Downsizers Team Chat - MAY 2023



  • itladyee
    itladyee Posts: 4,364 Member
    Wednesday Recap

    - Eating only at Level 3: yes
    - Water (Goal 64 oz) : 48
    - Increased intensity while walking: yes

    - THOUGHTS: Pretty good day yesterday but the scale didn't agree.

    Step Challenge - Goal 7000

    5/14 7,712
    5/15 9,564
    5/16 8,668
    5/17 7,831

    Weigh in Day: Friday
    Starting - 217.6 4/28/2023
    5/5 - 214.2
    5/12 - 216.3
    5/19 -
    5/26 -
    6/3 -
    Total 1.3
  • tahm42
    tahm42 Posts: 4,879 Member


    Maintaining. I guess I am just stuck. We will see how long this plateau lasts...
  • NachDeezy
    NachDeezy Posts: 809 Member
    tahm42 wrote: »


    Maintaining. I guess I am just stuck. We will see how long this plateau lasts...

    way to hang in there my friend <3
  • tahm42
    tahm42 Posts: 4,879 Member
    Fantastic loss! @NachDeezy !
  • GirlOnTheRebound
    GirlOnTheRebound Posts: 258 Member

    Sorry. On vacation. Thank you for reminder!

    PW 5/10 209.9
    HASWLRS Posts: 8,001 Member
    NachDeezy wrote: »
    SW: 630
    PW: 572.4
    CW: 566.7

    A new decade yall- we effin did it! Another 5.7 lbs down and still locked in. Appreciate yall!

    Thank you for sharing your journey with us! Your commitment to this process is inspiring, not to mention your success!
  • aneedlecraft
    aneedlecraft Posts: 181 Member
    PW: 320
    CW: 318

    Morning exercise goal: 5/7 last week and 5/6 so far this week

    Knees are still a bit sore from last week's fall, but definitely improving. Life is hectic right now - last 2 weeks of the school year, plus youngest son will graduate from high school.
  • Slimmersixties
    Slimmersixties Posts: 825 Member
    Slimmer sixties
    Friday weigh in

    Pw 187.8
    Cw 187.5

    Small loss but happy as I'm in maintenance mode this month.

    Please excuse me from next week's weigh in as I'm off on holiday to Madrid for a week :)
  • lindamtuck2018
    lindamtuck2018 Posts: 9,609 Member
    edited May 2023
    itladyee wrote: »
    Wednesday Recap

    - Eating only at Level 3: yes
    - Water (Goal 64 oz) : 48
    - Increased intensity while walking: yes

    - THOUGHTS: Pretty good day yesterday but the scale didn't agree.

    Step Challenge - Goal 7000

    5/14 7,712
    5/15 9,564
    5/16 8,668
    5/17 7,831

    Weigh in Day: Friday
    Starting - 217.6 4/28/2023
    5/5 - 214.2
    5/12 - 216.3
    5/19 -
    5/26 -
    6/3 -
    Total 1.3

    Remember, the scale is very fickle. Don’t let it ruin your good day.

    PW 179.6
    CW 179.8

    How is the fasting going?
    tahm42 wrote: »


    Maintaining. I guess I am just stuck. We will see how long this plateau lasts...

    Hang in there.
    NachDeezy wrote: »
    SW: 630
    PW: 572.4
    CW: 566.7

    A new decade yall- we effin did it! Another 5.7 lbs down and still locked in. Appreciate yall!

    Your journey so far is amazing. You are an inspiration for the group.

    Sorry. On vacation. Thank you for reminder!

    PW 5/10 209.9

    Hope you are having a great vacation.

    PW: 320
    CW: 318

    Morning exercise goal: 5/7 last week and 5/6 so far this week

    Knees are still a bit sore from last week's fall, but definitely improving. Life is hectic right now - last 2 weeks of the school year, plus youngest son will graduate from high school.

    You are doing amazing. Any plans for once the school year ends?
    Slimmer sixties
    Friday weigh in

    Pw 187.8
    Cw 187.5

    Small loss but happy as I'm in maintenance mode this month.

    Please excuse me from next week's weigh in as I'm off on holiday to Madrid for a week :)

    Enjoy Madrid!
  • lindamtuck2018
    lindamtuck2018 Posts: 9,609 Member
    Steps: 3,024
    Log food: ✔️✔️✔️✔️

    PW 186.6
    CW 184.4

    Almost have reached 80 ponds lost. My start weight was 262.8. The pilots did not go on strike so Vegas here I come. I am taking the girls to the pool soon. My granddaughter’s friends mom dropped off 20 Tim bits. They are calling my name but I keep telling them to be quiet. At 90 calories a Tim bit it’s so not worth it.

    Happy Friday,
    HASWLRS Posts: 8,001 Member
    Steps: 3,024
    Log food: ✔️✔️✔️✔️

    PW 186.6
    CW 184.4

    Almost have reached 80 ponds lost. My start weight was 262.8. The pilots did not go on strike so Vegas here I come. I am taking the girls to the pool soon. My granddaughter’s friends mom dropped off 20 Tim bits. They are calling my name but I keep telling them to be quiet. At 90 calories a Tim bit it’s so not worth it.

    Happy Friday,

    So happy for you, Linda! A great weigh-in, a good exercise week so far, spending time in the pool with your granddaughter, ignoring the siren call of the Timbit and last but not least, Vegas, Baby!!
  • JaysFan82
    JaysFan82 Posts: 851 Member
    NachDeezy wrote: »
    SW: 630
    PW: 572.4
    CW: 566.7

    A new decade yall- we effin did it! Another 5.7 lbs down and still locked in. Appreciate yall!

    Fantastic job!
  • JaysFan82
    JaysFan82 Posts: 851 Member
    Steps: 3,024
    Log food: ✔️✔️✔️✔️

    PW 186.6
    CW 184.4

    Almost have reached 80 ponds lost. My start weight was 262.8. The pilots did not go on strike so Vegas here I come. I am taking the girls to the pool soon. My granddaughter’s friends mom dropped off 20 Tim bits. They are calling my name but I keep telling them to be quiet. At 90 calories a Tim bit it’s so not worth it.

    Happy Friday,

    Well done Linda!
  • itladyee
    itladyee Posts: 4,364 Member
    Friday Weigh-In
    PW: 216.3 :(
    CW: 215.9 :(

    Thursday Recap

    - Eating only at Level 3: yes
    - Water (Goal 64 oz) : 65oz
    - Increased intensity while walking: yes, and additional 40 minute walk at lunch

    - THOUGHTS: Another good day and no response on the scale :(. Very fickle indeed!

    Step Challenge - Goal 7000

    5/14 7,712
    5/15 9,564
    5/16 8,668
    5/17 7,831
    5/18 16,653

    Weigh in Day: Friday
    Starting - 217.6 4/28/2023
    5/5 - 214.2
    5/12 - 216.3
    5/19 - 215.9
    5/26 -
    6/3 -
    Total 1.7
This discussion has been closed.