This Year is Our Year for Success!



  • Helene610
    Helene610 Posts: 2,831 Member
    I hope you get better news about Sammy’s treatment. Our cats made it to the mid and upper teens so he’s still a youngster. One had kidney problems but she made it to 15 with medication, diet and frequent vet visits. Good luck.

    Pam, have you had the deposition yet. I’m sure your lawyer has said to just answer what’s asked and don’t volunteer more than that. Good luck.
  • mdubbs1
    mdubbs1 Posts: 6,648 Member
    Helene610 wrote: »
    I hope you get better news about Sammy’s treatment. Our cats made it to the mid and upper teens so he’s still a youngster. One had kidney problems but she made it to 15 with medication, diet and frequent vet visits. Good luck.

    Pam, have you had the deposition yet. I’m sure your lawyer has said to just answer what’s asked and don’t volunteer more than that. Good luck.

    No lab results yet!
  • mdubbs1
    mdubbs1 Posts: 6,648 Member
    There's so little on TV. I've been watching some old Mt 600-lb life shows that I'd never gotten to. Trying to scare myself straight. LOL!

    Pairs have been announced for DWTS this fall:
  • PamS53
    PamS53 Posts: 1,936 Member
    The deposition was yesterday afternoon. My attorney thought it went pretty well. I was puzzled by how unrelated some of the questions were and how little time was spent on questions that related to the crash and my injuries. In a 2 hour deposition, probably only 45 minutes or less were spent on the crash and my injuries. My attorney had taken the defendant’s deposition that morning and she denied responsibility, denied asking me if she had run the light, and claimed she was neither speeding nor using her cell phone at the time. All of which I believe to be untrue. And it turns out that one of the witnesses is no longer reachable at the number he gave to the police and the other has moved out of state, so getting their depositions will be a challenge. My attorney will be deposing the police officer who worked the scene next week. He said when he talked with him to schedule it, the police officer said he did remember the crash, even though it’s been almost 3 years. Next step after all of the depositions are completed will be a mediation hearing November 26th. If no settlement agreement is reached then we will go to trial sometime in April of next year, most likely.

    It’s a huge relief to have that done. Now I can turn my attention to other more enjoyable things. A week from today we are flying to Colorado to visit DH’s family, which should be fun if my altitude sickness doesn’t get too bad. I’ve got electrolyte supplements to add to my water and my new PCP prescribed some medication, so I’m hopeful I’ll be able to enjoy the trip.
  • Helene610
    Helene610 Posts: 2,831 Member
    What kind of unrelated questions did the lawyer ask? Seems strange he spent so little time on the accident? Are you able to get her phone records the day of the crash? Did the police officer write a report the day of the accident? Did your insurance company take a recorded statement from her shortly after the accident. Would they have any records you can use if you can’t find the witnesses. Check Facebook to see if they can be tracked down by an online presence.
  • Helene610
    Helene610 Posts: 2,831 Member
    mdubbs1 wrote: »
    There's so little on TV. I've been watching some old Mt 600-lb life shows that I'd never gotten to. Trying to scare myself straight. LOL!

    Pairs have been announced for DWTS this fall: -with-the-stars-season-33-cast-113355662

    I’ve never heard of more than half of the celebrities who are competing this season. I know Danny Amandola from the New England Patriots and the two Olympians from the Paris games. I’ve seen Julia Roberts brother in movies. He much less successful than Julia or his daughter Emma. Many of the others are reality stars and I don’t watch they’re shows. I’ll probably try it and see how likable and talented they might be.
  • PamS53
    PamS53 Posts: 1,936 Member
    Helene, all good questions. I’m leaving it to my attorney to pursue whatever avenues he thinks are worthwhile. Let him earn his 45% of whatever settlement I eventually get! Some of the irrelevant questions were whether I had any travel plans this fall, what kinds of things I like to do with my friends and who organizes them, what kind of car I drive, how is my husband’s health, who does the grocery shopping for our household, do I have a cleaning service, among many others. I answered all of them but really wanted to ask why he wanted to know several times. Since my attorney didn’t object to the questions, I felt I had to answer them.
  • mdubbs1
    mdubbs1 Posts: 6,648 Member
    Pam - if I had to guess it sounds like they were circling around the issue of your mental competence, throwing in some unrelated questions to try to disguise their intent.

    That's a real PITA that the two witnesses can't be reached!

  • PamS53
    PamS53 Posts: 1,936 Member
    One witness is still reachable, even though he now lives out of state. However, he is the less reliable of the two since he admits to running the red light himself. He was traveling in the same direction as the woman who hit me, and he was in front of her. He says he saw the crash in his rear view mirror. I was impressed that he took the time to park and give a statement, despite his obvious hurry as evidenced by him running the light. I had forgotten that someone also ran the red light going eastbound. I remembered the one going westbound but had forgotten about the other one. Unfortunately, the accident report shows that driver’s location incorrectly, so I don’t know how much of an issue that might be. It may not matter if he’s never deposed. That could still happen via Zoom, which is how my deposition was taken Friday. I was in my attorney’s office, the other attorney was in his office, and the court reporter was in her home office. Things are definitely different these days.
  • mdubbs1
    mdubbs1 Posts: 6,648 Member
    PamS53 wrote: »
    One witness is still reachable, even though he now lives out of state. However, he is the less reliable of the two since he admits to running the red light himself. He was traveling in the same direction as the woman who hit me, and he was in front of her. He says he saw the crash in his rear view mirror. I was impressed that he took the time to park and give a statement, despite his obvious hurry as evidenced by him running the light. I had forgotten that someone also ran the red light going eastbound. I remembered the one going westbound but had forgotten about the other one. Unfortunately, the accident report shows that driver’s location incorrectly, so I don’t know how much of an issue that might be. It may not matter if he’s never deposed. That could still happen via Zoom, which is how my deposition was taken Friday. I was in my attorney’s office, the other attorney was in his office, and the court reporter was in her home office. Things are definitely different these days.

    Things are very different. The last time I laid eyes on a client was in March 2020!

    Here's hoping this comes out the way it should. I've become so tuned in to red light running since your accident. It's amazing how often I'm slowing down for a yellow light and someone in the next lane that is WAY behind me speeds up instead and runs the red light. I'm amazed far more people aren't hurt. I wonder if that will change as more and more drivers seem to be disregarding all traffic laws!
  • mdubbs1
    mdubbs1 Posts: 6,648 Member
    edited September 9
    I am determined to get back on my diet today. The amount of diet food in this house is sort of ridiculous - Jenny Craig frozen and shelf stable, NS frozen and shelf stable, lots and lots of Optavia packets, and quite a bit of Prolon (fasting substitute). It's 11:40 and I'm HUNGRY having had nothing so far but a NS muffin.
  • Helene610
    Helene610 Posts: 2,831 Member
    In Ft Myers, running red lights is pretty common. I’ve learned to wait a few seconds before driving into the intersection in case someone in the cross intersection runs the light. They also have a high number of hit and run accidents, some resulting in fatalities. We don’t have any traffic lights on the island and police direct traffic through the major intersections leading off island from about 10-6 pm. After that, traffic volume drops dramatically as the tourists and construction workers head off island.
  • mdubbs1
    mdubbs1 Posts: 6,648 Member
    edited September 10
    Helene610 wrote: »
    In Ft Myers, running red lights is pretty common. I’ve learned to wait a few seconds before driving into the intersection in case someone in the cross intersection runs the light. They also have a high number of hit and run accidents, some resulting in fatalities. We don’t have any traffic lights on the island and police direct traffic through the major intersections leading off island from about 10-6 pm. After that, traffic volume drops dramatically as the tourists and construction workers head off island.

    School has started here now and the difference in traffic volume is mind blowing, not to mention the buses that stop at just about every house. Mind blowing to me, anyway, who grew up somewhere kids didn't drive to school and the whole town went to a single bus stop to take the bus to grades 7-12.
  • Helene610
    Helene610 Posts: 2,831 Member
    Tonight’s debate should be interesting. The polls have both candidates neck and neck which makes me nervous about Trump winning. I was watching man on the street interviews at the Wisconsin state fair. Many Trump voters said they don’t like him but they’re voting for him anyway because of the economy. Somehow the economic gains made under Biden don’t register with them. Democrats need to toot their own horns more than they do. Some said they don’t care what Trump does in his personal life as long as they like his policies. Pretty disturbing commentary on morality.
  • PamS53
    PamS53 Posts: 1,936 Member
    I watched the entire debate and thought Harris did very well. But tRump’s followers will think he wiped the floor with her because that is their world view, unfortunately. They just can’t conceive or accurately perceive how out of touch their candidate is. Harris was very successful in baiting him and keeping him on the defensive. He did manage to stay on message pretty well and didn’t engage in any of his rambling word salad responses that he’s done in some of his rallies and town halls. I really wondered if he might have been on some type of stimulant drug to keep him more alert. I really liked that David Muir and Linzey Davis fact-checked him several times.
  • mdubbs1
    mdubbs1 Posts: 6,648 Member
    edited September 11
    I love the new term sanewashing. That's a great way to put how much of the popular news media is dealing with the cheeto.

    There's NO WAY I could stomach watching the debate so I didn't. My paternal grandfather is turning over in his grave.

    I do subscribe to Chris Cillizza's Substack (which he started when CNN laid him off). I don't watch much tv news but he was a favorite and I'm really enjoying him being more uncensored. I'll find out what he thinks about the debate.

    DH says the cheeto wants ABC's license revoked now after the debate. What a moron!

    I wish I could warm up to Harris (never fear I'll vote and I'll vote for her) and I wish my party had been a ton smarter about who to run in this election. I guess it is what is it but if this marks the end of democracy historians are going to look back and pull all this apart.

    And I'm absolutely appalled at the bill Congress is trying to pass to make it harder to vote. I think it should be as easy to vote everywhere as it is to vote in Maryland. Ballot gets mailed to us; we vote; and we run it down to the elementary school and put it in a box. I don't think they have any problem monitoring who's eligible to vote. And really, what if 1/3 of a percent of all ballots cast were fake BUT the overall turnout was 200% higher? Wouldn't it be worth it? Apparently not if you ask this Congress. Geesh!
  • PamS53
    PamS53 Posts: 1,936 Member
    Today I’m getting ready for our trip to visit DH’s family in Colorado. I’m hoping my altitude sickness won’t make me too miserable to enjoy the trip. My new PCP gave me some medication that is supposed to help, which I am supposed to start taking today. I’m also increasing my water intake, as that is supposed to help as well.

    I agree with you Maryanne about voting. It should be easy, not harder, for everyone to vote. Here in Texas our crooked AG is doing everything he can to remove voters from the rolls as well as intimidate voter registration workers. I checked my status and took a screenshot of it so I have proof that I was registered by the deadline, as a “just in case” measure. Our early voting procedures do make it fairly easy because you can go to any polling location and vote for 2 weeks before the general election. Since we will be out of town on Election Day, DH and I will be sure to vote early. Usually early voting is very quick and easy, so I’m hoping it will be the same this time.
  • Helene610
    Helene610 Posts: 2,831 Member
    I thought Taylor Swift’s endorsement of Harris was priceless. Plus she signed her post as a childless cat lady. She asked fans to do their own research as she has and to vote. She posted the website for followers to get info on registration. Maybe they can even register there. Vance mocked her as a billionaire celebrity out of touch with regular people. The website got 30,000 visits last week and 405,000 views since her post. Take that, JD.
  • mdubbs1
    mdubbs1 Posts: 6,648 Member
    Helene610 wrote: »
    I thought Taylor Swift’s endorsement of Harris was priceless. Plus she signed her post as a childless cat lady. She asked fans to do their own research as she has and to vote. She posted the website for followers to get info on registration. Maybe they can even register there. Vance mocked her as a billionaire celebrity out of touch with regular people. The website got 30,000 visits last week and 405,000 views since her post. Take that, JD.

    It puzzles me why the cheeto would choose such a bizarre vp running mate. Does he have no clue? Is he surrounded only by sycophants? I had lunch yesterday with someone who shocked the heck out of me by telling me she's not voting. I don't care how little you think of kamala, friend, VOTE! Of course thanks to the dumb electoral college and the fact that she's in Maryland her vote probably won't be missed but still......
  • Helene610
    Helene610 Posts: 2,831 Member
    I’ve never missed a state or national election and it’s hard to fathom how someone could skip such an important election. I missed a couple local elections because we were still in FL. Local candidates rarely run on a party ticket so you vote for the individual not a party.