Airport Lounge Discussion



  • LindieMaeP
    LindieMaeP Posts: 5,038 Member
    Good morning folks, hope everyone is ready to gear up to a wonderful safe and healthy weekend. I know I am. I have been researching phones and phone plans and decided not to get the Iphone14pro as I only wanted it for the camera and the camera on the annoying droid will do very nicely and in 3 months I can look for a bring your own phone. I am also looking at the data I use on it and honestly I am paying for something I am not using. I used only so much in one month, mostly because I use the wifi off the internet here at home so why have data on my phone. I just may switch to talk and text and just use wifi for the data here at home which is what I do anyway. I can get a talk and text for 25.00 a month compared to paying 80.00 a month.. I will monitor my data useage on the phone the next 3 months and then decide but will do research in the meantime. This weekend I will see about getting rid of the cat stuff as we are not getting another furbaby at this time and honestly don't know when, maybe never, it's just too heart breaking when they have to be put down. Plus I want to do some decluttering of clothes, haven't worn them in a year, out they go !!
    @Tabatha_Cain sounds like a crazy shift at BK !! Glad you managed ok and only one mistake on an order is phenominal service! I've seen a kitchen packed with lots of workers and lots of mistakes!! Hope tonight's shift is not too hectic!
    @ginnaboots I am not a maple syrun so seldom buy it but I hear the best is Quebec maple syrup, do you have your own trees you tap into? I love lilacs and know where all the trees are to admire and take pictures of the scent is so calming and fills me with joy - honey suckle does the same. Oh no on Wyatt tiring you - but I sure do remember those days, my granddaughter is now approaching 30 and her brother 25ish I barely see either of them now they are adults living their life. My granddaughter is here in Vancouver and I never see her because of her school work schedule plus she is a DD Master ( dungeons and dragons ) and monitors the game as well.. she's very much into mystic and magic and it's not my cupo tea so I just let her live her life - it is her life not mine. Hope you have a good weekend, I have volunteer this afternoon and then meeting tomorrow morning. All prepared!
    @Catwmncat I have no idea why I never thought to put pb on the cakes - I like chocolate and pb or rather almond butter and chocolate but I will think about that and maybe find the pb in the back of the fridge - it's got chunks of peanut in it as well. that might make a difference. Your meals are fabulous again ! lol
    @CSEGUIN2 hope all is well and everything resolved. Can make for a very stressful day!
    @NovemberGail beautiful picture, have never seen pollen like that before but my friend in Maryland always talks about having to sweep it off her porch and car. Must be certain trees that shed, we do have cotton woods that shed but usually that happens in June.. What I am looking for now is the Japanese blossoms that should be coming shortly! I hope to get some good pics of the pink snow!! Good word for today!
    @everyone do have a good weekend and enjoy what ever you have planned. It's FRIDAY !!! or FURDAY !!
  • Kurtize
    Kurtize Posts: 6,917 Member
    Happy Friday - some days to remember, LOL
    Today in March -
    National soup it forward day
    Employee Appreciation Day
    Hinamatsuri- also called Japanese Doll Festival or Girls' Day.
    I Want You to be Happy Day
    If Pets Had Thumbs Day
    National Anthem Day
    National Salesperson Day
    Peach Blossom Day
    World Day of Prayer
    World Wildlife Day

    @CSEGUIN2 - WTG on the weight loss.

    Best wishes on our final weigh in.


  • Dianedoessmiles1
    Dianedoessmiles1 Posts: 13,429 Member
    @Tabatha_Cain,,, A friend was over today. She said this to a wise crack I had made and I thought of you "Welcome to Burger King, what's your beef?" I laughed so hard. Of course she's very animated, which added to it. WOW!!! SO SORRY they couldn't get more help in last night. Always a shame to have to turn away customers, but a smart move at the same time. ENJOY that pay check!! You've MORE THAN EARNED IT!
    @Ginnaboots,, It's UNREAL how much snow they've gotten!! WOW!! The pictures are AMAZING and scary. Likely most places out that way do not have roofs strong enough to withstand the weight so more will happen. They just said on the news more is coming to them. Tonight more so tomorrow most of the day 8 to 12 more inches will fall here. I DO NOT Mind it!! But LOL We knew that. No question though Spring will start to come in soon enough. Though we do not see real green until April and more so May. I had such an UNREAL TIME going to the hospital my Mom died in, but there are only 2 hospitals in our area, it's not really a choice. I am so sorry.
    @Novembergail ,, not sure if I have put this up recently a calorie calculator, be as close as you can about your actual exercise, because it really makes the difference. You get in quite a lot of exercise.
    @Lindiemaep ,, it sure does hurt when they pass away, but yet there's always another one at the shelter. Oscar is so young, he'll be around for an eon of time (It Bit ,, AKA Izzy is 12) he makes me laugh so hard! SO VERY VERY HARD he's a TOTAL GOOFBALL!! Izzy is the typical big sister to him, one minute seeking him out, LOL the next putting him in his place! LOL!!

  • LindieMaeP
    LindieMaeP Posts: 5,038 Member
    edited March 2023
    I got out for a walk today and dropped by the mail box to mail some letters and then continued my walk of course it starts raining and I have the wrong coat on for rain - but I continued anyway. Got to the corner that I turn right to head home and an accident had happened at a 4-WAY STOP, like which one ran the stopsign? The car ran into the stop sign and a fire hydrant right in front of a daycare which is why it is a 4 way stop. 2 cars, I just kept going home. I get so annoyed when people run stop signs or do a "california roll" through it is sad but I have to remember not to rejoice when people do things I get peeved about as Proverbs 24:17,18 teaches me that God does not want us to rejoice over the missfortune of another, so I am learning not to laugh or be sarcastic about misfortunes of others like a car getting towed for being parked where it is not suppose to be and that kind of stuff. Anyway I wore my world scarf, I love it as it makes me thing of my spiritual family world wide and that they are with me walking or doing errends and such but I got a snag in it and I pulled it through so it's not bunched up again, pretty mad about that too but only I will notice when I wear it. I found some blooms in the park recently planted of course and another plant of colour ... my other gardens are not even tended yet. Maybe in a couple of weeks? It was really raining when I got home so I had to clean off my glasses and my phone. Not going out anymore today.
    @Dianedoessmiles1 I don't have 80.00+ to go get a cat from the SPCA here, or anywhere that charge for adoption and some places have these checklists that they HAVE to check YOUR home first before you get one ... later I'll wait for one to be dropped in my lap, it will either happen OR it won't ... Glad you are enjoying Oscar - Izzy got a mean streak eh ... who been teaching her LOL

  • NovemberGail
    NovemberGail Posts: 2,224 Member
    edited March 2023
    @Tabatha_Cain: I can't even picture working where it is so busy. My hands would be shaking so hard that we wouldn't have to use the milkshake machine. God bless you.

    @Ginnaboots and @Dianedoessmiles1: The past week I haven't been watching my calories and know that needs to change. Today my appetite was on the normal side again and so I think the scale will start moving in the right direction. Thanks, Diane, for the calorie counter. I need to remember the BK line. That cracked me up. One of our neighbors is collecting sap from their maples about a mile from us. I didn't realize how much work it takes. It is so unique to see all these blue bags attached to the trees.

    @Kurtize: If Pets Had Thumb Day-- that sounds like it could be an Alfred Hitchcock movie. Mine would have me begging for mercy for not responding to their needs and whims immediately.

    @LindieMaeP: Gorgeous photos again. What a lovely scarf.

    Today the rain poured down. Our pond flooded over and all the creeks had rushing water. My photo doesn't do justice to the reality.


    Tomorrow's word is RESPONSIBILITY as we move on to the IBC! Good luck everyone!!!💐

  • Catwmncat
    Catwmncat Posts: 7,850 Member
    Friday's Eats
    Fast Breaker ~ Blueberry Banana Oatmeal Pancakes with Uncured Turkey Bacon 🥞🥓
    Dinner ~ Buffalo Chicken Blue Cheese Sammie and Homemade Sweet Potato Fries with Hot Honey🥪🍟
    Dessert ~ Yasso Birthday Cake Greek Yogurt Bar😋
    @NovemberGail Just remember... what goes up must come down! The picture of the creek is pretty cool.
    @Tabatha_Cain Woo Hoo!! Busy shifts go by super fast! Great Job by you and the team making only one error, well done! So glad you already got a referral for another client. Not too long ago things weren't going very well so this is a great reminder that when things aren't looking very good at any given moment, they always change for the better.
    @ginnaboots TY... I get a lot of the recipes for my meals from the recipe discussion on the PS4L and IBC teams. You'll need to check them out on the Meerkats.
    @LindieMaeP PB goes with everything... and nothing but a finger or spoon!!! LOL! I'm sure you will go well on those rice cakes. Your scarf is pretty cool and I love that it makes you think of others.
    Please remember to post your Final Weigh-In on your Winter 5% Team AND your Beginning Weigh-In on your IBC Team (if you are staying accountable by weighing in).
  • macrat12
    macrat12 Posts: 6,197 Member
    It’s 33 feels like 33 with a high of 62 today. Insight Timer Quote: The time to relax is when you don’t have time for it.—Sydney J. Harris I AM: I am capable of finding harmony in my life. Axe Sharpening: Find things to push yourself and do what you once thought was impossible.—Nick Weite 1st Phorm Elite Athlete Action for Happiness: Notice how you speak to yourself and choose to use kind words. Fitness Quote: Fit is not a destination. It is a way of life.—courtesy of fitness quotes app. Motivational Quote: You’ll arrive at your destination much happier if you allow yourself to enjoy the journey, too.—unknown Closed all hearts on my Samsung Active 4 and had 21,558 steps yesterday. Training Plan: WHD Core and LISS + Mile walk after breakfast.
  • Tabatha_Cain
    Tabatha_Cain Posts: 4,986 Member
    Good Morning Airport Friends:

    I hope you are all doing well this morning. Today is going to be a busy day. I have so much to do today for the wedding. I can tell we are not going to get it all done. I don't think Joe is in it all the way today. He is not interested right now. So that is going to be a struggle. I will make due though.

    @ginnaboots - I sometimes do need a nap. I just cannot do it. I am sure that is where the migraines come in at.
    @LindieMaeP - It was a crazy shift. Yeah we did ok. I did not work Friday night. Doesn't look like the schedule was done either. So I have no idea what I work next week
    @Dianedoessmiles1 - Yeah it is crazy. We were so busy but it was needed to turn away some of the cars. I am definitely enjoying the paycheck
    @NovemberGail - I get that. It was crazy but you really just have to jump in and do your job the best you can. We did all we could.
    @Catwmncat - Yes it is a reminder. It makes it tough though to remember the good times when you are in that moment though. I do try though.

    Well it is time to get ready and go shovel. I hope you all have a great day.

  • cormierannie
    cormierannie Posts: 5,204 Member
    @Dianedoessmiles1: there was a fire in my building on saturday february 25,2023 on my floor, on the other side of my floor.
    good morning everyone! it is a mostly cloudy day here today, with some sunny breaks. my daughter says hi to all. both budgie birds are doing well and say cheep, cheep! I went for a short run on the treadmill here at the hotel's fitness centre earlier this morning and i really enjoyed it. i will be going for a walk in a while. i will be doing some dancing later on. the latest i have heard is that we will all be going back to our apartments sometime next week. have a great day, everyone! take care and stay safe.
  • ginnaboots
    ginnaboots Posts: 316 Member
    @LindieMaeP -yes we tap our maples on our property. It’s a lot of work and like I said not a big fan of maple syrup. I have never been into gaming and don’t really get the appeal but each to their own. Love the scarf! Beautiful plants too!

    @Catwmncat - I love the yasso bars but very hard to find around here! Happy Caturday!

    @macrat12 -Amazing step count! Wtg!

    @cormierannie -sorry about the fire! Hope everyone got out safely! Any updates on when you will be able to move back?

    Went on a beautiful hike today. Went extra long to clear my head. My daughter is on vacation for a month in Hawaii and I always miss her so much. She and hubs live just down the road from us so I see her all the time. She just got back from a month in Florida at the end of December so I barely had time to recover! 😂😂. I probably shouldn’t be so attached! Lol!

    Happy Saturday to all!
  • Kurtize
    Kurtize Posts: 6,917 Member
    Taking a break but plan on signing up for spring challenge, lost 1/2 lb but I am happy with that. Love and hugs and have a great week.

    CSEGUIN2 Posts: 5,635 Member
    Good Evening Everyone!

    So Hubby was mad at someone and instead of punching them he punched the door. We're still waiting for the fracture clinic to call. But he doesn't seem to be in pain with it wrapped.

    Yesterday was a busy day. Got workouts done, walked to a neighborhood grocery store, made potato salad. I also got some other things done as well. Around 2 I headed to my friends house around the corner. We were having a BBQ. Yes in the winter storm. Didn't get a picture. We had rain, ice, snow, and thunder snow.Had a great time but was a slushy walk home.

    Today is a beautiful sunny day. Did my video, studied, dishes, laundry and shoved snow for a total of over 2 hrs. My muscles are still so sore.
  • ginnaboots
    ginnaboots Posts: 316 Member
    @cesguin2- I saw some videos of the snow thunder. I’ve lived in Michigan my whole life and never heard of it before! Not sure where you are but south of us they got a big winter storm.
  • LindieMaeP
    LindieMaeP Posts: 5,038 Member
    edited March 2023
    Good afternoon everyone, it's a rainy windy day here but it usually is like this in the winter. Nothing to shovel but if it went too long might need a canoe or what have you lol
    @cormierannie I am sorry to hear about the fire, was your apartment with out power at all for very long? IF so you need to be careful when you open your fridge, or freezer if you have one as those things might have poisonous gasses from not being cold enough. But if you were able to take your foods with you no worries eh! Glad you are enjoying the hotel in the meantime and their gym and other amendments that they have.
    @ginnaboots - banana belt refers to an area in a region that gets warmer temps then other parts of the same region - so where I come from, Windsor, Amherstburg, Harrow, area that is considered banana belt as the temps are usually warmer. However, I debate that kinda because I remember those freezing cold winter mornings waking up with no heat and we were 2 blocks from Lake Erie - it was COLD lol could be why I dont' like it too much. I am glad that you enjoy the cold winter weather and enjoy some activities from it. We are a family of gamers, board, chess, cribbage, computer so it's natural for us to play games. BUT I don't like all games and never got the hang of chess and got tired of cribbage ( I can see @Dianedoessmiles1's crimmace LOL ) I did learn from my grandfather to go for walks - he used to go for walks every evening after supper and they were brisk, not strolls lol I remember when my daughter moved away when my granddaughter was just about 1 year old, it was the hardest thing, but eventually I learnt to do other things and that helped it not be so hard. She never did move back and barely visits, but she is living the life she wants. It's a busy spring so the time should fly by !! Thanks for explaining the maples and sapping!
    @CSEGUIN2 glad everything is going ok and you got such good work outs in, I don't do strenuous work outs so I can't advise about the muscle issues but maybe someone else will we have such resourceful folks on these teams.
    @Tabatha_Cain it would make sense that there are some parts of the wedding that Joe might not be interested in and just let you take the lead on that. Hope you have a good weekend !
    Well lunch is posted below - Saturday is my bread day so I get to enjoy - tomorrow back on the other track!

  • LindieMaeP
    LindieMaeP Posts: 5,038 Member
    Tonight's dinner. I am taking note of the salt/potassium in my food for the IBC and will be making changes based on the amount of salt/potassium. While we do need some, we don't need as much as I have most likely had today. I will also be reading labels more closely when it comes to overly processed foods AND when it said "low sodium" .. it is not always as low as one thinks. Tonight's dinner has all my alotment for salt / potassium in this one meal and I am over board as I had foods at breakfast and lunch I do not normally have plus I had potato chips for a snack ... phewww wont' be doing that again for a long long time!

  • Catwmncat
    Catwmncat Posts: 7,850 Member
    Woo Hoo!!! The Power of 5% is Incredible! Did you hit your 5%???
  • macrat12
    macrat12 Posts: 6,197 Member
    It’s 46 feels like 43 with a high of 71 today. Insight Timer Quote: Life isn’t about finding yourself. Life is about creating yourself.—George Bernard Shaw I AM: I base my value on much more than my outer looks. Axe Sharpening: Sometimes the smallest step in the right direction ends up being the biggest step of your life.—Katie Hoehn 1st Phorm Advisor/Registered Dietitian Action for Happiness: Bring to mind people you care about and send love to them. Fitness Quote: Not everyone will understand your journey. That’s fine. It’s not their journey to make sense of. It’s yours.—Zero Dean. Motivational Quote: Do your own thing, regardless of what others think or say. You’re here for your own happiness, not theirs.—unknown Closed all hearts on my Samsung Active 4 and had 13,073 steps yesterday. Training plan: WHD rest day so just Day 5 of 305 in my miles a day for the rest of 2023 this morning after breakfast.
  • Patti241
    Patti241 Posts: 4,894 Member
    Good morning everyone
  • ginnaboots
    ginnaboots Posts: 316 Member
    Lindie-some great looking meals! If I eat too much salt it blows me up like a balloon! Something I definitely need to be aware of! Thanks for explaining the banana belt! Learn something new everyday. Lol!

    Cat-Way to go! You look great in all the pictures! Congratulations 🎉🎈🎊

    Nice and sunny hear today so will be hitting the trails before work. Have a super Sunday!
  • Dianedoessmiles1
    Dianedoessmiles1 Posts: 13,429 Member
    Please join us on the 2023 SPRING 5% Challenge.

    If you are just joining (Opened this AM) PLEASE BE SURE You do pick a team.

    See ya on the chat there!