Airport Lounge Discussion



    CSEGUIN2 Posts: 5,635 Member
    Good Evening Everyone!

    Prayers for healing and hugs for those who need or want them.

    Today has been a good day. The sun has been out most of the day but still cold. Completed workouts even though I struggled a bit. Also did dishes, laundry and studying. Also decluttered a bit and played cards with Hubby.
  • Dianedoessmiles1
    Dianedoessmiles1 Posts: 13,429 Member
    @Kurtize,, PRETTY PRETTY!! Hope your day was full of goodness.
    @Cseguin2 ,,, Glad today has been a good day. GREAT JOB on competing your exercise though it was not easy. Love how you stuck it out!! GREAT JOB also on the cleaning. It just always feels so GREAT!! I love my place super clean.
  • LindieMaeP
    LindieMaeP Posts: 5,037 Member
    It's been a busy afternoon between cooking and volunteering for my congregation - my printer was NOT cooperating and kept crimping the paper when pulling it out of the try, after several attempts to fix it, I finally filled it up and it started behaving. I buy environmentally sensitive paper but I dont' think that is the issue - the roller just can't get the paper when it gets too low .. the tray does not raise up ... Dinner tonight is the pizza - Only one of them, Gene can have the other if he likes. The chile is for tomorrow - turkey, onion, mushroom, mixed vegetables, black beans and red kidney beans in a garlic tomato sauce - it will be nice with toast, maybe garlic !! I'll have coleslaw with the pizza tonight along with a jello strawberry treat. no pic for that ... I got an oreo one for Gene, he will eat it or not, I won't I dont' like oreos I'll give it away first lol The sunset is somewhat dull tonight no brilliance no doubt do to the storm approaching.

  • NovemberGail
    NovemberGail Posts: 2,224 Member
    Thanks for all the prayers and good wishes. I am feeling much better today but am really tired tonight. Today has been full of computer glitches that haven't been fixed. E-mails are a mess right now.

    I did read all the posts and appreciate hearing what all is happening. That being said, I'm keeping this one short.

    Last night Cricket has his time in the spotlight; now it is Catawissa's turn.

    Word for tomorrow is authenticity.

    Have a good weekend! Can't believe the winter challenge is almost over.

  • Dianedoessmiles1
    Dianedoessmiles1 Posts: 13,429 Member
    edited February 2023
    @Lindiemaep ,,, My printer likes to have the tray more on the filled side. Also if you've not cleaned the rollers they probably need t be. Look up how to do that, I can't remember what it is I used, but it sure did help. My rollers are looking used, I think I'll try to wrap around them electrical tape. If that doesn't work, LOL I'll just replace them. WELL I WILL anyways, but LOLOL I have to try.
    @Novembergail ,,, SO GLAD you are feeling better today!! Awwwwww Wincey used to sleep in the sink and also drink from the faucet. Awww Catawissa her markings are so delicate!! She has a lot of markings. SWEET!!!
  • Catwmncat
    Catwmncat Posts: 7,850 Member
    @Tabatha_Cain I can't even imagine not being able to be by your child's side in an emergency situation. Glad Joe was there to comfort and support you while her husband was was able to be by her side. Glad all turned out well.
    @ginnaboots I had to look up Granny Cake... used to make them all the time, but never knew there was an actual name. The 2 ingredient cake with butter cake mix and crushed pineapple is a good substitute for the cake part and the topping could be made with Splenda or Truvia Brown Sugar for Baking. It would still be very good, but still dangerous. I know you're always watching the sugar and sweets, but I have a sweet tooth the size of the Grand Canyon so I try to find ways to adapt whenever possible.
    Didn't get very far but it's late and I need to get off of here, will try to catch up tomorrow (later today).
    Friday's Eats ~ Usual Cottage Cheese/Yogurt with Blueberries and Praline Pecans to Break the Fast. Zesty Santa Fe Style Soup and Southwestern Chicken Burger for Din Din with Smart Pop Kettle Corn for Dessert.
  • Tabatha_Cain
    Tabatha_Cain Posts: 4,986 Member
    Good Morning Airport Friends,

    Today I am going to go see my daughter after her surgery. She said she is feeling well enough to have visitors. She is even thinking of going back to work tomorrow. Crazy. They said she could go back whenever she wanted just no lifting over 25 pounds for 6 weeks Isn't that crazy.

    @ginnaboots - We got more ice than Kalamazoo. It was really hard to hand over but I did. After the freeze it rained ice chunks as the wind blew and ice fell from the trees.
    @LindieMaeP - I am working from home. No power at work. I have power though. I am really glad her husband kept me informed. That was her first surgery ever.
    @Dianedoessmiles1 - Yes I wanted to be right there. Yeah it stunk that they only allowed 1 visitor. I am seeing her today. She is feeling well enough to have me over.
    @Catwmncat - Yeah it was rough. We all did well though. Now I get to see her today.

    Well it is tome to get some food. I hope you all have a good day.

  • macrat12
    macrat12 Posts: 6,196 Member
    It’s 31 feels like 31 with a high of 50 today. Insight Timer Quote: Definitions belong to the definers, not the defined.—Toni Morrison. I AM: I am blessed with the power to create change. Axe Sharpening: Success is a series of small wins every day.—Stephanie McDonough 1st Phorm Advisor Action for Happiness: Thank three people you feel grateful to and tell them why. Fitness Quote: The act of getting strong doesn’t start in the gym. It starts in your head.—courtesy of fitness quotes app. Motivational Quote: The Universe has bigger things in mind for you that whatever it is that’s frustrating you.—unknown Closed all hearts on my Active 4 and had 12,637 steps yesterday.
  • Patti241
    Patti241 Posts: 4,894 Member
    Good morning everyone.

    Last night that the weather was calling for a small amount of snow this morning but there is no snow on the ground.
  • ginnaboots
    ginnaboots Posts: 316 Member
    @LindieMaeP -Oh I love onions, I will eat them plain just like an apple. My husband will be like well no kisses for you today....hahahaha! I was surprised in the photos, you don't have snow. I seem to remember you are in Canada! We are supposed to get some sunshine today, but we will see. Hope you enjoy the sunshine you are getting. Makes a difference for sure. I love winter, but I love it even more with the sun. I headed out to he beach last night for the sunset, but just as I was backing out of the driveway, it clouded up bad so I knew there would be nothing.

    @Kurtize - Beautiful picture! Hope you have a great weekend!

    @CSEGUIN2 - Way to go on getting those workouts in. Love to declutter myself. Gives me a sense of accomplishment and I love to see things organized.

    @NovemberGail - glad you are feeling better. Awww...cute kitty cat. So funny sitting there in the

    @Catwmncat - I made the granny cake for the hubby and put most of it in the freezer for him to grab a piece whenever he wants it. I love to bake, it is relaxing to me, but the downside is my husband, daughter and her husband want stuff all the time. Banana bread, chocolate cake, chocolate chip cookies etc. It can be difficult sometimes to stay away from it especially the chocolate cake, but the effect sugar has on me is just not worth it. It makes me physically sick. If I would eat a piece of the cake, it would put me down on the couch for the day. It is almost like I poisoned myself. It's been like that for a few years now. I used to be a sugar addict. I went to my doctor to see if I was a diabetic, but I wasn't. I guess just getting older maybe. I can't tolerate sugar at all anymore. Last night I made chocolate cake in a mug with just some Stevia in it and it was fine. My husband has a sweet tooth also. Weird because he never used to. Never ate sweets in all the years I've know him until recently. Now he can't get enough. From what I see of your posts, you do very well managing your sweet tooth. Good for you!

    @Dianedoessmiles1 - I saw pictures of the snow they got in California and Oregon. Very rare for them. Funny how states that normally don't see snow are getting it and for us we are well below snowfall. Crazy weather nowadays! Hope you have a wonderful Saturday. Our meeting is at 1:30 so I am off to get ready.

    @Tabatha_Cain - Our driveway is completely ice over, but all the main roads are clear. I really didn't pay attention to where the storm hit the most, but I saw on the news that over 820,000 were without power. Glad you get to see your daughter today....enjoy your visit. Hope she is feeling better.

    @macrat12 - Love the fitness quote. It does start in the head. Whenever I don't feel like exercising it is the discipline that I have acquired over the last 30 years that helps me get it done.

    @Patti241 - Good morning! We got a dusting of snow last night. Nothing to speak of. We are way behind on our usual snowfall for the year, but have been the last 3 years. Just don't get the winters we used to.

    Have a great weekend everyone!

  • cormierannie
    cormierannie Posts: 5,199 Member
    good afternoon everyone! it is a mostly cloudy and cool day here today. my daughter says hi to all. she is working at her part time job today. both budgie birds are doing well and say cheep, cheep! i went for a short run earlier this morning and i really enjoyed it. i went for a walk a while ago and i feel great! i will be doing some dancing later on. i did get my laundry done the other day. i may do some extra laundry later on today. have a great day, everyone! take care and stay safe.
  • Kurtize
    Kurtize Posts: 6,917 Member
    CSEGUIN2 Posts: 5,635 Member
    Good Evening Everyone!

    Today was snowy when I got up. But the switched to cloudy and was partly cloudy by noon. Got about half inch of snow so shoveled it before it had a chance to melt. It's gone now. Have had a productive day doing my usual exercise, studying and chores. Also got dinner ready to go in the oven. I had left over chilli so I made a macaroni and chilli cheese bake with a side of garlic bread.
  • LindieMaeP
    LindieMaeP Posts: 5,037 Member
    Good afternoon, it is trying very hard to snow - it did snow some when I went to catch the bus to go get my lunch and a few other things. We will see how much snow we get over night and if it closes things down. It does not seem as cold today or didn't when I went out but I was also not standing around. I picked up a few things and lunch and headed home. Lunch was A&W and yes I planned it. Chile will be for dinner, but that is made of turkey and Gene said it was good as he had some last night.
    @ginnaboots I am from the Detroit/Windsor area BUT live in Vancouver BC since the mid 80's and consider this home now. We have great hiking trails but hiking is something I do not have the knees for. Our meeting was this morning at 10:30 and hope you enjoyed your meeting too. That is too bad about the sunset, it would have been marvelous - we get that here too - looks like a good sunset on the Fraser River then boom nope ... clouds move in lol
    @Tabatha_Cain glad you got to work from home because of the weather, sure hope you can get to visit your daughter and see for yourself she is ok as well as she can be.
    @Catwmncat Caturday breakfast is below - the Mccain's hash browns are just too small for me, I prefer my tatter a tad bigger without all the starches although potato does have naturally occouring starch. I should revert back to buying my own potatos since i only have them once a week, but Gene has them with almost every meal and then saves some for the next day. He'll have to eat these two bags though before anymore is bought. lol. Hope your day went well!
    @Dianedoessmiles1 I really do not want to buy a new printer, this one will work, I just have to keep it full of paper LOL It's like me and likes to be full all the time. Besides, I spent all that money on ink, I need it working! I'll get Gene to clean the rollers ONCE I look up how to do so. How did your morning go ?
    @NovemberGail glad you are feeling a little better and hope you continue to improve. I got really sick after my 4th booster and flu shot that I got both at the same time - never again !!
    @everyone I hope you are having a good day and stay safe if you have inclement weather - better to be safe then sorry eh !!
    Happy CATURDAY !!!

  • Dianedoessmiles1
    Dianedoessmiles1 Posts: 13,429 Member
    @Catwmncat ,, LOLOLOL Punkins tongue!! TO CUTE!!
    @Tabatha_Cain ,,,OH Tabatha NO DOUBT you'll hug her with all you have, while at the same time, not hugging her with all you have. Glad you are seeing her!!!
    @Patti241,, Maybe late Monday? Tuesday? I am not sure, but it looked as if it could possibly come down that far?
    @Ginnaboots,, it SURE IS CRAZY!!! Seeing outside of Redding CA get it, and we are also very below our normal (Though we may catch up some or the weather people are ALSO CRAZY!! I am thinking LOLOL BOTH!!). PLEAESE BE VERY Careful on the ice!
    @Cormierannie,, I did a double load of laundry. GLAD to have it done for a tiny bit. LOL We all know the moment you change or someone in the household does, MORE LAUNDRY AGAIN!! Same with trash!
    @Kurtize,, GOOD Afternoon/Evening!
    @Lindamaep,,, OH I so agree!! I'll keep mine as long as I can. Like yours mine has it's strong points (It prints nicely) once it decides to. LOLOLOL!! Oh I adore hash browns, I saw a recipe so I can make my own, it's simple enough and I'll not add salt to it. Glad you enjoyed meeting, you may be in bed when I have mine, it's 9:30 EST. But maybe you are an early riser, I AM NOT!
  • LindieMaeP
    LindieMaeP Posts: 5,037 Member
    Gene and I went out to Richmond Canadian Tire and picked up the Ninja Dual Airfryer - he's in the kitchen right now trying to figure out how to work it and he's been told to READ the manual FIRST or he owes me 300.00... it was on sale and it was a good time to buy and it was out online ...the other one my sister will pick up tomorrow or the next day. We stopped at Daniadown ( goose down feathered pillows and other linen ) and Gene got a penquin pillow that unsips and supports the neck - he also bought some lavender spray to help with sleep and I through in a hand cream, white jasmine, I liked that scent the best .. then we stopped at Tim Hortons and got a coffee and donut each, then he thought he was out of the buttermilk chicken he likes so he went and got more and pop too ... now he's trying to learn the airfryer to make his dinner. I'll have chile as planned. lol I can heat and eat ... faster .. well not eat fast. it's been light snow all afternoon and I am sure the heavy stuff will come no doubt by morning.
    @Dianedoessmiles1 I will be getting up just as your meeting starts or shortly before. I have volunteer tomorrow thinking it will be on zoom if the weather is bad. have to wait and see.
    @Kurtize hope your having a good day love the pic !!
    @CSEGUIN2 dinner sounds yummy !!


  • Dianedoessmiles1
    Dianedoessmiles1 Posts: 13,429 Member
    @Lindiemaep ,, ENJOY the dual air fryer!! I'm fine with my single basket, I've easily adjusted to cooking in layers, but it all about the timing and temps. When i was given it (friend bought it and didn't like it LOL I DO!) they had just come out. I keep thinking I want a smaller one. Still it works so well, why spend if I do not have to? In time I am SURE I will have to. There are tons and tons of healthy recipes also on so many sites. Plus now that I know the basics, I just play with stuff. LOL it's fun. ENJOY your sleep tonight!! WOOHOO I do not need to go to bed early "to help the team!" I LOVE SPARKLE because that's just a normal part of life for 99% of us! STRANGELY this time I've so well at the Meal Planning. Hey next week our 2 teams will combine as one during the break!!

    Have you all signed up for the break? Here are the teams combing together:

    The 4 teams are:

    PS4L + Rain Dancers (Captain is myself CO captain is @Catwmncat)
    MSP + Shape Shifters (Captain is DNjoys)
    G8 + Thinner Winners (Captain is Ceriusly)
    RH + Fit Force (Captain is Hicim705)

    The 5 of us mentioned above are the OALs (Over All Leaders). You'll very likely be back with some you knew of a previous team including on SPARKS!! When we came over to MFP we went from 12 teams to 8 teams hence it's VERY LIKELY you'll know some on the other team you'll be with! It's quite exciting!! On the last in between @Catwmncat and myse0lf2333333333333333330(LOL Oscar just jumped up) combined with Fit Force!! On Fit Force @Retired_Sue is the captain it was so much FUN being back with many from Sue's team who are former Awesome A team members. I had for a few years gone to help out the Awesome A team leaving the Dawggie team (Spirited Under Dawgs) team for that time.

    Here's the link to sign up for the 2023 Winter to Spring In Between Challenge where we've PROVEN those who continue their journey year round with no breaks (face it what do most do during the break?) overall for the year.

    COME AND JOIN US so far over 1/2 of the active members with the 2023 Winter 5% Challenge have! WOOHOO TO SUCCESS AND YOU!
  • LindieMaeP
    LindieMaeP Posts: 5,037 Member
    All signed up for the break and raring to go !! While I did not acheive much weight loss this round, I've learnt lots and that in it's self is a win win for me. What will my LTGL be ?I forget already bwahahaha I should have written it down. I sure did sparkle today !! but I recorded it as "spark" bwahahahaha rebel that I am ... or am I?
    @Dianedoessmiles1 our old one that my sister is getting was tested as number 2 airfryer - I think once Gene gets the hang of it he will only use one basket if he is smart. I already have the 2 pans soaking as you suggested so I hope he catches on to that one as well. In the end, he breaks it he owes me $$$ and has to buy a new one more $$$ lol Get a good night's sleep and enjoy tomorrow. The snow is really falling now but not accumulating, we will see what we get...
    Have a good night everyone, see some of you on the inbetween team !!
  • Catwmncat
    Catwmncat Posts: 7,850 Member
    @Tabatha_Cain Glad your daughter is recovering nicely and can return to work as she wishes. Hope you're visit was long and comforting.
    @ginnaboots I have heard of people that eat onions like apples but never met one, until now. I wish I'd get physically sick when I eat sugar. I do control my sweet tooth 90% of the time by adding lots of Fruit, Honey and Dark Chocolate to most of my meals. The other 10% of the time it totally controls me!😬 Hubs always at a very small amount of sweets at one time, like 1-2 Oreos or 1 scoop ice cream, and only once in a while. Over the past 10 years or so he wants them daily and much bigger portions. He'll be 75 soon and his health is excellent so if more sweets makes him happy, so be it.
    @NovemberGail Catawissa and Sweet Pea look so much alike it's scary. Pea loves to curl up in the sink as well.
    @Lindiemaep Your Caturday brekkie looks fabulous as usual. I think those hash browns look excellent. I don't generally buy packaged hashbrowns, I usually make them from fresh potatoes or spaghetti squash, but then again, I don't eat them very often. That air fryer looks like a dual coffee maker system. LOL! I recently got a Smart Oven that does it all... everything a regular oven does plus convection, air fry and other things. I think there are 14 different settings. I haven't used it too much but I'm loving it so far, it was crazy to light a huge oven for just one small serving of something. I'm sure you will get good use out of your dual air fryer.
    @Dianedoessmiles1 Pea is a character for sure. I believe she was helping me eat cottage cheese/yogurt. She goes nuts for yogurt.
    Saturday's Eats ~ Broke the Fast with Egg Beaters & Ketchup (thanks for the idea Diane) and Avocado Toast with Siracha. Was planning on eating at the field but we weren't aware that the concession closes at 5pm on Saturdays so Dinner was late as the game didn't finish until almost 7pm and we by the time we got home and situated it was almost 8pm. Soup and Buffalo Chicken w/ Blue Cheese Sammie was quick and easy. Popcorn and Chocolate Covered Caramels for Dessert, gotta keep the sweet tooth happy.
  • macrat12
    macrat12 Posts: 6,196 Member
    It’s 42 feels like 39 with a high of 58 today. Insight Timer Quote: When the winds of life are pushing you back, that’s when you push forward the hardest.—Yvonne Pierre. I AM: I radiate happiness. Axe Sharpening: Tomorrow isn’t promised. Don’t wait. Don’t stop. Go for it.—Toni Livers 1st Phorm Elite Athlete Action for Happiness: Make uninterrupted time for your loved ones. Fitness Quote: My strength did not come from lifting weights, my strength came from lifting my self up when I was knocked down.—classic quotes. Motivational Quote: When you think positive, good things happen.—Matt Kemp Closed all hearts on my Active 4 and had 15,734 steps yesterday.