Airport Lounge Discussion



  • LindieMaeP
    LindieMaeP Posts: 5,037 Member
    Good evening everyone, it's been a very busy day here, 3 loads of laundry and a trip to Costco in the snow fall - hit from no where was suppose to be rain is now mixed with rain. Made Gene anxious to drive in it. But we got safely home. Inbetween laundry and Costco I went to the dentist, she says my gums are in really good shape, I was concerned they were not due to the dry mouth I have been experiencing so she thinks it's from having covid and it will pass eventually. In the meantime she recommended a tsp of baking soda in my water bottle to alkaline the mouth and help wiht the ph balance which might be off. I need 2 little fillings but she will do them another time. I came home and had chocolate LOL
    @Catwmncat thank you thank you for the badges, you have a talent I do not and do not want anyway so I do appreciate yours, I'll take the 3rd one!! Love blue and yellow together woohooo !! AND I loved the mimi even if I thought it was your grandson, pretty cool eh so did you join in on the leg wrestling ?? huh? hUH? lol
    @ginnaboots no blue sky today, grey and rain and snow mixed ... be iffy for the next 24 hours but I am ok as I do zoom for meetings. Did you get a hike in today ? Gene is using the airfryer getting to know it program it and such. I have not used it yet and that is ok He did learn NOT to be distracted when heating up his qish ( sp ) in the air fryer, he burnt the tops and that was only 5 minutes. You know most do not read directions, or read them through or thoroughly, and at times, I do not either ... live and learn, he's gotta eat it not me! Yes you are correct and you have the happiness of being correct as your prize 😍😂😉🙄🎵
    @Tabatha_Cain glad you got to see your daughter, my oldest is 2 provinces away and I am always the last to hear anything and I have accepted that. It's her life, not mine. Hope going back to work is not too hard on her and she remembers her limitations. I take it they used a device to pull the infected part out - when my sister had an appendix attack they just made 2 incissions and removed it that way, I think it was her appendix .. lol hope your work day went well !
    @Dianedoessmiles1 so your mucking about with the Titanic again, must be the Irish in ya eh ? lol how's it going? and how are the two kitties doing? I mentioned the baking soda thing to Gene as he is having problems with his teeth but he made a paste and brushed his teeth and said never again LOL I said you only use a dab not a paste lol I did pick up a toothpast - Clinpro 5000 that is suppose to help and be an anticavity - they were out of the vanilla so had to get the mint. I did not show him that I'll do that after I open it. I've used it before and I had no real cavities so it must work. lol
    @cormierannie I guess i missed why you were at the hotel and am glad you are enjoying having to be at one. By all means take advantage of all you can with the pool and exercise room. Hope you enjoyed your walk.
    @Kurtize glad you were able to get out with your walker and enjoy a walk in nice weather. Be a while before I can go out and enjoy walking again. I do have certain pathways I take as i watch the trees and gardens on certain streets. But nope not now too early really and what daffies have come out may have been shocked and wilted, but who knows maybe they will be ok.
    @CSEGUIN2 sure hope your weather improves and you can go to your Tops meeting.
    @everyone who guessed on the plane, yes it was the first picture - I barely saw it on the phone and once i found it made it a fav so I could find it again lol Your prize is knowing you were correct so enjoy happiness from that!! Today's picture is not as inspiring with all the wet snow and rain!!
  • NovemberGail
    NovemberGail Posts: 2,224 Member
    @LindieMaeP: I cheated off @ginnaboots paper and wrote down 1 for Da Plane.

    @Tabatha_Cain: That feeling of something not right is quite aggravating. Hope the feeling goes away.

    @Dianedoessmiles1: Quick Billie story. I was walking back to my cottage and Billie didn't know I was behind her. Her little tail was down and she was walking so slowly. I gave her a whistle and she put her tail up, did a little jump and gave a bark. Then she happily started cruising the yard.

    Thank you all for your well wishes.

    I was back at the computer today waiting for tech support. Techs promised that they would be on team support at 8:30 a.m. tomorrow. I did get a little bit of "sparkling done" and hope to have more time tomorrow.

    Tomorrow's words are patience and confidence. I think these will be needed.

    The wind seems to have blown in spring. Trees are starting to bud out. The cedars had so much pollen on Sunday that one area of the woods looked like it was smoking. I thought there was a fire. With all the wind gusts, the pollen should be shaken loose.

    The daffodils are blooming, too!

  • Catwmncat
    Catwmncat Posts: 7,850 Member
    Monday's Eats ~ Baked Oatmeal and Greek Yogurt w/ Mango Spread ~ Grilled Chicken Salad at the Baseball Field with Extra Chicken and Berries ~ Brownie Cheesecake
    @Tabatha_Cain It's Monday and you're back in the office, did you remember to put pants on?? Glad you had a nice long visit with your daughter.
    @ginnaboots The Alfredo and Piccata were just okay... I doubt I'd get either from there again, but Luke thinks this Chicken Alfredo is absolutely the best on earth. What can ya say, if he likes it that's all that matters. I didn't get in on the leg wrestling but I did get down and show the boys the proper way to do push-ups using the push-up board. Our bodies can do some really strange things as we get older. Mine suddenly decided it doesn't want to digest healthy foods like whole grains, fresh veggies and fruits in a normal amount of time. The joys of getting older!!
    @Dianedoessmiles1 YW... I figure as long as they were made might as well let team members pick and choose which they want to use, if any.
    @Kurtize It's so nice to enjoy morning coffee out on the patio. Just make for a lovely day.
    @LindieMaeP Please let us know if the baking soda works for the dry mouth, never heard of that before. Glad you like the badges, feel free to use any or all. I did not join in on the leg wrestling, but I did think about it until I remembered that the boys could beat me when they were little so now that they workout and are athletes I wouldn't stand a chance. The snow picture is really cool!
    @NovemberGail You get the honesty award for telling the truth about copying off Ginna. It is wrong to cheat, but at least you're honest! LOL! Love the Billie story.
  • Tabatha_Cain
    Tabatha_Cain Posts: 4,986 Member
    Good Morning Airport Friends:

    I hope you are all doing well this morning. Today is Tuesday and I am hoping to go back into the office with an email telling me one of my clients paid for their new policy last night. That would be great. I would like that. I was saving them quite a bit of money and they really liked that. So we were switching them from a different company to our company. I sell for Farmers Insurance. I actually love selling for Farmers. It is really nice that I get to sell for this company. They are pretty good about saving people money. A lot of times we are lower than other companies. There are some companies that we have a hard time beating price wise but then we try to build value. We sell a top product and we are in the top 5 in the USA for claims. We have one of the best claims departments out there and they are usually handled quickly.

    @ginnaboots - Yes we are not on the lakeshore. We are more in the middle of michigan. Being self employed can definitely be a pain in the butt. My Dad was self employed and My mom is an accountant so she did their taxes.
    @cormierannie - I hope you enjoy your time at the hotel. I think it would be great to be in a hotel. I cannot wait until I get to stay in one for my honeymoon.
    @Dianedoessmiles1 - That is sad that she made that comment. I hope where ever she is she is getting help for her problem or issues.
    @Kurtize - That sounds nice to have coffee off the back patio. I need to get out and walk again
    @CSEGUIN2 - I hope you are able to get everything done. Glad you are having a rest day.
    @LindieMaeP - Yeah they used a device. My daughter only has 3 small incisions. So she should heal well assuming she does not overdo it.
    @NovemberGail - Yes it is aggravating, The feeling went away though. So all is good. We are still having winter here. I do not see anything blooming yet.
    @Catwmncat - I did remember to put my pants on. Which is a good thing.

    Well it is time to get something to eat this morning. I hope you all have a wonderful day.

  • macrat12
    macrat12 Posts: 6,196 Member
    It’s 42 feels like 37 with a high of 69 today. Insight Timer Quote: What good are wings, without the courage to fly?—Atticus I AM: I am grateful for friends who embrace my life. Axe Sharpening: You are what you submerse yourself in. Choose wisely.—Hanah Jones 1st Phorm Elite Athlete. Action for Happiness: Give positive comments to as many people as possible today. Fitness Quote: Grip it and Rip it.—Matthew Fraiser Motivational Quote: Life is a journey to be experienced, not a problem to be solved.—Winnie the Pooh Closed all hearts on my Samsung Active 4 and had 12,033 steps yesterday. Training plan: Full-Body Week 9, Day 2 and Core Challenge Week 4, Day 2: HIIT in the gym after breakfast.
  • Patti241
    Patti241 Posts: 4,894 Member
    Diane: I am not sorry that we did not get any snow. I am hoping that we do not get any.
  • ginnaboots
    ginnaboots Posts: 316 Member
    @Dianedoessmiles1 - I'm glad you found homes for the kitties! That would have been horrible if she was serious about throwing them in the river. My ex father in law was like that. He was cruel to some puppies their dog had. I used to think he was a nice man, but not after what he did to them. I was traumatized by it at such a young age. Some people have no sense. I am going to order a puzzle today. I'll be sure to have it for us to start when he is out of school. We ended up getting high winds and freezing rain so our meeting was on Zoom last night. Will be a gloomy day today.

    @Kurtize - Coffee on the patio sounds so nice! Glad you were able to get a walk in. Yesterday was a very nasty day so no hiking for me. Did some weight training on my vibrating platform instead.

    @CSEGUIN2 - We had the same weather here yesterday. I would have skipped my workout also to hang out with my son. He lives 3 hours away and I don't see him as often as I would like. Glad you enjoyed your time with him.

    @LindieMaeP - Nice that you were able to get what you needed at Costco and make it home safely. Glad your dentist appt went well. I wouldn't be able to handle a baking soda paste either. Just a dab will do ya! lol No hiking for me yesterday. We had some nasty weather come in. Freezing rain and high winds. Meeting was on Zoom last night. I wash mops for one of the buildings we clean and I will not use my washer because that's just gross to Anyway I take them to a nearby laundromat and I was soaked just getting from my truck inside and it was only like 4 feet to the door. The rain was coming down in buckets. No rain today, but no sunshine either.

    @NovemberGail - Spring already! That is crazy about how much pollen you guys are getting. I have severe allergies so not looking forward to Spring or Summer, but I am a winter girl! The daffodils are so pretty. We won't see those until the end of March unless we get some warm weather they may make an appearance early. First will be crocuses.

    @Catwmncat - Some good eats there. That cake in the bottom looks yummy. I was craving something sweet last night. Wish I could have had the cake, but ended up with plain greek yogurt with some granola. Yes the joys of getting older. I have to take a probiotic or I will have issues with what I eat.

    @Tabatha_Cain -I hope you get the sale! Hope you have a great day at work.

    Got up this morning after a not so good night of sleep, was making coffee. I grind the beans first, but was so tired this morning caught myself adding the whole beans to the filter....LOL. Glad I realized it because that would have been some gross coffee. lol. Hope that isn't an indication of how my day will go...hahaha!

    Hope you all have a wonderful day!

  • LindieMaeP
    LindieMaeP Posts: 5,037 Member
    Good afternoon everyone - it's just after noon and I had a bagel ham and cheese and coleslaw for lunch, sorry no picture. I did have the apple custard pie in the picture below - I had 1/2 of it and saved the other half for maybe tomorrow - it cost 8.00 so very expensive - it's and Aussie Guy pie ...I have gotten their chicken and their lamb pies and I of course being a lamb lover enjoy that best. I could not resist when I saw the apple custard since apple pie is my fav BUT if the apple in the pie is apple sauce, pass ... has to be apple chunks. Just as well as most grocery store apple turn overs are apple sauce. Well yes I woke up to a snow storm and Gene did go out in it to see how his car would handle. We were out of coleslaw mix so he went 3 miles away instead of 5 minutes away to get a couple of packages and said there was only one issue driving home, some guy did not stop at the stop sign and slide into half his lane so Gene quickly changed lanes and avoided a disaster. Then after he got home, he got a call into work and he drove. The roads are all slushy now but clear - however, it says still snow / rain mixed so Zoom tonight for meeting. I am looking forward to it. With Gene gone to work I did Volunteer with the friends this morning, it was nice to be able to do that. I also froze some mushrooms and got them out of the freezer without the tray slipping out of the fridge freezer this time and they are now safely in a freezer bag in the freezer for future use. Dinner tonight will be a gouda cheese stuff hamburger - just one will be enough and the coleslaw mix should be settled and ready to use.
    @ginnaboots oh no to the coffee beans!!! I have a keurig so use pods and the maxwell house pods are totally compostable so I buy them. I've bought others but some are harder to find some times so maxwell house does it for especially since it's decaf ! 3% cafine is enough for my ole ticker! OH NO On the rain too - I hear you about using a commercial laundromat - I wish people in this building did - they have animals and the things I gotta clean out before I use it, makes me disappointed in their lack of neighbourness. Almost like, it's the landlord's problem but not really he and his wife never use the machines !! I hope you find the right puzzle to do!
    @Tabatha_Cain - yes that was the same procedure my sister had, glad your daughter is recovering well. How did today go, did you get the sale ? I need apartment fire insurance as Gene canceled what we had as the price kept going up and he just got fed up and canceled it. I still need to research for here in BC ... not easy to do as they all want you to sit down with them. Or get a membership first.
    @NovemberGail such a sweet story about Billie - oh the dafs are always my fav colour. Was that a king daf ?? I can never tell the difference, but my granddaughter can! lol Hope your having a good day and all tec issues done!
    @Catwmncat yes I have tried the baking soda in my water bottle - it tastes like baking soda but it is restoring the ph balance in my mouth and taste buds and the tinny tast seems to be gone woohooo another trick was to put a bit ( not a paste ) on your toothbrush or on your tongue and move your tongue around your teeth. I take a sip of the water and then a sip of tea LOL I also picked up Cinic5000 toothpaste which cost me 15. from the dentist office, I've used it before and you only use an amount the size of a pea and it has helped. They were out of vanilla so I got mint. works ok. How is your day going ?? I have a sink full of dishes waiting on me... maybe in an hour or so LOL


  • Dianedoessmiles1
    Dianedoessmiles1 Posts: 13,429 Member
    @Kurtize,, LOL I think I was a JR in HS. It was gym time, of course back at that time you had to change into your "uniform" a horrible piece of confinement that was UGLY TO BOOT!! A friend started to LAUGH SO HARD!! SCREAMED OUT (OF COURSE!! Why be NICE?) "DIANE HAS ON HER PAJAMA'S!!" She was though laughing to hard, it did backfire on her. Yeah never make fun of someone who everyone likes, who's known to protect people from Bullies. I had woken up so tired, I was of course wasn't thinking, and left on my PJs bottoms. LOL SO yes, I do a run down check. LOL!
    @Cseguin2 ,,, Hope TOPS goes well. If not and if you'd like help please do email me. It's fun helping others. So far today we've had 5 inches of snow, will end up maybe with 7"s at the end later tonight. @Ginnaboots and @Linediemaep ,,, Meeting is online for all.
    @Lindiemaep ,,, I use a toothpaste for sensitive gums, my teeth do pretty well with it!! AMAZING since they all have root canals and at the last appointment they said they are all not getting blood needed. It's so cool they are "hanging in"!! I hope they do. They can not take them out due to a med I had taken (It was an IV for bones) and I am at risk of the jaw breaking. WOOHOO GF I GOT SNOW TOO!! Only we expected it!
    @Novembergail ,, LOL EVERYONE SHOULD OWN A BILLE Dawg at some point!!! Aww you put the HAPPY BACK into her step!!! HI BILLIE GAL!! Please pat her for me! That picture is so pretty and relaxing. I can feel the sun!
    BBL for more if I can.

    IF You've signed up for the IN BETWEEN CHALLENGE please check your team page about invite. If you are on the PS4L or RAIN Dancer team, your invite will be out tomorrow.

    ALSO PLEASE KEEP YOUR EYES out soon about info for signing up for the 2023 SPRING 5% Challenge to pick our teams. NOT AVAIALBLE YET. More info to follow on this team and your own teams.
  • Kurtize
    Kurtize Posts: 6,917 Member
    edited March 2023
    Happy Tuesday. Another beautiful day.
    Hugs and blessings.


  • Dianedoessmiles1
    Dianedoessmiles1 Posts: 13,429 Member
    @Catwmncat ,,, Awwww Kitty cartoon is so cute!! So cute!!!
    @Tabatha_Cain ,, Farmers commercials are usually funny because of the ODD things they've covered, but it also MAKES QUITE the impression. Hope your client called, well became a client/customer!
    @Patti241 ,, Looks like you may get that wish!! Or if it does fall it'll not last. This time of this year it lasts less and less.
    @Ginnaboots,, did you order a puzzle? Got a picture of it? COOL!! It's so much FUN!!I LOVE the smell of coffee,, but do not like it. Glad you realized the OOPSIE!! It did snow all day, and is now, but will be coming to an end soon. Not sure how much we got yet. Guessing 6 or 7"s.
    @Lindiemaep ,,, I am so GLAD I had insurance when I flooded my place!! It covered everything except for my place (5 floors below were damaged ,, one right underneath me was not severe, but still!! PHEW PHEW PHEW!! My place was not hard at all for it to be put back together. Answered the phone doing dishes, planned on going into the bedroom to make SURE there were NO dishes (when I eat in the bedroom when I get up i ALWAYS bring out with me what I take in) so having none, I sat down, and OOOPS FORGOT the water was running!! AND RUN IT DID!! Worse than when I come home with nylons on, and the kitten sees them coming off!! AFTER ALL they DANCE!! LOLOL it's a RACE!!
  • NovemberGail
    NovemberGail Posts: 2,224 Member
    Good evening,

    Today was a bit on the long side. I started off with a meeting to supposedly help fix the emails--which didn't happen and ended the day with another meeting. In between I did some physical work which felt good and I almost got in 10k steps.

    More flowers are budding as well as trees. It is all happening so quickly now. Our to do list for outdoor work is starting to fill up and the winter cleaning on one cottage hasn't been done yet. I'll be getting a lot of exercise as the days get warmer.

    Tomorrow's word is ADVENTURE. (but don't tell Billie)

  • LindieMaeP
    LindieMaeP Posts: 5,037 Member
    WELL I tried the tsp of baking soda in my drinking water - and can taste the baking soda, been drinking it all day but I don't have a tinny taste in my mouth now, a bit dry but drinking tea too. @Dianedoessmiles1 oppps eh ... um .. yea computer in bedroom CAN be distracting - computer in living room CAN be distracting. I have burnt many things and almost started a fire but glad I came out in time. The fire alarm NEVER went off ... very close call indeed. Time to skidaddle !!


  • Catwmncat
    Catwmncat Posts: 7,850 Member
    Tuesday Eats ~ Cottage Cheese/Yogurt with Berries, Dark Chocolate Chips, Praline Pecans and Honey Drizzle. Pot Roast with Kamut Khorasan Wheat, Carrots and Green Beans. Smart Pop Kettle Corn and Chocolate Covered Caramel.

    IBC Teams are getting ready to board so be on the look out for your invite. If you have not signed up yet there are still plenty of seats available. JOIN IN ON THE FUN
  • Tabatha_Cain
    Tabatha_Cain Posts: 4,986 Member
    Good Morning Airport Friends:

    I hope you are all doing well this morning. Today is going to be a good day. I have an appointment this morning to sell a couple of policies. That will be nice and add to my totals. I need to sell 7.5K this month. I need my bonus. That will be nice if I get it. Today I also work both jobs.

    @ginnaboots - That would have been some yuck coffee. Glad you figured it out. I did make a sale yesterday
    @LindieMaeP - Sorry they kept raising your rates. I don't think we have raised rates on renters policies in a really long time. I am not sure why they need you to sit with them. We do everything over the phone and through email. So that does not make sense to me when we can do it without ever meeting you.
    @Dianedoessmiles1 - I did sell a policy and first thing this morning I have someone else coming in to start his auto and renters policies. He decided to come into the office.
    @NovemberGail - I have not seen any buds here yet. We are suppose to get some rain/snow and freezing rain mix this weekend.

    Well it is time to get ready for work. I hope you all have a great day.

  • macrat12
    macrat12 Posts: 6,196 Member
    It’s 48 feels like 43 with a high of 59 today. Insight Timer Quote: Pleasant experiences make life delightful. Painful experiences lead to growth.—Anthony De Mello. Axe Sharpening: You didn’t come this far to only come this far.—Sarah Thummel 1st Phorm Advisor. I AM: My challenges bring me better opportunities. Action for Happiness: Set an intention to live with awareness and kindness. Fitness quote: Most people are so scared to fail that they don’t even try.—gymaholic Motivational Quote: Don’t postpone today’s joy because of yesterday’s sorrow. Learn to live and enjoy each moment as it comes.—unknown Closed all hearts on my Samsung Active 4 and had 12,883 steps yesterday. Training plan: WHD Full-Body and Core Challenge Week 4, Day 3: Core after breakfast.
  • ginnaboots
    ginnaboots Posts: 316 Member
    @LindieMaeP - Those Aussie Guy pies sound delicious! My husband likes Maxwell house coffee too! I can't drink it...for some reason it taste like chicken broth to me...hahahaha. We all have different taste buds for sure. I didn't start drinking coffee until about 15 years ago. The friends would stop at these coffee shops for break out in service and got me My daughter brought me some bags of coffee from the Cuban Coffee Queen shop from the Florida Keys when she vacationed there last year and it was the best coffee I had ever tasted so now I order a Cubano roast from Amazon that taste the same. It would cost me a $100 for a 5 pound bag from Cuban Coffee Queen so I opt for the one of Amazon for half the price.

    @Dianedoessmiles1 - No I haven't ordered a puzzle yet. Looked on a couple sites but so far nothing appealing to me. Do you have any suggestions? Is there a certain site with more selection? I looked briefly this morning, but when I get more time, I will dig deeper. I love doing puzzles. Not sure that I will keep Wyatte's attention for long. We do them together and I am always the last one We are supposed to get 3-6 inches of snow on Friday. I will believe it when I see it. So many times the forecast changes.

    @NovemberGail - Way to go on the getting all those steps! Woo hoo! I was laying in bed last night trying to remember the two words you posted I got them! I was shocked because usually I don't remember things like that for very long. I will definitely remember Adventure because I love to be outdoors hiking and most time I go off the main trials to explore and it's always an adventure. lol

    @Catwmncat - Food looks delicious especially the pot roast. Yummy! Haven't made it in a while. I have venison roast and that might be good to try with all the fixins. Probably add a pork roast to give it some fat.

    @Tabatha_Cain -Glad you got the sale! Hope you make your quota for the month and get that bonus!

    @macrat12 - Wow that is an awesome step count! Way to go!

    Hope everyone has a wonderful Wednesday. Off for a hike. The sun was shining, but it has clouded over so it won't be a long one. Don't like being out in the woods when it gloomy! I don't always need sun, but some brightness makes it less creepy! LOL.
  • Patti241
    Patti241 Posts: 4,894 Member
    Diane: Yup. No snow just calling for rain this weekend
  • LindieMaeP
    LindieMaeP Posts: 5,037 Member
    Good morning everyone, it's a some what dreary day here with some more snow to come but so far what we got nicely melted away. If you wanna add a little bite to your morning breakfast, try salsa instead of ketchup! It will certainly go good with the eggs, no matter how you make them. I made an omlet then cut it up like a pizza. Worked for me, see picture below!
    @ginnaboots since I drink decaf and not all places have that at a reasonable price, I opt for a child's hot chocolate .. why? Cause it's not too sweet and not too hot either LOL My son gets folgers vanilla biscotti and while it smells good, not so the tast - right now he's working through a box of Costco coffee pods. I only have 2 coffees a day unless I get a Tim Horton's or MacDonalds the later being the better of the two then I have 2.5 cause I always get a small. The rest of the time it's herbal tea. I got a puzzle once, from Michaels - couldn't do it .. it sat for months .. cause covid hit and folks could not come over and help so I boxed it and will give it away. By the way I chuckled when you said about getting Wyatte off the computer or devices, I am so a computer person, I love to play games on it too but I am selective. Hope you had a nice walk and it was not creepy for you!
    @Tabatha_Cain woohoo on the sale, I sure hope you get your bonus as I know it's going to help especially with the wedding fund! How did your day go ?
    @Dianedoessmiles1 guess where my feet landed this morning LOLOLOLOL yup I flew on over there and hit that join button faster then you can say whodat!!!
    @Catwmncat - oh that pot roast looks so good, I have not had potroast in a while, and infact have not had lamb much in a while - have to fix that but right now the fridge and freezers are too full and need to be thinned out !! Gene's freezer is full of his quiche and breaded this and that and onion rings and such, mine is full of premade meals like chile and bread, veggies, and some fruit ! But I am craving potroast now... how do you cook one ? that's how long it's been since I had a good pot roast!
    @NovemberGail oh so sorry about the meetings not taking place on time, that is and can be so annoying ! Hope you had some good Billie time!
    Well it's time for me to go get something, oh yea my vitamines!! See ya!!
  • cormierannie
    cormierannie Posts: 5,200 Member
    Good afternoon everyone! It's a mostly cloudy day here today, with the sun peeking out every so often. My daughter says hello to all. Both budgie birds are doing well and say cheep, cheep! I did get my strength training workout in earlier this morning and I really enjoyed it. I did get in a walk on the treadmill in the fitness center here at the hotel a while ago and I feel great! I'm still at the hotel until I hear back from the building management on when I can go back to my apartment. I will be doing some dancing later on. I gave building management my written permission to go into my apartment to get some things I need. They will be going there tomorrow. I'll have what i need either tomorrow afternoon or by Friday at the latest. I have been getting 3 meals a day here at the hotel. I have also gotten some things like toothpaste, toothbrush, shampoo and soap. One of my friends has offered to get some clothes for me to wear while I am at the hotel. I'm doing really well and I am keeping a positive attitude every day. Thank you for all of your support, everyone. I really appreciate it. Have a great day, everyone! Take care and stay safe.