Airport Lounge Discussion



  • Patti241
    Patti241 Posts: 4,894 Member
    Diane: Monday we are supposed to get rain. It will miss our area.
  • Dianedoessmiles1
    Dianedoessmiles1 Posts: 13,429 Member
    @Lindiemaep ,, LOL If I weren't the CL (I WOULD do it if I were the ML though!) I wanted to put down my SPARKle. LOL Guess most of us have that rebellion in us somewhere!!! Did the baskets clean easier for you? Only ONCE Have I had a horrible mess with mine. I was frying chicken and didn't put enough oil in so the newly dipped (3 times) chicken did get it nasty, still it cleaned up okay with some elbow grease!! Meeting was great, it's been snowing out since about 11 and a little bit built up, though not much. I think they said only 1 to 2"s today, Tuesday they are guessing 4 to 6 where I am.
    @Catwmncat ,, your food choices look very yummy!! YEAH the ketchup on the eggs!! LOLOLOL As we talked last night, I LOVE Ketchup on any kind of egg, as long as there's not in them otherwise. Awww Pea is so cute!!! So is Punkin.
    @Patti241,,, so SORRY!!!
  • ginnaboots
    ginnaboots Posts: 316 Member
    @CSEGUIN2 -macaroni & chili cheese bake sounds delicious! Hope you got some sunshine today!

    @LindieMaeP - I bet your hiking trails are beautiful! I’m an avid hiker and wish I could come hike them. Sure does look like an awesome air fryer! Hahaha, love the cat meme!

    @Dianedoessmiles1 - it was very icy last night when I went to the lake to watch the sunset. I didn’t wear my winter boots because I was coming from having dinner and it was like an ice rink! Hahaha! Didn’t fall though. Yes both you and Lindie keep your printers as long as you can. My son is a district manager for a national office supply chain and he said the ones they make now are pretty much junk. I have an older one and it has lasted us for 20 years and I plan on keeping it as long as I can!

    @catwmncat- oh trust me if I could tolerate sweets I would. I made some banana cake a few weeks ago, ate some and I was down for the count. I honestly don’t know why I get sick like that. My husband thought it might be gluten but I eat other things with gluten and don’t have that reaction. Had a sliver of banana bread a week or so ago and same reaction so I just stay away from it. Not worth what I feel like. I love ketchup on eggs too! Been enjoying avocado toast almost everyday. The healthy fat from the avocado keeps me full longer.

    I did catch the sunset last night. Hopefully the picture post and doesn’t look gigantic! Hahaha! Enjoy the rest of your day everyone!d3olp1t9uzfo.jpeg
  • DNjoys
    DNjoys Posts: 8,616 Member
    edited February 2023
    Attention - Mission Slimpossible and Shape Shifters:

    Don't run! Come join us for some fun. River Otters In-Between Challenge begins on Saturday (March 4).

    Here's a FB Reel video that was in my feed today. This river otter is just exploring and wants to play (getting in good exercise while doing it).

    All 5%-ers, it's not too late to join our In-Between Challenge. Your team will join with another to stay accountable and not lose ground while we wait for the Spring Challenge to begin. It's more relaxed and you choose when and how you want to participate.

    The other teams are Koalas (Tenacious G8ters and Thinner Winners), Meerkats (PS4L and Rain Dancers) and Phoenix (Red Hots and Fit Force)

    Here's the link to sign up:
    CSEGUIN2 Posts: 5,635 Member
    Good Evening Everyone!

    Hugs, prayers and well wishes to those who need them.

    Today has been a sunny, chilly day. Went to church. We celebrated the Minister's birthday that was last Tuesday. We were supposed to celebrate last Sunday but he was on vacation. Of course for Lent and as a tiny habit I gave up sweets. Well I had a piece of birthday cake. When I mentioned to the Minister that I gave up sweets he said that it was a good thing it was Sunday as things we give up for Lent we can have on Sundays. Lol don't know if it's true. Completed workouts, did dishes, laundry, studying, and some decluttering. Also played Wii sports with Hubby.
  • Kurtize
    Kurtize Posts: 6,917 Member
    Happy and blessed Sunday, hope you all are having a great day. Wishing you a fantastic week ahead, we can do this.

    “Knowing and then living your life purpose, more than anything else, keeps the fires going for a life of inspiration.”
  • Dianedoessmiles1
    Dianedoessmiles1 Posts: 13,429 Member
    @Ginnaboots ,, OH GINNA!!! I LOVE LOVE LOVE that picture!! I am DELIGHTED the picture shows up large on my computer it's WORTH IT!! SO GLAD you didn't fall when taking it! It's a really neat one though. Oh, I'll keep it as long as it works. I agree with your son and have for years!! When I think of what we now pay for a smart phone (IT DID NOT live up to that name!! I AM NOT SMARTER!! LOLOL) its shocking because most of the time 3 years later they do not work well. GULP!!! I have a friend who I consider wise just based on this. She can afford the best of the best with no issues, yet she's still using her Samsung 6. I asked her why "The best to have money is to not spend money. Plus there's no need to when this one works well." She's an IT person. I love that logic!
    @DNJOys ,, THANKS Dee!! WOOHOO if anyone hasn't yet signed up for the in between PLEASE DO!! Here's the link.
    @Cseguin2 ,,, LOL I am pretty sure that was made up and more! Glad you enjoyed the rest of the day with all you accomplished at home!! I SHOULD attach my wii!! I loved it years ago. YO that thing is now 12 years old! STILL I imagine I've not lost my ability or if I did it'll come right back for bowling (LOL I can't bowl at ALL in person, yet on the Wii it's not that hard for me to get TURKEYS!), and I DO NOT enjoy golf at all ,,, yet mini golf I do enjoy and more so on the Wii I am quite good!
    @Kurtize,,,, TY TY TY for posting. Everyone should have a purpose.
  • NovemberGail
    NovemberGail Posts: 2,224 Member
    First, I'm feeling better even if my arm still looks like a bee stung me.

    This weekend went by too quickly. Off and on I've been still wrestling with computer issues for our main computers. Hopefully, I will work with someone at Microsoft who can tel me what is the matter. But today I enjoyed a day of solitude, attending church, and Billie and I went for a 2.7 mile hike. Finished the evening doing the Boot Scoot Boogie. It cracks me up.

    Tonight straight-line winds are predicted with some areas being warned of 100 mph winds. If that is true, there is going to be a lot of outages and trees down. Hope that they are wrong.

    Loved the photos--especially the sunset @ginnaboots.

    @Catwmncat and @LindieMaeP: Your dinners always make my mouth water. I'm thinking of making the spice cake with pumpkin tonight. That sounds so good with a cuppa tea. (Love the way the British say this).

    @Dianedoessmiles1: I looked up how to play cribbage. Oh my goodness!!! So many ways to have to add. I can see why you loved being a cashier!!!!

    Hope all is safe and ready for Monday!!!

    Word for tomorrow is GRACE.

    Picture is of two chickadees and a goldfinch.


  • LindieMaeP
    LindieMaeP Posts: 5,037 Member
    Puzzle time - spot the plane - can you ???? which picture is it in ?? I am playing around with sizing on the annoying droid phone so we will see how it goes. It's been a lovely afternoon, went to the Marpole Community Neighbourhood house as they had a bit of a craft fair there, and only bought some knitted slippers from my sister's crocheting class booth. I dont' mind, they are helping her learn something other then swear words and keepign her hands busy! Cash and carry and I had little cash ... maybe next time a little more cash with me. There were 2 tables I was interested in but no one was doing interact and just as well cause I have a dentist APT at NOON tomorrow - I dread it but need it so I am going.
    @Dianedoessmiles1 I thought of going back and changing it but NOPE I dont' spell anyway so I am not bothered. My old canon printer works great still just have to buy ink for it but Gene thought the workforce would be good for "certain activities" thinking now he regrets as the cost of ink. A sister might be able to get me ink cheaper but I am not worried for now. Now my droid phone is different. I buy the next generation and my third generation phone goes to a congregation in the Philipines so I love to buy new phones when the contract is up. It's a win-win.
    @ginnaboots that is a lovely pictures AS IS so no need to resize that one at all! Oh I do love sunrises and sunsets. We have some good trails here the friends do daily, Grouse Grind, to name one - I just do flat land as I can't do uphill very well, even the slightest is taxing on the chest. Not good to live in a hilly city like Vancouver and not be able to walk them! But there are trade offs so it's great !
    @Catwmncat I chuckled on the comment that the dual looks like a dual coffee maker, that is one thing it does not do. Gene gave it a good test run, afterward, I soaked the baskets as @Dianedoessmiles1 says she does but GENE cleaned them, rule number 1 - you use it, YOU clean it. He says it's like flying a plane, man I am SO glad it is NOT a plane!! Love the baseball pic of your grandson, that's awesome and of course your food is too!! So we can use one or both of the baskets at the same time based on need. Now Gene knows that he will only use one. I am going to go check the baskets to make sure he did clean them out ok. He does prebaked battered or breaded chicken pieces and onion rings and the onion rings get really messy... I just want fries ... maybe chicken once in a while, but as I learn more about it, I'll do more. For now I am letting it get used to it's position on the hutch... lol works for me eh !
    @DNjoys very nice write up for the teams, I bee a meerkats, now I gotta go google that and see what it is, pssst @Dianedoessmiles1 how about a badge we can use ??? hint hint ... lol
    @everyone have a good evening and if you have nasty weather stay in and play some games, or read a good book. If your weather is tollerable, get out if you can. I got a good walk in although some places was a bit slushy!



  • LindieMaeP
    LindieMaeP Posts: 5,037 Member
    @NovemberGail thank you, @Catwmncat inspires me as well! Did you know, when a chickadee continues with the dee dee dee the longer the dee the greater the danger? A nuthatcher will watch the number of dee dee dee from the chickadee and know there is danger and alert other nuthatchers, interesting info - I never knew!! Glad you are feeling better and I am sure once the computers are running correctly that will be a load off your plate too! Enjoy some solice this evening !!
  • bookieNJ
    bookieNJ Posts: 4,293 Member
    edited February 2023
    @Dianedoessmiles1 -interesting!
    @CSEGUIN2 -yeah I have friends who believe that about Sundays also-but then many who don’t?
  • Dianedoessmiles1
    Dianedoessmiles1 Posts: 13,429 Member
    @Novembergail,,, So glad you are feeling better, though UGH on looking like a lot of bee stings!! That's QUITE the reaction indeed!! So sorry about the computer issues!! Ohhhh NONE of us like them!! But WOOHOO on the hike!! NICELY DONE!! Hope the winds do not hit there or ANY WHERE!! They are so destructive. LOL Cribbage is just so much fun. Once you start to play (Many apps including learning/teaching apps which I'd recommend) it clicks in. 15 is the number most first start to try to get in their hands, and runs if they can, more so double runs.
    @Lindiemaep ,, first pic? DID I WIN??DID I WIN???
    Here's the picture of the MEERKATS team icon designed by our VERY OWN @Catwmncat!
    LOL I am trying to catch up so I can work on the Titanic again!! WOOHOO my place is all cleaned so now I can play again!!
  • Catwmncat
    Catwmncat Posts: 7,850 Member
    Sunday's Eats ~ Cottage Cheese/Yogurt with Blackberries, Raspberries, Ground Flax Seed and Yeah Hemp Dark Chocolate Granola to break the fast. Dinner was in celebration of Luke's upcoming 15th birthday (Feb 29th), Chicken Alfredo and Chicken Piccata from his favorite restaurant and dessert was Brownie Cheese Cake. After Dinner entertainment with the boys leg wrestling and challenging each other using Luke's new Push-Up Board (not pictured). They are both going to be very sore tomorrow. LOL!
    @ginnaboots Interesting about the printers. Had one for many years but once it stopped working we've had to replace them every couple years. Your reaction to sweets sounds as if you have a sugar intolerance. If you actually do you should keep a watch on your A1C as people with sugar intolerance have an increased risk for future diabetes and cardiovascular diseases. That picture of the sunset is breathtakingly beautiful.
    @DNJoys Great video, otters just wanna have fun!
    @CSEGUIN2 If your minister is giving you permission to have the things you give up for Lent then I would say you are forgiven for that piece of cake.
    @NovemberGail Great news that you are feeling better and were able to get a nice hike in with Billie.
    @LindieMaeP Da Plane, Da Plane is in the last photo... NOT!!! The baseball picture was just a meme that happens to have LUKE on the shirt (the real uniforms have their last name). My Luke is no longer a little tike... soon to be 15yrs old and just shy of 6'. Here's a couple different Meerkats Team Badges to pick from that can be used as your personal icon.
  • Tabatha_Cain
    Tabatha_Cain Posts: 4,986 Member
    Good Morning Airport Friends:

    I hope you are all doing well this morning. Today is going to be a great day. I am back at the physical office after working from home 3 days last week due to no power at the office. I am really excited to be back in the office. I like working there even though my boss can be a jerk. Today I feel off like I am forgetting to do something. Not sure what though.

    @ginnaboots - It was bad. Alot of people were out of power here. Heck even my work was out a couple of days.
    @CSEGUIN2 - That is good that you got the shoveling done. I am sure that was great exercise.
    @LindieMaeP - I did get to see my daughter Saturday. She went back to work with restrictions on Sunday. She could not handle being at home anymore.
    @Dianedoessmiles1 - Yes I was very concerned. I did hug her just not so tight. She is doing well.
    @Catwmncat - My visit was a long visit and made me feel better. She is doing well. Love your food choices.

    Well it is time to get something to eat. I hope you all have a wonderful day.

  • ginnaboots
    ginnaboots Posts: 316 Member
    @NovemberGail - Oh my those are some high wind gusts forecasted. Hope they are wrong! Stay safe! Glad you are feeling better.

    @LindieMaeP - Those pictures are gorgeous! Blue sky galore! Da Plane, Da Plane is in the first one. What is my prize....hahahahaha! How did you like your new air fryer?

    @Catwmncat - Oh man that food looks so delicious! Looks like you all had fun. Why didn't you get in there with the leg wrestling! lol. What am I probably did....hahahaha! My A1C's are on point, get a physical every year and my doctor says I am her healthiest patient. Not sure what is up with the sugar thing. Maybe just all the years of eating copious amounts and my body is like no I will talk to her about it on my appointment coming up in April, see if there is anything to be concerned about. My dad had heart disease so I try and stay healthy so I don't get it. Thanks for telling me that. Nice job on the badges. Pretty creative!

    @Dianedoessmiles1 - I might have to get one of those 3D puzzles for me and Wyatte to work on. It will get him off his tablet. I have to think of some things to keep him occupied during Spring Break!

    @Tabatha_Cain - you must be more east of us. I live along the lakeshore and we got ice, but nothing really bad. It is starting to rain right now and that is going to turn to ice. Quite windy out too. Hope you enjoy your day.

    Well I am off. Need to make some coffee and start my day! Dreaded tax season and I have to add up all my receipts and get all my numbers on paper to drop off to the accountant. This is the time of year when I regret being self-employed....hahahaha! Have a super day everyone!
  • macrat12
    macrat12 Posts: 6,196 Member
    It’s 53 feels like 47 with a high of 66 today. Insight Timer Quote: Life is a balance between holding on and letting go.—Rumi I AM: I thrive on every opportunity to become more than I have ever been before. Axe Sharpening: What you prioritize is where you will grow.—Cavan Valance 1st Phorm Elite Athlete. Action for Happiness: Call a friend to catch up and really listen to them. Fitness Quote: It takes 4 weeks for you to notice your body changing, 8 weeks for your friends and 12 weeks for the rest of the world. Give it 12 weeks. Don’t Quit.— Motivational Quote: Optimism is a happiness magnet. If you stay positive good things and good people will be drawn to you.—Mary Lou Retton Closed all hearts on my Active 4 and had 15,466 steps yesterday. Training plan: 45 min walk and Claire’s Core Challenge Week 4, Day 1 after breakfast.
  • cormierannie
    cormierannie Posts: 5,200 Member
    good morning everyone! It's a mostly cloudy day here today, with some snow coming later this afternoon. my daughter says hi to all. both budgie birds are doing well and say cheep, cheep! i am still staying at a hotel, along with my neighbours from the same floor i am on. i have not heard yet from the building management on when we can go back to our apartments. so in the meantime, i am going to make the most of my time at the hotel. i rarely get to go to a hotel, so i am going to enjoy my time here. there is a fitness centre here, a pool, a laundry room and free wi-fi. the hotel room i have is really nice. i can do my workouts in my room, in the hotel itself or go outside whenever the weather is nice. i can also watch different exercise videos on you tube or watch music videos. i have done my strength training workout already and i really enjoyed it. i will go for a walk in a while. later on, i will do some dancing. have a great day, everyone! take care and stay safe.
  • Dianedoessmiles1
    Dianedoessmiles1 Posts: 13,429 Member
    @Catwmncat,, TY TY TY for putting up the 3 pics. So glad you enjoyed Sunday.
    @Tabatha_Cain ,,, When I feel something is off I check "Do I have pants on?" If so, I am GOOD TO GO!! LOLOLOL!!! Glad you were back in the office. My FAVORITE things about a jerk boss is they rarely last long. Pretty sure I told you all of the boss I had who one day brought in 5 small kittens? She told us 'If they do not find a home I'll put them in a sack on the way home and throw them in the river." We were so ANGRY and SHOCKED!! We literally that day did only what we had to do as we called everyone we knew to find them homes. Three of us took one (Awww Sissy was all white, pink paw pads and nose, she was a terrific cat! Lived to be 18) we did find homes for those 2 others. But what we did LOSE that day was RESPECT for her. I DID NOT do this, but everyone else would refuse to do any reports she requested. It was for social services so we really found her behavior very not nice. But she was very soon after let go. I did take her aside to say what had happened, she was very surprised. I did like her normally, and she did hire me. Now I wonder if it was her H that was making her, because she was usually kind. I choose to believe it wasn't her choice.
    @Ginnaboots,, Oh Wyatte would LOVE to work with one with you!! He's old enough to if I recall he's around 8? Roman is to young, not just "age" wise, but maturity wise. But many grandparents build these with their grandparents help. It's wonderful. Hope you loved the day. Tomorrow night we are all on ZOOM 4 to 6"s falling through the day until 10 at night. Just safer for those who do not right here in our city.
    @Cormierannie,,, Hope you are able to be back home. I did that once when our building had issues, after 3 days LOL I wanted back home though the WARM pool was so nice etc. etc. They also included at that time reasonable meals. Hmmm a neighbor THOUGHT that STEAK for all 3 meals was "Reasonable" so now that'll always be out as an option with them paying for meals after that!! It was years ago and years ago, but I always remembered her selfishness. I am SURE Insurance covered it,, but yeah they had the right to be NOT HAPPY she took advantage of them.
  • Kurtize
    Kurtize Posts: 6,917 Member
    Happy Monday. Cat liked the pictures your shared. Diane you always make me laugh - I liked when your off you check if you have pant on LOL. It has been a beautiful day. Had my morning coffee on back patio and went for a walk (did use the walker) and walked 10 minutes. With the weather nice I can do that more now. Wishing you all a great day. Hugs and blessings.

    CSEGUIN2 Posts: 5,635 Member
    Good Evening Everyone!

    Today was more of a rest day. We've had freezing rain on and off all day and rained the rest of the time. Completed my aerobics then got ready and went to a meeting. Planned to finish workouts when got home but son was here and hung with him and did chores instead. Tomorrow is rest weigh and TOPS day. Unless TOPS get's cancelled by morning due to the weather. It'll also be pay day so have errands to run tomorrow afternoon.