Spring Buzz Around the Airport Lounge



  • Retired_Sue
    Retired_Sue Posts: 12,715 Member
    @kaliswalker - Yes the main OPP headquarters for the province are in Orillia, not too far from where we live, and there is a police museum there which is probably what you visited. If you were at a lake near the museum, you were looking at the north end of Lake Simcoe but most of our community is along Lake Couchiching which connects to Simcoe and there's a lovely park there, close to our downtown area.
  • bookieNJ
    bookieNJ Posts: 4,280 Member
    edited March 2022
    Hi everyone! Another cold day here-supposed to hit freezing (32 degrees f) today. Tomorrow in the 40s and Thursday in the 60s. My girls have their first day of marching band. Hoping it’s inside but it’s been planned for outside.
    @kaliswalker -yup snow is all gone. What’s a chinook? When I googled it, I got a type of helicopter and a type of dog.
  • bookieNJ
    bookieNJ Posts: 4,280 Member
    edited March 2022
    @Dianedoessmiles1 -I saw a picture of the PA pile up on the news. So scary to travel in iffy weather. Sometimes it’s gotta be done.
  • Lessennan
    Lessennan Posts: 2,961 Member
    I’m not going to ask questions on the mfp site. Like the person who asked I have more diet books than the bookshop. If I ask friends on here, we’re all paddling in reality not isolation. Children need cookies, elderly have sweet teeth, partners sneak in tempting treats for the h-ll of it. we’re cooking for more than one and don’t have time to cook multi meals.
    They’re forecasting snow for tomorrow and Thursday over here. Please no! It’s April on Friday
  • ThursLins
    ThursLins Posts: 1,681 Member
    edited March 2022

    @ThursLins Question - how do you copy someone's posting? I am still learning how to do things here in MFP.

    Kaliswalker, It took me awhile to figure that one out, too.
    Here's what you do when you want to reply to someone elses comment (with their text included): At the bottom of each persons comment, there are words to click on. You want the one that says "QUOTE . It will completely copy their msg at the top of your comment. I did this with your comment, but I edited and removed all of it but the part I was responding to.
  • cormierannie
    cormierannie Posts: 5,165 Member
    happy tuesday everyone! it is a not so cold day here today. my daughter says hi to everyone. her birthday is tomorrow and she will be 17 years old! woo hoo! it feels like only yesterday that she was just a newborn baby. the time goes by fast. she is such a wonderful, smart, sweet, caring young lady. both budgie birds are doing well and say cheep, cheep! i have been for a walk and i feel great! i will be doing some dancing later on today. have a great day, everyone! take care and stay safe.
  • Dianedoessmiles1
    Dianedoessmiles1 Posts: 13,357 Member
    edited March 2022
    @Sunnybeachgirl5226 ,,,,So sorry about your knee,,, I'd encourage you to join the 5% anyways. Life is never going to be ideal and a "right time" for any of us to do what we can to take care of ourselves. Shoot, life is pretty hard for many members. As to exercise, there are some you can do without at all putting any stress on your knee, as well as exercises in which you can (ASK YOUR Dr FIRST or PT) strengthen the muscles around the injury. Also How 10 lbs makes a big difference to your knees
    Experts estimate that for every 1 pound you weigh, your knees feel the force of 3 pounds of pressure when you take a step.
    1 lb bodyweight = 3 lb of pressure on a knee/step
    —So losing 10 pounds will result in 30 pounds less pressure per knee, per step. WOW Huh? Some members on our teams can do 10 mins of exercise 3 times a week. There are TONS of video's online for sit down stretches so your knee is at rest (I've have broken my foot now 6 times since being on this journey, had a bone infection that took 18 months of not being able to use that foot and more!) I've become an expert sadly at "how to respect the pain, not make it worse." but still able to move some. At times it's just sitting here watching TV with one pound weights for my arms, and now in heart failure the weights can't go above my shoulders. SO NEAT though during this time I've lost over 110 lbs! The support of the 5% Challenge has made such a deep difference. I am FAR from unique as you get to know your team members more you'll see ,, many have various not only physical health issues, many are full time care givers. We are here for you if you'd like. Of course the choice is up to you. Recently a very close friend of mine, who started her journey last fall ,, she's always been exhausted, depressed, life is hard for her, and a full time care giver also of her H. She's now lost 20 pounds and starting to feel some energy. If you choose to stay with us @Kaliswaker puts up the LTGL's (Living The Good Life= AKA healthy habits) that'll be such a huge benefit to you personally. It's only a decision you can make. I'll say despite all I've been through (I've been with the 5% Since the start of 2011,,, along with the above, I've had surgery for a brain aneurysm that thankfully was found by accident) and my body continues to go downhill even now. BUT I am healthier, and YO I feel like I can climb up any obstacle this was not achieved overnight. I was severely depressed when I joined the 5% back in 2011. I am also not young. Whatever your decision we do want the best for you. Again my story is not at all unique, but we work together.
    @ThursLins, old buildings are so much fun to explore. I live in the Greater Portland area, growing up here I've sadly watched as most of us have, some gorgeous older buildings being torn down. Thankfully not all have been. Portland has an area known as "The Old Port" a bunch of buildings from the 1800's that are bars, restaurants , small retail shops and more. It's clearly a tourist and local favorite located right along the waterfront. I LOVE being born here because of the rich, deep history. Many never dig through their own area's they live in, around, but I SURE DO!!
    @Macrat12,, HI Sarah!! WOOHOO we are a GEARIING Up and I am sure you are too for the SPRING challenge!! Hope you enjoyed the day!
    @Patti241,,, HI Patti!! WOW you have been improving so much it's fun seeing your progress!! WTG!! Hope you enjoyed the weather today? Did you get out for a walk? I've been getting things ready for a brief vacation. LOL Izzy's kitty sitter, of course I pay her (Well enough so she's a GUARANTEED SITTTER for as long as she lives in the area, and she is settled , grew up here also) and I have Izzy. I've had Izzy so far for 10 plus years, but she also took care of Wincey for years. MAN I LOVE to spoil her!! When she comes in tomorrow she'll find a dish of peanut butter bars with chocolate, so much tastier and no icky stuff added to them,,, like Reese's waiting for her, some home made onion dip (She's also low sodium as I am. She'll be happy to see it!) with some chips (LOL she can bring down her veggies if she'd like) and of course IZZY LOVES HER SO MUCH!! She has access to the wifi, full cable here, roku, etc. etc. So yes SPOIL your pet sitter if you have one is my motto!! AND I DO!! In turn she stays here HOURS with Izzy. Awww we are both so SPOILED!
    @MajorK29 ,,, JEALOUS!! I LOVE SNOW!! ASK ANYONE here!! I DO I DO!! Usually by the 2nd week of April we know a blizzard won't "likely" occur, though they can. By May it's unusual though not totally unheard of, get a little bit of snow. There are other members who live in Alberta, 1 of our EL's lives in Edmonton on the Positively Strong 4 Life team. LOL Those Alberta clippers get us often in the wintery type of months. Hey we had one yesterday and today is also cold from it!
    @Kaliswalker ,,, it'll be so nice to be away for a few days. I'll have my tablet with me, so if the rosters come out I AM prepared. My friend and I both have odd health issues, so we'll do as much as we can, but we both need serious downtime. I'll let her watch what she wants on TV if she wants. We are both so very opposite of each other on so many things, but it works very well for us. We were roommates in our early 20s into our mid 30s, now living side by side in buildings next to each other. We share the car equally, so it's easy to see we are relaxed totally around each other. More so as sisters. So I'll have time as she's resting if it comes out.
    Here's where we will be
    Last night while on the phone with a friend here's what I did with the picture. I LIVE by this:
    @Bookienj,, Brrrr!! Here it's mostly sunny at 32, feels like 21. LOL SO FAR I AM INSIDE!! I CAN of course go outside, and there's one item I'd like to get, but it can also WAIT!! LOLOLOL Please stay warm. Lets both remember these nice days, when July and August comes around and we are "Its 90 PLUS DEGREES!" Oh I DREAD summer! New AC is ready though! Oh I am so spoiled, I USED to have to travel no matter the weather, but now with not working at this time, I avoid any bad weather. But, not all can, most have to work. So hard when it's purely nasty. GIGGLE GIGGLE for us, I have a friend who lives in CA she will NOT DRIVE when it rains, even SHOWERS. ONLY will she drive on cloudy days (IF there's NO RAIN at all in the forecast) and sunny ones. LOL GOOD thing she lives in CA!! IMAGINE if she lived up this way! I giggle at her ,,, often.
    @Lessennan,,,, Oh some people can be quite cruel and not able to see outside the box. I belong to various health groups on Facebook. I always feel bad when someone asks a question and others jump on them. Thankfully most moderators take those down FAST!! Part of why I LOVE the 5% Is leaders moderate the feeds carefully and 99.9999% of members are so kindhearted to begin with so it's rare others are cruel here. As my post above I made the PB Bars for my kitty sitter, and I am taking some with us. Moderation is the key, and yes many have families at home and just because 1 member may be careful with food, for so many various reasons, others do not. My Mom dieted most of my teenage years. I was so very thin and hated that! LOL I hated that, but I wanted to support my Mom.
    @Cormierannie ,,, Kids grow so fast!! We so BADLY WANT TO SLOW DOWN TIME to enjoy them longer (LOL most of them?? WELL HOPEFULLY) to hold them longer with us, but as we were , they are wanting to stretch out their wings. Its both exciting to be a part of a child's life, watching them go out on their own and yet so sad at the same time. I felt that so much when my GD got married and of course, bye bye. It was so quiet here, but WOOHOO when they have kids, we get to SPOIL THE DAYLIGHTS out of them!! Its such a deep joy!!

  • Lessennan
    Lessennan Posts: 2,961 Member
    @Sunnybeachgirl5226 please don’t give up on the spring challenge for the knee. There are lots of chair exercises available on YouTube, some I’ve used by Sherry Zak Morris.
    My friend has hip replacement issues and can’t stand for a whole exercise class so goes to a chair class. She mustn’t cross her false hip leg over and it’s amazing how when we’re doing alternate cross overs she remembers to just keep on with the good one.
    Put your knee in perspective and try to work round it.
    Some days I want to give up the challenges for a pack of candy, an extra biscuit or cake, some luxury ice cream. We all have challenges but the gang on here give us the strength to carry on.
    Good luck whatever you choose as best for you
  • Lessennan
    Lessennan Posts: 2,961 Member
    when are the team invitations coming out? I know you are all busy getting ready for the start
    CSEGUIN2 Posts: 5,635 Member
    Good Evening Everyone!

    ,🌞. Today was rest, weigh and TOPS day. Gained 3.75 lbs. Oops oh well. My strength exercises are on track. Now to start getting my cardio back where it belongs. I can and will do it. All my packages that were due today came and got one of them put together. Bathroom is slowly look better. Got my ink and while working on fixing my printer 2 more cartridges now need to be replaced. Oh well will order shortly to have delivered. More waiting. More time for exercise.
  • LindieMaeP
    LindieMaeP Posts: 5,011 Member
    I had a post but it vanished, guess MFP did not like my before and after hair cut comparison. That is fine. While I am not doing the challenge this round, I am staying or trying to stay active in this chat to help encourage as well as get encouragement from others. I also like to keep things simple.
    Have a great Tuesday eh !!

  • HealthyBarb1
    HealthyBarb1 Posts: 2,896 Member
    @Sunnybeachgirl5226 wish you would stay...will miss you...I do chair Tai Chi exercises with you tube on pain days. I understand need to take care of you but hope we can encourage you through both good & difficult seasons.
    @kaliswalker Our retirement goal is to go one area at a time inside & outside of our home and update, declutter & organize all to be easy upkeep. I experienced a last year of health issues that required my hubby to do "all the things" with limited help from me. We also care for my 86 y.o. Momma who lives with us. Realize that 'less is more" & making changes one day & area at a time to support easier & more relaxed life needs to happen. Smiles Barb
  • Dianedoessmiles1
    Dianedoessmiles1 Posts: 13,357 Member
    edited March 2022
    @Lessennan ,,, TY TY TY for reaching out to @Sunnybeachgirl5226 !! Very nice testament to the 5% and the courage we gain! How working together, with support, we can do this! Right now a few teams are finalizing their team pages, once those are done @Ceriusly1 wrote to the leaders today the rosters will be sent out. PLEASE Keep your 👀👀👀open DAILY.

    Here's how to find your invites so please again, CHECK DAILY
    When you come on, click on your COMMUNITY TAB (Light blue line) Then onto GROUPS (As you do to come here) Your invite will be right above the groups you belong to and
    @Cseguin2,,,, You've been through so much recently!! Gains will happen, but the loses of weight will too! You are an amazing, hard worker who's determination clearly shows forth. A GO GETTER!! Nice job on your exercise coming together, all the packing up, cleaning up you had to do you were muscles, in positions you hadn't been in those will help you out also. My printer was doing HORRIBLY!! Turned out I had Plenty of ink, I just needed to clean the nozzles, than my paper wouldn't load well, so I ended up cleaning the rollers and other areas around those, uninstalling my printer (SO EASY NOW!) looked for my printer under bluetooth and TADA it was all set!! Oh if any of you use Microsoft edge, doing this step helps so much. Microsoft,, if you also use google chrome (I do both) was not secure, they did a patch, that threw my printer off also. Now it's ALL A GO!! OH PHEW!!
    @Lindiemaep ,,,, Please let @Ceriusly1 know of your choice. We'll miss you on the team, but I know the volunteer work is essential. TY TY TY For doing it and bringing hope to many. It's so badly needed. I WANT TO SEE the before and now haircut!! I DO!! LOVE the butterflies GIF. We'll see ya in the chat!
    @Healthybarb1 ,,, I remind myself A LOT "LESS is MORE.:!!

  • marg750me
    marg750me Posts: 3,320 Member
    Hi Everyone,

    My day did not go as planned but I got done what needed to be done then went to last Lenten Series at St. Madeline's. The series topic was the Sacraments.
  • EjoyEvelyn
    EjoyEvelyn Posts: 697 Member
    Road trip! Yay! Dan and I joined his sister and husband Sunday for two nights in Appleton as we picked up 1100 lbs of Milwaukee chocolate and Madison popcorn product for the candy store.

    Family time included homemade lasagna, chicken foot dominoes, Rummikub, speeding through the recorded Oscars, finishing three household builder projects and enjoyed an 'early bird' dinner at the fabulous Red Ox. Enjoyed visiting the new owners of Crazy Sweets downtown. We loved the homemade toffee and peanut butter and pretzel delights (utilizing moderation techniques):


    @kaliswalker I loved my Samsung Gear 2 watch and can hardly wait now to test out the Samsung Galaxy Watch 4: it's loaded for bear in features that go hand in hand with my Galaxy 9 phone and Samsung Health app for fitness, health and sleep tracking. My watch is bluetoothed to my phone, and has its own phone number. I can easily dictate and send text messages, as well as receive social network updates (with surprisingly good graphic images). Sleep records have improved for those of us who get up in the middle of the night to make a brief facility check. The biggest improvements seem to be with fitness. Gentle reminders to move, while providing positive reinforcement when we follow-through. I have yet to try the body fat function and I the heart beat looks more like an EKG (?) reading. My phone provides an oxygen rating sensor and reading. Can't wait to discover more ease of use functions on my watch now that I've had a full reset. Love how my phone and watch keep me up to date with my calendar. I'm already used to daily charging during my down time and looking forward to getting at least three more charging pads for each car and home-away-from home. I think Dan may have ordered a set of ten color varying watch bands for my birthday. Happy, happy. That said, if I had an Apple phone (Dan has a relatively new 12), I would have probably bought an Apple Watch. I'm very happy with my third generation Samsung phone. My first near $300 watch in 2015 was so worth it! This Classic watch retails for $429. It's definitely not easy on the budget. I tend to use my phone and watch more than my PC.

    Find you joy today!
  • Lessennan
    Lessennan Posts: 2,961 Member
    marg750me wrote: »
    Hi Everyone,

    My day did not go as planned but I got done what needed to be done then went to last Lenten Series at St. Madeline's. The series topic was the Sacraments.

    Nuisance when things don’t go to plan, but at least you had a plan so you know what you need to change for the future.
  • Lessennan
    Lessennan Posts: 2,961 Member
    @HealthyBarb1 hope retirement plan works out. It’s good you’re taking things face on and sorting them out when you’re still able so they’re a challenge not a chore. Wish you luck with the decluttering
  • Ceriusly1
    Ceriusly1 Posts: 6,036 Member
    @Lessennan Annoyed??? I could kiss you! You said it better than I ever have in thousands of emails, goodies, and messages over the nearly 12 years of this challenge! Why on earth would anyone laugh because you share a cake with your Mum? Some likely wish they still had a Mum to share with, and we all have had our little indulgences. Those stop the cravings for whatever it is we think we need.

    Thanks! Nan! It's times like this I miss the goodies. 😘🥰
  • Patti241
    Patti241 Posts: 4,836 Member
    kaliswalker: I was on the PS4L team.