Airport Lounge Discussion



  • LindieMaeP
    LindieMaeP Posts: 5,037 Member
    Good morning teamies !! I am heading out the door shortly to go to Safeway while the sun is out and will warm me one way or another ! I am out of coleslaw and that can't happen LOL So I will pick up the coleslaw mix and the Avocado Ranch as Gene and I like it best for the coleslaw and for dipping too!
    @Dianedoessmiles1 yes I am AP for 3 months and looking forward to what can be accomplished. Glad that you are doing what you can. "I Know Jehovah's With Me" will be on my mind a lot !! Hope your day is going well.
    @Catwmncat oh you know me so well !! Yes it was RANCH lol however it might be time to branch out a bit and maybe do another - I'll think about it though ... and yes I got that information you posted in that link and tried to do it BUT NOOOO I should have waited till today and not try to do so late at night ( 8 pm is late for me hahahahaha) however, I will keep that link handy so I can do that on the new phone. I am going to explore the 13pro to the 14 pro ( I really just want the camera function) and see how that program works! Your food looks so yummy !! Hope today is a good day for you !
    @Tabatha_Cain be safe out there, a local photographer ( Donny Moore Photography) posted a video on facebook of the damage outside his door and the tree limbs that came down, quite a clean up he has ! Hope Joe gets to and from work ok too !
    @ginnaboots I know of others who split up the convention for that very reason and it works well with them and their family. Ours is in July and about 2 hours away - well if you know short cuts it can be an hour... I dont' drive so I dont' know of any lol Your walking area is pretty cool - I grew up on the other side of the Detroit River and still have family on both sides of the river. The rotisary chicken was done by Safeway - I just pare it up with veggies and heat and eat later in the week, course I freeze it first. I find it very convenient and easy for meals. Be careful out there, I be penquining it today too maybe!
    @everyone I do hope you have a good day, we are sliding on down to the weekend !! Do you have any special plans for the weekend ?? I plan on staying IN and WARM if it is iffy weather !!
    Happy PURSDAY !!
  • cormierannie
    cormierannie Posts: 5,197 Member
    good afternoon everyone! it is a mostly cloudy and cool day here today. it stopped snowing overnight. my daughter says hi to all. both budgie birds are doing well and say cheep, cheep! i did a short run in my place earlier this morning and i really enjoyed it. i went for a walk a while ago and i feel great! the snow has not been fully plowed on the sidewalks just yet, so my walk was a challenging one. i did make it to where i needed to go. the first half of my walk was the most challenging. the second half was a lot easier. i will be doing some dancing later on. have a great day, everyone! take care and stay safe.
  • Catwmncat
    Catwmncat Posts: 7,850 Member
    @Dianedoessmiles1 Meow, meow, meow meow!! Enjoy the snow headed your way, but don't get carried away playing in it.
    @Tabatha_Cain Nice that you haven't loss power... hope it stays that way and you will be able to work both jobs.
    @ginnaboots Linda's 2nd picture of the chicken I believe was taken on the Droid... partial to the iPhone but you like the Droid picture better, Bwahahaha! 🤣😉😂 The Creamy Gnocchi Chicken Soup is a recipe that was shared by another mfp member along with Olive Garden's Chicken Gnocchi Copycat recipe.. they are both really good and hubs likes them as well, definitely Win, Win. You can use any cake mix and a can of any flavor soda or crushed pineapple to make really good cakes as well. There are so many 2 or 3 Ingredient recipes. I make 2 Ingredient Rolls, Bagels and Muffins often. They are much healthier and so good, IMHO. Hope you are staying safe and not being impacted too much by the storms.
    @LindieMaeP You running out of coleslaw is almost a national emergency!🤣😂 Enjoy your walk and soak up that sunshine. What a beautiful kitty to represent Purrsday!

  • bookieNJ
    bookieNJ Posts: 4,293 Member
    Well my message got lost in cyberspace! But @Dianedoessmiles1 -storm is done! I think we had more rain and just a little bit of ice
    CSEGUIN2 Posts: 5,635 Member
    Good Evening Everyone!

    Didn't end up going to Church last night to be on the safe side. Side walks and roads seemed to stay clear in my area though. But staying warm with the wind is just not as easy.

    Today was a semi productive day. Completed my workouts, studied and went with Son to his orthodontics appointment. Quite a few branches down every where. I know there has been power outages but we only had enough to upset the tv but came right back on and some flickering. When I got home but the few groceries away I grabbed along the way, had lunch and played Wii sports with Hubby.

  • Dianedoessmiles1
    Dianedoessmiles1 Posts: 13,429 Member
    edited February 2023
    @Tabatha_Cain,, Hopefully you kept your heat ( @Ginnaboots you also!). Ohhh if the roads aren't good it could take Joe longer. I am looking out my windows, I live right off a main road, and it's not cleared down to the tar, but cars are having no issues. We got 5.5"s so far, more coming in tonight though not much ,, maybe another 1 to 4"s. WOOHOO YOU KNOW I LOVE IT!
    @Ginnaboots ,,, Oh Ginna so sorry you didn't much of a storm. Do you still enough snow to make hiking as fun as you like in the wintah? As you can see from above we got over 5"s with more on the way tonight. Hmmmm Sat AM LOL everyone will be on ZOOM no doubt for volunteerism work. No doubt our wind chill at 8 AM will be -11 (F). LOL I probably will go outside though when I did about a month ago at -40 wind chill (F) I couldn't breathe!! That amazing!! I've made the baked oatmeal ,, @Katiecondy1 on the PS4L team LOLOL has a lot of us making it. Its so versatile in what we wish to add/leave out! HAPPY to see you here also!
    @Patti241,,, Glad all is well down there!! Sorry you've also not gotten the snow you normally do, have you gotten any?
    @Lindiemaep ,,, LOL I'm further decluttering today (got rid of 2 good size bins of stuff!! ONLY 3 left and one of those is stuff that'll go up for sale as camping season starts to come around in early May). LOVE getting rid of things that are just hanging around. LOL Maybe I shouldn't of watched all of the living minimally, but I LOVE the look and the simplicity!! Each time in between doing a name here since it's a day of easy activity, I get and do something really small, and WOW it's making ALL the difference!! This is something I may adopt into my regular day! Awwwww PURRSDAY!!
    @Cormierannie,, WOOHOO Nicely done!
    @Catwmncat ,, OH CLEARLY my friend it's PURRSDAY!!!! All of our meowers AGREE!!! LOL!!! I've seen the cakes with a soda added, people RAVE about them!! Hmmmm I wanna look up some 2 ingredient recipes. MANY I've seen SAY 2 ingredients, but LOLOL are a lot more. NOT that I mind a lot more, but call them as they are.
    @Bookienj,, SO HAPPY there was no damage!! After what NJ went through years ago with the hurricane, that was so horrible and took many so long to fully recover. We had a member on Sparks from there.
    @Cseguin2,,,, WOW That picture is AWESOME!! Sure hope everyone who lost electricity is back on soon. YEAH that you didn't!!!
  • Kurtize
    Kurtize Posts: 6,917 Member
    Happy Thursday, @Csegui2, loved the picture. It is another nice day here. My friends in Oregon sent pictures where it snowed in Florence, it was cold enough to stick. I didn't mind it when it did snow there, it wasn't often and usually didn't stick around long. In the mornings it looked beautiful. Have a great rest of the day, hugs and blessings.
  • LindieMaeP
    LindieMaeP Posts: 5,037 Member
    edited February 2023
    Good afternoon all, yes I did get out and get to the store for the coleslaw !! LOL and the Avocado Ranch as well as some Lindt chocoltes ( small boxes 3 hearts to a box ) on sale for 1/2 price, not letting that role by ! So I also picked up some more rotisary chicken legs and made meals out of them, this time with mixed veggies - 85 g in each one - plus a side dish can easily be made for it for a full meal deal cheaper then MickyDee's indeed !! It was c-c-c-old out there and the wind was brutal - at one point my ears got really cold so I pulled the straps to the hood on my coat and that helped keep some warmth in - YES I worked up a sweat - dont ask me how lol SO on the way home I found these feathered friends and managed to get a picture of them before they left in flight - they were searching the ground for grubs and worms and such....
    @Dianedoessmiles1 Enjoy the Volunteering - I'll be in my meeting Sat morning - then I think the 50 y.o. and I will be looking at Ninja Air fryers - the dual one so he can cook what he wants in one tray and not be so hard to clean up - it's dish washer safe - good thing as I AM the dishwaher LOL Don't be out in the cold and snow too long - I was out enough for me today ... but I got a good walk in all the same. Two ingredient cup cakes - 1 cake mix and 1 can pumpkin puree mix and bake - then enjoy and top with cream cheese topping per @Catwmncat - I wrote it down some where LOL
    @Catwmncat I did muck about with the Iphone pic and that might have been why it was so dark... but I'll try again with the new phone when I get it. Isn't that gif awesome I just hadda post it when I saw - I did learn though that most house cats do not breath through their mouth, if they do they have a problem, and should be taken to the vet, but that kit is not a normal house cat, thinking it might be a wild one at a care reserve I hope .. anyway... it was appropriate to me lol
    @CSEGUIN2 yes I saw pics in Essex County via facebook - think all family are safe .. they are more out on the lake and the country - I remember ice storms like that but in March not FEB lol always before the spring break I think... long time ago though...

  • NovemberGail
    NovemberGail Posts: 2,224 Member
    Good evening! It's one of those evenings where all I want to do is get ready for bed. On Monday the doctor gave me the pneumonia vaccine. I usually am too sensitive to vaccines but this one has given me a hard time. My arm is still swollen and warm to the touch. Ice is helping as well as aspirin. But I think it is making me more tired.

    I'm enjoying the photos. Ice is so beautiful on the trees but not on the roads.

    Tomorrow's word is FREEDOM!

    Here is Cricket (or my Muffin Man)
    Enjoy your fur babies!

  • Dianedoessmiles1
    Dianedoessmiles1 Posts: 13,429 Member
    edited February 2023
    @Kurtize,,, I had moved to Aurora CO (where the shooting in the movie theatre was,, it had just happened a tiny bit before we moved there) outside of Denver. We belong to a large congregation so when we got there, they were so happy to meet us, help us settle on in. ALL of them so excited (it was September) to ask us "Where are you from? Have you ever seen snow?" When we said "Maine" they were CRUSHED!! LOL they LOVED to scare others about SNOW who'd never seen it. We were giving a few of them hints in turn. LOL It was quite comical!!
    @Lindiemaep ,,, Were those pictures taken today? Glad you put the ears down on the hat and keep them warm. I get so hot walking outside, even now in the very cold I'm very likely not to zipper up my jacket, or even take it off!! If it's 20 or up you'll see me in a heavier sweatshirt, over 35 and a light sweatshirt, over 40 no sweatshirt etc, just a tee shirt. Glad you got what you wanted for food. Have fun shopping for the air fryer. I immediately after unplugging mine take out the basket ,, fill it with hot water and Dawn. I eat, afterwards it's always very easy to clean.
    @Novembergail ,, , OH UGH sure hope you feel better soon!! It'll be helpful to not have pneumonia. STILL so sorry you do not feel well. Rest as you need to. Today is an easy day, I took it very easy I needed to. I'm learning that's necessary. Awwwww Cricket markings are so perfectly set!! SWEET His eyes are green like Izzy's!!! A friend the other day looked at me and laughed "I have no clue why, but I make friends easier with people with hazel green eyes." I laughed I'd not heard anyone say that before!! Her eyes are also hazel green. When I was young they were more hazel colored, in my older age they are greener and greener. I've noticed with my family (ALL Blue eyes on both sides!! LOL I am not adopted, ONE cousin my Dads side has the same eyes,,well his are his, but our eyes are identical, plus I look exactly like both parents) as they age their eyes lose that bright blue they had when older and go to a sort of blue/gray. They are so pretty also.

    I REPLIED TO ALL Of you!! NOW WHAT IS MFP up to? I'll be back in the AM. I Still want to do the figures for the PS4L team before hitting the bed.
  • Catwmncat
    Catwmncat Posts: 7,850 Member
    edited February 2023
    Thursdays Eats
    Fast Breaker was Cottage Cheese/Yogurt with Pears, Blueberries and Praline Pecans. Dinner at the baseball field while watching GS play was a Grilled Chicken Salad with Ranch Dressing and After Dinner Snack was Dave's Raisin the Roof Killer Bread with Apple Butter.
    The writing on the meme is quite light but it reads, "Even in our darkest hour, there's always something to be thankful for". Tonight I was thankful that GS is playing baseball again, the field is right down the street from my house instead of 45 minutes away near their house and the concession stand has fresh (not prepackaged) healthy options allowing me to not stress over having to eat way to early, way too late or having to bring food with me. Oh yeah, they won 14-7 and I got HUGS!!! It was a Grrreat Night! I'm Truly Blessed!
    @bookieNJ I sure hope all those messages floating around in cyberspace don't decide to all pop up at the same time one day! Something tells me rain is much better than ice, but I'm just guessing.
    @CSEGUIN2 It's great that you didn't have to deal with major power outages. That picture is FABULOUS!!!
    @Dianedoessmiles1 If you like to declutter and get rid of things so much I'd be happy to have you come on down. We'd have a blast decluttering my house filled with close to 40yrs worth of stuff. Bring the kitties and they can have a party with Punkin and Pea. Many of the 2 ingredient recipes do not include spices or optional add ins, so technically they are not 2 ingredient, but close enough.
    @LindieMaeP I'm just busting chops about the iPhone. I've never used one but I do know they take great pictures as DIL and the Grands always have the latest and greatest models. Those Pumpkin Muffins are to die for, especially with added Walnuts and Chocolate Chips. I just finished the last one the other day so time to make more. I think the cream cheese icing was just light cream cheese with a spritz of lemon juice and Splenda... I just make it up and track it as I go, no real recipe. Now the real icing is another story, that's precisely measured.
    @NovemberGail Sorry that you are having such a reaction to the shot. Hopefully the pain and swelling won't last much longer. What a great shot of Cricket, those eyes...
  • Tabatha_Cain
    Tabatha_Cain Posts: 4,986 Member
    Good Morning Airport Friends:

    I hope you are all having a wonderful morning. Today is a good day for me. Yesterday was terrifying. My daughter messages me mid morning to say she was on her way to urgent care she was in a lot of pain and had been for 3 days. She gets to urgent care and they sent her to the ER. She ended up having emergency surgery to remove her appendix. They sent her home last night but this is her first ever surgery. Joe helped me so much. I wanted to jump in my car and go to her, but they only allowed 1 person in with her and she is married so I had to be patient and wait for word from her husband. This is their first emergency I even though I wanted to rush to her rescue Joe helped me stay calm and let her husband do his job. I am proud of him. He did good. He definitely loves my daughter. So now I am going to be making a trip to see her if she is feeling up to a visit on Saturday.

    @ginnaboots - We got .54 inches of ice. It was bad. We did not lose power though.
    @LindieMaeP - Joe did get to work and home ok. He was at work for 45 minutes before they sent him home due to no power and no idea when it was going to be restored.
    @Catwmncat - I luckily have not lost power
    @CSEGUIN2 - Love the photo. Glad you stayed safe.
    @Dianedoessmiles1 - We had ice and no snow. It was a decent storm.

    Well it is time to get some food. I hope you all have a great day.

  • Patti241
    Patti241 Posts: 4,894 Member
    Diane: No snow as of yet. Been on the mild side.
  • macrat12
    macrat12 Posts: 6,196 Member
    It’s 20 feels like 8 with a high of 37 today. Insight Timer Quote: Lose an hour in the morning, and you will spend all day looking for it.—Richard Whately I AM: I connect with my senses when I feel lost and let them guide the way. Axe Sharpening: Don’t compare your journey to another’s. Just work to be the best version of yourself.—Don Brown 1st Phorm Elite Athlete. Action for Happiness: Tell a loved one about the strengths that you see in them. Fitness Quote: Looking good is secondary. Having a healthy relationship with your body should be your priority.—gymaholic Motivational Quote: Personal development is essential for a positive mindset, self-motivational, increasing self-belief and raising your standards.—unknown Closed all hearts on my Active 4 and had 12,271 steps yesterday. Training plan: Full-Body Week 8, Day 5 and Claire’s Core Challenge Week 3, Day 5: Core in the gym after breakfast.
  • ginnaboots
    ginnaboots Posts: 316 Member
    Happy Friday everyone!

    @LindieMaeP - My son lives in the Detroit Area, not far from the border to get into Ontario. I get the rotisserie chickens at Meijer usually on my way home from work if I don't feel like cooking. Yum! Those pictures are so beautiful! The sky is so blue. We have been having a weird winter so far. One day we have snow, the next is warms up to 50 degrees and it melts. We had so many Robins in our front yard Monday, then an ice storm Wednesday. Crazy. Are those pictures recent? Do you have snow?

    @Catwmncat - I meant I liked the first picture better...hahahahaha! Just kidding! I will admit, my husband's Samsung takes a better picture than my iphone unless I mess with my settings and have them just right. Love the pictures of your grandson playing baseball. That doesn't come for our kids until April. I made a cake with crushed pineapple...granny Not so healthy and a ton of sugar. I had one sliver though. I don't do sugar.

    @Dianedoessmiles1 - we have very little snow! Not nearly enough for me! Mostly ice. I will take the 5 inches you got, but I know you don't like to share....hahahahaha! Oh do I love to declutter. I love things being organized. Mostly mine is clothes. I just got two bags ready to give to my sister in law. Mostly meeting clothes. Still have more to go. I used to have a ton of clothes and shoes, but am getting rid of a lot. Trying to minimize things around here. When my parents passed, I had 54 years of junk to go through and it was a ton of work. I don't want to do that to my kids, so over the last 9 years have been getting rid of every thing I do not use.

    @CSEGUIN2 - what an awesome picture! Not so awesome you guys got an ice storm like that, but great picture. Hope you are all safe.

    @NovemberGail - Sorry you are not feeling well from the vaccine. Hope today is better for you!

    @Tabatha_Cain - Oh my, so glad your daughter is okay. That must have been so worrisome for you and your husband. I would have felt the same way, I would have wanted to step in for my daughter too. It would have been difficult to hand the reins over to her husband, but I know I would have had to. You did good momma! I live close to Lake Michigan and we got ice, but not near as bad others. I watched some videos that were in Kalamazoo and they got hit a lot harder than we did.

    @Kurtize - I saw a video of the snow they got in Oregon. So pretty. I wish we would get snow like that. Our winter has been not much of anything here in Michigan. Disappointing for me as winter is my favorite season.

    Well I am off to get a workout in before I go grocery shopping. Not my favorite thing to do, but I need good food in the house so I don't snack on my husbands unhealthy food. Hope you all have a wonderful day!


  • cormierannie
    cormierannie Posts: 5,197 Member
    good morning everyone! it is a beautiful sunny and cold day here today. my daughter says hi to all. both budgie birds are doing well and say cheep, cheep! the sidewalks here are a bit more clear of the extra snow today. it will be a lot easier to walk on the sidewalks when there is no snow on them. i did my strength training workout earlier this morning and i really enjoyed it. i went for a walk a while ago and i feel great! i will be doing some dancing to the 80's music later on. the water in my building has been shut off, as some minor repairs are being done. it is supposed to be back on by 5pm or sooner today. add into the mix one working elevator as well. i have started to take the stairs down to run some errands, unless i have to do some laundry or some grocery shopping. then i have to take the elevator. have a great day, everyone! take care and stay safe.
  • bookieNJ
    bookieNJ Posts: 4,293 Member
    edited February 2023
    @Dianedoessmiles1 -yup happy for no damage. We got lucky during hurricane sandy (that’s the one I think you are talking about). No electricity but other than that we were ok. Halloween got bumped back a few days. My kids always ask why they were carving pumpkins in winter hats and coats (they were 4 and 8)
    @Catwmncat -lol that would be funny if all those messages showed up in one post! Yup rain definitely better than ice. You can drive safer in ice usually. We’ve had a really mild winter but lots of winter precipitation expected this coming week
  • LindieMaeP
    LindieMaeP Posts: 5,037 Member
    Good mid day everyone - well it is almost lunch time and I need to get at it in a bit. I got out this morning and it is COLD and SUNNY at the same time. No wind today so I did work up a sweat coming home. I took the 4 wheeled cart as I knew I needed heavier items and sure enough 115 later I walked out of Safewway ... oh well.. making turkey chile sometime today or tonight. Last night when the 50 yo got home from work, I told him there was a rotisary chicken leg in the fridge for him. He took it and poured what he thought was hash browns which turned out to be frozen diced onion and the hash browns he bought he was miffed about - told him not to buy that brand when he went out to get some hash browns, sure enough he said, now I know why you said not to buy that brand .. never ate the food it is sitting in the fridge - I told him the onions are tiny enoughnot to be a real issue and the potatos mixed in will be ok. I have not checked but he might have taken it to work for lunch, I hope so ... that was certainly an eye opener for him, I did chuckle though .. I would have enjoyed the onions ... We have a winter storm advisory for Saturday night - snow - already the clouds are moving in, the sun is fading glad I got out when I did!
    @Dianedoessmiles1 I have 2 bags of stuff for donation, no car to get them anywhere and I still have all the cat stuff for Amigo - a domed litter pan, cat carrier ( not the strapped one, I am keeping that ) and other stuff - at some point I will most likely have to inlist my sister to take them to donation as the 50 yo won't budge on taking them, and I won't push it, how's the snow your way?
    @ginnaboots the photos that I posted with the blue sky were taken yesterday - I did not take any today but did get some sunset pictures with both phones, glad you did not get a lot of issues from the storm thinking some areas were better then others. I have not seen anything from family about Windsor/Amherstburg area but as long as they did not loose power I am pretty sure my brother ignored it to get his retro fitting of their camping van done. This is the 2nd one he's done.
    @Catwmncat I'll still keep the android phone as it has some uses Iphone does not have and I usually keep the phone I am replacing for a few years before i let go of them, but this one has the ability to have extra storage for pictures ... I have not decided on which Iphone and the plans I have looked at are more use it return it ... nope own it is what i want. I'll keep looking. If I buy it outright then I can look at bring your own phone plans. but I have a good 3 months before I do that. OH I picked up some chocolate chip caramel Quaker Oats popcorn Crispy Minis to try and most likely wont' put anything on them. 80 calories but I never looked at the other stuff. I sure wish I could get the good deals you do with various foods ... hope your day is going well and glad you enjoyed baseball so close to home.
    @Tabatha_Cain are you working from home today? Oh my for your daughter, yes glad Joe was there to help you through your momma bear moments. And I am glad her husband kept you informed as best he could. How is everyone today?
    @NovemberGail how are you feeling today? I had that shot and had no reaction but the last flue shot combined with the 4th booster knocked the stuffings outta me for sure. I do hope you are feeling better today.
    @cormierannie glad your work out is ok and I love how you state that you feel great and enjoyed the work out - nothing worse then a work out you can't enjoy. I loved riding the bike because I could watch movies and pass the peddles away, now it's just a giant dust bunnie playground that HAS to go. All in due time.
    @everyone I sure hope you have a good and safe Friday and that you enjoy what ever you have planned for the weekend.

  • Dianedoessmiles1
    Dianedoessmiles1 Posts: 13,429 Member
    @Catwmncat ,, LOL I heard FL does NOT WANT us together!! Something about people would be confused "What is Disney compared to hanging out with THEM!!??" and Disney pays more taxes. 🤣🤣🤣 Of course we KNOW this to be true. I LOVE decluttering and yes, I LOVE doing it other people homes too! It's so easy to do when it's not our own stuff and no emotions am I attracted to their stuff. We do talk about the attachments, often times pictures work as well. Most of things people are "attached" to they've not seen in years. How did Luke do and his team of course?
    @Tabatha_Cain ,, OH I GET THAT!!! WE WANT to be with them when there's anything going wrong and surgery!!?? SHOOT YES Let me hold her hand and assure her she'll be okay, but sigh sigh, the hospitals hold onto the "1 visitor" if that thing. AMAZING she was able to go home later that day!! HOW COOL is that!!???? They've come so far along in technology!! WOW!! I sure hope you get to see her if she's up to it. Meanwhile I am POSITIVE you are in contact with her. Her H did well as did Joe!!! PHEW!!! Glad she's okay!
    @Patti241,, Maybe on Monday night into Tues?
    @Ginnaboots ,,, Ohhh you KNOW I'll share, but NOT SNOW is right!! HAHAHAHAHA!! WELL if I could I WOULD!!! A friend lives outside of Redding CA today when she woke up she had SIX INCHES OF SNOW!!! It's so very very rare they EVER see snow let alone have it BUILD UP!!! SO STRANGE!! The weather is so STRANGE!!! They are normally in the mid 50s this time of the year. She sent me pictures. Awww UR SIL will love the clothes!! That's so nice of you!! We do a swap here yearly,, if you bring something you can grab something similar. LOL It had to be downsized because 300 were showing up over the weekend at a friends house. LOLOLO!! We SHOULD do a local one. She lives about 40 ish mins from where I do. UGH yeah my brothers and I had to go through my Moms stuff. THANKFULLY though as I look back, she didn't have an overabundant of things, still it was hard. What we did, was to offer what we didn't want ,, to an auctioneer, who paid US to haul stuff away. It wasn't much he paid, but yet, WOOHOO We did NOT have to do the work ourselves. PHEW!!! HARD WORK!! No doubt your kids really appreciate that.
    @Cormierannie, throwing in my laundry with yours and hoping you do not notice,,,,,
    @Bookienj,, YES!! It was hurricane Sandy. That came up the coast also so strangely!!! At that time I was on the Dawggie team as the ML, and back up CL. MaryAnngi was living in NH and was told they'd have no damage, Moni lived in and does in NJ, the remaining 2 leaders on the team didn't live on the east coast. Sure enough Moni was hit hard, I lost elect for a short bit, MaryAnn area strangely, unexpectedly got hit pretty hard also, she lost electricity for days also. Everything at first fell just on the 2 ELs. That was so strange!! THANKFULLY within 24 hours I was back on. That helped the team the 2 ELs were not trained enough to run the team on their own.
    @Lindiemaep ,,, OHhhhh the 50 year old doesn't like to LOLOL listen to avoid an OOPSIE, but I know he's a "good kid". LOL I did also giggle. Poor Gene!! Ohhh your talk of hash browns has me rethinking and OOPSIE if I do that for supper, bye bye to 3 points for our team!! I am SHOCKED how much better I am doing on the Meal planning!! Normally I grumble and grumble, but I am doing pretty well on it!! I like that!!
  • Kurtize
    Kurtize Posts: 6,917 Member