Airport Lounge Discussion



  • Dianedoessmiles1
    Dianedoessmiles1 Posts: 12,599 Member
    @Tabatha_Cain,,, WOOHOO on paying things off as fast you can!! Life does happen and we never know what'll change, hopefully always for the best, but its great to have no debts when we can. WOOHOO on liking the 2nd job also!! That's a super plus. LOL I hated working 3 days in a row, as far as physically, but it was great having it all at once, then I had more days off!! YEAH YEAH YEAH TO THAT!
    @Patti241 ,, ALRIGHT!! WTG!!!
    @Macrat12 how are you?
  • LindieMaeP
    LindieMaeP Posts: 4,653 Member
    Good morning, its another rainy day so exercise inside of course in segments and I will try to find some variety. I am ok with not going out in that muck !! I don't mind the rain, I just do not like getting wet from it - but it does make the trees and the grass and what not so nice and green! I hope everyone is having a good day of it.
    @Tabatha_Cain sure hope you find some rest periods and that you are not too overly tired when you finish your shift.
    @NovemberGail lovely picture again !! Good word for today too !!
    @Dianedoessmiles1 where did you get your 3d Titanic ? It was a good ship, built by Irishmen, but no ship can compare or compete with an iceburg!! Tonight I participate in a presentation, the bible study so I am stoked for that. The 1Chronicles 4-6 reading was a bit better and explains a lot too. Hope you enjoy your meeting.
    @everyone, I hope you all have a good day today and accomplish what you set out to do!
  • Kurtize
    Kurtize Posts: 6,116 Member
    Hi all happy Tuesday. It is rainy and cold. Dis some light housecleaning, watched TV, did PT and just relaxing and enjoying the rainy day.
    When you start your day with gratitude everything falls into place with grace and ease. Gail Lynne Goodwin
  • bookieNJ
    bookieNJ Posts: 3,963 Member
    @Dianedoessmiles1 -thx! Friday we are waiting for results, Saturday was a no, Sunday she was told she made it but wAiting on financial aid.
  • macrat12
    macrat12 Posts: 5,608 Member
    @Dianedoessmiles1 I'm good sometimes I forget to do personals.

    Afternoon team, I ended up getting my workout done in the gym before the wintry mix arrived. So plan on writing down my workout for tomorrow so I can get it done during the 1st Phorm livestream at 8AM my time.
    CSEGUIN2 Posts: 5,646 Member
    Good Evening Everyone!

    Today was a beautiful sunny day. More like the first day of spring. Tomorrow the snow storm is coming. I am so lucky to be able to make some cash off the snow. Went to TOPS this morning and found out I gained 4 more lbs. I don't feel like I weigh that much. But something needs to change in my head. Maybe it's time to be hard on myself. I need to get the evening eating under control. For that I am going to try chewing gum. Today turned out to be the harder day to fill in as the leader at TOPS. We had some temper flair and a member walk out. So the rest of the meeting was spent dealing with all that. Filled for Employment Insurance but not sure I qualify. We will see. Also called Hubbies worker to update her on my employment status. Tomorrow is a brand new day with an evening Church service.
  • Dianedoessmiles1
    Dianedoessmiles1 Posts: 12,599 Member
    edited January 2023
    @lindiemaep , On Amazon
    I was a HH to talk #1 it was very good. Glad it went well for the both of us! WOOHOO!!!
    @Kurtize,,, Sounds like a good day!! UGH sorry it was rainy and cold, but you made use of the day to it's full!
    @Bookienj,,, SOUNDS SO EXCITING!! WTG for D and you all!!
    @Macrat12 ,,, Oh Sarah it's such a pleasure to have you do a personal with us!! We get to know you more. You have so much to offer to each of us. I LOVE writing out a schedule so that I can get a lot more done. TY TY TY Sarah for sharing with us.
    @Cseguin2 ,,, LOVE that you can make extra $$ off the snow!! WTG!! SO SORRY a member at TOPS got upset!! UGH wouldn't you know it, I am so sorry hon!! You are so kind!! I'd be shocked if you don't qualify for unemployment!! It may depend on how long you worked, but I am pretty sure you worked long enough. In essence you were laid off.
  • NovemberGail
    NovemberGail Posts: 2,224 Member
    Snow is on the horizon tonight. Looking forward to taking photos. Today I got in a lot of walking and a little housework.

    Tomorrow's word is Strength.

    If I could read Cricket's mind: "If you don't feed me, I will stare you to death."

  • Dianedoessmiles1
    Dianedoessmiles1 Posts: 12,599 Member
    @Novembergail,,, UGH I forgot which state you are in? WOOHOO ON THE SNOW!!! WOOHOO!! Your pictures are ALWAYS SO GORGEOUS to the MAX!!! LOLOL AND Hmmmmmm Cricket is letting YOU KNOW "FEED ME!" And I first read this I REMEMBERED I had NOT FED Izzy her soft food tonight!! LOL She's such a GOOD GIRL!! She NEVER ever begs for it. You may remember Princess/AKA Princey/AKA Wincey? OH that cat begged horribly!! Its so nice to have a kitty who doesn't beg and beg. EXCEPT once I go into the bedroom at night. Then it's ALL OVER for what I want and LOL ALL about Izzy. Feed me treats ,, feed me treats!! She barely gets any (soft food she only eats about a tablespoon of it she ADORES her hard food though!) and the FEED ME is mixed in with "COMB ME OUT!! COMB ME OUT!!" but, I rewarded with a zillion purrs. Awww Cricket hope you got what you wanted, you are a CUTIE!! HI Billie who must be behaving right now? And Catwissa?
  • LindieMaeP
    LindieMaeP Posts: 4,653 Member
    It's almost bedtime but I thought I would stop in for a bit to unwind as well.
    @Dianedoessmiles1 thanks, I might pass - I was thinking for Gene to give him something to do, I have lots to do lol when I remember lol It turns out he is Vitamind3 deficient and the doctor prescribed him V3 in pill form and wants him taking 1000 uic (???) 2 x a day.
    @CSEGUIN2 It's unfortunate that there was issues at the Tops meeting, I am sure that you will provide a good night's report including the issues that occourred to the one who is normally the lead. The weight will come off again, and maybe too much salt? hard to say. EI is based on insurable earnings in the qualifying period. A first time user needs the full amount of hours needed - that changes for each province, I am not sure what the rates are now adays but you should be able to look it up on the website. Also if one has a business that has to be looked at as well. You applied that was the right thing to do. I know here in BC training is done by the province, not sure of Ontario but you can look into sponcered training IF you have an and EI claim that paid out in the last 3 years. Of course Covid may have put a monkey wrench in both hours required and sponcered training. You can call Service Canada, best time to call - around 4 pm your time. An agent can answer any questions you may have. I hope all goes well for you.
    @NovemberGail awwww did someone get fed ?? LOL
  • Tabatha_Cain
    Tabatha_Cain Posts: 4,454 Member
    Good Morning Airport Friends:

    I hope you are all doing well this morning. It is snowing like crazy this morning. We are expected to get 6 inches of snow by 10 pm tonight. I have to work until 10 pm tonight. So I have to try and make it home through all that horribleness. It will be alright though. I will just go slow and get home safely.

    @Dianedoessmiles1 - I so far have not had to do anything strenuous because I am still watching training videos. So they are having me work drive thru so I can watch videos on the tablet between customers.
    @LindieMaeP - Sorry about the rain. We are currently getting snow. We are expected to get 6 inches of snow. I do have about half an hour between jobs. So I should be able to eat some sort of dinner.
    @Kurtize - I agree. It is always better to do gratitude. I try to do my affirmations and gratitude first thing in the morning.
    @CSEGUIN2 - I hope you do well with the winter storm. We are getting 6 inches right now. The roads are bad according to my fiancé
    @NovemberGail - I should take photos too. That would be cool to compare different places and their snow. I am in Michigan.

    Well it is almost time to get ready for work. I hope you all have a wonderful day.

  • Patti241
    Patti241 Posts: 4,355 Member
    God morning everyone.
  • macrat12
    macrat12 Posts: 5,608 Member
    It’s 32 feels like 28 with a high of 39 for today. Insight Timer Quote: Life is short, and it is up to you to make it sweet.—Sarah Louise Delany I AM: I am happy, loving, and grateful. Axe Sharpening: Have goals and appreciate an celebrate every step you’re taking in the right direction.—Toni Livers 1st Phorm Elite Athlete Action for Happiness: Decide to lift people up rather than put them down. Fitness quote: Fitness is not about being tiny. It’s about being mentally and physically fit in your own temple.— Motivational quote: Appreciate where you are in your journey and have faith that you’ll reach your destination, even if you had hoped to be further.—unknown Closed all rings (hearts) on my Active 4 and had 14,453 steps yesterday. Training plan for today: Full-Body “GBC” Week 4, Day 3 modified for at home after breakfast.
  • Kurtize
    Kurtize Posts: 6,116 Member
    Good afternoon all. It chilly again but no rain but no sun; very overcast Some areas for Texas were really hit hard with tornados and lots of damage. My friends and I from OR and CA are starting up our zoom Bible study again today. I am looking forward to it. I have missed it. Nothing else new, have a great day everyone. Love you all.

  • JuneWalks
    JuneWalks Posts: 33 Member
    Hi everyone - I just heard about this team so thought I'd join so I don't miss the next challenge when it starts. I will probably take the opportunity to use the blog facility too, once the next round starts. I don't do much exercise apart from walking and want to get into other types of exercise. ST, TNT, and using my DVDs. Blogging about it will help.

    Do the seasonal challenges run back to back, or is there a gap in between challenges?

    ok - ttfn - Annie in the UK
  • Dianedoessmiles1
    Dianedoessmiles1 Posts: 12,599 Member
    JuneWalks wrote: »
    Hi everyone - I just heard about this team so thought I'd join so I don't miss the next challenge when it starts. I will probably take the opportunity to use the blog facility too, once the next round starts. I don't do much exercise apart from walking and want to get into other types of exercise. ST, TNT, and using my DVDs. Blogging about it will help.

    Do the seasonal challenges run back to back, or is there a gap in between challenges?

    ok - ttfn - Annie in the UK

    HI June!! Hey welcome!! You can join the 5% Challenge now (we are at the end of week 3, but welcome members all the way through. There is a break, but BUT!! We do have informal teams during that time, which we invite all members to remain active, and get to know other members. That'll be explained on each of the teams usually in week 7 and 8.

    Here's the link to ask about a team, PLEASE check back at the below link often after you sign up ,, usually you'll get an invite in less than 24 hours, sometimes it could be a wee bit longer, but not the normal.

    Announcement Feed: 💺Winter Seat Requests Here Only💺
    CSEGUIN2 Posts: 5,646 Member
    edited January 2023
    Good Evening Everyone!

    I did look up the hours for EI in my community and don't believe I will get it but I hope I do since I didn't have a choice.

    @JuneWalks yes we have a break between seasonal challenges. During that time we have an in-between challenge to keep us motivated that is optional.

    It's been snowing all day and will continue until sometime tomorrow I think. We've already had at least 7 cm. Making lots of money this month from my side gig. Completed all planned exercise, shoveled snow for 2 properties and played crib and skipbo with Hubby. Definitely feeling my muscles today. Should sleep well tonight. Didn't end up going to Church this evening do to all the snow and figured they may have cancelled it.

    This is a picture of the crew and me from work.
  • Dianedoessmiles1
    Dianedoessmiles1 Posts: 12,599 Member
    HI ALL!! HOPPING ON BY to WAVE!! It's been a very busy, but VERY GOOD DAY!!! I am backkkkk in the cribbage tournament!! Many of you know I've won 2 of them, I think???? We've played 7 to 9 times. Always new ones joining us, and sometimes people move away, get sick etc. Today a friend of mine joined us. I played her for the first game, OH I KNEW she'd be good and LOL She was!! We came down to the last hand, she got to count first!! YUP LOST IT!! LOLOL!!! The 2nd one I won, the 3rd one came down to where I KNEW if she couldn't peg out (she needed 6 that's not easy!) BUT SHE DID THAT!! We were laughing so hard!! How could we not? That's not the norm!! She didn't know I was 2 time champ, and I do not tell others who are new, I want them to have a winning time (I REFUSE though to throw a game, but we were giggling and enjoying the game which one SHOULD). That was so much fun!! After the friend who joined us asked me if I wanted to go out and eat. SURE DID OFF WE WENT!!! Some of you may remember "The Cheater" she was there, and so unhappy during the entire time. When I was asked if I wanted out to eat, of course I said YES! And "The Cheater" was angry!! WHY NO CLUE!! But, we'd not of asked her, she was not in a good mood today, that happens. Hopefully next week if she was sick this week, will feel better next week. Since it was our choice today on who we played, I did not play her though it was offered by the person who organizes it. I didn't want to bring myself down on a fun day.
  • Catwmncat
    Catwmncat Posts: 7,175 Member
    edited January 2023
    Hi All! I think I'm going to start hanging out in here with all you fabulous 5%ers, instead of on the newsfeed. I hope to be able to semi keep up, but will start reading daily, even if I don't have time to post. Hope everyone is having a Grrrreat week so far! We're on the back side of the hump and closing in on the weekend so keep an attitude of gratitude!

  • LindieMaeP
    LindieMaeP Posts: 4,653 Member
    edited January 2023
    Wooohooooooo @Catwmncat your post put a smile on my face and made my day/night - ty ty ty nice to see you in here !! Yup got to have gratitude otherwise we take too much for granted. YES YES bring on the weekend !!! WAIT maybe not, we suppose to be in a cold front - not sure I want that, might be too cold to walk outside but we will see what the weekend brings !!
    @Dianedoessmiles1 you are right, one has to enjoy crib to play, I lost the enjoy a long time ago back on MSN games when I used to play there, and to be honest it got boring fast - course I am not a numbers person, so hey maybe that is why. Glad you enjoyed playing and had a good time out with your friend.
    @CSEGUIN2 nice picture of the crew and glad the snow brought you some extra ching ching !! I think your area is getting more too - I check up on my family who lives in Amherstburg from time to time.
    @Tabatha_Cain how did the shift go ? Hope you were not or are not over tired! Keep that goal in sight may help when your tired.
    @Everyone have a wonderful evening and enjoy your plans what ever they maybe !!