Spring Buzz Around the Airport Lounge



  • macrat12
    macrat12 Posts: 5,594 Member
    It's 40 feels like 34 with a high of 68 for today. I AM: My inner joy is the source of all the good in my life. Axe Sharpening: Think about your future self…where do you want to be? Are you doing what you need to do to get you to that spot?~~Darcy Kammeier 1st Phorm Advisor/Registered Dietitian Action for Happiness: Notice when you’re tired and take a break as soon as possible. Fitness quote for today: I respect people that tell me the truth. No matter how hard it is.~~courtesy of fitness quotes app Motivational quote for today: Challenge yourself to do more than what it required. Set the standard.~~unknown Closed all rings on my Active 4 and had 14,122 steps yesterday. Today's training plan: truck unload this morning then Chest/Arms in the gym after work.
  • Patti241
    Patti241 Posts: 4,348 Member
    Good morning everyone
  • majork29
    majork29 Posts: 700 Member
    Morning all. I'm so happy with myself for getting my walking workout in yesterday. In a few minutes I will go and get today's done. My daughter is on spring break this week. That means that my morning routine is much easier. I don't have to be getting her up and dressed and ready for the day. We got some snow this weekend. I really want to see it gone. I want to be able to go back out for my evening walk. Having fallen a few times on the ice I just will not walk outside when their is a chance of ice.
  • sunrisedancer1
    sunrisedancer1 Posts: 1,443 Member
    edited March 2022
    Good Morning Everyone!
    It is sunny and 18F here in southeast Wisconsin (brrr). But, I am enjoying the sun. I am so excited about the next challenge. The end of the last one was disrupted by lots of troubles around me (and a few disasters by me- like keeping pipes from freezing when our recently tuned-up furnace just quit). I am so motivated to see progress this spring!

    Today, I am going to keep working on our basement. We are going through things that have sat waiting for 25 years- yikes! I am trying to "renovate", minimize, and organize at the same time. Exciting, scary, and taking so much more time than I expected. The project started because we needed to do some electrical upgrades and since things were being shifted, it seemed like a good time to work on so many things that we had been putting off. There is never a good time and we always seem to be so busy, so I am just digging in.

    Speaking of digging in, my indoor seedlings are doing great. Some are ready for larger cups. I do love watching them grow and checking them every morning. I cannot wait to go out and play in the soil.

    @majork29 May your daughter have a great spring break. I hear you on the snow and ice. Here, it can be on and off through April (and a memorable snow storm on May 10th many years ago). It does disappear quickly though as we also get temperatures in the 50s. May your ice and snow disappear quickly!

    @Patti241 Good morning To you as well :)

    @HerbsandMore You are right about the long term changes. I have seen that during some recent family challenges. Usually, such times would stop my routines. Now, I am still likely to find a way to workout, drink water and track (sleep and stress still need work, though…lol)

    @LindieMaeP Such good words on positives. They are always there somewhere> :)

    @marg750me I hope you got some well-earned rest and have a wonderful day today.

    @Dianedoessmiles1 I LOVE your language post!!

    I am off to my workout. Have a great day everyone!
  • marg750me
    marg750me Posts: 2,956 Member
    edited March 2022
    Hi Everyone,

    I dropped CJ off took rolls to pantry, 815 Mass home, breakfast, Rose call, put food in processor for birds (explanation). My food for the week will be mostly meals from a friend who gets meals on wheels. I usually give what she doesn't want to Gay to give to a friend of hers. When I picked up the meals Saturday night on my way to work they were almost to room temperature which meant she never put them in the frig. UPSETTING I called Gay and told her and like I thought she said NO!!! to taking the food. So now instead to tossing everything I will be eating it all week. I did freeze 4 meals at work, birds got put thru processor 2 beef meals, hard rolls, and salad greens Jen was going to throw away today, They gobbled it up.

    @sunrisedancer1 20 degrees here wind chill teens high only 35 wind chill 20's all day and tomorrow not much better. Me to on the basement cleanout. I will have to bring Milo Jen's dog here to get mine done and I must so I can bring storage stuff back here rent now $116 a month.

    Off to walk Milo and stay at Jen's until 615pm to leave for meeting.
  • Retired_Sue
    Retired_Sue Posts: 11,644 Member
    @kaliswalker - I'm sure that you and your hubby would really enjoy a spa experience if you can work it into your trip to the Whistler area. You can usually check it out online first to see if it has the amenities you're looking for. Kind of nice if there's a spot to get even a light meal so that you can extend your stay. And many also offer couples massages.

    @Dianedoessmiles1 -WAY too early for camping around here. Our temp this morning just before 9 am was -14C (7F) and our high today will be -8C (17F). I hope that you enjoy your little getaway - even if it is a bit wet! You'd love the view outside my windows today - it's rather WHITE looking out there! YUCK! (for me anyway). I don't have to go anywhere today so I'll be staying snug inside!
  • bookieNJ
    bookieNJ Posts: 3,951 Member
    @Retired_Sue -winter weather here also. We had hail and snow-just stuck on cars not the roads thank goodness. Supposed to get into the 60s again this week.
    @kaliswalker -yay! I hope you find a great class or two! I wish our gym had a pool.
  • HealthyBarb1
    HealthyBarb1 Posts: 2,646 Member
    18F = BRRRR!
    I can relate to you trying to "renovate", minimize, and organize all at the same time. We are working on getting this home to "retirement" status & feel like when I check off an item have to add on two more!!
    Your note about seeds growing reminds me I need to get planting my sunflower, blacked susans & cosmos seeds. 🌷

    @majork29 Hope you have some fun with your daughter on spring break!

    @Patti241 Good Morning

    @HerbsandMore I keep trying to make small changes that are sustainable...good goal!

    @LindieMaeP Smiles!

    @Dianedoessmiles keeping positive focus = 😎

    Happy Monday! Planning to get outside for walk, more yard time & maybe some time in my deck chair...😊 Smiles Barb

  • cormierannie
    cormierannie Posts: 4,746 Member
    happy monday everyone! it is a cool and windy day here today. my daughter says hello to everyone! both budgie birds are doing well and say cheep, cheep! i have been for a walk and i feel great! I ran a few errands for one of my friends today. i am so glad and happy to help out. i will be doing some dancing later on. have a great day, everyone! take care and stay safe.
  • kaliswalker
    kaliswalker Posts: 1,311 Member
    edited March 2022
    @macrat12 Thanks for the info. I'll let you know if I decide to. I really like your quote - Think about your future self…where do you want to be? Are you doing what you need to do to get you to that spot?

    @Dianedoessmiles1 Wow camping is fun. Nice that you have made it an annual event. Rain or shine, it's nice to have time away with others.

    @marg750me I hate when my reply gets zapped away. How are you doing today?

    @LindieMaeP HC I was on the 10th floor of HC. I love the Old Spaghetti Factory also. Have you eaten at Anton's on Hastings? It's my favorite Italian and the leftovers are huge.

    @HerbsandMore Good for you. You will be starting the challenge with momentum.

    @Patti241 Hi Patti.

    @majork29 Spring break one week? It's 2 weeks here and the kids just went back to school.

    @sunrisedancer1 Any tips to minimize, and organize? I had a good start but stalled out. We moved here 10 years ago and I did a good purge before we moved... but my 300 cookbooks collection, still got it, and now I find recipes online. How to push myself to get rid of them?

    @marg750me That's a great goal to organize your things so you can empty your storage locker. $116/month is a lot in a year. Any tips for decluttering?

    @Retired_Sue Are you in the city? When I lived in the north I loved the beauty of a snowy forest, and walking on the trails.

    @bookieNJ Your snow will be gone soon. Do you have chinooks there?

    @HealthyBarb1 What are retirement status goals for your home?

    @cormierannie Happy dancing!

    I'm home for the afternoon and will spend 30 minutes finding things to donate or trash.
    Phone about getting our wood burning fireplace converted to gas.


    CSEGUIN2 Posts: 5,646 Member
    Good Evening Everyone!

    🌤️, cold and windy. Today was a great day a little more relaxed. But still got all my exercise done. Went for a walk to the bank and then home. Hubby actually came with me so it wasn't as fast as I wanted but that's ok. Got home and ordered lunch from Subway. Wasn't the original plan but was still within my limits and filling. Also ordered something's online that I have been needing and wanting for awhile to help organize my bathroom. Also had to order ink online as they had none in the store when I went. Didn't get exactly what I wanted but it will do the job just fine. Once it gets here I will be able to fix my printer and copy the pages I need for my studies.

    I love that picture a friend made for me.
  • Retired_Sue
    Retired_Sue Posts: 11,644 Member
    @kaliswalker - I'm in Orillia - small city about an hour or so north of Toronto. We have a walking trail near the lake that was developed where the railway tracks used to be so I can be out in nature with a short drive down to the park and a walk along the trail - when it's warmer! I can also walk downtown in about 15 minutes or so - really the best of both worlds.
  • LindieMaeP
    LindieMaeP Posts: 4,651 Member
    Is anyone going to post on the special event thingy, ask the RD ? https://community.myfitnesspal.com/en/discussion/10859282/have-a-health-nutrition-question-ask-the-rd
    I don't really have any questions, I have enough health books I could open my own store - or did have !
    @kaliswalker No never been to Anton's but there is always a first time, right ? We tend to go to Korean BBQ as that is my granddaughter's preference - especially those with the built in bbq's at the tables ... I hope you got a lot done - I have some stuff that needs to go to the dump, since we can't put it in our trash, and Zero Recycling wont' take it but I hesitate to put it in the trash because we do have people of all ages go through our dumpsters and I don't want them getting things they might try to resell to others especially with fentynal issues - think Commercial Dr if you have been down the drive lately. Mostly I take to Value Village when I can or to the bins, but some things are only fit for the dump...
    Well the Covid scare is over my daughter tested negative so onward we go - I am sure she learnt something from this - no matter what you do you just can not control other people's actions or interactions with others and we still are not out of the covid woods yet, but we can be careful.
    @HealthyBarb1 indeed smiles are very contagious and only take a second - I tend to grin from ear to ear even with a mask on and it is less muscles then a frown - less wrinkles too lol
    @sunrisedancer1 I am more a sunset person but that is only because my apartment faces west not east ! When I used to take the bus to work I used to get some fabulous sunrises happening over the false creek area - maybe one day when I am up early enough I will catch a bus to get that! I hope you get that basement all figured out and that you enjoy the next challenge - Wisconsin, I think I been there - No wait - that was North Dakota lol but I do have a couple of friends from the WI area !
    Well I better get a move on - I did get laundry done - I had to do 2 loads thanks to kitkat Amigo puking on his doggie blankie LOL it's all cleaned up now and back on the bed - I use it so Amigo does not dig his claws into my bedspread and cause runs ... works for me anyway ...
    I hope you all have a wonderful evening, I am reading a book on memory by Lisa Genova entitled Remember - I am learning a lot about our memory and how it works !
  • Dianedoessmiles1
    Dianedoessmiles1 Posts: 12,585 Member

    @Lindiemaep ,,, Indeed the 3rd we'll see how it goes. I am going to double mask since I know did not do their shots, they didn't of course "need" to, but still. I'll do that for quite awhile especially on the 15th. Ours isn't til 8:30 at night!! YO!! Oh the building in NYC they did like that one, is AMAZING!!
    @Majork29 ,,, ICE Cleats!! I LOVE them!! I live in Maine, right on the harbor so often our parking lot (high rise) is a SHEET OF ICE!! Sure, they put down sand and stuff, but it's so cold, ice. These SAVE me so many times, I have neuropathy I do not feel my feet. That makes it hard to know if I am on a ridge of ice, these save me so much. MANY of us have these, it's a 55 plus high rise.
    @Sunrisedancer1 ,,,, Its cold here though not quite as cold. We are at 28 and it feels like 19. This will likely be one of our last coldest days,, one of. LOL! Hopefully it'll warm up out there soon. NEAT on the plants!! Its not at all unusual to have a blizzard in April. LOL When I saw the language post it did make me laugh, than I was "WHOA!!" HOW TRUE!
    @Marg750me ,, so hard when we try to help someone and they are not upfront about likes/dislikes. AND OR they just simply drain us. I CHERISH our cold days, because summer is NOT NOT NOT FUN when it gets over 80.
    @Retired_Sue,, LOL not camping quite yet, not until the temps are in the 50's at night. We are staying at a nice hotel right on the beach that has a kitchenette. LOL I DO NOT KNOW WHY we wanted a kitchenette, because we've both agreed we'd be eating out,,, or rather ordering out and or delivery. We'll figure it out as we go along. I AM JEALOUS of your SNOW!! We didn't get even 60% of what we normally do. TY TY TY TY GLOBAL WARMING!!! NOT!!
    @Bookienj,,, Seeing the 60 car pile up that happened in PA ,, YO!!! It always amazes me that these accidents happen, but they sure do. It was in CT on 81 years ago we were in a bad car accident. I NEVER EVER want to travel on that road again. It was day time, light out, hit by an 18 wheeler. He was distracted talking on his CB.
    @Healthybarb1 ,, TY TY TY being positive is so much less work than being negative. Though I have some serious garbage happening body wise, this attitude actually helps my Dr's to really listen to me. Plus hey it's just simply FUN!! My mind says "TAKE ON THE WORLD Diane!!" My body says "Oh yeah?" And it giggles. Hey I enjoy giggling too!
    @Kaliswalker,,, Oh not camping quite yet, though we know it's the works. We'll be at a nice hotel on the ocean. Izzy does not want me to be gone long. Two nights is about the limit for Izzy. Dogs are so much easier!! Today I did clean out fridge, but I do that often if it's needed. Hope you enjoyed the day!! You must be looking forward to the summer travel? Do you have in mind where you'd like to RV etc?
  • Sunnybeachgirl5226
    Sunnybeachgirl5226 Posts: 712 Member
    Due to some health issues, I am not going to participate in the Spring Challenge. I hurt my knee in the Fall and it is not getting better and my exercise is limited. Also my husband is having some minor issues and may need minor (non life threatening, just annoying) surgery next month.
  • ThursLins
    ThursLins Posts: 1,601 Member
    LindieMaeP wrote: »
    Being with people is really important as we are social creatures to begin with. Last night I spent time with family and had a wonderful time. There were 11 of us to start and 12 to finish, as one joined at the end of the meal. We went to the Old Spagetti Factory in Gastown Vancouver BC and I will share pictures. Even the old steam clock is working still - no pandemic stopped that !!
    I even took a picture of the building I used to work in and was in the parking lot where we used to have our fire drills - nope dont' miss it at all !
    Anyway Gastown was busy as always being a tourist attraction. But the food at the Old Spagetti Factory was fabulous and I am really glad we had reservations!
    This was my main meal, mushroom alfredo spagetti and it was good - oddly enough my granddaughter ordered the same dish but gave me her left overs. I'll reheat that for lunch and add some more mushrooms - she ate all hers LOL
    @Dianedoessmiles1 I know how much you like buildings so I took a couple of pics for you :
    And this one of the North Shore of Vancouver I took between two black iron fence posts - the fence was much taller then me, and no way was I gonna try to take a picture on tip toes over the fence, I might have dropped my phone !!
    Have a marvelous Sunday and what ever you find to do, enjoy it to the full !

    Beautiful pictures, LindieMae! I had a childhood friend who used to spend summers in Vancouver BC. Thanx for sharing photos. I love old buildings, too.
  • macrat12
    macrat12 Posts: 5,594 Member
    It's 51 feels like 47 with a high of 77 for today. I AM: I choose peace over perfection. Axe Sharpening: When you decide you want to make yourself better, the answer is really easy.~~Nick Weite 1st Phorm Elite Athlete Action for Happiness: Choose a different route today and see what you notice. Fitness quote for today: Don't stop when you're tired, Stop when you're done.~~courtesy of fitness quotes app. Motivational quote for today: Trust in your journey.~~unknown Closed all rings on my Active 4 and had 12,646 steps yesterday. Today's training plan: Back/Shoulders and outside walk to reach 45 min in the gym after my hair appointment.
  • Patti241
    Patti241 Posts: 4,348 Member
    Good morning Kalis
    Hi Healthybarb
  • majork29
    majork29 Posts: 700 Member
    edited March 2022
    Good morning all, The tree outside my office window is covered once again with snow. I didn't even know we were getting snow yesterday. I went to Costco to get some groceries and some new towels for my son came out and bam van was covered in white stuff.


    @sunrisedancer1 We can and have gotten snow every month of the year. Thankfully not very often, but April for sure we can have a blizzard. I love living here in Alberta, but man do I wish we didn’t get Alberta Clippers and or artic blasts… LOL

    @kaliswalker yes here spring break is one week. Then we will have almost another week at Easter.

    @Sunnybeachgirl5226 take care of your knee. Hope that your hubby is okay.

  • kaliswalker
    kaliswalker Posts: 1,311 Member

    @CSEGUIN2 I love the meatball sub.

    @Retired_Sue I think I have been in Orillia at the Police Museum and been to a lake near there. Beautiful area.

    @LindieMaeP Thanks for the link about the RD. Whew no covid! Around here most people are wearing masks in public. I was at Home Depot and Superstore yesterday. Hard to know how to dispose of somethings.

    @Dianedoessmiles1 Diane that sounds like a nice vacation stay, warm and comfortable. My dogs are brats, so I think cats are easier.

    @Sunnybeachgirl5226 Sorry to hear you won't be doing the challenge. I hope all goes well.

    @ThursLins Question - how do you copy someone's posting? I am still learning how to do things here in MFP.

    @macrat12 Another good day.

    @Patti241 What team were you on in the winter challenge?

    @majork29 Yes the weather in AB can be unpredictable. I was in my Ford truck going across a field (road was impassable) on a May long weekend. I got stuck in snow and had to be towed.

    I had an early start to the day. I woke at 3:30 AM and got up at 5 AM. I made Apple Pie Oatmeal with one chopped apple and steel cut oats. It's quite filling. Now I am watching a YouTube about Volumetrics - portions are bigger, and more satisfying with lower calorie dense food. WW, NOOM, and Jenny Craig are based on it. I seem to have found the way of eating that works for me at this time.

    I watched a YouTube video where a professional organizer said to pitch things from the past that no longer have meaning for you, or that generate negative feelings. Then yesterday after reading comments about decluttering I got going in my activity room. I spent an hour going through old magazines, books, pictures, and cards. My plan for the cards are to give each one last a glance, then cut off the fronts, and give them to my daughter, a kindergarten teacher. I did ask her first if she would like them.

    Tonight my class is External Barriers to Weight Loss. The classes are interesting and the time flies by.

    Time to hit the shower and get going.

    Have a great day!