Seriously September!



  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 4,056 Member
    Yay, Nanc is back! We missed you.

    Carla, that looks really cool. Poor Ruby. :(

    This is a quickie post. Rough couple days at work. One gal off and the other one feeling super stressed and I'm very worried we're going to end up losing her. It was a bad day.

    I had to cancel class because there was no way I could leave early and have her there by herself when she was feeling so anxious. I'm going to jump on the treadmill for a while, then have a smoothie and go to bed.
  • esmereldaSP
    esmereldaSP Posts: 61 Member
    Carla, pics are lovely! Thanks, everybody, for the best wishes.
  • Carla_wfpb
    Carla_wfpb Posts: 1,364 Member
    I hope today was better at work, Mihani. Sorry it has been extra crazy lately.

    This morning I signed up for an online Spanish course. The classes are done through Zoom and each class is an hour long with a max of 5 students. (Lingoda). I signed up for a class that was too advanced and sweated through the whole hour but I made it through. Then I demoted myself to the appropriate level! My next class is scheduled for Saturday morning.

    We've decided to put off Ruby's surgery until January. She is going to need up to 4 months to recover. Our only hydrotherapy option nearby is one that doesn't have a vet on site supervising. So that is a major con. But the vet says she needs the stimulation and will love going. The only caution is to make sure she doesn't overdo it.
  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 4,056 Member
    edited September 2022
    Third day in a row hitting the treadmill after work. I only did 20 minutes tonight then 15 minutes of weights.

    Breakfast was steamed kale with pinto beans and salsa. Lunch hummus and veggie wraps. Dinner chickpea fusilli tossed with fresh raw tomato, basil and zucchini, nooch, balsamic and no salt seasoning. This is an experiment so I'll add whatever it seems to need after I taste it. Watermelon for dessert. Got a good one!

    Edit: Oh, and garlic of course!

  • Carla_wfpb
    Carla_wfpb Posts: 1,364 Member
    I'm working on my Spanish and doing some cleaning and organizing around the house today. Tomorrow I have a video chat with a good friend of mine, followed shortly after by my 2nd online class. (2nd class should be a breeze compared to the first one!)

    We can't go to the park for our walks right now because Ruby's leg is very sore after her x-rays. We're staying on the property for now, using a leash, and keeping an eye on her.

    We're making our pasta meal tonight and that should get us through 3 dinners. I'm going to make a salad with red wine vinaigrette.
  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 4,056 Member
    Hey all, this has been a bad bad week, but I stayed the course. Treadmill and my PT exercises every night and strength training two nights, plus stayed on course with eating. Today not so much though. LOL My 90 days of no alcohol is up so I went out and had two drinks with friends and ate a frozen entree when I got home. Nothing major and still in my calorie budget for the day but definitely don't want to get back into that habit of blowing all my healthy habits during the week on Friday. It's fine for one week.

    Carla, I'm so sorry about Ruby. She is such a sweetie. Every pic you've shared over the years has shown her personality. I've had a couple herding dogs in my life, one a border collie and one an australian shepherd, and they are so active and intelligent, it's hard to keep them down when they are injured or sick. They will never admit they can't leap tall buildings in a single bound.

    Hope today's class went better!

    I'm going to be in the office all weekend. Woefully behind on several things. One gal out sick all week and the other I'm still walking on eggshells trying to make sure she hangs in there. She's great and I SO don't want to lose her, and totally get her stress and frustration with the workload and not feeling like she is able to keep up. I've been dealing with it for a couple decades. :| Trying to get her to understand we all do the best we can and will never, ever, in a million years, be caught up.
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member
  • bisky
    bisky Posts: 1,063 Member
    Hello -

    A lot going on with my friends. More later but a few need support.

    Had a great swim today. It is still hot in San Antonio. I miss the fall in Colorado and back east.
    Going to try to make Falafel in my air fryer tomorrow. I have been busy with crafty things. I got a candle making kit. I have made candles before and they are fairly easy if you have the thermometer and keep close eye on the temp. I have these little jars that I string beads around and call them my happy candles...will send pics later. I have been making cards and going to give a set of 4 out for Xmas (BD, Thank you, get well and either a sympathy card or just a general thinking of you).

    Carla - I am so sorry about Ruby. I know you are worried about leaving her.

    Mihani - Oh I hope the new person hangs in there for your sake. It is so hard to find people, train and support them.

    Sparks - Your new gym sounds wonderful and reasonable. Have you tried the water aerobics yet?

    Es - yay for the 4lbs first week. You are off to a good start.

    Ciao for now.

  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 4,056 Member
    Bisky candle making sounds fun. Hope your friends are all doing okay. How'd your falafel turn out? That is one of my favorite foods and I never have it because it's so high in fat at restaurants but the oven baked versions I've tried at home didn't turn out well. If your falafel turned out great then I may have to cave and buy the air fryer!

    It has been an extra busy and crazy couple weeks at work and things have fallen off in several ways. I basically took a week and a half off classes at the gym, ate junky convenience foods, and worked. I got back to class on Tuesday and have classes on Saturday, have planned cooking/prepping for this weekend, and getting back on track before the little pebbles rolling downhill turn into an avalanche of pounds and regret. LOL

  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member
  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 4,056 Member
    Oh, and I did take an afternoon off work but for dental work and now I'm home and figured on getting more work done, but I am in pain, tired, and tense. Going to take a pain med and go to sleep instead. B)
  • Carla_wfpb
    Carla_wfpb Posts: 1,364 Member
    Quick check in. I'm alive. Struggling with food and exercise. Ate 2 McD hashbrowns at 8 am and knew I had to hit the brakes. Dragged my butt onto treadmill. Come on exercise, work your magic! I need it!

    Hope everyone else is doing okay. Fresh start in October for those that need it.
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member
  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 4,056 Member
    October thread is up! :)
  • SparkSpringtime69
    SparkSpringtime69 Posts: 1,102 Member
    edited October 2022
    Carla, how are the Spanish lessons going? Sorry to hear about poor Ruby's sore leg - I didn't know there was such a thing as hydrotherapy for dogs!
    Mihani, good job staying in your calorie range, especially with a couple of drinks. I hope your new helper is able to stick it out until she feels more comfortable.
    Bisky, how'd the air-fried falafel turn out? I've always fried them in oil, I'm curious if the air fryer cooks them all the way through. Sounds like you have a lot of fun with your crafts, the candles and cards would both make great gifts.
    I haven't tried the water aerobics yet - you have to sign up for the classes ahead of time, can't just show up, so I'd have to plan ahead for that. October is going to be my month to get a good exercise routine into place and, even though I'm not a huge fan of exercise classes, I might plan on trying a couple of them. I'm kind of a spaz when it comes to following steps and choreographed routines. There was a commercial not too long ago where a woman in a zumba class turned the wrong way and punched another classmate in the face - I'd be the one that ends up doing the punching :#.
    Marilyn, thank you for all of the inspirational posts.
    See you all in the October thread! B)