Airport Lounge Discussion



  • MawMaw1941
    MawMaw1941 Posts: 1,996 Member
    @enjoys - Dee, Thank you for the final IBC stats. Thank you for helping us get through the Christmas holidays!
    You are a great leader! 🦋
  • Dianedoessmiles1
    Dianedoessmiles1 Posts: 12,561 Member
    @Tabatha_Cain,,, did the new job agree to work around this weekend? We are so happy you are on the Fit Force (was Awesome A) team!!! Clearly you are well loved!!! We easily see why!
    @Patti241,,, HI Patti!! Did you get outside today?
    @Macrat12,, HI Sarah!! Nice job!
    @Lindiemaep ,, Aww they are so CUTE!! ADORABLE!!
    @MawMaw1941 ,, isn't @DNjoys (Dee) GREAT!!??? We love working with her!!
  • LindieMaeP
    LindieMaeP Posts: 4,641 Member
    Good afternoon everyone, busy day here, playing detective and trying to find out what happened to our rent increase notice that we are sure we did NOT get. But since it's gone through nothing we can do but accept. Our rent is now below market value for what we have so we will just leave it at that. Now that stove needs to get fixed! BUT I do have a micro and airfryer in the meantime so not difficult to warm up foods.
    @Tabatha_Cain is your new job selling products too, or something else ? So now you have 3 things on the go, don't spread yourself out to thinnly now, you need time for you and family too. Are things still going good at the current job ? Yes olive oil is quite versatile!
    @Dianedoessmiles1 I thought folks would like that story - oh and the kittiens in the cat stroller hiding from Monday was cute too LOL
    Gene wanted to go to walmart for food and I said we have enough here, just warm something up and call it a day. Smells like he has LOL it's not a burning smell anyway. I hope he did not find my short ribs LOL Oh well if he did !! Are you feeling better Diane? When do you go to the doctors to discuss all your issues ? I go on the 18th, I've been having some dissying moments - usually getting up or getting down kinda thingy. We will see.
    Have a good evening everyone !!
    CSEGUIN2 Posts: 5,646 Member
    Good Evening Everyone!

    Today has been cold but mostly sunny with a few flakes this morning. By the time I got to bed last night it was past midnight so only got 5.5 hrs of sleep. Son had to be at the oral surgeon by 8:20 for his wisdom teeth removal. He was quite funny. But wouldn't stop talking. Had troubles getting the cotton in when changed it and bleeding was a little out of control by the time I got back from getting his pain med prescriptions. Called the office and they told me what to do and thank God it worked. During the complication I decided that I didn't feel comfortable going to work even though it's close by. Expecially when Hubby and Son didn't call me when the bleeding seemed worse. So instead I got some dishes and studying done. It was nice to be able to cook dinner at home even if it wasn't the healthiest. Had to be soft food that Son could eat.
  • Dianedoessmiles1
    Dianedoessmiles1 Posts: 12,561 Member
    @Lindiemaep ,, Aww they are so CUTE!! ADORABLE!! Hopefully by Weds I'll hear from the neurosurgeon, he's been on vacation. CAN'T BLAME HIM!! If he's a skier NOW IS THE TIME!! Or oohhhhh Caribbean cruise!! LOL I don't care what he does, he saves to many lives. Will be good to know if he finds anything there. LOL WELL he'll find an unused brain, but! Hope you get the stove soon.
    @Cseguin2,,, Oh you clearly EARNED the time off!! Glad you got some studying done your exam will be up soon. We have ZERO DOUBT you'll EASILY PASS!!! Hope S bleeding is all under control for the night and onward.
  • LindieMaeP
    LindieMaeP Posts: 4,641 Member
    @Dianedoessmiles1 nope no new stove, they gonna fix this one, fine by me. I have no desire to learn the new computerized stoves these days. Glad you are patient about hearing from the neurosurgeon. My cousins just came back from a Caribbean cruise, interesting pictures too, Well I have done resistance training every other day now for a week. I mark it on the calandar so I can see what day is next. I'll do some on Wednesday most likely in the morning.
    @CSEGUIN2 yes good for you to take the day off and make sure your S is ok. And men don't really think the way women do, most times. Hope you and your S are feeling better soon!
  • NovemberGail
    NovemberGail Posts: 2,224 Member

    The morning started out with a beautiful frost. This afternoon I went to the hand surgeon and got good news. He gave me cortisone for my two trigger fingers that may heal them. If not, in another two months I will get two ore shots. Then if that doesn't work, surgery might be needed.

    Seeing that a number of us are having our share of health issues, tomorrow's words are healing and power. Trusting to God to care for all our needs ~

    Good catching up (but tonight I am not going to add comments).
  • jeanhickokhaley
    jeanhickokhaley Posts: 1,236 Member

    NovemberGail beautiful shot.

  • DNjoys
    DNjoys Posts: 7,668 Member
    @MawMaw1941 - Thanks! I enjoy being an IBC leader.
  • Tabatha_Cain
    Tabatha_Cain Posts: 4,438 Member
    Good Morning Airport Friends:

    I hope you are all doing well this morning. Today is Tuesday. It is the weird day of the week. Nothing really important with this day but still a lot going on. Today I should get my schedule for the new job to get started. Then I will go out and get my non-slip shoes for the job. They will be giving me the shirt and hat but I will have the pants and shoes. Then I can work as often as I can.

    @Dianedoessmiles1 - They did agree to work me every other weekend. I told them I am out of town every other weekend. I am excited.
    @LindieMaeP - That is good that you have other devices to warm things up with. No my job is just a part time job to help me pay for the wedding and get my bills squared away after the wedding. So the new job is just a fast food job.
    @CSEGUIN2 - Glad you were able to get the bleeding under control. Getting wisdom teeth out is no joke.
    @NovemberGail - Those are good words. We all need healing and power.

    Well it is time to get some food. I hope you all have a great day.

  • Patti241
    Patti241 Posts: 4,323 Member
    Diane: I was able to get outside a little bit yesterday. Getting ready to go for my walk shortly.
  • macrat12
    macrat12 Posts: 5,576 Member
    It’s 30 feels like 30 with a high of 62 today. Insight Timer Quote: Take closer care of your inner stories. They create your outer life.—Jaiya John I AM: I let go of all my worries. Axe Sharpening: Don’t accept your current situation for the rest of your life. Do something about it.—Derek Weida 1st Phorm Elite Athlete Action for Happiness: Thank someone you’re grateful to and tell them why. Fitness quote for today: Every single setback is not the end of the world, it’s just the beginning of that lesson. That had to happen for me to learn these certain things and it’s not about being completely infallible, it’s about getting better and there’s no room for improvement in perfect.—Ronda Rousey Motivational quote for today: Turn your focus to being. Being happy. Being positive. Being kind.—Unknown Closed all rings (hearts) on my Active 4 and had 12,203 steps yesterday. Training plan for today: Full body week 2, day 1 modified for at home after breakfast during or before 1st Phorm live stream.
  • cormierannie
    cormierannie Posts: 4,731 Member
    good morning everyone! it is a mostly cloudy day here today. my daughter says hi to all. both budgie birds are doing well and say cheep, cheep! i just found out yesterday that one of my aunts has passed away. i have been spending extra time with my family since i first found out she was really sick. she is no longer in pain and is at peace. she was a wonderful, kind lady who will be really missed by the whole family. i went for a short run earlier this morning and i really enjoyed it. i went for a walk a while ago and i feel great! i will definitely be doing some dancing later on. have a great day, everyone! take care and stay safe.
  • Dianedoessmiles1
    Dianedoessmiles1 Posts: 12,561 Member
    @Lindiemaep ,, Glad they are going to fix your stove, I like the newer stoves. You are very computer savvy if they went that way, you'd be fine fast. My stove is fine thankfully. I have NO CHOICE LOL but, to be patience with the neurosurgeon and if something had come up I think I'd of gotten a call anyways by now. Nice job on the resistance bands. I over did on mine last Thursday. But that just shows I need them, only not as many reps and I hadn't done many!
    @Novembergail,, what a GORGEOUS Pic!! SO PRETTY!! I hope the shots help you out.
    @jeanhickokhaley ,,,So very very true!! When we are grateful it picks up our spirit.
    @DNjoys, I LOVE working with you and @Ceriusly1 and @Catwmncat too!! The IBC is fun, a little more relaxed, yet it's busy too!
    @Tabatha_Cain,, HAVE FUN at the new job. You had put "its just a fast food" well true true, in that it's fast food. But, with the right crew it can be so much fun along with hard work. You have such a fun personality and are a hard worker, it should go fine. I am glad they are flexible with the hours too!! WTG Tabatha!
    @Patti421 ,,, Patti do you have your phone with you when on the walk? Ever take any pics?
    Here's the pic out of my window right now. It's so pretty!
    @Cormierannie,, I am so sorry to hear about your aunt. That's very hard. The one who mostly kept us together passed away last year. It was so strange, how at her funeral there are 3 siblings left, 2 where there (one lives LOL In Alaska and he's sick, we knew he'd not be here) there were 6 kids (siblings) in all. Yet not many were there. I wasn't impressed by MY OWN Siblings not being there. She loved us all so much. Granted one of my brothers TRIED to be, his plane did not board, but he kept on trying. Families aren't what they were growing up! I hope your family stays close.
  • Kurtize
    Kurtize Posts: 6,050 Member
    What Fear Truly Is By Akshay Nanavati

    Fear is not your enemy. Fear is your friend. Embrace it, welcome it and push past it to find your true destiny that lies waiting for you on the other side.

    All growth springs forth from venturing out into the unknown. Out there beyond those fateful frontiers of your perceived limits lives your greatness. The infinite possibilities available to you in life lie waiting for you in unchartered territory. You simply have to choose to embark upon that voyage.
  • LindieMaeP
    LindieMaeP Posts: 4,641 Member
    Good afternoon folks, it's a bit sunny today, I was out for a walk around our building property and built up a sweat !! Gene and I went to Walmart this morning and just as we got home and put stuff away his aunt called and asked him if he wanted to go to Walmart with her, so off he went for the ride, he said he was not paying for anything and he did not. I think Gene wanted to get the backed chicken legs and that but they only had a whole rotissieri chicken and they wanted 10.00 for it !! He got it. lol I got my fav chocolate so I was happy about that.
    @Dianedoessmiles1 enjoy tonight, I am looking forward to the Congregation book study indeed ! Pretty pretty out your way I would be down on that harbour wall walking it!
    @Tabatha_Cain enjoy your part time job, just dont' eat the profits lol I am afraid if I went to fast food to work, I might just do that, eat the profits lol No you will do fine, your saving for your wedding, and you will keep that formost as you work.
    @cormierannie condolences to you and your family over the loss of your aunt, it's not easy to loose any family member but a special one, always hardest.
    Fear - one of the best books other then the Bible that I read was a book by Susan Jeffers, Ph.D. entitled Feel The Fear And Do It Anyway - that book was part of a job club I was in for older adults and what we covered in that impressed me enough to buy the book. I had/have a lot of fears, many people do. I don't have anywhere the fears I used to have but I still have some. Now when I fear something I turn to the Bible and Bible principles to help guide me with that fear. Each of us have our own way of dealing with fear, depending on what that fear is. I am sure others have a thought or two on it but maybe fear posting about it... see .. fear .. .. anyway, I hope all are having a good day today ... cheers Linda
  • bookieNJ
    bookieNJ Posts: 3,937 Member
    @Dianedoessmiles1 -yup I totally agree with you on those romantic books. I like historical fiction, memoirs, thrillers, some mystery, fiction, lots of other stuff. I avoid sci fi, horror and fantasy. I like thinner winners because of the friendship I made. I was on cloverleafs for a long time and did leadership. I was actually on underdawgs one time-I think right before spark people ended. I remember that underdawgs jokes.
  • NovemberGail
    NovemberGail Posts: 2,224 Member
    Happy Tuesday evening all!

    Today I got in an amazing 13,000 steps. The weather was incredible and Billie and I went all over the place. The shots are already helping my hands and am looking forward to more healing.

    @Cormierannie: So sorry to hear about the death of your aunt.

    @Tabatha_Cain: That is a good deal that they provide you with some items of clothes. A hat would be cool!

    @Dianedoessmiles1: Talk about a beautiful picture. That is gorgeous.

    @LindieMaeP: The chocolate sounds delicious!

    Tomorrow's word is HUMOUR.

    The photo is of my two cats up in their condo. I can't figure out how they managed this: you can spot two tails, two feet going backwards and one head.

    CSEGUIN2 Posts: 5,646 Member
    Good Evening Everyone!

    Today was cold but partly sunny. Gained 2 lbs on the scale at TOPS. Ooops. Oh well I know what I need to do to fix it. Son is doing great. Went to bed with no pain meds and he is ready to go home tomorrow after his program that he is going to. He still has many days of healing but it's time for him to start getting back to normal.

    I don't know what is up Hubby's behind but he has been a grouch when I have been home. Hopefully he snaps out of it.

    Work went great tonight but it's definitely starting to sink in that I am done on Sunday.
  • Dianedoessmiles1
    Dianedoessmiles1 Posts: 12,561 Member
    edited January 2023
    @Kurtize ,, Indeed use that fear to motivate us.
    @Lindiemaep ,,, LOL Twosday. CUTE!!! Glad you got out for a walk, and hit Walmart. LOL Gene went back, but that's sweet to help her, and hey you both benefited, unless the chicken was all his? I bought chicken, soaked it over night in a honey mustard, BBQ Sauce and a little bit of Teriyaki sauce (I am going to start to make my own),along with garlic paste, onion powder, garlic powder and paprika. Tonight after meeting (VERY ENJOYABLE! LOL Book study was crazy with the review, but we did well! TWELVE chapters!) dipped it in an egg wash, a flour mixture of flour, baking soda, pepper, onion powder, garlic powder and paprika. Baked it and OH MY OH MY!! Tender as can be and SO GOOD! I do not think I'll be able to eat them any place else!
    @Bookienj,,, Looks like our reading tastes are about the same!! NO WAY on horror (All I have to do is read the news) fantasy nahhhh Nooooo ,, some sci fi I am okay with though not much. I LOVED the Dawggie team. LOL We had WAY TO MUCH FUN on that team with twisting words for our own pleasure,, it was PAWSOME! TY TY TY TY for being a leader and helping the cloverleafs!! That was a neat team also.
    @Novembergail ,,, Awwww the kitties are ALMOST as SPOILED as Billie!! SUCH LOVED animals!! Oh I am sure they love where you have their condo!! WOW On the steps and I AM CHEERING ABOUT YOUR PAWS//// OOPS HANDS (Gail was also a Dawggie) LOL
    @Cseguin2 ,,, Glad S is feeling so much better!! That's good and back in his routine. Hopefully H will come around. WOW! The time flew by fast!! You could use a break for a little bit, though I know it's hard for work to close down their service with you all.