Airport Lounge Discussion



  • Catwmncat
    Catwmncat Posts: 7,850 Member
    @Novembergail I hope you and Billie had an adventurous day!
    @Tabatha_Cain Congrats on making the sale yesterday. Hope the two policies are written today and get you off to a great start so you can meet your quota and get your bonus this month.
    @ginnaboots I've made coffee errors a couple times recently. I put creamer and sweetener in my cup then brewed my "coffee" using a refillable k-cup. Twice recently I have forgotten to put coffee in the k-cup. Nothing like a good hot cup of sweetened water with creamer to perk you up and get ya going!🤣😂 Hope the sun peaked thru for a little bit so you could enjoy your hike.
    @LindieMaeP Salsa is so good with eggs. I had it this morning. I sautee spinach and mushrooms in a bit of salsa (instead of butter or oil) then add egg beaters and make a scramble. I add more salsa on top when plating.😋 So good and few calories. This is the recipe I used for the pot roast I used Chuck Roast and cooked in the oven, but other cooking methods are also included.
  • NovemberGail
    NovemberGail Posts: 2,224 Member
    Good going @Tabatha_Cain. What a way to start the week. You and Farmer's are making a great team.

    @Catwmncat: Love your collage of food and kitty.

    @LindieMaeP: Juevos rancheros -- yum!

    @ ginnaboots: There are times when I can't remember the word of the day by afternoon. On that note, sometimes I forget the number on the spinner wheel as soon as I change the page. 😂.

    Billie is ready for her dinner. She ran so much today that she came in and took a long, long nap. Her eyes still look tired.

    Today I did about two hours of work outside and 40 minutes of work in house. The end of February, we cut down the tall grasses. We filled up the mule about 6 - 8 times. I'm ready to call it a day. Good to hear how all of you are doing. Billie kept us with all our going back and forth--so she enjoyed her adventure.

    Tomorrow's word is "grace."


  • LindieMaeP
    LindieMaeP Posts: 5,037 Member
    I finally got out for a walk today and checked on one of my fav lil gardens - guess what was peaking through - a mini iris !!! Also found an incomplete Olaf too ! Hope you all enjoyed your day eh !

  • Dianedoessmiles1
    Dianedoessmiles1 Posts: 13,429 Member
    @All I'll be on briefly since it's a crazy time for OAL's and CL's too! LOL hey I AM NOT BORED!! Plus I am doing volunteer work for the congregation I go to. I WILL SAY WOOHOO Today with Cribbage I FINALLY WON 2 games in which one of them I SKUNKED HER!! WOOHOO!! We were all laughing so hard!!

    @Grinnaboots, I get mine on Amazon. I put in 3D puzzles ,, they'll show regular puzzles that are flat, but you'll see others, if you put in Titanic 3D puzzle ,, it'll show at the bottom other 3D ones that are a different type.
    Thanks for understanding!!
  • Catwmncat
    Catwmncat Posts: 7,850 Member
    Wednesday's Eats ~
    Fast Breaker... Spinach Mushroom Scramble with Salsa and Avocado Toast.
    Dinner... Lemon Parmesan Chicken Gnocchi and 1/2 Bagel.
    Dessert... Lemon Yogurt with Raspberries, Chocolate Chips and Praline Pecans.
    @NovemberGail I thought I was the only one who forgets the spinner number right away, at least I know I'm in good company. Hope you and Billie slept well after all your hard work.
    @LindieMaeP Your walk produced some cool pictures, especially the iris coming out of the snow... Beautiful!
    @Dianedoessmiles1 Way to go winning two games in cribbage!!
  • Tabatha_Cain
    Tabatha_Cain Posts: 4,986 Member
    Good Morning Airport Friends:

    I hope you are all doing well this morning. Today I am working both jobs just like last night. I am tired but things are going well. I did end up selling those 2 policies. He came in bright and early in the morning to get things covered. This client was so happy with the change. Well I am excited about my Burger King paycheck next week. It will be 2 days of pay. That is over $100 which will be great for the wedding fund.

    @ginnaboots - Hope you got your hike. I agree that some sun makes it less gloomy and creepy.
    @LindieMaeP - Adding Salsa actually sounds good. I am hoping I get the bonus as well. I could really use it. Glad your snow has melted away.
    @Catwmncat - I did end up selling those 2 policies. So that helped with hitting my mark and getting my bonus. Only $3800 more to sell and I will get my bonus.
    @NovemberGail - So far yes. I do love the company. Sometimes my boss not so much. Hope you are getting your work done. Glad Billie is taking good naps after her adventures.

    Well it is time to get some food. I hope you all have a wonderful day.

  • Patti241
    Patti241 Posts: 4,894 Member
    Good morning everyone
  • macrat12
    macrat12 Posts: 6,196 Member
    It’s 37 feels like 28 with a high of 50 and rain this afternoon. Insight Timer Quote: You can’t depend on your eyes when your imagination is out of focus.—Mark Twain I AM: I know what I want to do in my life. Axe Sharpening: It will get better as you go, but you gotta go!—Mike Trotter 1st Phorm Elite Trainer Action for Happiness: Notice three things you find beautiful in the outside world. Fitness Quote: Be tough and Stay resilient. Keep going. No matter what.— Motivational Quote: Everyone has challenges. Some are only grateful when they’ve overcome them, while others learn to be grateful even in the midst of them.—unknown Closed all hearts on my Samsung Active 4 and had 12,309 steps yesterday. Training Plan: WHD Chest/Triceps + HIIT and Core Challenge Week 4, Day 4:HIIT after breakfast and 1 mile walk during the 1st Phorm Live Stream.
  • cormierannie
    cormierannie Posts: 5,204 Member
    Good morning 🌄 everyone! It's a mostly cloudy day here today. My daughter says hello to all. Both budgie birds are doing well and say cheep, cheep! I did my strength training workout 💪 earlier this morning and I really enjoyed it. I went for a walk a while ago and I feel great! I'll be doing some dancing later on. I'm still at the hotel today. Either later on today or tomorrow I will have some personal things from my apartment. My neighbours are doing well, considering the circumstances in which we are here. I haven't heard yet when I can go back to my apartment. In the meantime I will make the most of my stay at the hotel. Have a great day, everyone! Take care and stay safe.
  • ginnaboots
    ginnaboots Posts: 316 Member
    Good morning all!

    @LindieMaeP -Oh I love the purple iris! Looks like some daffodils coming too! Nothing like that here yet!

    @NovemberGail - Yard work is a great workout and I like the sense of accomplishment when it is done.

    @Tabatha_Cain - Woo hoo! Way to go on the sales! Yes I did get in a hike although it stayed cloudy. Oh well I go a lot faster when it's cloudy. I tend to stop and take a lot of pictures when the sun is out.

    @cormierannie - I must of missed what happened as to why you have been in a hotel, but I hope you get back to your apartment soon. Glad you are being taken care of at the hotel.

    @Patti241 - Good morning, have an awesome day!

    @macrat12 -Great workouts and outstanding step count.

    @Catwmncat - Love the Wednesday I had avocado toast this morning. Well I have it most mornings. Is that a 2 ingredient bagel? I seriously need to make me some. I always want a bagel but I never get them because most of the ones I want are high in calories.

    @Dianedoessmiles1 - I checked out Amazon but just for a minute. I will get on later and check it out again. Short on time...have Wyatte for 2 days!

    Happy Thursday to all!
  • Dianedoessmiles1
    Dianedoessmiles1 Posts: 13,429 Member
    @Catwmncat ,, LOLOL LOVE IT "so I can say I am "outstanding"! LOLOL HAHAHAHA!! WOOHOO that I FNALLY WON 2 cribbage games! Yesterday was so good in that the 3 people I played were also in a very good mood. Ohhh and the CHEATER ,, is in LAST PLACE!! LOLOL At the last seasonal play she put up SUCH A HUGE FIT that I called her out we were told "No one can challenge a play if they are not in that game." Because of HER!! BUT THIS TIME they said "If you want to question a player call so and so over and they'll make the decision." That is a GAME CHANGER for her, because if anyone is new, we ask them when they play her to question every thing they think they need to and more! And we help them out with gestures behind the cheater as we walk by. When she played the guy who's next to last she was A GRINNING SO HARD when he sat down, EASY WIN (I WANNA Play him!! LOL I NEED the points!) but he knew to question everything and HE WON!! At one point the person who was supposed to play her would NOT DO SO and forfeited his points (he only needs 1 point so he was fine to do that to be in the tournament) so one of the officials sat in with her. AND WOULDN'T YOU KNOW It she actually had the GALL TO TRY TO CHEAT an official!! of course one of the other ones went over, and the cheater was ARGUING with them both!! LOL sometimes one just shows their true colors. The rest of us where just so GOOD in only looking at each other and raising our eyebrows at each other and yeah with grins.
    @Tabatha_Cain ,, CONGRATS on the 2 sales!! WTG!!!! We use a woman who looks for deals for us. My friend has used her for many years. She certainly saved us A LOT of $$$$ almost half ,, and she worked with us on the things I wanted (more coverage in various areas) without hardly any cost, a WIN WIN!! I'm so glad we have her! That's for the car, my friend uses her to insure her place, I stay with State Farms and have for years. Had a flood once, they stuck by me SO WELL!! Not only money wise, but with very sound advice that assured me in the way I needed. AND Their advice also saved me BIG TIME on money out of pocket.
    @Patti241,, we are gearing UP for more snow!! LOL SO FUNNY how much we are getting all at once. This should slow down after the storm late tomorrow night and most of Saturday. WELL CATURDAY!
    @Cormierannie,, what happened at your place? I AM SO SORRY!! To me hotels are fun for 3 days, but NO MORE than that. I love my place so much.
    @Ginaboots,, WOOHOO HAVE SUPER FUN With Wyatt!! I've not had Roman for about 2 plus weeks maybe 3. I am really okay with that. With doing AP this month, my time is even less. Today I woke up feeling so NASTY!! But FINALLY around 2:30 I started to feel better. PHEW!! I am thinking my GD will be asking her mother to help more with Roman. I am thinking ahead also that lOLOL soon it'll be 2 kids not just one. Babies need so much stuff at the house, I was so happy when Roman was getting older and I could get rid of stuff. LOL RIGHT BACK AT IT!! But, awwwww there's nothing like holding and taking care of a very small little one. Awwwwww I may never let him go!!
  • Kurtize
    Kurtize Posts: 6,917 Member
  • LindieMaeP
    LindieMaeP Posts: 5,037 Member
    It's a lovely day out there today, windy but sun is shining. I got to Safeway and back but boy my back and hips are not happy right now maybe too much walking yesterday at Fraser River Park after a long walk I had earlier and did not sleep well either, so I hope to sleep better tonight. Picked up Twinnings Parmegranate and Raspberry tea as well as some PeakFreans Lifestyle Oat and cranberry cookies and some Quaker popcorn cakes with caramel. Got a green pepper for dinner as I am doing a nice beef stirfry - I looked for the noodles i like in them but nope none to be found, no sprouts either. I also checked out the roasts, like 30.00 for a sliver of a roast - not paying that and no pot roast in sight either.. I'll check elsewhere.
    The picture of the branches are lilac branches and they have green buds on them, so I'll be watching for the lilacs in due course - the squirrel looks like his coat is changing either that or he's a calico squirrel LOL
    @Tabatha_Cain I hope your day goes well and your night shift goes well too. My son used to work at BK... long time ago, but he remembers everything he had to do.
    @Kurtize, thanks, but not too sweet, lol I do like my mochas !!
    @ginnaboots glad you got a good walk/hike in - enjoy your time with Wyatte.
    @Catwmncat thanks for the link I'll find a roast one way or the other and try cooking it. In the meantime, I have a spaghetti squash I will cook on the next rainy day will help get rid of the damp. I tried the chocolate carmel cakes, did you? I don't care for them but I'll eat them anyway just cause I don't want to waste food. I picked up more of the caramel only so I cna top it wiht PB.
    Feel like I need a nap but I am not a napper, I'll get up shortly and start fixing dinner. Have a good one all !!
    CSEGUIN2 Posts: 5,635 Member
    Good Evening Everyone!

    It has been crazy since Tuesday.

    Tuesday - Went to TOPS and lost 4.25 lbs! We have a place to stay when we go to our PRD(Provincial Recognition Days) and I can afford to go. When I got home Hubby got mad and punched the front door. Went to the clinic, then pharmacy, then x-rays, then bank, lunch, and then shopping. While shopping got the results that he fractured a knuckle. Didn't get home till about 6 pm and was just exhausted.

    Wednesday - Sat in emerge from 9 am - about 4:45. While at emerge I did try to get some steps in but mainly studied and tried to keep Hubby calm. He hates being in hospitals. No one knows why the clinic Dr referred him to emerge. They temporarily stabilized it and wrapped it with a tensor bandage and sent us on our way. Now just waiting for the plastic surgeon to contact us. We then went to the liquor store and then home. Went to our friends to hang out and have dinner. She misses us since we don't see eachother as much since the job loss.

    Today - Slept all morning except when had to give Hubby his meds. Gotta love it being his good hand. Did a little cleaning, boiled potatoes for potato salad for dinner at my friend's again tomorrow, and watched tv. Still waiting for the call from the fracture clinic. Hoping tomorrow I will be refreshed and ready to get back to my workouts.
  • Catwmncat
    Catwmncat Posts: 7,850 Member
    @Tabatha_Cain Hallelujah!!! Great job selling those two policies while making the client happy! A happy client is the best resource for new clients. Hopefully he will spread the word and drive some new clients your way. Now that Spring is arriving and the weather will be warming up and BK gets busier you should start getting a few more hours or at least not get sent home as frequently allowing your wedding fund to grow.
    @ginnaboots Avocado Toast came to mind from a comment you made the other day. It was not a 2 ingredient bagel, it was Dave's Good Seed Thin. I planned on making 2 ingredient dough rolls the other day to have with pot roast but got behind and didn't get them made. I need to make rolls or bagels soon... they are both so good and much healthier. Hope you had fun with Wyatt today!
    @Dianedoessmiles1 If you and I both go outside we can let everyone know we are OUTSTANDING! Lol! Yeah, the cheater lost!! You'd think she would know by now that EVERYONE is on to her cheating ways. I'm surprised they allow her to continue playing year after year. Glad the new guy beat her.
    @LindieMaeP I have never seen the Chocolate Caramel Rice Cakes, but I'm not a huge fan of the chocolate ones. My favorites are Caramel for sweet and White Cheddar for savory. Why can't you top the Chocolate Caramel with PB? I will eat things I don't like that much because I hate wasting food as well.
    @CSEGUIN2 Congrats on a great loss! Why did your husband punch the front door?
    Thursday's Eats ~
    Healthy Pineapple Crisp and Cottage Cheese to Break the Fast. Honey Mustard Panko Crusted Salmon, Purple Potato and Roasted Broccoli for Dinner. Special K Protein Cereal & Chocolate Covered Caramel for After Dinner Snack.
  • NovemberGail
    NovemberGail Posts: 2,224 Member
    Good evening, all,

    This is going to be short and sweet. Did some heavy-duty cleaning at one of the cottages and made tacos for dinner. Despite the hard work, the scale is moving in the wrong direction. I'm not too concerned yet.

    The rain will cut down on the pollen for the next few days. It's coming down pretty steady.

    Tomorrow's word is LOVE.

  • Tabatha_Cain
    Tabatha_Cain Posts: 4,986 Member
    Good Morning Airport Friends:

    I hope you are all doing well this morning. It was a mad house last night at Burger king. It was the cook, myself and 1 manger. We were so busy we were turning people away at drive thru telling them we were short staffed and had to catch up with orders. We were getting drive thru and online orders. It was crazy. At one point we couldn't fit anymore orders on our screen. The manager had been their since 5 am since the night manager called off and it was bad. Although we only had 1 order the whole night that was made wrong and that was a simple mistake, but we still had to back track and remake it.

    @ginnaboots - I do too. I love photos when the sun is out.
    @Dianedoessmiles1 - That is great. State Farm is a good company. I have them for home and auto. I am trying to get more sales.
    @LindieMaeP - It was so massively busy. We literally had 3 people. Let me tell you it was busy.
    @Catwmncat - That is so the truth. I worked 2 days this week and it was so busy. While the client was in the office he called a friend and I quoted that friend too. So we already got one referral.
    @NovemberGail - You must be exhausted. Cleaning the cottage is a lot. Tacos sound good for dinner

    Well it is time for me to get some food. I hope you all have a great day.

  • macrat12
    macrat12 Posts: 6,196 Member
    It’s 41 feels like 34 with a high of 53 and rainy this morning. Insight Timer Quote: You can’t depend on your eyes when your imagination is out of focus.—Mark Twain. I AM: I honor the needs of my body. Axe Sharpening: Start today. Start with you and don’t look back.—Rachel Brown 1st Phorm Elite Athlete Action for Happiness: Start today by appreciating your body and that you’re alive. Fitness Quote: It’s never too late and you’re never too old to become better.— Motivational Quote: A new beginning requires two things: incredible confidence and unshakable faith in yourself.—unknown Closed all hearts on my Samsung Active 4 and had 13,138 steps yesterday. Training plan: Truck unload this morning then WHD Glutes/Shoulders and Core Challenge Week 4, Day 5: Core in the gym after work then later 1 mile walk after dinner.
  • Patti241
    Patti241 Posts: 4,894 Member
    Good morning Ginnyboots.

  • ginnaboots
    ginnaboots Posts: 316 Member
    @Dianedoessmiles1 -I cannot believe you have a cheater....that is ridiculous! I wonder why she is allowed to keep playing. I am exhausted after having Wyatte for 2 days. He is a wonderful kid and just brings my heart so much joy, but I am ready for a His mom's schedule changed and I will have him Monday and Tuesday also then won't have him for 8 days. We were supposed to get some snow, but it stayed south of us. Have you seen the pictures and video of the snow in Lake Tahoe and other parts of California. Insane! It is so pretty. Hope you feel better today.

    @LindieMaeP -those pictures are beautiful! I have a lilac tree in my front yard, but no buds on it yet which is surprising because our weather has been up and down with temps in the 50's then cold again. Makes it great for tapping the maple trees for sap to make maple syrup. Did it last year and the year before, but not this year. It is so much work to boil down the sap to get like a pint of syrup. It is delicious, but I'll will buy it this year if I want some. Last year spent all the time making the syrup then never used it.

    @CSEGUIN2 -Ouch....sounds painful for your husband. Hope it heals soon. I used to have to take my dad to the hospital all the time, (poor health) and because I have spent so much time in our local hospital, I can't even look at the place when I drive by there. I hope I never have to end up there. I have a hospital phobia Not to mention my mother died in that same hospital so I don't have warm and fuzzy feelings about the place!

    @Tabatha_Cain -Sounds like a very hectic day at BK. You handled it well! You have a busy schedule, I would need a

    @Catwmncat -That pineapple crisp looks delicious! It all looks delicious! You make the best food!

    @NovemberGail -Our bodies don't want to cooperate sometimes, but I am sure the scale will start moving in the right direction for you. I am not one to weigh myself, like really I only weigh myself once a year at my physical, but I decided to start getting the Covid 15 off...hahahaha, so I weigh myself weekly now and have come to realize as I have aged, the scale doesn't budge on a weekly basis. I lost 4 pounds the week of Feb 17 and weighed today and only a half pound. That is just craziness...I have been eating on point and my exercise it always on point. I'm just gonna go with it and keep doing what I'm doing. I'm sure it will cooperate soon enough.

    Happy Friday everyone and have a super weekend!
