait 4 years. I hope his friends and family call him on it.

    When I was a kid I spent a week every summer at both sets of grandparents. With my dad's parents every 4 years it was the week of the convention and we'd watch gavel to gavel (my grandfather was one of the few Democrats in a red county in PA and from the time I could walk I was his little helped; I even filled in spots at $1,000 a plate dinners when I got a little older and they needed a body). I confess I haven't watched a convention since. I just can't sit still for it. I'm SO worried about this election and I've been contributing money but if I think about it too much I think my heart may just stop. I did see Walz's son get up and cheer; that was sweet.

    I am very disappointed in the founding fathers and the whole electoral college thing. Being a Hamilton fanatic I've spent more time thinking about those years lately than I ever did while in school.

    Very easy here in Maryland to vote. Our ballots will come in the mail and then I run over to the middle school and drop them off. I firmly believe it should be that easy to vote everywhere in this country. The fact that it isn't is disgusting!
  • Helene610
    Helene610 Posts: 2,831 Member
    You might have been able to sit through parts of the DNC. They kept things moving and had really interesting speakers. CBS didn’t start coverage until 10 so we missed all the early speakers. Later, they said those speakers each ran a little long and the applause added a little time to each too. Biden missed Prime Time because of that. I really wanted to hear his speech. Organizers learned from this and did a better job moving things along the next 3 nights. Google Michelle Obama’s speech. She was the best speaker of the convention.
  • Helene610
    Helene610 Posts: 2,831 Member
    I just read that Harris and Trump were having a dispute over whether the debate mikes should have a mute button. I was surprised Harris wants both mikes live and Trump wants the mute. He’s saying he wants the same rules he agreed to in the Biden debate. When I thought about it, she wants a live Mike so he can start one of his crazy rants. She seems well about to keep her cool. Unlike when Biden toldTrump to shut up during 2020 debate.
  • mdubbs1
    mdubbs1 Posts: 6,648 Member
    Helene610 wrote: »
    I just read that Harris and Trump were having a dispute over whether the debate mikes should have a mute button. I was surprised Harris wants both mikes live and Trump wants the mute. He’s saying he wants the same rules he agreed to in the Biden debate. When I thought about it, she wants a live Mike so he can start one of his crazy rants. She seems well about to keep her cool. Unlike when Biden told Trump to shut up during 2020 debate.

    I'm surprised she wants that. I surely don't want him to be able to rant and interject. Interesting.
  • mdubbs1
    mdubbs1 Posts: 6,648 Member
    Well, after years of atrophying vocal chords, trying speech therapy, etc. yesterday I had the next step. An injection into my vocal chords. Should give me a stronger voice for 4-5 months but more importantly will let me see if I want to undergo the permanent solution. I started this journey some years back when my voice started being iffy at times. I had an aunt who whispered for the last 20 or so years of her life and this doctor promises this won't happen to me. He works solely on throats. No ENTs at Hopkins. No sir, you have to see an E or an N or a T. LOL! And he's always got these oh so eager students following him around. Why anyone would want to spend their entire career in throats I have no idea but they all seem very, very serious!

    I guess going into yesterday I was thinking of like the needle prick of getting a vaccination. I was NOT expecting the level of pain. They put "stuff" in through your nose, what all I don't know, and use a camera through your nose. Then this six foot plus doctor pulls on my tongue as hard as he can with what feels like all his weight. The pain in my throat was intense and continued for hours after I got home. I wasn't expecting that. My nose felt like a really bad cold.

    But by around 10 p.m. the pain was gone. I've tentatively tried my voice this morning and I can talk some. He said my voice will sound rough for 3-5 days. No clue how much my voice will change but I know it was already very different. When I was taking speech therapy the therapist asked me if I ever sang. I said "yes". She guessed soprano I said heck, no, alto and, in a pinch, tenor. She said my voice had changed a lot. So I don't ever expect to sing again but hopefully when all is said and done I'll be able to talk.

    If I can live with this, the next step is to go downtown for the permanent fix. I'm not planning to do that until spring unless something happens. I haven't gone downtown in probably 20 years.

    Way more than you wanted to know about throat issues in aging people. LOL!
  • PamS53
    PamS53 Posts: 1,936 Member
    Maryanne, I had no idea you were dealing with voice issues. The procedure you had yesterday sounds awful, but if you’re already seeing changes it might be worthwhile to take the next step when you’re ready. I have also noticed a lot of changes with my voice. I used to sing in the church choir and enjoyed it, but now my voice breaks and I can’t hold a note or stay on key at all.

    I’ve been reading about the next debate and the issue with muting the mics. Apparently tRump’s handlers want the mics muted because they know he can’t control himself for 90 minutes and feel it would be less damaging if the public can’t hear him ranting while Harris is speaking. She, of course, wants that on full display. And the other factor in play is that many people believe that his camp is looking for any excuse to avoid debating her because she will likely wipe the floor with him and he knows it (or at least his handlers do, lol)! At first I was thinking of course the mics should be muted, but I can see the reasoning behind letting his childish antics be fully on display for everyone to see. From what I’ve read, during his debate with Biden, part of the reason Biden had such a poor performance was due to tRump’s ranting while he was speaking, which the audience was completely unaware of due to the muted mics. It was so distracting that it caused Biden to lose his train of thought, which was interpreted as mental decline because the audience had no context of what was happening while he was trying to speak.
  • Helene610
    Helene610 Posts: 2,831 Member
    Maryanne, I didn’t realize you we’re having voice issues. Do they know what caused it? The treatment sounds dreadful but if it helps, it’s probably worth doing. My BIL has Parkinson’s and his voice became just above a whisper. He went to a group called the Loud Crowd which is a group speech therapy session. It did help him to project his voice more.

    I didn’t realize Trump was ranting while Biden spoke. Hearing that, I think Harris is right to ask for live mics. Trump says he prefers the mics on and I can see why his team is concerned about him controlling himself for 90 minutes. He probably will say things that make him look crazy.
  • mdubbs1
    mdubbs1 Posts: 6,648 Member
    Apparently this voice issue is simply age related. In some people the vocal chords atrophy with age. My voice today is, as was predicted, somewhat hoarse. This apparently will last 3-5 days.

    I hate to see them deliberately set up a debate to be a circus show. But I understand their reasoning.

    I saw an article the other day suggesting that the media is sort of "sane washing" the cheeto and suggesting they cut it out!
  • PamS53
    PamS53 Posts: 1,936 Member
    I spent 4 hours today doing preparation with my attorney for my deposition next Friday in my lawsuit for the car wreck almost 3 years ago. I have another 4 hours tomorrow. My attorney is very thorough and determined that I be well schooled in how to answer questions without getting rattled by the tactics the other attorney may use. I’m not looking forward to tomorrow’s session where he will be doing a mock deposition with me, but I know it will help me be ready for the real thing.
  • mdubbs1
    mdubbs1 Posts: 6,648 Member
    PamS53 wrote: »
    I spent 4 hours today doing preparation with my attorney for my deposition next Friday in my lawsuit for the car wreck almost 3 years ago. I have another 4 hours tomorrow. My attorney is very thorough and determined that I be well schooled in how to answer questions without getting rattled by the tactics the other attorney may use. I’m not looking forward to tomorrow’s session where he will be doing a mock deposition with me, but I know it will help me be ready for the real thing.

    I'm going to send you the strongest positive vibes for success! I'm sure it unnerving to go through all that but being prepared sounds like a fantastic approach!
  • mdubbs1
    mdubbs1 Posts: 6,648 Member
    I was just pondering while I was driving around this morning:

    If you'd set out to find the two looniest men you could to run for president and vice president could you have done any "better" than the Republican party did just stumbling on the cheeto and the man who hates all childless women? i wasn't sure they could go loonier than the cheeto but boy, vance is a nutjob!
  • PamS53
    PamS53 Posts: 1,936 Member
    mdubbs1 wrote: »
    I was just pondering while I was driving around this morning:

    If you'd set out to find the two looniest men you could to run for president and vice president could you have done any "better" than the Republican party did just stumbling on the cheeto and the man who hates all childless women? i wasn't sure they could go loonier than the cheeto but boy, vance is a nutjob!

    LOL! I think you’re right. About the only worse choice for VP would have been RFK, but he’s got him on his transition team along with Tulsi Gabbard, so the nuttiness continues to be well represented.

    The depo prep today went well. My deposition is scheduled for a week from tomorrow. I’m hoping I don’t forget everything I learned in the past 2 days and keep my composure. I really had hoped to settle this case without going to trial, but it looks increasingly likely that that’s where we are headed.
  • Helene610
    Helene610 Posts: 2,831 Member
    If they ask any questions that rattle you, try pausing to take a drink of water and a deep breath before you respond. That can give your nerves time to settle down before you answer. Will your lawyer be with you at the deposition? I’m assuming the other driver’s insurance company driving the legal case. It’s hard to imagine what kind of defense someone who hits and severely injured another driver could mount. Good luck with the deposition. Are you allowed to request breaks if things get too tense? I don’t know anyone who’s ever been through a deposition.
  • PamS53
    PamS53 Posts: 1,936 Member
    Helene, my lawyer will be with me but can’t do much to intervene unless the other side asks questions that are clearly out of bounds. I can take my time answering and I can request breaks anytime I need them, but only after answering a question and before the next one is asked. It will be conducted via Zoom, so only my attorney and I will be in the room. The other attorney and court reporter will be somewhere in Dallas. I feel pretty well prepared after spending 6 hours with my attorney, so long as I don’t forget it all by next Friday!

    My attorney has hinted that he feels he can show she was on her cell phone at the time of the accident, but is still awaiting final confirmation of that. I was definitely not using my phone at the time. Mine was in my purse and I never set up Blue Tooth in that vehicle, so I wasn’t using it hands free, either.
  • mdubbs1
    mdubbs1 Posts: 6,648 Member
    PamS53 wrote: »
    Helene, my lawyer will be with me but can’t do much to intervene unless the other side asks questions that are clearly out of bounds. I can take my time answering and I can request breaks anytime I need them, but only after answering a question and before the next one is asked. It will be conducted via Zoom, so only my attorney and I will be in the room. The other attorney and court reporter will be somewhere in Dallas. I feel pretty well prepared after spending 6 hours with my attorney, so long as I don’t forget it all by next Friday!

    My attorney has hinted that he feels he can show she was on her cell phone at the time of the accident, but is still awaiting final confirmation of that. I was definitely not using my phone at the time. Mine was in my purse and I never set up Blue Tooth in that vehicle, so I wasn’t using it hands free, either.

    Good luck! Helene has great advice in taking a breath when you need to. Nobody can stop you from taking a breath! LOL! And I don't see why your attorney couldn't hold up a note or something in a pinch. Yes, the "other side" would see you glancing toward your attorney but so what? You have the right to look away.
  • Helene610
    Helene610 Posts: 2,831 Member
    I was wondering the same thing about whether your lawyer could write notes that you could see.
  • mdubbs1
    mdubbs1 Posts: 6,648 Member
    DH did something that made me lose all my automatic logins. I actually had to lookup my password!

    I took Sammy for a vet visit today. Second post Radiocat checkup. I think his kidneys are failing but the labwork will tell us for sure. He's about 11 or so but we're in no way ready to lose him!